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Anti chaotically math site all FREE against losses против проигрышей 18+

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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 29 » Integral of Life 21
Integral of Life 21


watch: export

find program through task manager

if someone doesn't know something

this does not mean that others do not know same either

divide a million: 50 by 20 or 20 by 50

visualization: bottle is poured out or taken into account

in a jar

to predict provocations means to prevent provocations

interview as leader follower victim and position of teacher not accepting objection

prohibited sites and social networks

in movies good get same as villains

against pronouns clarify examples

pronouns or as they are called give out

slave waiting for clue correct words

SMS is better than a call suddenly addressee is traveling in transport

acceleration of one of processes so that there is time for other processes

first turn off Internet turn off browser

negative in sentences: "something does not interest?"

and better "is something interesting?"

making more it is possible to demand more

without doing anything it is impossible to demand anything

billionaires understand integral without words

presentation of information in style: I will not tell you what development depends on

so as not to develop readers by means of production that are not

total meaning: it develops as a means of production

remember they say they got more profit after losing time

reality: imperceptibly hourly time without wasting get profitable

Putting Out a Fire: Firefighters Correctly

fire victims: firemen were called in past

information has infinitely high value

forgiveness is more important than punishment

hourly wages think deeper in light

know how your hourly wages are calculated

recognize artificial texts

where filling is 100% watery water

and try to reveal salt in 1 line

better study memoirs and memories in primary sources

possibly in original language or in translation

reading rules aloud and testing safety knowledge

signature of sockets 220v

after recognizing text and inserting it into Word immediately save dock

and replace hyphenations knowing name of special icons

and know where images are stored in temporary directory

and instead of recognition text embedded in pdf can be substituted

what is controlled in settings

in autocad it is not necessary to do it in bookmarks

white background and scale and black background possible

and 1: 1 scale even in bookmarks

start jerk or impulse

instead of answering a question from a random interlocutor

it is more convenient to check whether requested is understood correctly

asking to write to write on 2 flash drives for guarantee

too much manual labor

perfectionism: too good too bad

freelancer quits after every job

and a freelancer is not afraid of dismissal

freelancer failed department head

- unprovable because have their own bosses customers

yes a freelancer and can be a customer as a chef

freelance payer better call you

admitting appeal to performer on you

then in correspondence you can immediately see who is writing or who is being quoted

on forums appeal to you is normal between interlocutors

same sex regardless of age

but on professional forums it is better to contact you

bringing to point of absurdity is almost a solution to problem

for example a loan assumption for 0%

creates understanding: interest creates problem

and converting loans into credit cards and correct

credit card behavior nullifies interest

patenting an algorithm and a thing requiring an algorithm

fan higher speed sound tone higher

fan lower speed sound tone lower

pdf archivist deleted dll process and missed stuck

male and female attitude to money

male: all money in a heap is only one

feminine: divide all money into many heaps

laptop battery deteriorates from periodic charging and discharging

losing an election devalues??loser's decisions

president and devalues??decisions of losing party

Corel pdf editor changes font throughout document

useful for converting serif and sans serif fonts

overview of my programs from catalog quickly

but only beyond possibilities

stamping date on pictures: shooting screen with camera where it is configured

date required even from past and from future

ram disk ram disk is cleared when you restart your computer

spend on ours what we get from strangers

youtube year in title sending priority in past

edit site prioritizing in past

have a supply of boiled water or purchased clean water

pour cold or warm water into drain

never pour hot water down drain

by writing to flash drive wait a minute before pulling it out

so that even a slow flash drive is added

and it is possible to check recorded files on flash drive

your money songs fairy tales

their examples instead of example about dogs and doors and locks

re-read listen to an array of forums and website

work rhythmically at same time

same amount of work

waiting for a tram like a cloud of coincidences

simplify to an optimal solution:

seeing 1st tram in morning go to stop

missing 1st tram and catching many trams

history graph is similar to fraction graph

and reliability and it would be good to link

to meet a dinosaur 50% means:

benefit from meeting and benefit from not meeting

distributed as 50%

transition from logarithm to fraction: used

calculated data of formulas including logarithm

for probabilities including integer denominators

1/2 1/3 1/4 etc. by substituting values

corresponding to given probability of guessing 50%

for 99% reliability and expanding formulas with fractions

in order to compute big data several times faster

split audiobook in case of texts

popular science can be listened to by type

parts are odd or even or otherwise divided

brainstorming and knowingly wrong advice

inevitable to consider all options

in 21st century paper books must become a thing of past

freeing up space and time for e-books

listening to speech in form of questions and answers

there is a pause after question and perhaps

predict speaker's answers in your own words

dubbing from multiple audio parts

convenient to listen to different parts

but it might be more convenient to share a copy of text

constant probability creates constant

reliability of mismatches in a row

and achieving division of mismatches in a row

is tantamount to improving probability

and with same return total winnings are greater

writing about placing money in a bank instead of a pension

they themselves do not do as they say because inflation is not taken into account

and savings can depreciate in a month or a day

do not touch other people's things

so as not to leave fingerprints

prompters through reflection invisible to audience

on YouTube: their own boors are good but other people's boors are bad

in last century prices reduced happiness then what

in this century prices reduce discounts: not interesting

80% of people think they belong to 20% of people

if dubbing breaks it is possible to dub a copy without commas

work week and weekend to be taken into account

matter and antimatter: visualization:

sediment down just because of density difference

in Russia "poverty" when there is enough end-to-end

but in "west" wealth: perpetual loans

almost eternal bankruptcy of developed countries

html directory is detached by renaming

where does performer begin where head ends

it is possible to wash hands from bottle by placing bottle under armpit

they say they do not do it. it will supposedly be bad in 100 years

book integral

macrowaves heating a plate over a container of water over a fire

it is possible to change clothes at work into sportswear to go home

SIM card recovery from another city

helping poor is getting poorer

getting richer helping get richer slower

who knows who can help

is there an answer to question in principle

by selecting 2 cells it is possible to change borders only between 2 cells

on street with you to have a change for 3 taxi rides

transfer of corrected files of our own and others' joint

portable program to flash memory with distorted startup exe

and keep in cloud that do not require installation

versions of programs old and new and files

cons writing in subject

have envelopes in reserve

earning on their own become strangers

error message: I was also wrong before too

inverse problem if you know n by 1 less start 50%

instead of writing: illuminate and other synonyms

know where batteries are charged for free and for a fee

know public toilets free and paid

on Internet everything in cloud is stored on disks

information from inside is true but information from outside is false

survivor's mistake: he allegedly did everything right

example: films of past show only a few of thousands of films

but in present serials are better than films

answer a question word

what? means answer subject

which one? means answer is adjective

what to do? means response action

low base and high specific growth in%

know most important hieroglyphs and spelling

most important phrases in original languages

leading and led who is to blame:

if back is cold: head is to blame

nothing on topics: history and politics and health

against citing negative

notarized screen copy

notarized testimony

master can be slave

but slave should not be master

can + should = must

meaning of integral is physical

meaning of integral technical

meaning of integral is electric

player is not a consumer and is not protected by a zopp

however prior to game citizen is consumer of information

and it is important to report even formulas that include logarithm

over 1000 crypts but cost of crypts is measured in fiat currencies

youtube to load 720 pixels is loaded with a width of 1920 pixels

in 1 time 1 search inside computer

defragmenting disk saves hard disk and frames here

clown billionaire

rich is independent of name-calling

calling names unfunny is more offensive than calling names funny

parody addiction to original

porridge washing

flush with water from bathtub

history graph

so as not to accidentally start music or program

it is possible to distort extension and file does not start

Excel may distort cell values

date dependent via "today" function

if you entered social network at an abnormal time

for example at night or during working hours

then entry time remains inconvenient

fix possibly by entering normal time

profit arises at moment of planning profit

copy and paste many times

easier than re-creating

and simplified technology succeeds

anyone can become an honorary professor

without thesis defense and without completion

degree requirements

Russians are ashamed to work for export

whether in bottle more than half to determine in a second:

you need to put a symmetrical bottle horizontally

and water level will be relative to axis of symmetry

increase in probability from 1/3 to 1/2 and up to 2/3

like a comb sparse and a comb frequent and even more often

forgot or took into account anything about transparency or colors

know answers to your tricky questions

3/4 and 4/5 are equal to 75% and 80%

not at beginning or periodically meaning of integral

against yes and no means against social polls

but a sample of 1000 respondents per 10 million citizens is enough

work earnings accumulation

a dark background is more useful for eyes

and on a dark background of screen other colors are better visible

supposedly incomprehensible to explain to yourself with any words

instead of capitalizing in quotes

"east" and "west" about political pole

writing books and notes frees up memory

fill reveals continuous areas where colors are constant

transition between color quality bit 24 16 8 2

converts to black and white what became black

Any mosaic and map of world can be filled with 4 colors

and different colors do not border

theory of evolution is primarily a theory

investment vector capital

even simple site names are forgotten

and only writing to favorites and to texts saves

and indexing searches for and finds unnecessary links

manually deleted by user

who should change whose rules are more important

who is more independent who is richer who sets new rules

neologisms new words can be used by many

in phrases but purely new words

others may hesitate to use

passive income except where savings are

press on-screen menus correctly

after all memorizing a combination of keyboard buttons is a waste of energy

and an extra transition from slaves to masters

and rest due to payment for working time by customer

enterprise standards and templates and coloring and macros

dear presenter = good

cheap follower = good

dear wingman = good

cheap presenter = bad

give an employee a higher pay

and giving more work at first is positively perceived

export bookmarks and import bookmarks

highest concentration of word export

on forums opposition of like-minded people divides groups

even noticing how some are supposedly smarter than others and a negative participant

group isolates whole group from communication

and that means whole group will not receive necessary information

behavior beneficial to opponents

and there is always someone to complain to moderators and administrators

by adding tags to bookmarks it is convenient to watch new topics by tags of interest

web pages & pdf scroll space bar

erased pdf page remains inside increasing file size

and erasing page and saving pdf version is better to reopen

pdf and export all pages to pdf and it will turn out without unnecessary

derivative instead of start impulse

image export and recognition and / or / or text export

on forums those who lead topic stop with a question on topic

or commenting off-topic answers and all attempts

take topic aside repeating question on topic

and draws attention to diversion of topic from discussion on topic

inventing insults are worn out by constant questioning

and offenders run out of insult fantasy

which proves: less energy-intensive technologies win

a remote worker is obliged to answer for half an hour

a freelancer can answer in half a day or a quarter of a day

plural is worse and singular is better

even an absurd wish of customer can be accepted

therefore several options for improvement are important

and to get ahead of wishes leaving customer as a follower

spelling mistakes in letters are unacceptable

because they are checked automatically in a second

and typos creating synonyms are checked by voicing

but grammatical errors in punctuation marks are forgivable

properties of documents can inform data about author and firm of source of document

know folk signs and proverbs and sayings

advise nothing related

with someone else's money and someone else's health

sopromat study at school simplified system

statically definable and visually statically indefinite

know why plane and rocket fly

know structure of machines and computers

several changes of clothes and shoes

integration of autocad and archicad 3d

creation of virtual presentations and waves of probability

and keywords of my topics

having improved massive sites it is better not to boast on Internet

so as not to make fictitious claims

allegedly for losses in improved sections

probability is never a guarantee of success

to threaten is to warn endlessly into future indefinitely

advising authorities same as managing yourself

pyramid of combinations of 2 cells and visualization:

segments with 2 points adding a graph

as a path or path options and transport task is personified

it is advisable that only those who answered in topic put minuses

and on decent forums it is written who put disadvantages of dislikes

anonymity of moderators under unknown numbers

on forum deprives forum users of moderators of false authority

and does not allow rattling moderator armor

reply to remark = price

and if you make yourself worth it

someone can give a price

only possible options do not exist in reward control

a space at end of line to connect to underlying line

when dubbing and formatting paragraphs

in media addiction who says rather than what says is more important

what to call internet tv forums what is difference

links hidden by letters first into notepad

to see source: file sharing or directly

and insert into download manager determine size

trailer of film shows 90% of both special effects and interesting

rus lang subject and predicate and object and what else

mirroring from video becomes more positive

edit torsion

divide fragments and change to stitch

or a fragment there and back without seams from video

continuity of work and 1-stage of small work

copied text from other is pasted in a row many times

forums people are changing and rise of those slaves on forum not blogs

reviews can be written by competitors and employees

and fake reviews are immediately noticeable

any service provider becomes bourgeois

social elevators and high pay

levels of history and layers of understanding and pyramids

procedure integral

so that good steal from each other

there must be evil thieves from outside

so that good earned on each other

there must be evil earning from outside

Russians are tired of stealing

each other has oil money

Russians dream of working for export

and 1st solution: domestic export

ram disc and movie games with many files

messages intended to get opponent to leave forum are unacceptable

and cause bewilderment because to expel ordinary

users do not have right and on forums are ordinary equals

screen is divided into 2 parts of word

formatting beginning of paragraphs

moving away from conditions to formulas

batch modification of image and audio and video

flipping lines and pages

clear browser history and forget sites

selection of additional table columns

picture on pages is replaced years ago

to get for 2 you need to work for 3

continuity of knowledge of myths of fairy tales and characters

change themes so that strangers don't finish thinking

to subscribe means to depend

social networks friends of friends creating a chain network

how to increase fonts

to get rid of forums and social networks reduce fonts

open links in a new auto tab

clothes are dirty and working

what for wasted energy is a pity to lose read to end

history graph is possible in a separate topic on history

in order not to add and read ignored you need to log out of your account profile

canceling cutting and other operations

nothing about history and health

read page 1st and last

warmth from a recently arrived car

positive direction: bottom to top left to right

positive direction: up to right

e-mail cancel reading restore letters bold

lies from within deceived fu and class

cash goods non-cash service and is it on site

information has infinite value and is there

everyone creates a 1st channel for themselves

correct case reduces phrase and improves search

to put a plus means to inform about reading

means to report addiction to this information

in absence of their own developments

it is convenient to be a hidden user on forums

on forums it is possible to replace forums or reduce to a chapter

hint from contrary: telling how to do it is not necessary

easier harder on / in

vector and scalar units

wear toilet paper and know free toilets

turn on browser first and then Internet

no surnames and names and no names and no ciphers to beginning

avoid words that accidentally coincide with foreign negative

savings and received service instead of canceling service

energy integral in what is measured

physical meaning of integral

inverted glass

synth accents

quick view

sew on buttons and darn seams

start of files recognize file content

by 1st letters of text and understand programs to open file

instead of shortcut bar on screen: directories

shortcuts to many programs as in mobile systems

and in start menu shortcuts to most frequent programs

Nominative case:

read "War and Peace" or read novel "War and Peace"

claims means to admit leading

underlining is convenient in headings and a full stop is not put at end of headings

italic font is inconvenient to recognize in text from images

freelance and portfolio on sites where you can download

png screen small size but for pictures landscape large size

priority many options

read-only files

jump between words counter arrows

inside documents in case of loss of phone number

carry copies of documents with you possibly notarized

video filming in public buildings with access control

administration permission required

www can be omitted and letter o as number 0 confuses

what is used to create fake copies of pages

in order not to waste time playing games there are passages on youtube

running or walking integral and shortest path integral

hierarchy integral

integral problem or separately

energy transport integral problem

your stranger exclude negativity and allow you to speak honestly for yourself

there is no need to boast of knowledge in front of an active stranger

because he will appropriate knowledge for benefit of strangers and himself

deception gle opposition arises

availability of technology and lack of technology

and an important parameter: own technology or someone else's

rigid bags and flexible milk bags

avoid betting on youth and women's competitions

sometimes installed programs are ported

between computers without reinstallation and it is possible to store

program archives and instead of cracks it is possible to use passwords

cracks usually contain viruses therefore

it is better to store cracks in archives with passwords

at same time so as not to accidentally erase antivirus

passwords can be as simple as name of a file or directory

link and explanatory text

and when replacing link in message text by hovering cursor

link value is visible at bottom of screen

and it is possible to copy link and it is important to understand links

and some codes like% 20 space character and% 2f "/" character

save page directory with files is completely saved

save link page is saved and minimal design

buy at your own expense or at expense of company and who is leader

or get technology for free

copy link to image and download manager

define rus english letter

photo screen against copy protection where are video books

price of bad habits in cost

do not meet eyes

against negative symbols

disabled in terms of

automatic input forgot what

search for pictures by yourself to draw and search for music by yourself to sing

rag band attaches phone to gloved fingers in winter

see time

change socks on different legs and change shoes at work

and have spare socks and spare outdoor shoes nearby

limit losses and wait for profits and plus more powerful

erase images of people from random photos for internet

leaving on vacation so that mail is left at post office or neighbors pick it up

third quarter eighth

adverbial in sense of "what is doing"

is replaced by meaning "what does" and commas disappear

and in any case avoid words like "which"

interest on credit cards and loans

and check interest and amounts

on forums find all user's posts

find all user topics

questionnaire and selected option leaves customer as a follower

book of confirmation of ideas of your own and other people

that my asset is for a year for a month for a week for a day for an hour for a minute

what am I doing now: an asset?

black background against printing on paper without editing

when strangers think badly use it too

it is convenient to start a letter with a refusal with word alas

It is convenient to start a letter to unknown recipients:

Dear colleagues

writing down your daily chores

may make an instructive book

when editing images erasing leaves white areas

and saving bmp or png saves without distortion

otherwise in jpg format area will not be filled with a solid color

mentioning yourself "I did" or others "they did"

it is convenient to hide with words "done" without personalities

on forums opponents realizing correctness of opposite

parties remain silent without communicating their understanding of their mistakes

to receive small bills through an ATM

you need to request a non-round amount from a non-credit card

against theft through ATMs and in store it is possible to block

a card for spending part of funds or block it completely until

unblocking via Internet bank or by visiting bank in person

dot or dash or underscore in email address

prevent copying address inconvenient for copying address

it is absurd to ask for forgiveness on Internet and on forums

and it is absurd to demand an apology for any reason

and it is easier to block interlocutor on this forum

in conventional probability theory textbooks

there are no formulas important for gambling

most important resource: time

visualization of importance of credit card money:

ice in refrigerator and ice near refrigerator also money

outside credit card will melt from leakage of money for% on a credit card

but putting money on a credit card leak% will decrease

also how ice melting in refrigerator decreases

questions from one forum can be checked on several

other forums and report result on several forums

where are pros to yourself:

on forums to create interest in your files

it is possible to download your files by yourself and others will download

observing multiple characters: if at same time

left social network means they probably communicated on social network

on forums expressing an unprovable idea opponents realizing their mistake

fill page with meaningless messages to get started

new topic page and when reminded there may be several meaningless pages

best films have lengthy episodes without editing

voluminous films and images are available for viewing

at home through red and blue glasses in anaglyph and stereo pair formats

it is important to think in sums by evaluating several factors

it is important to look at problem from future

and it is important to look at problem from point of view of opponent of interlocutor

Russia knows world of future

Russia sees world from future

it is better not to fill refrigerator with food

to spend energy on cold in store

and it is pointless to clog refrigerator when buying from a credit card

freelance: do not show customers half of work

risking to hand over 80% of work for 25% of cost

because of far-fetched claims to temporarily unfinished work

freelancing: all options must come from a freelancer

so that customer does not devalue cheap work

considering their options as their paid work

freelance: communication with customers for you

so as not to go to "you" with other customers

freelancing is better to do sub-optimal than to do nothing

it is better to be able to count ordinary fractions and apply concepts like a dozen

it's better not to talk on phone or in reality with a full mouth

know secrets of classic magic tricks better

know better quotes from films and works and personalities

it is better to respect vegetarians and on forums it is better to avoid

comparisons of any product with meat products

convenient to view documents in form: 2 pages doc & pdf

design in form: font is tilted to left is possible in autocad

and autocad compatible places text and letters at any angle

taught financial literacy pro learning to pay

a race however real financial literacy

how not to pay is not taught

it is better to use letter? in texts on forums

more convenient it is to search

communication security is important for remittances to ensure

reliability of sending and receiving money transfers without cheating

as if translation was not sent or as if translation was not received

it's better not to talk badly about others when phones are on

and it is important to make sure that phone is turned off when talking about interlocutor

programs without goto command are possible via a flag as a variable

with a value of 0 or 1

so that next condition takes into account result of previous condition

programs that include speaking variable names get confused

with operators and make it difficult to understand but programs that include

variables as author's initials are useful on forums and websites

fast virus scan even with a free antivirus:

windows memory documents users and a number of program directories

programs that require resources are best performed in turn

especially disk readers and writers

on forums it is normal to answer a question with a question

hiding important things from strangers: "you know?" - "why should I know?"

on forum it is normal to communicate with interlocutor in 3rd person:

"he forgot to answer question."

it is not obvious who is to blame for cons to articles: article author

interested in many or considered article offensive

but putting cons create a read receipt

Authors of regular notifications do not leave forums

on forums an emotional response can be distracting

not answering simplest non-emotional question

on forums a hint of a sign of writer is possible

without specifying identity and pseudonym and avatar

eg "language master basic"

claims can be substantiated for non-compliance with a formal feature:

for example a taxi driver is not a taxi driver

and service provider of inadequate quality does not receive payment

on forums those who write they could not read it to end

could read from end

on forums on new pages of their topics ok

summarize previous pages

on Internet and in reality oppose yourself to team

is possible only with a positive solution to problem that creates

instead of deleting files: archiving files and then

deleting original files

archiving catalogs: it is possible to create a continuous archive

but not reliable requiring archive to be written to DVD before deleting

on forums in messages words are positive and unambiguous:

instead of "our": "mine" or even better: "our"

in appropriate cases

if administration allows it it is possible to log in from home computer

a computer left at work for remote work

in a specialized program using key in computer at work

cloud-based design systems are slow

interested in buying systems inside computer

authorities are removed from communication with people in order to

official was independent of opinions of others

free posting of information on Internet justifies

free consumption of same information from Internet

it is better to open archives in archiver through context menu

since a substitution for a virus is possible and you still need to unpack it

archiver and self-extracting archives are recognized

taking too much time or resources to abandon action

instead of increased resource costs for example if you walk too far on foot

it is more profitable to use transport instead of spending pedestrian forces

it is possible to create tips on forums

line ready for search is highlighted in a separate line

for quick selection and copying and for searching

by writing and saying "really" self-deceivers hide deception

at same time showing those who understand what they are deceiving and where they are deceiving

ideal product: ticket because obvious choice is either-or:

it is possible to go "either by taxi or not by taxi" and it is impossible to go

at same time "by taxi and not by taxi" while possible

choose other products at same time

filenames differ better by 2 characters or more characters

e.g. file11 file22 and filenames are better without spaces

with underscores and if filenames at beginning include

symbols "_" means files will be higher in list

it is convenient to save links in favorites by turning off Internet

to later turn on Internet to visit selected links

when dubbing a text through a speech synthesizer numerals interfere

and it is possible to delete numbers via notepad or by creating a word macro

removes all extra characters and replaces extra hyphenation with spaces

technical texts without numbers are useless

synthesized sound file incl tags indexable for search

converting texts for synthesizer from youtube better by dividing

arbitrary paragraphs of 5 lines each and adding a space to end of line

e-book conversion with no copying:

create a screen video of page turning and then vice versa

create images of individual frames and recognize images

it is possible to convert e-books to page images

and converting many pages to inverse view with black sheets

it is better to visit secret sites through browsers that erase history

visited sites and erasing downloaded while browsing even

micro site files are protected browsers

received authority in forums in form of hundreds of posts

it is possible to start unusual independent topics

otherwise envious people will minus by subscribing to messages

on forums repeating ideas in different topics at different times

will surely find a like-minded person as an independent knowledge center

on forums link highlighting shows viewed topics and is convenient

highlight unnecessary top topics while controlling appearance of newer topics

they can write down words "yes" or "no" on phone to

apply voice recording for approval on behalf of recorded one

youtube to check for new comments at no cost megabytes

it is better to immediately rewind YouTube to end and stop YouTube to read comments

freelance: no loans and savings allows you to wait for payment

months without losses and vice versa when there are loans payment is late

may go to bank

prefix is??more positive than prefix without

and preposition "without" is better than particle "not"

everyone calls themselves words they are afraid of

apply to yourself and your relatives

considering words offensive because he judges by himself

and calling name-calling too

possibly best answer to name calling

instead of mirrored name-calling:

show readers that

calling names understanding possibility of betraying oneself and relatives it is possible to use words that are obviously inappropriate for example calling names "bankrupt" without being bankrupt and at same time understanding reality of bankruptcy to do everything not to become bankrupt

for printing multiple copies on someone else's printer

it is convenient to make copies of pages in a copy of file itself

images on rise cause a positive especially

on clothes on TV and on Internet

and unbuttoned clothes to increase confidence

where picture is twisting as graphs are directed upwards positively

dialogue on forums: question - answer to question - counter question

and violation of order of dialogue shows fear of answers

movement faster than speed of light of an intangible point:

long beams and a very sharp angle between beams moving beams

point of contact of rays moves faster than speed of light

credit card spending schedule: turning off accelerating leak for%

credit card balance chart is growing without acceleration

quote complete insertion fragments

like "like a squirrel in a wheel"

2 like-minded people create center of attraction and expressed idea

confirmed by another like-minded person can create a trap

confirmation of a false idea by creating a center of attraction to overcome

what is required 2 opponents and opponents may not be found for years

to collect pictures from doc & docx document you need to save

as html and there will be a directory containing pictures or docx rename

into zip archive then open it through archiver and pull out pictures with mouse

in explorer it is better if file extensions are shown

since doc & docx & xls & xlsx versions available

forums: do not read small answers in other people's entertainment topics

and read big answers diagonally without memorizing

freelance selection of a previously dealt with a problem of a given type

for 3d you need exactly 3d and experience of 2d or music and video is not important

word we remove unnecessary line breaks leaving division into paragraphs:

2 special characters enter changes to a unique character like ###

1 special character enter is replaced everywhere with a space and ### character is changed to enter

create directories on disk and in archives when there is more than 1 file inside directory

on forums an artificial answer is possible only for purpose

provide information not related to issue

e.g. include an image or animation or youtube

spelling is checked in word or in browsers in input field

for example using translator just to check spelling

it is normal to reply to a letter sent at 9 o'clock in afternoon

then it is normal to reply to letter sent at 15 o'clock in morning

send letters after lunch

explorer: table view and convenient sorting by attributes:

size or date of change and desired features are included

type of image sizes for catalogs with multimedia

without a travel card: travel more often more expensive

when you have a travel card: more often cheaper

better to be able to create books brochures for printing: a layout is created

landscape view split in half with margins where pages are numbered

in a row and reduced to a multiple of 4 pages and a copy is created to be filled

pages from beginning and from end controlling constant sum of page numbers next to

freelancing yourself to be a customer even in a fictional cheap task

or knowingly does not require a freelancer to see yourself in mirror

and attitude of other fellow competitors

freelancing to see competitors not visible to performer

create a fictional task similar to one that interests competitors

beginners and those who worked at night are looking for answers on forums until noon

and in afternoon forums are read by more regulars without newbies

what is convenient when creating your themes in afternoon

it is possible to use emulators of operating systems

old for old programs be sure to check for viruses

or emulators of mobile operating systems for mobile programs

generally for export what is required for export

service is provided in interests of customer and employer

people are ashamed to work for export

holidays: export of culture

export and team gazy experience is more important than education

export of history export of culture export of inflation export of unemployment export of language

exported labor = exported service

mentioned in books to set aside 10% of lot of poor

because those who earn a lot save over 50%

asking for help from those waiting for donations it is advisable to pay

for help a trifle about half of your daily pay

or not to ask for help from those who are waiting for donations

eat 2 fruits at same time: bite fruit one at a time or puree fruit

with your own it is possible to swear endlessly

useful keyboard shortcuts: win + e win + d win + f win + w and win + cursor up

and there are standard keyboard shortcuts in programs

it is better to be able to type in 2 alphabets without looking at keyboard

measurements: point line square cube variable parameters: density color price etc.

multidimensional cycle properties: clock and calendar

5-dimensional spaces including variable density and color and cost and accessory other attributes

visualization of multidimensional cycles: clock and calendar

where each independent cell changes cyclically

technology and where point is there is a straight line and then plane and volume and dynamics in time

probability and derivative and start jerk they say everyone / many / some / rare

response to negative comparisons: how do they know what it looks like with what they compare

send to flash drive or send to micro card

distinguish between comments and suggestions

remarks: free work

offers: paid work

to distinguish false investments exporting abroad 25%

and false investments exporting abroad 300%

on forums writing in topic response window so as not to lose

it is important to copy text into memory before sending

or paste copied text into notepad

windows configures ability to open file with

different programs from list and a set of common programs is possible

in "send" menu for example in a notepad providing a quick view

special typos are possible on forums

to make it easier to find misspelled text

bypass tram in front and bypass bus in back

and bypass trolleybus from behind where there are repetitions at beginning about traffic light

training excel 10 points separately if there is a place

on Internet they post a deception about alleged social experiments

allegedly held in past centuries and have not been repeated since then

although nothing interferes and no one interferes with repeating experiments

in our time on same forums where experiments are discussed

youtube lets you create live anima books animation books

where simultaneously voiced through a speech synthesizer

text of book is shown on screen and scrolled to match speech

at beginning of 21st century customized word templates were created containing

required frame and table formats and customized

AutoCAD templates containing lines dimensions layers formats styles etc.

slaves pull in opposite direction in order to protect their interests

leading and led do what you owe: owe to whom?

leader is to blame - who is leader - who is to blame

questions slave to write down on Internet and on paper

depreciation: transfer from leading to slave depreciation: more work for same

pay depreciation: more work for same money

final word should remain with presenter


impact of loans on inflation

capitalism in socialism and socialism in capitalism

how to become a millionaire go to store with your own tea bags

Sew string from tea bag back several times

either psychology of poverty

taxes are paid by legal entities

secured themselves lend from savings

behavioral psychology for which Nobel Prize was received

Nobel Prize will not get itself

nobel prize will not receive itself

behavioral economics: imposing and then refusal is possible as opposed to imposed offer

buying bad is found in nature and science: rail joints against thermal expansion

politics: economics of rich

psychology of poverty either-or

work and earn and save to distinguish

relatives who take their money make it weaker paying other people who give money make it richer

economics science or not

management by punishment management by reward


1 original and 1 copy create a 98% chance of preservation

a large proportion of manual labor and even insufficient automation is same as manual labor

importance of paper copies as evidence and at same time against providing false information

interaction copy paste between programs

it is convenient to send by postponing for morning

qualified means trained professional means trained

copies before changes copy names include date time

copy and paste into notebook and then copy and paste into forum in notebook.

culture of program titles then copy and title

better when date is included in file name

billions of items are sorted in seconds

it is possible to immediately indicate in which section in excel and sorting

one time 1 case

waiting for a response half a day

about and less and more negative and positive

Recognize blocks manually and divide sheets by type

OCR: split into formats and manually assign blocks: text or tables or pictures

write out a task for yourself on paper or notebook for example dividing an album into sheets

large and small and on tables and texts and graphics

pdf editor in programs although there are graphics

screen videos and animations


gibberish and analysis of task

fast work 1-step

interview questions to find out: these questions were studied by applicant earlier

small things of first order give when doing more things

incomplete work transfer to an expensive specialist and payment at expense of unfinished

in case of non-payment victim of non-paying can rejoice in problems with non-paying

freelance work at night racing with customers

site and night: can turn off electricity

a life

cash-out mini donation

2nd risk management using 2 features

asset and liability on fingers: out of order

anti elitism: everyone is capable of thinking and knowing

applaud and will applaud you

read and listen more to respond to specialized words

quickly when without unnecessary actions and not when quickly unnecessary actions

wind and money at sea who is to blame

those who say they pay cheaply and do not want to pay more themselves

civil courts and self defense

Diploma of Doctorate in implementation of curriculum by student

those living in a glass house are better off not throwing stones

direct and inverse problem

movies in foreign films show rules for providing 1st aid

cinema: any book is better

eat with a fork and spoon

any amount is part of another amount any number is

part of another number any quantity is part of another quantity

magic of numbers is manageable and positive

more dangerous if a prohibited thing is thrown

grandmother's experience in handing over money and how to carry a bucket upstairs

work and study in continuous periods of time

recognize provocations by different people report different things and identify provocateurs of talkers

impostor syndrome

too bad chorus etc

self-humiliation is also pride

resistance unrealized movement resistance reaction to unrealized movement

requirements as a price without emotion fulfillment of requirements: payment

encrypt names in correspondence and in SMS so that those who read it by accident do not use it

ciphers or not needed or in crypts

humor: joke is based on fact that


Internet advises to be simpler: to what level?

in computer games computer is weak on diagonal

date of files changes headlights date of files on site and in mail and in archives

demonization of words and finding out vocabulary meaning

dislikes minuses read notification and forum leave notifications without receiving

replace mat with Russian folk expressions

zombie through negative of type did not work

big letters internet pages

how to recognize a banker on forums writes enough to advise

when supposedly incomprehensible should be read slowly or aloud

someone should be stupid better than me than you someone should be smart better me than you

mothershina rus word w and beat yourself with every mate even if no one heard

changing characters in address bar transitions to other addresses

silence is golden and any answer can strengthen opponent and worsen situation of following

opponent's interlocutors

do not swear when there are Russian folk words

unsuccessful expressions like "a and b. latter is better"

Nobel Prize will not get itself

depreciation against points of attraction by setting hundreds of minus dislikes

name-calling and living in a glass house should not throw stones

to offend to be offended means to hurt truth;

cheating by answering and cheating by question

education and self-education and enlightenment and education itself

getting higher education is communication with educated people

letters and notifications to yourself by regular mail

letters to yourself and contextual search through menu

a positive start is better than a negative start

search from social networks copied so as not to fall into slave docks

less to myself: me and better: we

mail as phone number

when applying words it is important to know literal dictionary meaning

about cheating icons on tv

about form at first and in each part I write not for people: I write on Internet search

against condemnation of others: repetition in future of behavior of condemned is possible

aliases and replacements for admins

equality of contradictions without specifying negative

debunking and devaluation

file size is smaller to store more

dimensions after each number or after each group of numbers: 95 / 70s

editing posts versus adding new posts to saturate current

pages and against start of new pages

rus people words maybe hope other day

site and temporary files


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