АЗЫ экономики
КНИГИ детям и взрослым о детях
возможно смотреть внутри архива
и скачивать отдельные книги dooc pdf txt
Экспорт и отличие Инвестиций и фальшь-инвестиций
RU: 5MB kenokeno.ucoz.ru/_ld/0/1_EXPORT-INVEST.mp3
Export and difference of investment and false-investments
EN: 5MB kenokeno.ucoz.ru/_ld/0/2_INVEST-EXPORT.mp3
c# version of "guess my number" 1 line
Fibonacci Formula from Russia & EurAsia
For i = 1 To 36 ' Russian FiboFormula.bas
f = (1/Sqr(5))*(((1+Sqr(5))/2)^i-((1-Sqr(5))/2)^i)
? i, f
Next: End
qb64 qbasic quickbasic
= (1/sqr(5))*(((1+sqr(5))/2)^N-((1-sqr(5))/2)^N)
excel & Python
= (1/Sqrt(5))*(((1+Sqrt(5))/2)^N-((1-Sqrt(5))/2)^N)
= (1/КОРЕНЬ(5))*(((1+КОРЕНЬ(5))/2)^B3-((1-КОРЕНЬ(5))/2)^B3)
C C+ C++ C# C@#$%&
= (1/Math.Sqrt(5))*(((1+Math.Sqrt(5))/2)^N-((1-Math.Sqrt(5))/2)^N)
Hi Lo without Secret Number?
другая часть про Программирование: ВСЕОБУЧ l
сборник сравнений программ на разных языках программирования
соединяет 8 случайных точек
и заодно иллюстрируется комбинаторика
мои любимые пирамиды (с) сфинкс
где главное: связь именно 2-х точек
using System; using System.Drawing; // relief.cs c# DAV
using System.Windows.Forms;
class DAV: Form
{ public static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new DAV());
public DAV()
{ Text = "DAV";
BackColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
ForeColor = SystemColors.Window;
ResizeRedraw = true;
Width = 600;
Height = 360;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs dan)
{ int[] x = new int[10];
int[] y = new int[10];
Random rand = new Random();
for (int k = 1; k < 2; k++)
{ for (int i = 1; i <=8; i++)
{ x[i]=50+rand.Next(400);
Graphics da = dan.Graphics;
Pen pen = new Pen(ForeColor);
for (int i = 1; i <=8; i++)
da.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, i), x[i]-10, y[i]-5, 20, 10);
for (int i = 1; i <= 7; i++)
{ for (int j = i+1; j <= 8; j++)
{ Graphics dav = dan.Graphics;
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, i), new Point(x[i], y[i]), new Point(x[j], y[j]));
Array.Clear(x, 0, 10);
Array.Clear(y, 0, 10);
BasiC# qbc# C##
рисуем 5D рельеф через случайный массив высот
очистка экрана как закрашенный прямоугольник
и возможно перерисовывать под цвет фона
using System; using System.Drawing; // daRELIEF.cs
using System.Windows.Forms; class daRELIEF: Form
{ public static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new daRELIEF()); }
public daRELIEF()
{ Text = "daRELIEF";
BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
ResizeRedraw = true; Width = 600; Height = 360;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs dan)
{ int[,] a = new int[22, 22];
Random rand = new Random();
Graphics da = dan.Graphics;
SolidBrush BlueBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
for (int k = 1; k < 22; k++) //da:
{ for (int x = 1; x <=12; x++) // массив высот
for (int y = 1; y <=12; y++)
da.FillRectangle(BlueBrush, 20, 20, 550, 300);
for (int y = 1; y <=12; y++) // паралл Х
for (int x = 1; x <=11; x++)
da.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, x/2), new Point(50+20*x+20*y, 300-20*y-a[x,y]), new Point(50+20*(x+1)+20*y, 300-20*y-a[x+1,y]));
for (int x = 1; x <=12; x++) // паралл У
for (int y = 1; y <=11; y++)
da.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, y/2), new Point(50+20*x+20*y, 300-20*y-a[x, y]), new Point(50+20*(x+1)+20*y, 300-20*(y+1)-a[x, y+1]));
Array.Clear(a, 0, 22);
анимация компиляция Win7 Framework
анимация "Кот Бэйсик" и далее возможна параметризация
animation "Cat Basic" and further parameterization is possible
using System; using System.Drawing; // cat.cs
using System.Windows.Forms; class cat: Form
{ public static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new cat()); }
public cat()
{ Text = "cat";
BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue;
ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Red;
ResizeRedraw = true; Width = 600; Height = 360;
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs dan)
{ Pen pen = new Pen(ForeColor);
SolidBrush BlueBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.Blue);
Graphics dav = dan.Graphics;
for (int k = 1; k <=5; k++)
for (int x = -50; x <=50; x++)
{ int y=0;
if (x< 50) y=-x/5;
if (x< 25) y= x/5;
if (x<-25) y=-x/5;
if (x<-50) y= x/5;
dav.FillRectangle(BlueBrush, 0, 120, 600, 200);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+195, 225, 10, -80);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+200, 200, 100, y+50);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+280, y+170, 50, 50);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+290, y+190, 10, 10);//x/5, x/5
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+294, y+194, 2, 2);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+310, y+190, 10, 10);//x/5, x/5
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+314, y+194, 2, 2);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+280, y+205, 25, 10);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+310, y+205, 25, 10);
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+280, y+190), new Point(x*k+280, y+160));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+290, y+175), new Point(x*k+280, y+160));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+330, y+190), new Point(x*k+330, y+160));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+320, y+175), new Point(x*k+330, y+160));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+210, 240), new Point(x*k+210, 280));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+220, 230), new Point(x*k+220, 290));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+280, 230), new Point(x*k+280, 290));
dav.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), new Point(x*k+290, 240), new Point(x*k+290, 280));
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+205, 275, 10, 10);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+215, 285, 10, 10);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+275, 285, 10, 10);
dav.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, 3), x*k+285, 275, 10, 10);
вариант оформления cs
name.bat для компиляции создаёт окно 20-го века
csc.exe /nologo name.cs
name.bat для компиляции создаёт окно 21-го века
csc.exe /target:winexe name.cs
using System; using System.Text; // name.cs
namespace name // rextester.com/BXWC6536
{ class name // table of random numbers
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ int[,] a = new int[22,22];
Random rand = new Random();
for (int x = 1; x <=12; x++)
for (int y = 12; y >=1; y--)
{ a[x,y]=rand.Next(10);
Console.Write(" ");
} Console.WriteLine();
} Console.ReadKey();
онлайн компилятор C# и результат: rextester.com/BXWC6536
оформление удобно для чтения на форумах в поле code
и 1-страничные cs понимают онлайн компиляторы
программа решает квадратное уравнение
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; // winqua.cs
class winQUA : Form
{ winQUA()
{ Text = "winQUA Например A=6 B=7 C=2";
BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Orange;
ResizeRedraw = true; Width = 400; Height = 250;
{ var zc = -7;
var labelc = new Label();
labelc.Text = "C= " + zc + ".....";
labelc.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
var buttonc = new Button();
buttonc.Text = "C+3";
buttonc.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
buttonc.Click += delegate
{ zc = zc+3;
labelc.Text = "C= " + zc + " ...";
var zb = 12;
var labelb = new Label();
labelb.Text = "B= " + zb + ".....";
labelb.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
var buttonb = new Button();
buttonb.Text = "B-1";
buttonb.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
buttonb.Click += delegate
{ zb--;
labelb.Text = "B= " + zb + " ...";
var za = 2;
var labela = new Label();
labela.Text = "A= " + za + ".....";
labela.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
var buttona = new Button();
buttona.Text = "A+1";
buttona.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
buttona.Click += delegate
{ za++;
labela.Text = "A= " + za + " ...";
var d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
var labeld = new Label();
labeld.Text = "d= " + d;
labeld.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
var buttond = new Button();
buttond.Text = "d";
buttond.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
buttond.Click += delegate
{ d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
double x1 = (-zb + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
double x2 = (-zb - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
labeld.Text = "d= " + d + " X1 = " + x1 + " X2 = " + x2;
static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new winQUA());
и далее испытываю движки и окна внутри окна
квадратное уравнение и ввод значений в поля
с предварительно заполненными полями
показывает как использовать данные при нажатии кнопок
using System; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace poleZAP // poleZAP.cs
{ public class Program
{ static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new poleZAP()); }}
class poleZAP : Form
{ TextBox textBoxA;
TextBox textBoxB;
TextBox textBoxC;
Button buttonD;
public poleZAP()
{ textBoxA=new TextBox(); textBoxA.Text = "6";
textBoxB=new TextBox(); textBoxB.Text = "7";
textBoxC=new TextBox(); textBoxC.Text = "2";
textBoxA.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(150, 50);
textBoxB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 100);
textBoxC.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 150);
var labelq = new Label();
labelq.Text = "Input A= 6 & B= 7 & C= 2";
labelq.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
var labelA = new Label();
labelA.Text = "A= ";
labelA.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(130, 52);
var labelB = new Label();
labelB.Text = "B= ";
labelB.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 102);
var labelC = new Label();
labelC.Text = "C= ";
labelC.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(30, 152);
buttonD = new Button();
buttonD.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(100, 200);
buttonD.Text = "D= x1= x2=";
private void buttonD_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ int za = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxA.Text);
int zb = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxB.Text);
int zc = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxC.Text);
double d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
double x1 = (-zb + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
double x2 = (-zb - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
string dd = (d.ToString());
string xx1 = (x1.ToString());
string xx2 = (x2.ToString());
string m = "D= " + dd + " x1= " + xx1 + " x2= " + xx2;
{ MessageBox.Show(m);
и заодно стиль оформления удобный для форумов и для распечатки
результаты вычисляются при каждом нажатии
и результаты округляются до 2-х знаков после запятой
и нажав спец кнопку данные данные сохраняются на диск
и возможно сохранять настроенную конфигурацию
using System; using System.Windows.Forms; // winquall.cs
using System.IO; class winQUAll : Form
{ winQUAll()
{ Text= "winQUAll Например A=6 B=7 C=2";
BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green;
ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White;
ResizeRedraw = true; Width = 400; Height = 250;
{ var buttons = new Button();
buttons.Text= "SAVE";
buttons.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
var zc = -7;
var labelc = new Label();
var buttonc = new Button();
buttonc.Text= "C+3";
buttonc.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
var zb = 12;
var labelb = new Label();
var buttonb = new Button();
buttonb.Text= "B-1";
buttonb.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
var za = 2;
var labela = new Label();
var buttona = new Button();
buttona.Text= "A+1";
buttona.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;
var labelx = new Label();
var d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
double x1 = (-zb + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
double x2 = (-zb - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
var labeld = new Label();
labeld.Text= "d= " + d +" X1= " + x1 + " X2= " + x2 + " ";
labeld.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
x1 = (Math.Truncate(x1 * 100))/100;
x2 = (Math.Truncate(x2 * 100))/100;
//labeld.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 15);
labelx.Text= "X1=" + x1 + " X2=" + x2 + " ";
labelx.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(125, 125);
labelc.Text= "C=" + zc + ".....";
labelc.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 100);
buttonc.Click += delegate
{ zc = zc+3;
d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
x1 = (-zb + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
x2 = (-zb - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
labeld.Text= "d= " + d +" X1= " + x1 + " X2= " + x2 + " ";
labeld.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
x1 = (Math.Truncate(x1 * 100))/100;
x2 = (Math.Truncate(x2 * 100))/100;
//labeld.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 15);
labelx.Text= "X1=" + x1 + " X2=" + x2 + " ";
labelx.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(125, 125);
labelc.Text= "C=" + zc + " ...";
labelc.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(20, 100);
labelb.Text= "B=" + zb + ".....";
labelb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 80);
buttonb.Click += delegate
{ zb--;
d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
x1 = (-zb + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
x2 = (-zb - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
labeld.Text= "d= " + d +" X1= " + x1 + " X2= " + x2 + " ";
labeld.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
x1 = (Math.Truncate(x1 * 100))/100;
x2 = (Math.Truncate(x2 * 100))/100;
//labeld.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 15);
labelx.Text= "X1=" + x1 + " X2=" + x2 + " ";
labelx.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(125, 125);
labelb.Text= "B=" + zb + " ...";
labelb.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(50, 80);
labela.Text= "A=" + za + ".....";
labela.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 60);
buttona.Click += delegate
{ za++;
d = (zb * zb - 4 * za * zc);
x1 = (-zb + Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
x2 = (-zb - Math.Sqrt(d)) / (2 * za);
labeld.Text= "d= " + d +" X1= " + x1 + " X2= " + x2 + " ";
labeld.Dock = DockStyle.Top;
x1 = (Math.Truncate(x1 * 100))/100;
x2 = (Math.Truncate(x2 * 100))/100;
//labeld.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 15);
labelx.Text= "X1=" + x1 + " X2=" + x2 + " ";
labelx.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(125, 125);
labela.Text= "A=" + za + " ...";
labela.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(80, 60);
buttons.Click += delegate
{ var outFile = new StreamWriter("dan.txt");
static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new winQUAll());
Приложение считывает из окон
заданные или назначенные значения
и создаёт расчёты и оформление
используя данные данные
и далее планируется графика в форме
using System; using System.Drawing; // SUMCOMB.cs
using System.Windows.Forms; namespace SUMCOMB
{ public class Program
{ static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new SUMCOMB());
class SUMCOMB : Form
{ ComboBox comboBoxD;
TextBox textBoxA;
Button buttonV;
public SUMCOMB()
{ var labelD = new Label();
labelD.Text = "D СТРОК";
labelD.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 28);
comboBoxD = new ComboBox();
comboBoxD.Location = new Point(45, 50);
comboBoxD.Width = 50;
comboBoxD.SelectedIndex = 1;
var labelA = new Label();
labelA.Text = "A СТОЛБЦОВ";
labelA.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 78);
textBoxA=new TextBox();
textBoxA.Text = "4";
textBoxA.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 100);
buttonV = new Button();
buttonV.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 200);
buttonV.Text = "SUMCOMB";
private void buttonV_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ int dd = int.Parse(comboBoxD.Text);
int aa = int.Parse(textBoxA.Text);
for (int i = 1; i <= dd; i++)
{ string s= "";
for (int j = 1; j <= aa; j++)
s = s+" "+(i+j).ToString();
var labelI = new Label();
labelI.Text = s;
labelI.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(145, 25+25*i);
Передача данных между программами
специально 1 признак: число узлов
using System; using System.IO; // GRAF11.cs
using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace GRAF11
{ public class Program
{ static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new GRAF11());
class GRAF11 : Form
{ int[] x = new int[10];
int[] y = new int[10];
Random rand = new Random();
ComboBox comboBoxD;
Button buttonA;
public GRAF11()
{ comboBoxD = new ComboBox(); // vypad
comboBoxD.Location = new Point(45, 50);
comboBoxD.Width = 50;
comboBoxD.SelectedIndex = 1;
buttonA = new Button();
buttonA.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(30, 80);
buttonA.Text = "START";
buttonA.Click += buttonA_Click;
var labelV = new Label();
labelV.Text = "CIRCLES";
labelV.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 28);
private void buttonA_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ for (int i = 1; i <10; i++)
{ x[i]=150+rand.Next(100);
var outFile = new StreamWriter("dan.txt");
for (int i = 1; i <10; i++)
{ outFile.WriteLine(x[i]);
using System; using System.IO; // GRAF22.cs
using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace GRAF22
{ public class Program
{ static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new GRAF22());
class GRAF22 : Form
{ int[] x = new int[10];
int[] y = new int[10];
int[] z = new int[2];
public GRAF22()
{ var inpFile = new StreamReader("dan.txt");
z[1] = Convert.ToInt32(inpFile.ReadLine());
for (int i = 1; i <10; i++)
{ x[i] = Convert.ToInt32(inpFile.ReadLine());
y[i] = Convert.ToInt32(inpFile.ReadLine());
} inpFile.Close();
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs dav)
{ Graphics da = dav.Graphics;
Pen pen = new Pen(ForeColor);
for (int i = 1; i <= z[1]; i++)
da.DrawEllipse(new Pen(Color.Magenta, i), x[i]-5, y[i]-5, 10, 10);
for (int i = 1; i <= z[1]-1; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j <= z[1]; j++)
{ da.DrawLine(new Pen(Color.Red, i), new Point(x[i], y[i]), new Point(x[j], y[j]));
using System; using System.IO; // POLE.cs
using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace POLE { public class Program
{ static void Main()
{ Application.Run(new POLE());
} }
class POLE : Form
{ double[] d = new double[5];Random rand = new Random();
ComboBox comboBox1;ComboBox comboBox2;ComboBox comboBox3;ComboBox comboBox4;
Button button1; Button button2;
TextBox textBox1; TextBox textBox2; TextBox textBox3; TextBox textBox4;
TextBox textBox5; TextBox textBox6; TextBox textBox7; TextBox textBox8;
public POLE()
comboBox1 = new ComboBox();
comboBox1.Location = new Point(45, 50); comboBox1.Width = 40;
comboBox1.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"7","8","9","10","11","12"});
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 1;
comboBox2 = new ComboBox();
comboBox2.Location = new Point(105, 50); comboBox2.Width = 40;
comboBox2.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"24","23","22","21","20","19"});
comboBox2.SelectedIndex = 3;
comboBox3 = new ComboBox();
comboBox3.Location = new Point(165, 50); comboBox3.Width = 40;
comboBox3.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"3","2","1","4","5","6"});
comboBox3.SelectedIndex = 4;
comboBox4 = new ComboBox();
comboBox4.Location = new Point(225, 50); comboBox4.Width = 40;
comboBox4.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"13","15","17","14","15","16"});
comboBox4.SelectedIndex = 5;
button1 = new Button();
button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(115, 80);
button1.Width = 80; button1.Text = "Пиши Читай";
var label1 = new Label(); label1.Text = "HOMEPA";
label1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(125, 28);
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var outFile = new StreamWriter("dan.txt");
outFile.Close(); var inpFile = new StreamReader("dan.txt");
textBox1=new TextBox(); this.Controls.Add(textBox1);
textBox1.Text = inpFile.ReadLine(); textBox1.Width = 40;
textBox1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(225, 120);
textBox2=new TextBox(); this.Controls.Add(textBox2);
textBox2.Text = inpFile.ReadLine(); textBox2.Width = 40;
textBox2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(165, 120);
textBox3=new TextBox(); this.Controls.Add(textBox3);
textBox3.Text = inpFile.ReadLine(); textBox3.Width = 40;
textBox3.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(105, 120);
textBox4=new TextBox(); this.Controls.Add(textBox4);
textBox4.Text = inpFile.ReadLine(); textBox4.Width = 40;
textBox4.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 120);
button2 = new Button(); button2.Text = "Улучшь";
button2.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(115, 160);
button2.Click+=button2_Click; Controls.Add(button2);
private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++)
for (int j = i+1; j <= 4; j++)
{ if (d[i] > d[j])
{var temp = d[j];d[j] = d[i];d[i] = temp;}
for (int t = 1; t <= 500; t++)
{textBox5=new TextBox();
textBox5.Text = (d[1].ToString()); textBox5.Width = 40;
textBox5.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(45, 220);
this.Controls.Add(textBox5); }
for (int t = 1; t <= 500; t++)
{textBox6=new TextBox();
textBox6.Text = (d[2].ToString()); textBox6.Width = 40;
textBox6.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(105, 220);
this.Controls.Add(textBox6); }
for (int t = 1; t <= 500; t++)
{textBox7=new TextBox();
textBox7.Text = (d[3].ToString()); textBox7.Width = 40;
textBox7.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(165, 220);
this.Controls.Add(textBox7); }
textBox8=new TextBox();
textBox8.Text = (d[4].ToString()); textBox8.Width = 40;
textBox8.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(225, 220);
бегущая строка dos c#
using System; using System.Text; namespace DAV // strundos.cs
{ class Program { static void Main(string[] args)
{ int ekran = 44; string space = " "; // rextester.com/TQFHVE3360
string ost = "Экспорт Ориентированное Импорто Замещение";
string west = "Export Oriented Replace of Import";
for (int i = 1; i <= ekran+20; i++) {space = space + " ";}
ost = space + ost + space;
west = space + west + space;
for (int i = 1; i <= west.Length-ekran -1; i++)
{ Console.SetCursorPosition(0,2);
Console.Write(ost.Substring(i, ekran ));
Console.Write(west.Substring(west.Length-ekran +1-i, ekran ));
Console.ReadKey(); System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); }}}
qbasic qb64 бегущая строка running string c# dos
ost$ = "Russian Export Orientirovannoe Importo Zameschenie"
west$ = "Russian Export Oriented Replace of Import" ' strunqb64.bas
ekran = 66: s$ = " ": FOR i = 1 TO ekran + 10: s$ = s$ + " ": NEXT
ost$ = s$ + ost$ + s$: west$ = s$ + west$ + s$
ost = LEN(ost$): west = LEN(west$)
FOR i = 1 TO west - ekran
LOCATE 2, 1: ? MID$(ost$, i, ekran)
LOCATE 5, 1: ? MID$(west$, west -ekran +1 -i, ekran)
_DELAY (.1 - ekran / 1000)
' FOR j = 1 TO 10^7 - ekran^1.5 * 1 * 10^4: NEXT
Бегущая строка C++
#include <iostream> // runstrc.cpp
#include <windows.h> // rextester.com/TYTE38378
using namespace std;
void gotoxy(int x, int y)
{ COORD mesto;
mesto.X = x;
mesto.Y = y;
SetConsoleCursorPosition(GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE), mesto);
int main()
{ setlocale (LC_ALL, "RUS"); int i;
int ekran = 44; string space = " ";
string ost = "Экспорт Ориентированное Импорто Замещение";
for (i = 1; i <= ekran+5; i++) { space = space + " "; }
ost = space + ost + space;
for (i = 1; i <= (ost.length()-ekran -1); i++)
{ gotoxy(10,10);
cout << (ost.substr(i, ekran )) << endl;
много строчная бегущая строка qb
DIM q$(5): ekran = 55: s$ = " " ' struniq.bas
FOR i = 1 TO ekran + 10: s$ = s$ + " ": NEXT
q$(1) = "RRR U U SSS SSS I A N N III QQ "
q$(2) = "R R U U S S I AAA NN N I Q Q "
q$(3) = "RR U U SSS SSS I A A N NN I Q Q "
q$(4) = "R R U U S S I AAA N N I Q QQ "
q$(5) = "R R UUU SSS SSS I A A N N III QQ Q"
FOR i = 1 TO 5: q$(i) = s$ + q$(i) + s$: NEXT: q = LEN(q$(1))
FOR n = 1 TO 5: FOR i = 1 TO q - ekran: FOR j = 1 TO 5
LOCATE j + 5, 5: ? MID$(q$(j), i, ekran)
LOCATE j + 15, 5: ? MID$(q$(j), q - ekran + 1 - i, ekran)
NEXT: _DELAY (.1 - ekran / 3000): NEXT: NEXT
сборник сравнений программ на разных языках программирования
онлайн компилятор C#: rextester.com
ВСЕОБУЧ Компьютер Интернет Ютюб lisp и Учим C# qbasic Excel
Русский Шифр Клетками Данилин Russian Cipher Cells Danilin
патентоспособный экспорториентированный импортзамещающий
Русский Шифр Клетками Данилин
patentable export-oriented import-replacing Russian Cipher Cells Danilin
94НН03 С006Щ3НN3 П0К4ЗЫ8437, К4КN3 У9N8N73ЛЬНЫ3 83ЩN
М0Ж37 93Л47Ь Н4Ш Р4ЗУМ! 8П3Ч47ЛЯЮЩN3 83ЩN!
СН4Ч4Л4 Э70 6ЫЛ0 7РУ9Н0, Н0 С3ЙЧ4С Н4 Э70Й С7Р0К3 84Ш
Р4ЗУМ ЧN7437 Э70 4870М47NЧ3СКN, Н3 З49УМЫ84ЯСЬ 06 Э70М.
По рзеузльаттам илссоевадний одонго рсиоссйокго унвиертисета,
не иеемт занчнеия, в каокм проякде рсапжоолены бкувы в солве.
Галовне, чотбы преавя и пслонедяя бквуы блыи на мсете.
осатьлыне бкувы мгоут селдовтаь в плоонм бсепордяке,
все-рвано ткест чтаитсея без побрелм.
Пичрионй эгото ялвятеся то, что мы не чиаетм
кдаужю бкуву по отдльенотси, а все солво цлиеком.
РУССКИЕ СЛОВА по-английски
- Allow
- Pre-wet sir gay
- Star over tall lick
- Cock dealer?
- At leech now! Attic cock?
- Normal no.
- Show ass?
- Dove vote, pass to pill knock on its
- Tatty show? Molly talk
- Aha, boo doubt shit so tip year. At tee show?
- Mash inner coop ill
- Cocker you?
- Bear am were.
- Class. More jet packer tie am see?
- Hot sea what now
- Dove eye
- Cheese so cheer is tree?
- Hooray show
- What key skull cow bright?
- Cock a bitch now. Yes chick.
- Aha, yeah beer you.
- Are bob?
- Some more so boy. Tall cow bob tee is she.
- Sweat car pie dirt?
- Some sweat cow he bee.
- Lad no. Are cock now shit ear key?
- True go year dealer - Dog over ill is
- Poor cow
- Dove stretch ear
Перевёрнутые буквы и инверсный шрифт
мои частые 55 слов
возможно программа лучше интеграл интернет форумы значит компьютер фриланс время слово больше страница каталог файлы вариант знать браузер контроль ответ свои показывать телефон заказчик экспорт видео картинка деньги текст автокад количества другие себя против случайно фото негатив название нескольким поиск информацией перевод буквы экономия вероятно позитив сообщение использовать качество правильно кино например производить меньше манипуляция
my 55 words
perhaps program better integral Internet forums means computer freelance time word more page catalog files option know browser control answer own show telephone customer export video picture money text autocad quantities other myself against accidentally photo negative title several search information translation letters savings probably positive message use quality right movie example produce less manipulation
using System; using System.IO; // ELEMENTS.cs
using System.Drawing; using System.Windows.Forms;
namespace ELEMENTS { public class Program
{static void Main()
{Application.Run(new ELEMENTS());}}
class ELEMENTS : Form
{ ComboBox comboBox1; TextBox textBox1, textBox2;
CheckBox checkBox41, checkBox42; Button button1;
RadioButton radioButton31, radioButton32, radioButton33;
Label label1, label2, label3, label31, label33;
Label label4, label41, label42, label5, label6; ListBox listBox5;
CheckedListBox checkedlistBox6;
public ELEMENTS()
{ Text = "ELEMENTS"; BackColor = SystemColors.WindowText;
ForeColor = SystemColors.Window;
ResizeRedraw = true; Width = 480; Height = 240; }
protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs dan)
{ comboBox1 = new ComboBox();
comboBox1.Location = new Point(10, 50); comboBox1.Width = 40;
comboBox1.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"3","2","1","4","5","6"});
comboBox1.SelectedIndex = 2; comboBox1.BackColor = Color.Red;
textBox2=new TextBox(); textBox2.Text = "2"; textBox2.Width = 20;
textBox2.Location = new Point(70, 50); textBox2.BackColor = Color.Orange;
radioButton31 = new RadioButton(); radioButton31.Location = new Point(170, 50);
radioButton31.Checked = true; radioButton31.Width = 20;
radioButton32 = new RadioButton(); radioButton32.Location = new Point(150, 70);
radioButton32.Checked = false; radioButton32.Width = 20;
radioButton33 = new RadioButton(); radioButton33.Location = new Point(130, 90);
radioButton33.Checked = false; radioButton33.Width = 20;
radioButton33.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
checkBox41 = new CheckBox(); checkBox41.Location = new Point(220, 50);
checkBox41.Checked = true; checkBox41.Width = 20;
checkBox42 = new CheckBox(); checkBox42.Location = new Point(200, 70);
checkBox42.Checked = false; checkBox42.Width = 20;
checkBox42.BackColor = Color.Green; // checkBox42.Appearance = 1; // true
listBox5 = new ListBox(); listBox5.Location = new Point(280, 50);
listBox5.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"6","5","4","1","2","3"});
listBox5.Width = 40; listBox5.SelectedIndex = 1; listBox5.BackColor = Color.Blue;
checkedlistBox6 = new CheckedListBox(); checkedlistBox6.Location = new Point(360, 50);
checkedlistBox6.Items.AddRange(new string[] {"1","3","5","2","4","6"});
checkedlistBox6.Width = 40; checkedlistBox6.SelectedIndex = 5;
checkedlistBox6.BackColor = Color.Magenta;
label1 = new Label(); label1.Text = "comboBox";
label1.Location = new Point(10, 20); label1.Width = 60;
label2 = new Label(); label2.Text = "textBox";
label2.Location = new Point(70, 20); label2.Width = 60;
label3 = new Label(); label3.Text = "radioButton";
label3.Location = new Point(130, 20); label3.Width = 80;
label31 = new Label(); label31.Text = "31";
label31.Location = new Point(130, 50); label31.Width = 20;
label33 = new Label(); label33.Text = "33";
label33.Location = new Point(170, 90); label33.Width = 20;
label4 = new Label(); label4.Text = "checkBox";
label4.Location = new Point(210, 20); label4.Width = 60;
label41 = new Label(); label41.Text = "41";
label41.Location = new Point(240, 53); label41.Width = 20;
label42 = new Label(); label42.Text = "42";
label42.Location = new Point(230, 78); label42.Width = 20;
label5 = new Label(); label5.Text = "listBox";
label5.Location = new Point(280, 20); label5.Width = 60;
label6 = new Label(); label6.Text = "checkedlistBox";
label6.Location = new Point(360, 20); label6.Width = 100;
Controls.Add(comboBox1); Controls.Add(textBox2); Controls.Add(listBox5);
Controls.Add(checkBox41); Controls.Add(checkBox42); Controls.Add(radioButton31);
Controls.Add(radioButton32); Controls.Add(radioButton33);
Controls.Add(label1); Controls.Add(label2); Controls.Add(label3);
Controls.Add(label4); Controls.Add(label41); Controls.Add(label42);
Controls.Add(label31); Controls.Add(label33); Controls.Add(label5);
button1 = new Button(); button1.Click+=button1_Click;
button1.Location = new System.Drawing.Point(10, 80);
button1.Width = 80; button1.Text = "Переставить";
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
{ textBox1=new TextBox(); textBox1.Text = listBox5.Text;
textBox1.Width = 40; textBox1.Location = new Point(10, 120);
исследуя возможность фальсификации случайных
созданы программы qbasic qb64
и таблица использующая формулы
идея: фальсифицировать вероятность 50%
исследование E зелёным чисто excel:
случайные распределились закономерно
исследование 0 жёлтым qb 0:
случайные распределились закономерно
исследование 1 красным qb 1:
явная подделка равное число подряд
исследование 2 лиловым qb 2:
умная подделка но не запрограммированы все возможные
и виден перекос из-за алгоритма
вывод: определить фальшивые случайные реально
' 0.bas
FOR s = 1 TO 50000: ? #1, (INT(RND * 1000) MOD 2): NEXT
' 1.bas
FOR d = 1 TO 5: FOR s = 1 TO 100
FOR i = 1 TO s: ? #1, 1: NEXT
FOR i = 1 TO s: ? #1, 0: NEXT
' 2.bas
FOR k = 1 TO 100: FOR s = 1 TO 7
FOR d = 1 TO 2^(7-s)
FOR i = 1 TO s: ? #1, 1: NEXT
FOR i = 1 TO s: ? #1, 0: NEXT
Закон программирования Данилиных интегральный:
программа малая требует усилий много
с эффектом малым и улучшение программы большой
требует усилий мало с эффектом большим
Программы и ввод данных развитие этапы
1. данные внутри программы ............. dos \ visual \ smart
2. данные вводит вручную клавиатура .... dos
3. данные вводит файл извне ............ dos \ visual \ smart
4. данные оформляет диалоговое меню .... dos
5. данные оформляет диалоговое меню .... visual
6. данные оформляет диалоговое меню .... smart
7. данные поставляет интернет .......... dos \ visual \ smart
8. данные распознаётся изображение ..... visual \ smart
9. данные распознаётся голос и звук .... visual \ smart
Большинство останавливается на п.3
GUESS number 2 line C++
c++ угадай число: 2 строка rextester.com/PODQ21675
#include <iostream>
using namespace std; int main() { srand(time(NULL)); int Russia = 0; int n = 1; int num = 0; while (n != num) { if (Russia == 0) { Russia = 2222; num = rand() %9+1; cout << num << " " << n; } else if (Russia != 0) { n = rand() %10 ; cout << num << " " << n; } if (n < num) { cout << " MORE " << endl; } else if (n > num) { cout << " less "<< endl; } else if (n == num) {cout << " da "; } } system("pause"); } // guessnumberc.cpp 9-9-2019 DANILIN Russia
GUESS number 1 line C#
c# угадай число: 1 строка rextester.com/XZGC82928
using System; using System.Text; namespace DANILIN { class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { Random rand = new Random(); int Russia = 0; int n = 1; int num = 0; while (n!=num) { if (Russia == 0) { Russia = 2222; num = rand.Next(10)+1; } else if (Russia != 0) {Console.Write("? "); n = rand.Next(10)+1; Console.Write(" {0} {1} ", num, n); } if (n < num) { Console.WriteLine("MORE"); } else if (n > num) { Console.WriteLine("less"); } else if (n == num) { Console.Write("da"); } } Console.ReadKey(); } } } // guessnumberx.cs 9-9-2019 DANILIN Russia
qb64 qbasic угадай число 1 строка
1 If Russia = 0 Then Russia = 2222: Randomize Timer: num = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1: GoTo 1 Else If Russia <> 0 Then n = Int(Rnd * 100) + 1: If n < num Then Print n; num; "MORE": GoTo 1 Else If n > num Then Print n; num; "less": GoTo 1 Else If n = num Then Print n; num; "da": End Else GoTo 1 ' guessnumberb.bas 9-9-2019 DANILIN Russia
qbasic version of "guess my number" 1 line
JavaScript js угадай число 1 строка rextester.com/SDEAV70887
var Russia=0; var n, num=0; while (n != num) { if (Russia == 0) { Russia = 2222; num = Math.floor(Math.random()*9+1); } else if (Russia != 0) { n = Math.floor(Math.random()*10); document.write("<br/>" + num + " " + n) } if (n < num) { document.write(" MORE "); } else if (n > num) { document.write(" less "); } else if (n == num) {document.write(" da "); } } // guess number 1-line DANILIN js