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Anti chaotically math site all FREE against losses против проигрышей 18+

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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 29 » Integral of Life 20
Integral of Life 20



honest understanding means less losses

leader is to blame for event but follower is to blame for losses

quickly calculate age knowing year of birth

and current year is 1922 and 2005: 105-22

having dealt with problem tell on forum where it was asked

emphasis of singers in foreign languages??is inevitable

singing in yang know meanings of all words

easiest way to become a millionaire is if you were a billionaire

continuity of knowledge and experience

do not touch birds in city and in nature

cover food to prevent moisture evaporation

document properties contain information about computer

index of finds sites without design

including music and games and TV shows

multiple alpha and numeric parameters must

be specified in same order: length and height 210x297mm

show accident behavior in films

turn a liability into an asset for example

traveling and spending on transport to visit others

organizing or making purchases saving time

responsibility for sale

in cities to all dog lovers

better to replace dogs with cats

total asset can outweigh a single liability

total liability may outweigh a single asset

air vent in kitchen and in bathroom extractor hood

overflow ventilation

mess among those who automated order

accidentally caught people in photo are sketched

clouds from background next to inserting including transparency

opening file creates shortcuts to file stored for a week

in catalogs like recent or recent

and it is useful to output shortcuts to shortcut directories

independence compared to more independent

click 1 2 3 times per text

search expand and contract simultaneously

next to word addition positive for citation

control opponents in contests

signature blank paper and fax yourself

indicating mistakes yourself can hide age or correct

understand leverage and forces and moment or was

credit card exams and gets unknowing

call a spade a spade

filename includes date and source and email

it is more convenient to delete your message and insert it again

otherwise there will be a record of editing

compromises all time of message

Russian folk words nadys syznova and others

on forums asking a question and finding out even on your own

better tell readers solution

it is possible not to repeat "on Internet" and "on forums" en masse

worked animals paragraph

selling responsibility where technology

by clicking small mouse button outlining icons a menu for icons appears

whether to tell subordinates that experiment is temporary

video flip: flip vertical and flip horizontal

asking a question and finding answer yourself is unprofitable

it's better to keep silent answer to question for quarter

work for export of households

distance against purchases: no purchases in nearest stores

on a computer words are not usually abbreviated

handrail and safety although handrail is not usually touched

guests are jealous of tenants

files are moved inside disk by default

but files are copied between different disks by default

paradox of probabilities: decline after peak

and still higher than usual probability values

those who blink deeply can be dangerous

understand periods of history in terms of clothing and everyday life

image in glasses calculates diopters of glasses

coloring plastic bags inside out

observe principle from clean to dirty

deception of alleged misunderstanding and devaluation of explanatory

cheap cost and other options

younger is tied by payment but older is tied by non-payment

autocad blocking a layer turns on block

flickering of block disappears when cursor is hovering

autocad command with draw button 2 times removes random selection

with hard work there is a gain

if you sell your work at a higher price

plus saving is also a win

about credit cards all errors in one paragraph:

while still having loans leaving abroad for a long time

withdrawing entire amount from an ATM in small installments

- all mistakes in one paragraph about credit cards


be able to count proportions and equations

quadratic equations are used in physics and geometry

proof by contradiction

hammer beats nails

and for nails to win

nails should act like a hammer

survivor error and aircraft damage

draw shapes without lifting pencil from paper

and 1 line 2 without drawing

shuffle and repeats and permutes without repeats

difference: win war and win war

archive with password and asterisks or files are not visible

archive maximum compression and version compatibility

when posting a photo it does not reveal that attackers are using

move windows

click in places on screen without link reaction

file and directory can be accidentally moved by mouse

to another directory and find can search and indexing

collect papers 80% cleaning

complex and simple door seals

protected pages are downloaded by download manager and viewed through notepad

facilitator's question: facilitator knows

and follower question: follower does not know answer

derivative 1st: point of minimum and maximum of graph

where graph is tangent horizontal

derivative 2nd: inflection point of function graph

where tangent stops tilting

population integral and age division by ranges

AutoCAD compatible if free version does not save

you need to copy drawing and record everything except sheets

filling with a bright color shows areas not filled

on forums paid posts are marked with a lot of exclamation marks by writers themselves

wash separately men's and women's clothes

wash clothes top and bottom separately

wash underwear and underwear separately

use part of address containing a digital cipher

or letter cipher to create new addresses

for example using tested

address showing all your messages

it is possible to create an address showing all other people's messages

divorce of stars: division of money and money laundering

without controversy: ensuring currency stability

and course jumps: it could be even worse

language accent intonation stress build phrases

homonyms offer nothing

circle and circle of points: between points segment

multi-point shapes

tilting pan accumulates liquid in corner of pan

convenient for food and dishwashing and laundry

autocad stuck in text editor window

resize autocad window

support people and support idea and support action

draw correct 3- 4- 5- 6-gons knowing sum of angles

and turning by angles positive and angles negative

quoting not completely put ellipsis inside quotation marks

create a copy save as or copy and send out

if opened with is not configurable using

send after finding directory send to

equalization of 2 types integral

slave place and equalization

active and passive opponent in strategies

cart rolls down and accelerates and cannot be driven up

engineer dimensions sketch his work

do not put anything in your pockets in stores

and not to buy too much without baskets with your hands

rewind down to estimate how much to read

tank files

moving around map: decreasing and increasing

education and training document

integral stock: payment of a communal apartment for a month or more

smiling clock: 10 hours 10 minutes

clock in photo large and small personify m and f

word order: nearest words are positive for quotes

Internet search by email and other data





open directory containing file shortcut and process


bookmarks and subscription

leadership number of sponsored

download ciphers file sharing is better without hyphens

musicals 1 sound singing in different tones

highlights page search

word find same text format

to spend exact amount of water in a certain time whether it is important sooner or later

house with rich and apartments in total

recalculation into 1st item and into 2nd item of same value

deleting a picture from a social network removes it from messages and from mail of social network

other people's garbage dumping disgusting

but they dump their garbage ... beautifully

abracadabra abracadabra

volume down and up buttons and brightness

recent directory stores shortcuts to 150 recently opened files

and there are other temporary file directories centrally cleans up

disk cleaner

in their case words are shorter and phrase is read faster

save window as it already saves and spends megabytes

response time is positive

customer does not саге what tools are used

but some tools and technologies provide

principled quality by standard means

easily verified by customer

forums turn off avatars and signatures and pictures and there are black lists

saving megabytes is important for modem

buying groceries and things does not mean consuming these purchases

and purchases can be used and applied in future

or give to other like-minded people

catalog names without Russian letters

because there is a program that does not understand Russian letters

small amount on 1 day can be large on another day

a large amount on one day may be small on another day

conditions for accepting a job are just price for accepting a job

heroism contains risk and risk management excludes heroism

passwords must be case-sensitive

PNG files shading fills evenly without distortion

zhpg files shading fills small areas in jerks

dubbing creating mp3 interrupted with error or stuck

creates a file in temp directory and end phrase at end

it means it is possible to correct text and re-sound it again

dubbing too long phrases divide periods after any words

accidental deletion of program is prevented

renaming uninstall exe to eee

on Internet there is an online virus check in dozens of antiviruses

with issuance of a confirmation link and it is possible to record a screen video

by indexing it is possible to compress releasing indexes from files that have disappeared

usually moved and duplicated in indices

labor productivity of owners of means of production

productivity of technology owners

download manager gets contents of zip archive megabytes without spending

download manager downloading sites and pages

distributes images to directories keeping dates of creation if configured

download manager responds to link by file extension

offering to upload desired or current

movie blooper: phone number is dialed and in real life they are chosen from list

on site contacts are better on each page in header or at bottom of site

requiring only one registration on forums is absurd

since registration via social networks is possible where there are many profiles

in transport it is mandatory for drivers and passengers

and in public intercity transport it is possible to wear a seat belt

management positive and negative: payment depends on timing of plan

voicing to replace long names with short conditional

and replace abbreviations and abbreviations for transcription with sounds

more consumers create more product options

covering necessary and sufficient needs of consumers

multiple copies of programs and one-window program mode

instead of right or wrong: prove

instead of visiting site perhaps through download manager

download site pages and then index

receiving parsing of website addresses and phone numbers and mail addresses

it is possible to store ordinary files on cards of cameras and phones

probability 50% and 7 in a row about 1% times

backups of site and their topics and their posts

autostart downloads to night internet

on exams it is impossible to learn 1 question

dividing a segment with a tape measure obliquely

don't update pages cut paste and go

archive with a password is not scanned for viruses

a new file format requires a new version of program or a converter

programs without installation are better

programs can be tested in an operating system emulator

it's better not to mess with other people's money

random number generator should produce

theoretical number of identical in a row

calculated by formulas through logarithm

it is convenient to check probability of 50%

and number 7 times in a row

gsh blizzard: random start and random increments

and control of rf range

fake rsch: playlist so as not to repeat

shuffle array numbers and play in new order

female logic: induction

black cat: all cats are black

male logic: deduction

black cat: one of cats is black on at least one side

to increase your weight in exams write your answers on A4 sheets

on Internet normal messages which are not ashamed to show to any relatives

it is important to understand specific and natural values

pay with your credit card and receive cash from others

best way to cash a credit card

tax on income in kind is easy to carry to point of absurdity

By charging tax on pedestrians saving on taxis

instead of music audiobooks fundamentally raise level of development

advice to improve competition rules improve opponents

opponents of competitors and better learn how to use

existing rules finding your way to overcome difficulties

and forums in explicit dialogues are better not to interfere

and add your answer if explicit dialogue is broken

or when whole day has passed

book will confirm findings on your own

and everyone finding confirmation in momentary affairs

remember solution to problem from book

in dialogue readers can refer to advice

from book especially on topics that have a gap in education

education teaches specific values??km / h pa / m2

forgetting word integral and about value of rubles per hour

people will find out on retirement

integral conversion from money per minute to money per hour

money a day money a week money a month

money per quarter money per year

unit of time and area: quarter

weight and volume unit: megabyte

blaming others means passing judgment on others

but seeing problem in yourself solution starts with yourself

always followers blame leaders

even if lead subordinate blames lead subordinate

sorting excel

sorting billions takes less than a second

an inverted glass is more stable

stock everywhere and in everything

cold sources and ventilation and energy efficiency

+ 1% per day = 1.01 ^ 365 would be 40 times more

-1% per day = 0.99 ^ 365 will be 40 times less

to be silent if there is something to be silent about

layoffs after layoffs of many: long-liver effect

polygon almost circle

circle is largest area at least length of perimeter and ball is same

long films on Internet or downloaded in parts for a number of days

access serial type tape type queue

and access parallel type disc type area

put a plastic bag and twist it again

replaces multiple packages

a complex mail address of allegedly your site can be

normal Yandex what is proven when large files

automatically written to Yandex disk

distinguish between historical times and events by clothing and attributes

preposition is put together with union agreeing case

on Internet jokingly answered a question addressed to all

may slow down other responses especially serious

a tape measure measures height of wall to a straight meter

if end of tape measure rests against bottom corner of wall

and straighten tape to height of wall

means top corner will show height of wall

searching for a part of Internet address will show links to other files

autocad macros: sum of lengths and mass renaming

and axonometry and drawing scripts by algorithms and formulas

miniblocks: minimum line element as a block containing a unique name

for counting items can be in a non-printable layer

standard os programs have an alternative among free programs

main thing is that without viruses

safety integral

insert link into address bar of browser and go

insert link into address bar of browser and possibly change

and follow modified link

working for export business expenses and taxes are borne by foreigners

working for domestic export business expenses and taxes

fall on residents of other regions

integral of bread plus integral of butter is equal to integral of sandwich

integral allows you to summarize same features of different objects

unprinted outerwear is better

left-handed remember from movies

several of same things make only thing unimportant

drone electric vehicle: tram or trolleybus or metro

drone: public transport

material incentive internal incentive indirect control

clothing under outerwear less important valuable

Integral clothing heat cold knowledge accumulation costs

separate waste and glass and metal and plastic

specification of machinery and materials and plants and animals

customer option devalues??performer

auto letters set know

3 letters same in a row

control and arrows and shift and arrows home and pj down up

fish rots from head even if there is no head

2-sided view is better than 1-sided view

3-sided view is better than 2-sided view

a lot of side glance changes a little side view

save every quarter of an hour or every third of an hour

outerwear inside out for storage

less dirty on outside

who owes what to whom on a national scale

explained from standpoint of friend or foe

and is slave a means of production

anyone can start a mail with name of any organization

anyone can introduce themselves as any given name and surname

mail attachments can be viewed through a browser

seeing minimal design without macros and without viruses

those who talk about zombies also zombies

on Internet negativity means envy

links are not active on screen in 1st place

for pressing small mouse button for option to download or copy

or open in a new window

downloaded internet page from interconnected html and catalog

separated by renaming any part for example by adding a space

frictional forces and sliding and behavior of liquids and gases under pressure

fined firms are further more manageable and services are cheaper

filling out a credit card saves money and is equivalent to a deposit

closing credit cards saves 30%

start menu and collection of favorites and settings show

previous files and it is possible to remove file shortcuts from list

small things on weekdays save time for uninterrupted weekends

continuous weekends must be 42 hours which is equal to a working week

normality of misunderstanding and rejection of those who have understood massively incomprehensible

and further more report half understanding

1st level of development can be highest and lowest: 1st grade and 1st grade

2-page display increases viewing area by 4 times

quantitative data: instead of 5-storey 5-storey

instead of 2-pipe 2-pipe etc.

an older source of information is not necessarily true

any game has science

integral of cross sections and 2p less 8 times weaker something out 3/12

nautical knots

games against computer are more interesting than board games

conditional hour different number of minutes

squeeze or cut tube

name cards for men and women

increased or decreased indicator is equivalent to

average increase or decrease in performance

for several previous periods

word on contrary is better to decipher

because it can refer to several words

forum filled on page and stuck it is better to leave

to read more and raise topic when topic

will leave 1st page of topic list

bypassing vehicle in front make sure that driver is visible

and for driver to see pedestrian

know benefits of your own and your relatives

others are jokingly called together with ourselves like: we are collective farmers

print collages on photo paper as a documentary photo

everyone thinks to best of his / her responsibility

do not pick up things and money and cards from road

know abbreviations like km

know keyboard of Russian and English and mobile phone for SMS

programs converting video to audio

quotes from classic films as pictures and YouTube snippets on internet

plane expands or contracts theory of relativity was

it is normal to shift classics into modernity

to prepare letters in a notepad and insert into window before sending

urgent matters are more important to do first

and gave non-urgent unimportant ones to do in second order

their properties show addresses of parts of page

it is not possible to make your own browsers based on it

know keyboard rus and english

font of blind

mp3 translation: if it didn't work out and there is no mp3 at tempo of time file is many megabytes

a mathematician or programmer writing numbers in letters is suspicious

automation means unemployment in 1st approximation

story of work done instead of delivery of work calms bosses

and it is important to further complete work because this bosses are active

leading letters in address bar prompts appear

from favorites and from previously visited sites

cleaning browsing history: it is convenient to forget site

and erase visits to some pages and some days

deferred dispatch allows you to stop dispatch

before customer receives

when there are options for example color and black and white

it is unacceptable to ask customer to redo it himself

even if it takes 1 minute and it is better to send your options

sending unfinished items to several participants

participants will spend total time or may not redo

or there is no fix technology

for millions to change letter in text is also inaccessible

how to replace a note in music or replace a frame in a movie

or replace color or midtones in picture

simple work is cheaper

hard work is more expensive

deception arises when selling a work simple for more

cheating follower became leader

sugary: agreeing to be deceived

who has technology for example to open canned food with a key or manually

who has knowledge of an example to solve a paid example for free

data transfer between programs:

write to disk and read from disk

apply name with numbers together

ending numbers and beginning numbers

separated by letters: words or designation of quantity

experience with kids and candy:

take needy money

calories mass price speed complexity benefit transport

mention fundamentally integral

many small and few large

instead of word last: latest newest previous

put tags on copies to find out who publishes

publication option: full version is paid and parts are free

type for free on 100 pages and will sew 1% of 1% of readers

voiced variant and rare variant

to file hosting and control link

especially if link is unique

word if and word when

non-printable characters and non-printable character and background color letters

auto styles macro assigns colors and sizes etc.

online trade: there is a product for sale

and total cost is known

then when selling a given quantity of goods

planned amount of money will arrive

exe formats are not compatible with other versions of environments and with mobile phones

older versions of programs require less resources

new versions of programs require more resources

word and number order: first smaller and then larger

standard and optional and favorites fonts

download dock and pdf which is better

proof of optimality:

option is best and option 1 is slightly worse

box in box saves space

know abbreviations of present and past

know common foreign words from TV programs

download manager settings autodetect extension downloads

written answer at first long then briefly

or vice versa first briefly then long

same solution can be achieved by doing opposite

non-breaking space to replace otherwise unnecessary words

how to optimally heat water taking into account all operations

origami know

free city wifi can collect passwords and personal data

quantity and quality and what other adjectives are closer to word in order

number of days in months of year on fingers

assets and liabilities on fingers evenly and unevenly

cut and paste is safer than drag and drop

phone: details on day of costs and amount of balance on SIM card number

instructions for technique are on Internet

whose qualifications are higher: working manually or automatically

translators online and internal computer and telephone

intersection of signs: among many subjects

something round and something yellow

then there is at same time round and yellow

degree work style: working at home without sleep at night

transition to check and only at end of dream even at noon

photo camera batteries separately and insert in minutes of shooting

by setting date and time and multiple batteries possible

hold photo camera with 2 hands for high-quality shooting and always hand in loop

security officials' salaries are directed to domestic export

turning money an hour a day a week a month a year

know alphabet of several languages

competition and dependence on works of competitors if everyone can see

redeem all works by lowering price

it's too easy to say: I don't know

debts created by interest are easiest to write off

subculture expressions not belonging to subculture do not use

count frequent words

supposedly impossible 3D figures are real if cut and looked

when there is little RAM computer writes more to disk

promised guarantee: what is guaranteed

can be guaranteed by error correction

weekend work gives you time and peace of mind

removing modem from USB connector byte counter is reset

traffic considered by standard Windows tools

a million kopecks is also money

justifying their examples:

strangers bought all goods at a discount - it means beggars

bought all goods at a discount - it means economical

strangers in wrong place piled garbage

they neatly put their garbage in wrong place

cheating by mentioning authorities

at least scientists at least bosses at least colleagues

food taken on a trip is cheaper than purchased food

purchased food is more expensive than food prepared by yourself

key words explain important things and do not offend anyone

not even knowing key of word

discount selling or buying emotions

any unusual request contains provocation

and risk of begging being interested in a negative outcome

therefore more reliable control better

control is also integral

inside date archive as when writing

date created modified open

renting a dwelling do not name house

better: a room or an apartment but not a house

and we don't pay interest

and do not pay interest

important word at end of line

especially if several lines differ by a single word

desire to punish those who make mistakes as third-rate people

although everyone is independent

remove word though

renderings of walking in a quagmire and waiting for a tram

actions of people can be condemned and people not to condemn

seeing hearing reading a piece of text

it is possible to find a whole work on Internet

learn language of deaf and dumb and understand sign language

slanted plots continuous turn

in stepped with coordinate changes orthogonally

as composed of rectangles and cubes

quick thumbnails view small and slowly see pictures

3 digit and verb rub

on forums pointing out errors are pitying

because some ashpyks are specially introduced

so strangers stumble against transfers

and improving search for unusual words

those who laugh at everyone laugh well

small start: share from 0% and share up to 100%

approximate value is more important than exact value

even 1 way less or more

sorting and elite

ending -ost means specific value

examples speed derivative efficiency see dictionaries

important to be able to answer no easiest to refuse

from leaflets on street

visual rectangles decide choice:

walk uphill or run downhill

or use transport depending on

from distance and from average speed and from price

so called transport task

origami and magic tricks

person who received task will first choose solution to problem

therefore it is correct to send tasks by importance

dielectric conductors and insulators

free: stuck payment will be received when a new job is issued

free: report payment in separate messages without working files

so that information does not get to subcontractors

justifying action by citing an external source

late donation search synonym

learning objective: economy

download manager limited to 1 download in 1 line

allows you to download beginning of music and movies

people strive to create an RNG separating mismatches and matches in a row

really not on site

saving integral

proper names and country names are written with a capital letter

mini donation and over idea and then change priorities everything from poverty

low base and poverty and each plus a decent jump from 0%

on other hand filling in credits each replenishment is a decent jump up to 100%

my paradoxes and sum of probabilities 1 means it is possible to remove margin

reaching ideal probabilities and returns but it is winning

almost probability of losing 1%

instead of saying "it's gotten worse" it's better to express yourself positively

avoiding any negativity expressing best option

do not drink with strangers so as not to poison

lack of hints to find yourself better than hints

who is guilty of deleting important files and texts from forum

especially if erased by moderator and administrator

walking in place with obstacles

cheating price indication in form of 990 units at end

and it is possible to optimize prices taking into account transfer commission

indicate currency of payment

when registering for information indicate fictitious

data and receive informational spam to a separate mail

otherwise they may be obliged to pay knowing real data like a locomotive

even for unnecessary information collected on Internet for free

in photo from stores prices are not per kilogram but per serving

number three and rub verb

divide contacts into groups and a special call

same phones of relatives means same charging

how to download ready cpt subtitles and remove timestamp numbers

control and enter page break and there is a column break command

students know more than scholars of past

when indexing shutting down process skips stuck pdf

name of archive including extension of only archived files

type file-avi.rar shows without unpacking what is in archive

and convenient on forums where some file extensions are prohibited

simplest file switching: 2 options for required file

for example a file 3.txt is required then 2 bat switches

1.bat: copy 1.txt 3.txt and 2.bat: copy 2.txt 3.txt

data transfer between phone and camera and computer

wired and over air

reporting false information about interlocutor in order to justify interlocutor

and reporting back truthful data

it is possible to synthesize from a single filename

excel hundreds of file names for example for downloading serials

explain through "coin has no memory" falling of sides of coin with a probability of 50%

and same for games "ball has no memory" or about sports "ball has no memory"

pyramid of prizes and tangent at this point show:

one who obeyed rules won more and everything is fair

learning learning

photo scanner and loading sheet

translation of small letters into large letters and vice versa

export and gas team shows poison import

conductor has right to fine it is shameful and boring and luck to search on site

yellow color bright signal in fog and water

varieties of water for head and feet and water plants

tank a monument to personalities of times of war

glass is incomplete and sediment is like no credit card

expensive money for goods and cheap money for services

work fast master slave

what's difference just answer

cash gap and promised payment

deflation and rising money:

is like paying with commemorative coins

access to someone else's phone compromises records

and contacts and photos and videos and passwords

overnight at train station: ticket must be for train on same date

which allows you to spend night at station from 0:00 to train at 23:00

middle line is where approximate graphical calculation is

different types of water and different uses

non-cash are always real

journaling and writing books frees up memory.

most important formulas for reliability including logarithm.

absent in conventional textbooks on probability theory.

and are found in rare problem books and everyone can.

think it out yourself and get a table of reliability of probabilities.

and there are also formulas for speeding up calculations without logarithms.

my reliability paradoxes:

dividing mismatches in a row increases probability.

expectation of a repeat in reality bet on lowest probability

solutions: managing rates financially starting from usual one.

lever is also an integral

pay attention to mini donation in life

so that trapped people understand and manage losses

after recognition immediately save by assigning a name and then edit

filter from a clean bag: cut off corners and let water pass

large waste will remain inside bag

to improve computer performance

you need to pay a computer to find optimal technologies

and as an option: pay assistant looking for ways to lower pay

crime characterizes intent

make specific fellow citizens poor

explaining to myself robbery of fellow citizens

1st step to stop stealing from your fellow citizens

collision speed can be converted into falling speed

singers sing wrong endings of verbs confusing e / and

elite versus elite this book

on-screen buttons are better than keyboard shortcuts

to keep employee driven

using issued means of production

using keys worker spends working time on rest

mention a means of production as a means of overproduction

integrals visualization through rectangles

allows you to compare in seconds without calculations

why not circles? circles are broken into rectangles

why not oblique? complicate cosines of angles of oblique angles

miss out on same as a mini donation

miss transport same as mini donation

strong calmly calls himself weak

talented calmly calls himself mediocre

smart calmly calls himself stupid

a rich man calmly calls himself a beggar

report pseudo-extremist ideas on Internet to higher-ranking officials

possibly safer than downline e.g. it is reasonable to report

about economic nationalism immediately to level of ministers and above

pedestrian caught up with transport explain graphically by taking time

forward steam locomotive graphically

a book without pictures and without tables and without graphs

initially low cost of work and payment for each new task

people don't know history and that's good

anticipating action and communicating it is possible to prevent action

money is expensive and cheap

advertising of some products advertises other products of group

experts do not communicate their ideas on TV

in a language that is understandable to simple viewers. don't believe

in audience's understanding and do not consider their explanations difficult

pre-stress in everyday life

when you first need to overcome reaction to danger

for example you should move away from loans in non-credit money

and consonant with concept of export oriented import substitution

non-investment money when an investment for purpose of robbery

investment sacrifices create profits of up to 20%

just not 100% or more in a few years

cereal washing and water meter

leader's weakness creates follower's strength

slave is leading in opposite direction

negotiating completely and clarifying path to self-understanding

what happened one day may not happen again

but what happened 2-wa will surely happen again

no science economics there is a branch of mathematics: integration and differentiation

fictitious contract between an individual and a legal entity

and should look like an offer where keyword is time

people's productivity contradicts

labor productivity of automated production

4-digit combinations even appear in philosophy

secured with money is difficult to hurt psychologically

specific data based on division of quantities

get graphic visualization as integrals

point coordinates create a coordinate rectangle

personifying integral and each point has its own integral

everyone is able to derive many formulas

because in many formulas one can see integral

heroism is result of betrayal

mathematically heroic time saving

heroism is same as pride

drone electric vehicle: tram and trolleybus and metro

continuity remember what more

deceptive behavior

scratching your nose or ear as psychology textbooks write

reducing speed by 5 km / h reduces number of accidents by 10 times

2-sided table with options 100% or 50% or 50% or 0%

similar to theory: prisoners' dilemma

patent for an algorithm and further invention applying algorithm

there is always an optimal solution from several solutions

due to suboptimality of other solutions

for example by taking a bus along route

Option 1: drive entire route continuously

or 2nd option: get off at some stops

and get on next bus and options are:

different payments with and without a travel card

international sanctions reveal who stole more from whom

managers and specialists receiving small salaries

will go to another job although people think

as if managers as shepherds are obliged to graze forever

losing something is not enough to return lost

but it is more important to get more of what was lost

on forums to separate writers by finding and pointing

contradictions between interlocutors and will turn out to be:

everyone considers himself smarter than other like-minded people


more about security

mathematically homeland is where it is possible to live for free

weakness of state attracts those who consider themselves stronger than state

leader's weakness attracts follower who becomes stronger than leader

earning 100 units per hour

can I buy a job

earning 500 units per hour

integral answers even graphically

question "what's difference" can be a question

asking to explain difference between parameters

freelance customer getting job completely correct

may report imaginary errors and may not pay for work

therefore delivery of work for payment in parts saves from non-payments

youtube to erase objectionable comments on your comment

you need to copy your comment and paste it into a notepad

and deleting your comment will erase underlying chain

and then paste copied comment again

dividing integral into parts creates new integrals

minus integral is also integral

holidays: culture for export

holidays: history for export

holidays: cuisine for export

holidays: language for export

archivist collects links and addresses and contacts

from all or from selected indices

increment multiple faster than constant

out of several options there is always a better and worse option

example bus and exit at each stop

they are afraid to think this is bad

strangers are afraid to think it's good

know answers to questions like favorite movie

only really synthesized 3D high-quality

transformed from 2D to 3D usually none

safety briefing

read out safety instructions

pull rubber by tail into a long box

on forums instead of where answer to my question is to repeat question

donation purchase deduce identity through give away

saying "that is " bad storytelling

value judgment and they say I do not recommend

overturned bottle visualization of crypts and ity

cars tanks of 20th century and IT tanks of 21st century

people and animals worked and technology is there

recognize a screenshot

and breaking impossibility of copying through screenshots

I write about translation of protected books through screen

do I write about thousands of coins and crypto is an electronic product like a book

getting file size proves presence of a file at address

twist cellophane bag and wrap 2nd layer again

us republicans: strangers are bad

and usa will bomb aliens

us democrats: strangers aren't good enough

and usa will bomb aliens

click-click on sides of active window pulls and unfolds

rotation of 3D models created in simple 3D programs

or synthesized dxf format using qbasic qb64

misunderstood keywords asset and liability

write gigantic texts about nothing

pseudo economic texts without word export are meaningless

it makes sense to rid language of prefix demon by leaving prefix without

and it is important to know synonyms of words with and without prefixes

complexity of algorithms or complication as well as speed and acceleration

inverted glasses protected from dust

those who criticize government in place of government would do same

pension reform transfers amounts lost by pensioners to men

to pay pensions to retired women living longer than men

agriculture only produces new but industry provides services

disk search while typing search by letter may freeze

therefore it is better to prepare a search string in notepad

bubble sort program and error in loops

invent deceitful theories

if it does not copy from page: from menu and from inside

and photo copy and context search search

massive misunderstanding of duration of a second

leads to a misunderstanding of speed of meters per second

and understanding speed of 5 km / h or 5 km / s

few people know that it is moving at a speed of 10 m / s

translation technology from last century: scanned

paper book in photo and recognized and translated

through a translator and printed if necessary

filling in a credit card with several types of %%%

realizing: high %%% on old debts

so to switch completely to small %%%

you need to fill out entire credit card at same time reaching 0%

and then all expenses should be under small %%%

synonyms understood literally in a contradictory way:

walk or reach or run and start etc.

it is reasonable to obstruct laptop camera against being taken by strangers

swearing on anyone's health is unacceptable

there are no bad workers but people can be out of place

slaves blame leading

and in order not to blame anyone it is important to be leader

unacceptable behavior: let it go and punish

it is unacceptable to oppose one's relatives

on game discs many resources such as music or phrases

are in form of files and massive files

even with рак extension these are zip archives

locomotives by mail when next package is paid

leaving locomotive: contact with company or

non-payment before claims of company with termination of parcels

male song

surely sounds good in a female performance

voice patterns and excel

my sorting and checking of intermediate point is unnecessary

reaching point point is passed to next cycle

without verification but human approach requires an assessment

paths to files of import programs

should include only Latin letters

spend active time on an asset

spend passive time

case about pyramid is described and write about an asset and a liability

2nd approach and minimax and look at 2 moves forward

code 40 000 combinations: date including year month day

pronoun and pronoun decoding is read slowly


if image address includes a serial number

it is possible to make a list with different numbers in an excel

and through download manager upload more pictures

from that site with preservation of date pictures were posted

science fiction plot about copyright

33 main plots and 7 main plots

when looking at science fiction it is important to think: what is fantastic?

pdf editor export in desired order of sheets

not losing is more important than winning

and where others have lost there mine have not lost

and where others have lost there mine have won

looks like exam tickets

and on a resume for a job

my business in sochi olympics: printout lunches tables

mine fence print speed up redesign

photo translation video internet mail hotel signature

quarter relationship of company warehouse colleagues video report

to find out how clean water you need to boil about 1 liter of water

from water supply and overflow into an open container stir and tighten

and into boiled water it will separate into water and sediment and plaque

It is convenient to remove plaque with plastic rectangular boxes

separation of credit cards and protection blocking part of card

explain when there are 2 types of %%% on one credit card

it is important to fill it in completely because old debts with high %%%

transition black and white bmp 24 16 2 bits

moving in public transport without stops

is equivalent to increasing speed:

or 50 km in 2 hours or 50 km in an hour faster

main thing is to sell product therefore

it is more profitable for stores to offer more goods for same prices

pour hot water from glass to glass and back to cool

own boors and strangers

win button for self-study so as not to spoil

surnames and first names not to distort or imitate

on Internet and in cultural works

and city names too

in stories about "western" pay high

and about price of products allegedly low

citizens of "west" are still not millionaires

choosing either any sign of poverty instead of psychology

office repeat previous command: f4

airplane and theory of relativity: flying an airplane decreases by 1 atom

in reality plane is lengthened by 10 cm from thermal expansion

millionaires understand integral essence without formulas

hyperbola y = c / x delineates integrals of equal area s = x * y = x * c / x = c

be able to navigate cardinal points of sun and stars

clothing and nationality

instead of taking a photo by shooting a video situation is clearer

and then it is possible to split video into frames

and by turning off Internet view saved htm file

someone else's work appears where you have to pay

archives and embed archive recovery

modern cinema: continuous references to films of past.

parody original ideas of past for lack of their own ideas.

200 years of pushkin to site but to book as

or allegorically because of name

turn a liability into an asset

for example winter boots are passive in summer but more active in winter

hyperbolas form rectangles of equal area

it remains to formulate integral

hyperbole is figure 1 / x graph called

calculation of areas from coordinates of points

distinguish between poverty and lack of money - repeat

expression "coin has no memory" does not explain

50% probability of each side of coin

but it gives out ignorant formulas including logarithm

area square law and volume cube law

related to respective forces and mass

after Yandex search in Google and other search engines

at same time creating a search dictionary available to everyone

as tips

transferring attachments between mails does not require megabytes

in excezel all formulas must use data of current sheet

how everyone is supposedly obligated to pay and pay banks

real financial literacy how to not pay

football favorite is not beaten and odd

kyf your coefficient

total tb1.5 goal bets average goal

block mark and axonometry and length counting and mini blocks

and layers and calculation of autocad table design

leader follower victim fake investment at a glance

alpha tau and others are clearer

warcraft your maps for example separated by a river

chess between programs

keno basic keno basic 2 laptop bot keno 001001 x01y01

Danil's cad saving square

queen of spades and risk management higher lower rates

credit card ideal credit: money equal to loan

issued for purpose of loan per minute

loan money


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