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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Экспорт и виды Инвестиций
[ Скачать с сервера (1.71 Mb) ] 15.04.2014, 16:39

Экспорт и отличие Инвестиций и фальшь-инвестиций

Инвестиции всегда включают Экспорт
и применив модель Лидер - Ведомый - Жертва
обнаруживаем 4 вида Инвестиций:
2 вида настоящих Инвестиций для Экспорта;
2 вида фальшь-"Инвестиций" без Экспорта;
с обозначениями включающими слово Экспорт.

Зарабатывая на Своих: Свои превращаются в Чужих.

Лидер инвестирует в Ведомого с целью Экспорта
продукции на рынок Жертвы с вывозом прибыли
от Жертвы через Ведомого в пользу Лидера.

Параллельно важно выяснить различия понятий
Заказчик и Работодатель:
и Заказчик и Работодатель дают работу и оплату,
однако только Работодатель предоставляет технологию
и в данном смысле начальство иногда часто оказывается
заказчиками своих подчинённых, владеющих своей технологией.

Лидер - источник инвестиций.
Ведомый - потребитель инвестиций.
Жертва - источник прибыли для Ведомого и Лидера.

Возможна передача технологий от Лидера Ведомому,
тогда Лидер работодатель Ведомого, иначе
без передачи технологий Лидер заказчик Ведомого.

Цепочка Лидер - Ведомый - Жертва проявляется
и в масштабах планеты и в масштабах страны
и в масштабах между семьями и внутри семьи.

Лидер инвестирует в Ведомого с целью Экспорта
продукции на рынок Жертвы с вывозом прибыли
от Жертвы через Ведомого в пользу Лидера.

АЛЬФА-инвестиции для Экспорта = А-инвестиции = АИЭ.
С позиции Лидера с разделением Ведомого и Жертвы.
Вследствие А-Инвестиций АИЭ продукция Ведомого
идёт на Экспорт на рынок Жертвы с вывозом прибыли
через Ведомого как посредника в пользу Лидера.

ТАУ-инвестиции для Экспорта = Т-инвестиции = ТИЭ.
С позиции Ведомого с пониманием кто Жертва
для вывоза прибыли в пользу Лидера.

ДЕЛЬТА-фальшь-"инвестиции" без Экспорта = Д-инвестиции = ДИЭ.
С позиции Ведомого при отсутствии Экспорта
одновременно являющегося Жертвой олицетворяет
внутреннее потребление с вывозом прибыли Лидеру.

ЛЯМБДА-фальшь-"инвестиции" без Экспорта = Л-инвестиции = ЛИЭ.
С позиции Жертвы с обязанностью вывозить прибыль
через Ведомого как посредника в пользу Лидера.
Важно для определения роли Жертвы.

Буквенные "АТДЛ" выбраны для перевода на иностранные языки.

1-й пример

Задумайтесь и в 5-м примере ответ про фальшь-"инвестиции":
"восток" фальшь-"инвестирует" в Россию без экспорта товаров
с целью обворовывания России с вывозом прибыли на "восток".

2-й пример

В магазине есть продавец и покупатель
и в магазине есть работник и работодатель.
Есть ли и какова взаимосвязь между
работодателем работника и покупателем ?

Понятия Лидер - Ведомый - Жертва показывают:
Лидер - работодатель, Ведомый - продавец, Жертва - покупатель.
И тоже то же с позиции инвестиций: АИЭ-ТИЭ-ЛИЭ.

Если покупатель родственник продавца: АИЭ-ДИЭ-ЛИЭ.
Если покупатель родственник работодателя: АИЭ-ТИЭ-ЛИЭ.
Если покупатель сам работодатель: АИЭ-ТИЭ-ЛИЭ.

Очевидно: покупки в своём магазине уменьшают прибыль
и лучше если купят чужие чтобы стали богаче свои.

На вопрос: "Неужели покупателями могут быть только
родственники продавца? Глупо же и семья беднеет!"
Ответ: внутреннее потребление равно ситуации покупки
родственниками у продавца в пользу владельца магазина.

3-й пример

Фирма "Лидер" предоставляет инструмент "Инвестиции"
сотруднику "Ведомый" для зарабатывания за счёт "Жертв"
с вывозом части прибыли в пользу "Лидера".

Обнаруживаем: для Лидера АЛЬФА-Инвестиции АИЭ.

однако для Ведомого возможны варианты:

допустим вариант с продажей продукции
на Экспорт относительно Ведомого даже в другой город
и тогда для Ведомого обнаруживаем ТАУ-Инвестиции ТИЭ.

допустим вариант без продажи продукции на Экспорт
даже относительно семьи и Ведомый продаёт продукцию своим
родственникам с вывозом части прибыли в пользу Лидера
значит обнаруживаем ДЕЛЬТА-фальшь-"инвестиции" ДИЭ для Ведомого.

Учитывая что Жертвами являются родственники Ведомого
с позиции Жертв видим ЛЯМБДА-фальшь-"инвестиции" ЛИЭ.

4-й пример

Инвестирует "запад" в "восток" и
"восток" экспортирует в Россию.

Обнаруживаем: АЛЬФА-Инвестиции АИЭ для "запада" Лидера.
ТАУ-Инвестиции ТИЭ для "востока" Ведомого.
ЛЯМБДА-фальшь-"инвестиции" ЛИЭ для России Жертвы.

5-й пример

Фальшь-"инвестирует" "восток" в регионы России
с целью обворовывания одними регионами России
других регионов России строго без Экспорта товаров из России
с вывозом части прибыли в пользу "востока".

Обнаруживаем: АЛЬФА-Инвестиции АИЭ для "востока" Лидера.

Для конкретного региона России обворовывающего
другой регион России в пользу иностранцев обнаруживаем
ТАУ-Инвестиции ТИЭ т.к. происходит Экспорт относительно
региона России получившего ТАУ-Инвестиции ТИЭ.

Одновременно обнаруживаем обворовывающие Россию
ЛЯМБДА-фальшь-"инвестиции" ЛИЭ для всей России становящейся
Жертвой "востока" обворовывающего всю Россию
с вывозом прибыли в пользу "востока".

6-й пример

Сдаётся комната квартирантам и куплена новая мебель.
С позиции хозяев: А-инвестиции.
С позиции квартирантов: Т-инвестиции
и происходит Экспорт услуг в сторону заказчика или
работодателя квартирантов.
С позиции заказчика или работодателя квартирантов:
ЛЯМБДА-фальшь-"инвестиции" ЛИЭ.

7-й пример

Экспорт относительно Своих с целью зарабатывания на Чужих.
Каждый человек зарабатывает оказывая потребителям услуги.

Если заработок происходит на жителях Своего города,
значит Чужие сразу за дверью и Свои ограничены семьёй

Заработок на горожанах Своего города богаче город не делает.
При зарабатывании на горожанах Своего города
весь якобы Свой город в реальности Чужой город.

Если заработок на жителях Чужого города внутри Своей области,
значит весь Свой город стал Своим и Чужие дальше города.
Свой город богатеет, однако область и страна не богатеют.

Если заработок на жителях Чужой области, внутри Своей страны
значит вся Своя область стала Своей и Чужие дальше области.
Своя область богатеет, однако страна не богатеет.

Зарабатывая на Своих: Свои превращаются в Чужих.

Если заработок происходит на жителях Чужой страны,
значит вся Своя страна стала Своей и Чужие за границей.
Богатеет вся Своя страна.



экспорт: лидер ведомый жертва.
правильные инвестиции всегда включают экспорт.

лидер создаёт альфа инвестиции независимо от экспорта.
ведомый получает правильные тау инвестиции для экспорта.

ведомый продаёт на экспорт и зарабатывают свои за счёт чужих.
жертва оплачивает импорт.
жертва ощущает лямбда фальш инвестиции без экспорта.

наибольшую оплату получает лидер и богатеет.
меньшую оплату получает ведомый и богатеет.
жертва беднеет что доказывает баланс.

экспорт: лидер и ведомый и страна жертва.
олицетворяет внутренний экспорт.

внутренний экспорт правильнее чем внутреннее потребление
т.к. внутренний экспорт требует занимать рынок
другого региона более выгодными предложениями
как занимается рынок другой страны.

лидер создаёт альфа инвестиции независимо от экспорта.
ведомый получает дельта фальшь инвестиции без экспорта.

ведомый продаёт на внутренний экспорт внутри страны.
жертва оплачивает внутренний импорт
и ведомый ведёт вывоз денег из страны.

не вывоз капитала и не отток капитала
и не экспорт капитала а вывоз денег из страны.

жертва ощущает лямбда фальш инвестиции без экспорта.

наибольшую оплату получает лидер и богатеет.
меньшую оплату получает ведомый и богатеет.
вся страна жертва беднеет что доказывает баланс
и проверяется в эксцель.


export: leader slave victim.
correct investments always include exports.

leader creates an alpha investment regardless of exports.
slave gets right tau investment for export.

slave sells for export and earn their money at expense of strangers.
victim pays import.
victim feels lambda false investment without export.

leader receives largest payment and becomes rich.
smaller one gets slave and becomes richer.
victim is poorer which.

export: leader and slave and country victim.
shows inside exports.

inside exports are more correct than inside consumption
since inside exports need to occupy market
another region by more advantageous offers
how does market of another country.

leader creates an alpha investment regardless of exports.
slave gets delta false investment without export.

slave sells for inside exports inside country.
victim pays for inside imports
and slave leads ejection of money from country.

not export of capital and not outflow of capital
but ejection of money from country.

victim feels lambda false investment without export.

leader receives largest payment and becomes rich.
smaller one gets slave and becomes richer.
all country victim is poorer.

Россия и Украина и Европа без зомбирования и без подсказок

каждый может впервые по"думать" сам
и выбрать вариант кажущийся правильным

ъ) Россия эксплуатирует Украину с целью экспорта
в Европу товаров произведённых в Украине
по российским технологиям ъ) RU-UA-EU

ы) Россия эксплуатирует Европу с целью экспорта
в Украину товаров произведённых в Европе
по российским технологиям ы) RU-EU-UA

ь) Украина эксплуатирует Европу с целью экспорта
в Россию товаров произведённых в Европе
по украинским технологиям ь) UA-EU-RU

э) Украина эксплуатирует Россию с целью экспорта
в Европу товаров произведённых в России
по украинским технологиям э) UA-RU-EU

ю) Европа эксплуатирует Россию с целью экспорта
в Украину товаров произведённых в России
по европейским технологиям ю) EU-RU-UA

я) Европа эксплуатирует Украину с целью экспорта
в Россию товаров произведённых в Украине
по европейским технологиям я) EU-UA-RU


Почему Украина и Россия не братья?
Потому что Россия и Украина сёстры

Чому Україна і Росія не брати?
Тому що Росія і Україна сестри



Why are Ukraine and Russia not brothers?
Because Russia and Ukraine are sisters

Warum sind die Ukraine und Russland keine Brüder?
Weil Russland und die Ukraine Schwestern sind

Pourquoi l'Ukraine et la Russie ne sont pas frères?
Parce que la Russie et l'Ukraine sont sœurs



Russia and Ukraine and Europe
without zombies and without prompts

everyone can for first time "think" himself
and choose option seeming right

u) Russia exploits Ukraine for export purposes
to Europe of goods produced in Ukraine
by Russian technologies u) RU-UA-EU

v) Russia exploits Europe for export
to Ukraine of goods produced in Europe
by Russian technologies v) RU-EU-UA

w) Ukraine exploits Europe for export purposes
to Russia of goods produced in Europe
by Ukrainian technologies w) UA-EU-RU

x) Ukraine exploits Russia for export purposes
to Europe of goods produced in Russia
by Ukrainian technologies x) UA-RU-EU

y) Europe exploits Russia for export
to Ukraine of goods produced in Russia
by European technologies y) EU-RU-UA

z) Europe exploits Ukraine for export
to Russia of goods produced in Ukraine
by European technology z) EU-UA-RU


Исследуя логарифм получается:
формула включающая логарифм вытекает из расчёта
вероятности угадать подряд события равновероятные

Например простейшее: 0,7*0,7*0,7 = 0,7^3 = 0,343
в какую степень надо возвести 0,7 чтобы получить 0,343
и в 20-м веке формулу восстановил Андрей Данилин
N = LOG(0,343)/LOG(0,7) = 3
и соответствующая формула для неугадывания

Умножение постоянных вероятностей C+р^N=1
и в 20-м веке формулу восстановил Андрей Данилин
N = LOG(1-C)/LOG(1-p)
С - вероятность выигрыша гарантированного
р - вероятность выигрыша события.

Например задача: число несовпадений подряд
с вероятностью 99% для вероятности 48,65%
и в 20-м веке формулу восстановил Андрей Данилин
N = LOG(1-0,99)/LOG(1-0,4865) = 7
и значит на вероятности около 50%
легко неугадать 7 раз подряд

Упрощённо можно рассчитывать:
формулу открыл Андрей Данилин
N = 7+(5*(1/x-2))
например х=0,1 N=47 нормально и х=0,78 N=4 нормально.

Те же формулы справедливы и для вероятностей выше 50%.

Равенство формул

Investigating logarithm is obtained:
formula including logarithms follows from calculation
probabilities of guessing consecutive events

For example, simplest: 0.7*0.7*0.7 = 0.7^3 = 0.343
in what degree it is necessary to build 0.7 to get 0.343
formula restored Andrey Danilin from Russia
N = LOG(0.343)/LOG(0.7) = 3
and corresponding formula for non-guessing

Multiplication of constant probabilities C+p^N=1
gives formula restored Andrey Danilin from Russia
N = LOG(1-C)/LOG(1-p)
C is probability of winning guaranteed
P is probability of winning an event.

For example, task: number of mismatches in a row
with a probability of 99% for probability of 48.65%
formula discovered Andrey Danilin from Russia
N = LOG(1-0,99)/LOG(1-0,4865) = 7
and therefore probability of about 50%
easy to guess 7 times in a row

Simplified can be calculated by
formula discovered Andrey Danilin from Russia
N = 7+(5*(1/x-2))
For example, x=0.1 N=47 is normal & x=0.78 N=4 is normal.

Same formulas are valid for probabilities above 50%.

Equality of formulas





purpose of this paper is to show integral
in many areas of life and increase understanding
readers of cases of fraud in different situations of life
and help to apply everything in their favor.

enlightenment contains a giant gap:
integrals are not studied in any way in elementary school
including words other than word "integral": "a bunch"
while integral in life every second: and clothing
and products and choice in store and transport problem
after all understanding integral essence of a person compares
without accurate calculations in mind and makes best choice.

integral to children: sum of multiplications of quantity and quality
logarithm for children: number of multiplications to desired number.

common sense: choice of several options
practically: an integral transport problem.

keywords: foreign leader led victim
asset passive export operation technology
integral logarithm goal time control language.

integral explains everyday behavior and
having considered proverb "case time fun hour" see
combined plus more than combined minus:
integral asset is greater than integral liability.

integral in plate: sum of products of value
products per product quantity and average
as dividing whole amount of value by whole quantity.

visualization of derivative in life as an inclined line:
a glass of water and options for development: slope and devastation
either a positive slope and ability to fill glass.

physical meaning of time derivative as speed
due to inadequate assessment of time it detects a massive
lack of understanding of speed of 10 m/s by many.

i think you need to find a special expression denoting
deception of others for benefit of their
after all there is a real deception in price of any service.
yes and deception of others: advance of deception by others
yes and most dangerous deception: self-deception.

internet is too literate message scares
from communication consider themselves not to write correctly
and in dialogues are usually written briefly in sms style.

most correct: a punctuation mark and then a space
except for abbreviations "because" and better avoid brackets
but spelling is checked in internet browsers.

some browsers include a dark screen mode:
bright letters on a black background and highlight links.

browser window for easier reading of forums and
wikipedia it is possible to do narrowed vertically
and then lines are short and still
convenient to increase font size and for sure
many are more comfortable reading sans serif font.

program button tapes can be minimized
and it is possible to customize your own set of buttons.

keywords from any cases are translated
in nominative case and instead of "you can" better: "maybe"
without instructions and without permission to do anything.

often write without pronouns even repeating an important word
instead: took phone to call him
better: took phone to call.

it is better to make phrases without commas:
by union "and" easy to find a translation for word "and"
translating internet translators in whole or in part
and for checking it is convenient to read translation of translation
and against translators: replacing letters with similar ones.

homonyms that can sound same
misleading especially when it comes to money:
from expression "came 5000r" it is not clear: sent
or asked to send amount and there are other homonyms.

synonyms show a rich vocabulary and instead
words "this" is better to use words: "given" or "our".

it is better to compose direct quotes
universal independent from other paragraphs
for posting on forums and for quoting
leading to source from any context.

verbs with a particle "not" not to tear off main word
instead: red phone did not answer
instead: phone did not answer in red
better: red phone did not answer.

instead of verbs with particle "not"
it is better to use verbs of particle "not" not requiring
and it is better to avoid verbs with particle "not."

adjectives and nouns apply together
instead of: red and green lights
better: red light and green light
better: red lights and green lights.

simplify verb phrases
instead: get ready to think whether to start doing
better: start doing.

numerals do not replace with letters
instead of: five-story house
better: 5-storey house.

more often use positive numerals:
5 7 12 25 100 1000 and others.
rarely use negative numerals:
4 6 13 and others and in general more often radiate positive.

avoid unnecessary numbers in correspondence
so as not to be taken for amount in money
instead: i resembled 1000 times
better: i reminded a thousand times
instead: 13 days ago
better: a dozen days ago
better: almost a couple of weeks ago
time options: hour day week month quarter year.

it is convenient to create directories in e-mail
for every constant companion and collect
mail to directories automatically or manually
and be sure to save sent.

it is better to send spam manually from a separate mail
once in half an hour maximum of 3 recipients in a row
sometimes sending myself to check whether it came to spam.

in electronic documents to apply
non-breaking space against word separation from "not"
and there is also a search and replace for non-printing characters.
and in addition hyphenation of words in lines and
possible printing of necessary pages in pdf and on paper
and better to make copies of many documents
including notarized especially important documents.

there are macros recorded from actions
with documents and further turned into programs
for example mass character replacement and formatting.

paragraph text is better for reading
and it is divided into pages with keys ctrl + enter
and division of email. documents for several:
making a copy of file in each copy is erased unnecessary.

it is useful to understand that inside files through a notebook
because some files are just renamed zip
and setting context menu "send" to programs
provides quick viewing of files through a notebook.



useful to be able to read source code of internet pages
distinguishing between design for use on your website
and multimedia for downloading separately or later in list.

skipping photos through file size file
reduced by 3 times and convenient for sending by e-mail
and another paint is used to insert and write a copy of screen.

in texts for listening through synthesizer is convenient
auto replace all numbers 0123456789
interfering with listening even in numbering of points.

email address shorter better
good is mail ya ru & mail ru considering usual
business email address: info@site.ru

modern email mail is sent with a delay
departures are convenient for sending to other time zones.

and cloud file sharing allow you to download
separate files from archives and fact of downloading
notification of receipt of file itself.

another way to control getting involved
with placement of mini images through control
ip of person who downloaded address is especially personal.

in social networks reading control: color of messages
and actually send messages to closed profiles
renamed as a message and added to friends.

in social networks your profile and your groups is possible
rename from name of numbers in name of letters.

in social networks instead of friends it is convenient to use
bookmarks and lists of subscribers not visible to others.

in social networks management of public opinion
maybe setting yourself pros and likes
because to overcome plus requires 2 minus
and having seen plus readers will put pluses more likely.

male logic: deduction from general to particular:
a clear system is created from a multitude of facts
female logic: induction from particular to general:
system is created from a single event.

internet providing access to ocean of information
creates a problem: atomization as separation of people
and care of mass of readers is only about consumption
information apparently fearing a violation of authorship
and applying data to enrich
others without paying remuneration to author of development.

your website creates priority and is convenient as a file sharing service
posting on your site a picture and placing on forums
link to picture when replacing pictures on your site
pictures will change on forums with a picture.

landing site: 1 page with pictures and special effects.

on your website is better not to assign someone else's pictures
and it is better to insert a link to picture via img tags
and letter-to-letter texts create code tags.

it is possible to create live pictures from your
image set via internet services
and on internet you can search by pictures and by video
although in browsers it is possible to turn off display of images
and better know place on disk temporary internet files.

animation of torsion of an object counter clockwise
looks up from bottom up most positively.

youtube in title is convenient if it contains keywords
and most important words as advertising is better at beginning of title
for searching and conveniently merging youtube into playlists
and for your youtube it is convenient to make a list of characters
to insert on any forums like tv.

in name youtube cipher of 11 characters is better if
does not contain characters like "-" because more convenient to copy.

youtube is possible to voice free synthesizers
speech and vice versa speech recognition in text is possible
and download from youtube allows ssyoutube service.

downloaded youtube and movies can be edited for
home viewing without ads and without extra minutes.

youtube bloggers look like a talking head in a worse position
than writing on forums and many youtube are unable
understand written language and write with errors utterly.

under a real name with talking heads do not argue
because talking head can offend entire internet
it is better to let blogger remain at his level of "development".

listening to talking heads convenient to stop interview
with successful people and answer yourself instead of invited
stars to find out whether understanding of same topic is consonant.

in youtube advertising only generates income when author
advertises other people's goods in your own words getting
money from puppeteer to showing youtube with advertising
and in general youtube bloggers make hyip for sake of advertising.

unscrupulous advertising: comparing using colors
corporate identity or well-known personal names of competitors
and zombies are known by consultants: "i bought myself"
and another "juice up to 10%" means an amount from 1% to 10%.

some advertising advertises many similar products
for example coffee or tea and there is a hidden advertisement in movies.

in cinema cheating when characters are shot at different times
and instead of actors stuntmen and dummies and computer
graphics and sing not actors themselves and everywhere green background
and it is important to understand: actor plays a role in interview
and in life and trusting actors means not respecting yourself.

in last century there were good actors and in this century
actors have become angry and lucky actors caught on tv
and now reviews of any movies: "book is better."

in movie chases are absurd: police can catch ahead
and any pursuit is a loss and a waste of time.

tv series with obscene translation lead away from understanding
main point of episodes and it is better to watch without translation
and it is possible to connect subtitles in different languages
and mindless movies can be watched without sound.

qualitative view of volume special effects for home:
stereo pair as half split frame
via stereoplayer to anaglyph for red-blue glasses.

on youtube comments to other people's answers do not read en masse
and it is convenient to repeat valuable answer as answer is new

youtube word is better than youtube
in word youtube letters next to keyboard.

to argue purposefully it is important to have a solution
even theoretical and understand topic under discussion
aiming so that opponents would not offer their solutions.

unfounded criticism is stopped by question
"if supposedly wrong then how right?".

long youts and interviews are convenient as text
and it is possible to translate text into an audio speech synthesizer.

more useful free programs without titles:
anti-virus archiver and text recognizer
portable office and graphic and speech synthesizer
games logical and virtual printer and city map.

on your website it is possible to install a world map
and control which cities came from
after personal messages in social networks or on forums.



do not pay anything by bank cards online
and it is better to use intermediary online money
even in donut-type gift forms don’t choose
benefit is possible to make money on internet for 0%.

credit cards do not stick in atm and more convenient
tape credit card numbers on both sides
put credit card in case as a ticket
and in general card number is a cipher including a bank code.

optimal behavior with a credit card: all pay
make a credit card until debt disappears and buy
with credit cards in stores observing 0% during grace period.

credit period may be from beginning of month
therefore large purchases are profitable at beginning of month.

bank cards are convenient to pay for travel
and development of technology allows you to arrange options
payment including travel 1st stop for half price
in general travel card represents indirect control.

most affordable savings are transportation and clothing.

refinancing: using lower payments
monthly pay occasionally.

refinancing requires refinancing calculations
your loan calculator in 5 options
and it is possible to re-credit part of loans and there are
ways to withdraw cash from a credit card through balance sheets
phones and via email. money and important% for transfer.

what is called "mythical money" because of illusion
for pay bank many times more like credit card paradox:
bank will recall withdrawn money in almost 2 months.

spending through credit cards creates accelerating parabolic
schedule and after turning off accelerated fall in balance
integral graph of growth of balance is not accelerating.

asking for a username or password or phone number
site must be with address of form https main letter s
and not to get phishing through fake pages
it is important to follow confirmation by phone and to enter
secret data sites are given on-screen keyboard.

visualization against any mania: "eat snow"
visualization of type of strip white and black: negative
visualization with black banks white river: positive.

pessimist: i live on a dollar a day
optimist: letting myself live on a dollar a day.

it is convenient to call any relatives on internet.
"relatives" without emotional connection
and give neither kinship neither gender nor age nor quantity.

dangerous zombie overcoming border of your-alien
when interviewee reports fictional data they say
supposedly have a kinsman same as a victim of zombies
victim: remember was in town such and such
zombie: i have a relative living there
victim: my relative works there somewhere
zombie: i have a kinsman same in another city.

in absence of satisfaction from fellow citizens
inversion: contrasting yours as strangers and
when you make money on your own they become strangers.

sphere of their own: their own family / their home / their city
/ own region / country / hemisphere.

up to everyday life: your money and your fairy tales.

online pet name can report
password to email and social networks
so any pets on internet call
without personal names is simple: a cat or a dog.

never call in public and in personal correspondence
unfamiliar and unfamiliar people names of animals.

products as a gift from little friends: for sake of walking
for products or to solve problems of treated
yes and food passed from prehistoric times as
mini donation as a hope to appease future.

on internet instead of expressing "i say" more correctly: i write
and nobody on internet has truth
and all opinions are equal between each other.

on internet no one has right to indicate to anyone
do something or not do something
and instead of "it is necessary" it is better to use "it is important"
so that reader has a motivation from within.

on internet do not disclose identity of interlocutors
and communicating by pseudonyms do not call by name
and do not disclose other people's social networks of personal and workers
and any proper names begin with capital letters.

do not participate in negative dialogues on internet
and to pay attention of administrators to a negative
by clicking a special button on forum or by mail.

in yandex services about violation is served filled
manually on paper photocopy containing explanation
what is violation of rights and content is deleted.

convenient to have multiple emails
and several profiles in social networks
and it is possible to have spare profiles without messages
for voting and for discussing humorous topics.

conversations in social networks can lead bots and fake personalities
indicating fictional personal data: gender and age and
may appear unfamiliar by reporting alleged ignorance
information accurately known interlocutors.

writing letter is easier to find through search
your messages among other people's messages without letter ё.

forums are called: post = post
and subject = topic and there are still branches from many topics.

many value forum users have value on forums
so when subject is last message from valuable
then it is better not to interrupt in order to read more and
normal messages are those that are not ashamed to read relatives.

better behavior on forums: help everyone or anyone
and do not train anyone individually avoiding responsibility
and it is better to distinguish between help and slave help.

on forums because of envy of opponents and moderators
smarter comment more minuses and dizlays.

on forums and in articles: 1 topic means 1 idea
otherwise author falls into trap of misunderstanding one of
of a series of topics even imposed by seekers to blurt topic.

on forums there are manipulations based on message of small
truthful information is not important and not related to an important topic
and requirement to believe in false information and on manipulation
"you should" answer: "everyone should know and be able to."

on forums it is normal to answer a question with a question
hiding important things from others: "you know?" - "why do i need to know?".

on forums noticeable when source avoids some topics
and order is broken "question - answer - question - answer"
and except when communicating with foreigners and with negative
answer is to leave answer better than no response at all.

on forums asking something from someone for example age
it is important to first tell everyone same information about yourself
that show unnecessary too personal questions.



on forums to call on publication of rare files is possible
coming up close to an independent decision and author
long-standing development will publish an important piece of work to
race with competitors to observe your priority seeing:
have interlocutors like-minded brainstorming
especially when authorship is noted in several sources.

on forums it is better to follow number of posts on page
and message 1 on new page will read more
and it is possible to leave a message at bottom of previous page
immediately starting a new page with a copy of message.

there are manipulations on forums when an opinion is imposed
depends not on facts but on person being discussed
with goal of separating groups and turning them into strangers.

in forums and in life of others mistakes in dialogue better
voicing avoiding negative: "a year ago i seemed to be wrong"

on forums trolling is aimed at changing topic and besides
ignore with disabling unpleasant messages
it is possible to pay attention to off-topic writers.

on forums calling a name create a trap when
next person can get insulted
and in such cases it is convenient to start a phrase like
"i do not know who to contact" avoiding insults.

on forums ahead of insults calling himself
makes detractors come up with new names.

on forums repeating same name calling offensively
with pseudonym callback insults cease.

on forums to attract readers 1st
messages in subject is better to post your
and readers will at least see topic under discussion
and in same way their themes rise.

on forums on avatars it is better to avoid negative characters
after all applying negative does not control negative
in reality and self-deceived and ignored by introduction
to blacklist without reading messages before unblocking.

on forums messages should not tell anyone anything
and especially unacceptable advise foods and drinks
and best post: telling your long-standing experience
and forums will increasingly retirees.

any adviseer is better to check on following
your "start with yourself" advice.

forums correctly formulate messages
so that interlocutors would not suggest solutions
what a preconceived topic leads to.

dialogue is wrong: "how much is 5+5?" - "10"
after all lead was in need of a response slave
and better dialogue: "5+5 equals 10?" - "yes".

here presenter reports answer himself and generally
readers would not be comfortable with decision first
receive messages about misunderstanding topic.

for example: "2+2 = root (16)?" - "do not know" - "yes for sure"
and question should contain 80% of answer
and in general it is better to ask yourself questions.

sometimes obviously embarrassed to ask who consider themselves abstruse
and to interview those who understand and author use expressions of form
"people are shy to ask" or "relatives ask."

answer is earlier than question: devaluation of questioner
more complete assignment: performer depreciation
decree what to do at same time with work: depreciation
however issuing a devaluation application to customer
and to get ahead of questions it is important to negotiate completely
as subject and addition: "product list".

calculations in form of formulas for excel of form = log (125; 5)
protect authorship and find search all faster.

authorship is inalienable even after purchase of rights
with re-registration of object of law in any form.

downloading an unlicensed audio and video file is more correct
erase unlicensed file one day after exploring.

if a certain forum user himself understood by 95%
and asks remaining 5% to find out:
whether a foreigner is too intelligent and foreigners
report less even avoiding topic with question
and at this time to add topics with their own work
not reminding a foreigner of new developments.

asking are waiting for an answer means they will never think of themselves
and seeing as your opponent is unable to find your messages
or multimedia is better not to help your opponent in any way.

on forums to recognize begging by
creating negative and instead explaining negative
easier to answer "begging" and not explaining anything
and at this time think out your topics and your messages
and it would be good to beg for something from those who beg.

on 1st forums those who are affected
and on forums call names with words they are afraid to call
themselves and their relatives after all consider words insulting
and slow names will take offense at names of type "brake".

missing word in russian: "i apologize"
would mean supposedly a person excuses himself
however internet has this particular meaning:
person apologized and opinion of others is not important.

it is important to see misleading when unobvious
cause and effect for example:
"there is an apple tree and a task: to get an apple"
however connection between apple and apple is not obvious.
and on same principle in texts replace zeros
letters and mislead: "prize 5ooo."

happens to be misleading by proverbs
debunked if a little bit to think:
free cheese in a mousetrap: for 2nd mouse
and debunking some myths inevitably create other myths.

in order not to inform too much better to answer questions
literally: "you know how much will be 1+1?" - "i know."

there are encrypted messages like "green bank"
and beginning of line contains vertical text.

against cheating when comparing:
wrong: a lot of little slow fast expensive
more correctly: more less is slower more expensive.

point of normality is important for understanding other options
especially as a percentage for loans because 0% is possible.

showing high% hide natural data small
showing high natural data hide% small.

on forums like blog foreigners respond better
without quoting that answer was beginning of a new chain.

on sites like blog discussion is meaningless and
post start topic more interesting than all answers.

it is convenient to organize polls on forums
sometimes often collecting over years thousands of votes.

on forums it is better to avoid quotes mentioning
alias of interlocutor so that there is an independent message.

on forums and in life is unacceptable to promise anything
and it is especially unacceptable to swear on anyone's health.


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