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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Integral of Life 19



public transport on way can sell bread and drinks

anti-elite: everyone can create their own New Year appeal

and compose your appeal to people of country and region and city

to advise and how to advise yourself not to act is equivalent to:

recommend tying laces when you don't need laces

keyboard and arrangement of letters helps to guess words from letters

because keyboard contains letters that are often repeated next to

forums trust readers themselves in their minds call negative characters

just reporting filtered information without calling anyone names

integral insulation: roof walls windows share efficiency and disadvantage

autocad renamed layers and blocks against conflicts with other elements

money is power or power or both as an integral

forums unlike Internet: read by many

forums of stupid are not called stupid and name-calling guarantees:

person being called is not what they call it offensive

numeric keypad by pressing corresponds to menu item number

voting integral

freelance customers pay after weekend to suddenly use money for themselves

numbers unloved unhappy not to invent or change monthly

integral find reasoning and brainstorming what would happen if it were different

articles adhere to tags improving search for similar topics by clicking a tag or hashtag

a book as a program and a book language as a comma-free programming language

distinguish between unions and or either and others

projects master plans use space satellite images multiple sources

transparency helps create montage

level vertically plumb line or in fingers pencil vertically

level horizontal hose with transparent inserts

hinge reaction is zero

by publishing multiple sources above read guarantee and increasing coverage

for unofficial currencies cheaper

cargo cult when rituals repeating original allegedly create same effect

search for yourself on Internet and related addresses of mails and sites and names of youtubes and books

registered self-employment should be related to pension

self-employed to register may be interested in a pension

self-employed seeking to earn a pension by registering

someone else's topic: even if there is an answer it is better to wait for author of topic

or one to whom question is addressed

puzzles: 1st letters of message contain a hint vertical text

black clothes are worse and instead dark colored ones are better

list selection so as not to distort click past list without selection

sites distorting file name confusion where which group of files

pdf up to 5 pages by mail are better accompanied by pictures of sheets

and it is possible to combine pictures into a single large image

yes or no: guess 3 times

those dependent on growth of exchange rate are afraid to think about fall in exchange rate

separate mail for social networks and separate browsers for different mails

follower to answer if he is afraid then leader can answer himself

and slave will check master's response all one master remains master

because answer comes from presenter

pdf compiled by different files maximum size create photo scans

and it is better to separate composite pdfs for mailing

information bytes mean size and weight and volume

strong move what to count: post information strong move

but deleting information is also a strong move

buy same groceries and wear same clothes

to show yourself to your

desktops in photo and through print screen tell you what programs are

people work in space and flight control center only because

what exactly these people do not need to plow and hunt

questions tricky ready-made answers like any word like a day of week

and favorite book and favorite movie

temporary people like shadows

reliability and probability as a train speed is same and on time

end-to-end reliability and higher speed

experience of ordering drawings and programs without bugs

alarm clock program and scheduler

mail sending wait a quarter of an hour so as not to spam

read or listen to lectures before class

gambling addiction in everyday life: dangerous food and speed

a company in city center looks more expensive

protesters against internet protection have defended their own internet

many small archives are better than one large archive

and continuous archive is slower and less

your stranger in inanimate nature asphalt and bog

here in quagmire to go back everyone knows

travel card more trips cheaper each trip

cheap blocks design integral

distinguish between KB MB GB so as not to download incredible and immense

addressee 2 is more reliable

ashamed to win and conductor transport fine

court leader and slave as plaintiff and defendant and counterclaim

managing and understanding cheaper

examination is also a court

desire not to make plans to be independent of chance

internet search itself what is going to infa photo video

energy efficiency and export oriented import substitution integral

unofficial is cheaper and formal is more expensive

cargo cult

elite integral control

leader is needed more or follower

competition with others and with oneself in past

see integral english visual

more questions than answers

purpose of book everyone expects simple answers

translators integral to formulate

movie frames quality depends on number of viewers

gambling addiction dangerous products

gambling addiction to forums are returning banned prompting

who were before banning getting out of ambush another pseudonym

gambling addict seeks to lose and forbid himself by arranging restrictions

and punishing itself series regardless of result or time

freelance seeking weekend work

systems when 2 guessing knowing risk

point of normality and salary of departments

directory size software helps to clean up disk

from unnecessary large directories even archiving and deleting original

negative cinema for sake of positive advertising

English language reduces dependence on transport

and living near work

stop and continue watching movies

freelance began its year and beginning of its month different from calendar

by week and quarter and year

Excel formula input parameters separately in cells

football when there is a leader score odd sector draws even

plus leader and no one will score

understand income for everyone in family

capital export is positive for capital exporting party

export of capital in order to make a profit from outside country

data export and import via file format depicting

simple text that is understandable to an ordinary person

input language is remembered for each window without switching

looking from future it is possible it is obvious whose worldview will win

and it is possible to immediately use forward-thinking ideas in a dispute

break time to bookmark open browser tabs

by assigning a name such as date and hour

links can be copied between browsers for example

one browser shows video better and there is registration in social network

bookies and statistics: ball has no memory and puck has no memory

however stable indicators are observed on average clogged

balls and pucks around world and once a year they score at least 1 goal everywhere

it's better to never tell anyone anything

do not "read" but it is better "I read"

do not "count" but "I counted" is better

do not "go" but it is better "I went"

and at same time priority of author is respected

freelancer seeks to move work over weekend

so as not to communicate with customers and only work

and also a freelancer seeks to move work overnight

lotteries always have magic of numbers where calendar dates are tied

it is important to know age at which great people performed their feats

keyboard if mastered it is easier to retype whole word than letters

customer places other jobs and may contain email

length of continuous work per day and per week and per month

to allocate not an hour for study but a day is better

appealing to authorities is dangerous that authorities will be against

as a last resort

a correctly spelled word looks prettier than a misspelled word

indexed documents can contain postal addresses and phone numbers and websites

frame thumbnail over time at 25% on 1/4 video

whether anyone's money lying on ground to raise

integral question depending on amount: a small amount will not interest

and same is also integral value of a thing for cost of appropriation

traffic light time controlled different integrally regulates traffic

running on transport and being late as cheap as a mini donation

engineering approach in different industries: what to do to achieve result

buying goods in your city helps your own and makes you richer than yours

start of a large and parallel business small small

technology labor productivity

technology owner labor productivity

through logarithm a continuous chain of symbols is created minimal

including all symbols representing elements randomly synthesized

bad words think

Windows in active window by pressing letter highlights file name

where filename starts with given letter

to beginning out: sorting is massively studied in schools slow

defending elitism of learners sorting fast

and sort comparisons that make slow ones fast are avoided

e.g. Russian sorting in halves

stealth property applies only to directory hides files from highest level

and view through a shortcut leading to a hidden directory

windows through mouse menu opens up to 15 files at a time

and if there are more files then menu does not open files

negative acceleration: longer work lasts cheaper

made in a week payment is 100% and if in 2 weeks payment is 50% and further cheaper

open 2 identical directories by going through directory tree

about written: instead of said: reported

video lessons indicate level of difficulty otherwise difficult is considered simple

lagging behind leadership warns against mistakes of untested decisions

20th century: either talented or in production

21st century: either talented or working in a different service industry

and talented people do not strive for art

job seekers may not be unemployed just looking for another job

for a freelancer in yard of 22nd century

on internet pretending to be of opposite gender avoid gender-indicating verb forms

typos are sometimes often funny

system keys English type win d by switching language replace system keys rus type win in

issue a task to your superiors

piecework self-deception and salary accelerating far-sighted

laptop camera when turned on indicator lights up

after 1st search 2nd search is faster

things rental rental integral

those who criticize decisions who do not propose nullify their authority

criticism criticism same criticism without suggestions

arrangement of windows hiding cancel button

controls process without possible accidental cancellation

no and no with a capital letter

forums attribute words of characters to authors of literature

dialogue is brought to repetition of what was said causing repetitive tantrum

any harsh taste like dessert

fractional numbers it is convenient to enter numbers before and after point

magic money female gaze

joint is stronger than construction points near joint

before popularity of musicians songs are more sincere

simultaneity and parallelism and sequence

protesters: earned 2 times more than previous year

means they could earn 4 times more than previous year

who is to blame: government according to protesters

gigawatt of heat energy 1 house and gigawatt of electricity microdistrict

autocad inserted raster becoming unmanageable rename on disk

and in drawing move name and outline providing anchors

virtual emulators dos and zx allow you to play old games in browser

dividing text into parts it is possible to arrange parts manually

imported songs: often hysterical at end

deception betrays intonation

long-term employee or long-term tenant as a long-liver

to create new rules it is important to break past rules

instead of accentuating incorrectly: accentuating

integrally lower pay for work is tantamount to part of work for free

having found identical documents on disk for example pdf it is more logical to leave oldest

as a protecting creation time priority

forums: your dunno is better than someone else's dunce

drying clothes or a towel diagonally non-overlapping parts will dry faster

files by highlighting and 1 file by renaming all highlighted files are renamed

termination of dos programs: wine button minimizes and closes through taskbar or dispatcher

fictional internet stories created by journalists as homework

understand expansion upon heating and contraction upon cooling of material and molecules

keylogger writes every keystroke and saves onscreen keyboard

translation of large texts is possible by uploading a document better in docx format

getting a small size and control of translation of entire text

2 layers and reduce disadvantage by a quarter

but if it is profitable to cheat 1 layer reduce it by half and more

ATM cash withdrawal limitation is also integral

more people are given smaller amounts on average

negative acceleration work is done slower cheaper

acceleration for leader: work is more expensive

acceleration for follower: work is cheaper

depreciation: more work for same money

little water at bottom sediment

break off straight or kink includes torque and lever

transition to white background shows errors

sound recording including dictionaries slows down and improvement is not obvious

but some words are not pronounced correctly

it is possible to print through imported letters

dubbing 2 ways to share: file or text

to speed up computer you need to pay computer

transport is deeper and more integral in life: press a button is also transport

temptation to call any algorithm a neural network even a physics engine or even sorting

constellations of stars at different distances from earth

some native speakers come up with new words of language

usually composed of several words

in return for donations and donation something should be given in return for example self-promotion

it is better not to write anything from pirate sites to your phone and smartphone and tablet

or prohibited even in a degraded format

piracy beats cheap content and new versions

being determines consciousness it is not clear what influences what in Russian

consciousness is determined by being

to call others from their phone only by removing flash memory

but it is better to refuse by saying they say little money or owner will make an SMS

and usually phone is not remembered so there must be a record

or speak into phone to owner himself on speakerphone

internet small pages for entering selected sites

fast viewing files without writing will not spoil

orientation to cardinal points: longitude and latitude

it is important not to use words like vertical when orientation is latitudinal

and instead of higher: north and instead of lower: south

and instead of to left: to west and instead of to right: to east

working as scientists and in service sector thanks to progress

exempt from work in difficult conditions or in agriculture

control enter to split pages and also column division

Internet mail has sent itself increased control and then send without megabytes

foreign songs include one syllable sung in different tones

and in songs electronics crosses out breaths

first save a copy of 2-waa and then erase source

how much money makes you change your principles

and more secure person higher amount

voicing before creating multiple pieces of audio from text

it is better to first check if audio is created from a single text

and for large texts many parts of text are better

accidentally opening an executable program in notepad and seeing incomprehensible text

without changing anything it is better to close notepad without saving otherwise data will be distorted

moving files within a disk is fast but moving files between disks is slow

and virtual disks in memory are also possible

in order to avoid risk of flooding it is better not to carry water near computer and other electronics

lace is too long it is possible to shorten from 1st side leaving 1 plastic

or re-sew 2nd plastic with part of lace

sound: level and on and off in system and in player

and even inserting headphones into jack and adjusting with headphones

compass: needle and leaf and water

rubbing needle on hair is magnetized and put on a sheet of paper or

a leaf of a tree on water needle will orient to cardinal directions north and south

analysis of words by taking 1 letters will give all forms of words

easily by first replacing spaces with tabs through notepad

and changing number of letters in excel most frequent words of text are collected

macrowave: a pot of food over a pot of water

macrowave heating: a saucepan on a windowsill on a heating plate

a small money base can create activity

when a small amount is doubled by a small payment

a person who manages equipment and technology is more productive than manual labor

phones radio to animals and things

taking a pen in their left hand audience will think: left-handed

contributors to international forums develop more diversified

those writing in administration are looking for protection for answers from arbitrariness of authorities

showing allegedly their own for authorities of higher having received gratitude

negative attitude towards one's own and positive attitude towards others

especially to those who do not work for export relative to others

when their means of production are not

and when yours are controlled by more strangers

it is not advisable to protect visiting officials on Internet

since powers can be terminated at any hour

incl. at request of official himself

accident: accident without casualties but catastrophe: vice versa

desktop fewer labels easier it is to arrange when distorted

switch up power on and or down switch off

a thing for lazy people means a thing for disabled people

autocad crosshair in full screen to clarify distortion

Internet using different SIM cards or shared wifi to find out ip

noun methods for calculating frequency of whole words or with same beginning

encryption impossible on a computer encryption accessible to people

1st closes value in chest and hangs up his lock1 and passes it to 2nd

2nd having received chest and lock1 hangs up its lock2 and gives it to 1st

1st receiving a chest and 2 locks removes his lock1 and gives it to 2nd

2nd receiving chest removes his lock2 and opens chest

price discount is same as part of product for free

less pay is same as part of work for free

menu on file and copy and paste puts info into memory

but pull on file and then menu does not fit into memory

program protection: check if there are files on disks

simplest workflow automation: file names

option management: buy 1st option is expensive

and every next option is 2 times cheaper to buy

from computer to you or computer to you

wait for risk

anti-elite elite

anti-elite elite

YouTube anti-elite elite: lessons instead of teachers and reports instead of journalists

retirees pay loans fearing otherwise they will no longer give

copies of njmd are easier to watch than DVD copies inactive five-year plans

quickly not where they act hastily

quickly where unnecessary actions are not taken

language key word decrypt

conflict should arise when party is ready for conflict

and possible conflict management by identifying point of normality

and really move away at moment before conflict

plus conflict has many options for solutions

and conflict is resolved through a court of appropriate level

lead and follower example of transporting clothes in a box on whose initiative

lines on palms are subject to change

moment of inertia of centimeters of 4th degree has a different barrel and coil

clothing side for men and women produces a mirror image on photo

humorous deception: saying more about little in reality

stick or crossbar: taken differently by humans and primates

step voltage important safety precautions

old and new bills: different value and value and durability

synonyms: started negative and started positive

construction: transfer of working capital to fixed assets

instead of a new directory filenames include same characters

Excel setting: shows zeros in cells and a grid

striving to express one's own when already optimal means a trap of incorrectness

eggs in profile: top view of circle is different from side view

a new car moving onto road loses 20% of cost becoming a used

roulette system that monitors several features: magnet and anti-magnet

roulette control system several features: magnet and anti-magnet

official fruit of keno: persimmon

a permanent employee changes his shoes at work

integral of choice and integral choice

humor is explained with normal words

humor excludes intermediate words from cause to effect

is it polite to sleep or talk on phone in public transport

safety is most important in production

problem is not in loans problem is in interest and they are not afraid of a loan for 0%

use word to get hot

walking inside train speeds add up

on paper without printing cleaner ecology

cheat sheets or reading and understanding which is more correct because books are read without writing down

file open: click-click or menu-open controls opening

what to call programming

after swiping through almost autocad copy and paste in clean size is reduced

electric cars drones: metro and tram and trolleybus

penalty: pay for advantage

elite: responsibility and anti-elite: irresponsibility

artificial intelligence can harm humanity by zeroing savings

or by destroying justification of ownership

in general: for export what is sold for export

even as a follower between leader and victim

there is no surplus for export because as saying goes business has time for fun an hour

people prioritize work as an asset

and only excess time is left to passive

payment for information is needed so that they will not be posted further for free

trend and time trading

on forums moderators check messages before posting

scares off forum members who fear misappropriation of their ideas and files

integral: path relative to speed

integral: speed relative to acceleration

who can say "I did": performer or leader

freelance: start doing small jobs and planning

long-term planning: what to do

retrospective planning: what has been done

integral transport problem

help for leaders and help for followers more details can be found on website

found 1 error means there are more errors

on forums: leader and followers

leader writes: ab

slaves repeat only data: ababbbbaa

leader writes: abc

slaves repeat only data: abwabbwa

leader writes: abvg

slaves repeat only data: abvgabgv

big data is peaceful data

integral can be found in any article of any encyclopedia

each encyclopedia in each article contains an integral

any encyclopedia in any article contains integral

on forums without indicating where to look suddenly seekers themselves will find information better

longest Russian word in foreign letters: defending


collecting your options juggle options

movie special effect with stopping time and showing different points

shoot several cameras at same time and show camera frames in turn

control of 4 parameters uch-in uch-pr ignoramus ignoramus ignoramus

survivor error is avoided considering all options

and 5th option: non-participation and uncontrollability

means 6th option: participation and uncontrollability

winning or losing or not participating

almost 4 options: win or lose

or not winning or not losing

ideally 6 options: win or lose

or not winning or not losing by watching

or not taking part in winning or not taking part in losing without following

control and shift text and icons and viola excezel in 2 lines

turn off decoration speeds up

autocad: additional constructions and erase unnecessary

SMS yussd request including choice of answer options

it is possible to formulate in 1 line separated by asterisks

on forums it is not obvious when to answer they say look for yourself

after opening YouTube from interview immediately rewind to end to save

megabyte because waiting loads video from viewpoint

displayed pictures on screen are loaded

and are saved to disk at no extra cost megabytes

even turning off internet

compressed time: events of past stretched out in time

from future look like they happened in a short time

everyone: can + should = must

savings: last paycheck has not been spent yet

even simplest site names are impossible to remember

integral path through walls and through a table

questionnaires and do not issue loans to those who answered correctly

digital content has an analog divide:

content is actually redrawn or photographed

or replay music or take it off air or sing

unfinished and redistributed which is better and when

stocking up your options further juggle

file extensions have survived competition with other file extensions

transferring files without spending megabytes and it is possible to add files

a pair of identical things are distributed to different subjects

casino trap: do not bet on all numbers except a single number

although chances of winning are calculated

bookmakers: win kyf 1 2 and expectation: they will allegedly score a bunch of goals

reality: only goal at end of match but a victory

fake casinos can give out winnings of about 1% even for part of bets

keeping track of amount of bets and giving out winnings so that player remains

win or draw probability of about 1.9

means betting against a strong favorite

and without guarantees favorite will surely win

words number and number have correct combination:

number of numbers is equal to: number of balls

number of which is number of array element

integral experiment: we divide A4 sheet into 2 parts unequal

turning perpendicular to view an equal line is seen: 1 side

seemingly 1-dimensional arrays are equal however turning sheets

we see areas show a higher quality 2-dimensional array

however sheets at different heights form volumes even better

3-dimensional arrays and further real 4-dimensional time-varying

and 5-dimensional quantities are possible including variable mass and cost

and at any moment of time there is a middle line of integral

escalator and regular passenger at regular times:

always go down and never go up

and having passed faster to train it is 1 train earlier

and it is also possible to know exit points upon arrival

saving time sitting on right side not in wagons 1 and 2

valve tight and leaky and integral

expressions 1-2 thousand as 1-2000 digits look bad

password in front of everyone: enter extra characters and then erase

where does performer begin where head ends

social network voting and estimate of a million votes

cheap equipment will require repair for half price

freelancer does not rise to work at 6 o'clock

since sits at computer and works from 3 o'clock

accusation: weakness and negativity

prevention: strength and positivity

normal limit as a store purchase

and resistance friend or foe

scientists kneel before authorities of past

and modern scientists are unable to come up with new terms

that's why it's easier than usual: it's easy to say "history" instead of "history"

putting a new meaning but scientists for such independence

may lose respect of other scientists who are afraid to come up with something new

reasoning plus and minus on forums

and got pluses minuses

to communicate politely on Internet. opposing point of view

can copy other people's quotes without his own thoughts and there is no need to offend

programming languages??are different like talking to a cat and a dog

and with a TV and with a tree

antielite: those who are able to help refuse to help

reporting an imaginary impossibility to help

pointing out opportunity to help ourselves

logic: 1) someone is wrong

2) I have nothing to do with being wrong

3) then I'm not mistaken

anti-elitism: an excuse for not helping strangers

they say help yourself and everyone can understand hardest

elitism: direct control: choosing whom to punish

anti-elitism: indirect management: choosing whom to help

and possibly punishment through lack of help

citizens are waiting for reports of problem from authorities

and do not trust reports of same issue from ordinary citizens

fewer characters longer words and corresponds to number systems

selling emotions

at first those who deceived themselves deceive without signs of deception

it is possible to enter a password by entering additional characters and then deleting

humanism of computer games: technology and robots are at war

first create a shortcut and then transfer file and shortcut will indicate a new location

components of understanding: work - income - expenses - accumulation

give a fishing rod: can take a fishing rod myself

having achieved goal goal is devalued

teacher must be able to solve Olympic problems of increased complexity

screensaver starts in a short time

it means there was a pause in work for a few seconds

goods are created in agriculture and other sectors: services

in 1st part of time work is done for oneself

even on an assembly line using employer's technology

and in second part of time work is sold

it is more profitable to sell more goods for manufacturer

even at a lower price and discounts are not very profitable

investments with a profit of foreigners 5% or 100% to distinguish

a jump in probability and a paradox below peak but above average on forums and site

computers and a lot of variance

when printing in companies indicate in names: color and format and sheets

royal chess and strategy puzzles

combinatorics: banknote into banknote receiver: 4 options

low threshold of entry into programming and design: only electronic services

those who have thought of it urgently write to Internet

until seemingly simple thought of others

to report they say everyone knows better than supposedly someone knows

autocad copies in tempo and before pasting find out file size

temporary because a small number of elements must be small


spell check in a browser without internet:

open saved page with input field

for example forum and insert text into field

and all errors will be highlighted

on forums delete letter c from youtube address in https

and different design of YouTube is possible as a TV

leader receiving as leader

leader receiving as follower

follower receiving as leader

slave receiving as slave

impostor syndrome and guidance and payment

few people know and even I don't know what

do you use what you write about and if not why

manipulation creating false authority with words in sense of:

nobody knows and only we know

but in reality all deceived recognized deception in silence

time before future event to mirror into past

and it is clear what happened with same terms

and past is 2 times faster how to explain more vividly

stairs leading up led oddly enough up

monuments can be filmed through a drone copter drone

unknown computer and processes - open file location

integralissimus and logarithmisimus

on Internet photo screenshots can show usernames

and addresses of directories inside computers

and digital data such as user number on site

friend-foe attitude explains

control of your own and inability to control others

films show involvement of heroes in a significant

featuring historic buildings and monuments

eternal professions: teacher and doctor and warrior

replacement of a specialist by a crowd of amateurs

and then crowd of amateurs is replaced by technology and robotization

laptop is also a robot phone is also a robot etc.

bookmarks of forum users' pages show time of visiting forum

equal names for and against and together and archiving

when writing date it is better to indicate day of week

it is profitable to take loans in falling currencies

energy saving system

rich state and poor population: ok

rich state and population poor relative to state: normal

population is always poorer than state

state is always richer than population

capitalism in socialism and socialism in capitalism

expression of opinion is knowingly correct: I think

means correctness of formulated thoughts

regardless of optimality of solutions

spheres of our own and spheres of others - through looking glass

win on system or win against system

lose on system or lose against system

free food is best digested

control largest files

may be unnecessary and erasing will free up space

computer program competitions create a balance

not losing is more important than winning

search and know positive symbols of any numbers

on forums pseudonyms create an imaginary false authority

in front of themselves and are afraid to express new ideas

time spent a lot of time and effort and content on profile

and solution: change avatars and aliases through administrators

choose prepositions rarely used more carefully:

instead of through it is often more correct through etc.

file name is shorter closer to root of disk better

and spaces and unusual characters in names replaces cipher of 3 characters

winning or losing or not participating

almost 4 options: win or lose

or not winning or not losing

region by giving money to another region: poorer

region received money from another region: does not get rich

because money is kept in center of region does not benefit

spending money in favor of a region makes region richer

working for domestic export having received money

from another region makes your region richer

only when he spends money for benefit of his region

probability probability: reliability

I forgot my 100 words

free energy: savings

savings: free energy

waffles dry water

viola and mouse selection selects a rectangle within lines

and it is convenient to delete columns in text tables or change font

control of probabilities considering ranges of discrete

questionnaire leaves slave

download files: window title contains program icon

no problem is better than no problem

protection check for existence of files plus check for date and file size

there are free antiviruses that work day and are outdated

there are Internet services that check files for viruses in dozens of antiviruses

new seems to be simplest and seek to protect authorship

communicate faster because it seems others will think of same

search for files: type characters in a notepad and insert into window and enter

a crowd of scientists is same as a crowd of ordinary people

those who refuse from crowd fall into crowd who refuse from crowd

by opening a notebook immediately add a dozen free lines by pressing enter

labor is sold for export

fonts read a little 10 a lot 12 mentally 14 aloud 18

archive is unpacked to current directory without a copy to temp directory

archive is unpacked by dragging and dropping creating a temporary directory

in temp and temp directory can remain until deleted by user

export is not surplus even understanding labor export

to work not free time on contrary free time after work

autocad scale calculation copy to notepad and apply to autocad

menu in darkened area of??text is better

clipboard contains 1 copied array of information

and each copy replaces contents of clipboard

disconnection pauses file transfer

devaluation of power and familiarity is inadmissible

sealing and control: staining and tearing

pdf protection hiding panel is fixed by pdf editor

by exporting all pages to a new pdf

non-breaking space after "not" helps to read

non-breaking space is possible after words requiring numbers: gost

non-breaking space is possible between digits of large numbers

games teach you to save time

fonts inverted letters and asci pseudo volumetric and ornaments

distortion of name or extension of file Uninstal exe protects from uninstalling program

multivariance and optimization are interconnected

by handles vertical horizontal and click field as a whole page

and click buttons shift 1 line or 1 position

browser can create a copy of site page as a picture

and then it is possible to graphically edit and save

instead of a word sentence: phrase

replace characters by adding a space and replace 2 spaces with 1 space

inverse text is recognized by light letters on a dark background

inversion in relation to those from whom help was expected

advise films and TV shows positive without negative

pictures of mirrors and turn

changing proportions between parts: reducing parts

or an increase in parts in amount of 100%

autocad block scalable x y

autocad educational version

autocad editing via properties

autocad editing via dxf

forums prudently wait for new pages

and continue your topics or interesting topics

weekly and monthly evenly

freelance typical answers: spec is almost ready

or: studying a new task or: sending it at midnight

people love free

manually move diagonally: consecutive or non-consecutive

for every 1 vertical step make 1 horizontal step

browser downloads from previous successful download directory

and it is convenient to go to shared directories in panel on left

pictures of light characters on a dark background against printout

distorted characters can be replaced with correct ones

first by distorting correct characters and adding to text

and as a result all text will be from correct characters

on-screen video removes part of a video that is too long

pkm means right mouse button

lkm means mouse key

state customer and employer creates relations of strangers

after closing document information in clipboard remains

and sometimes program often prompts you to clear clipboard

integral transition from quantity to quality

examples: water and dust

I bet there is responsibility for sale

sorting date modified is more important

office panels and buttons can disappear from screen

free space and leave at user's request

it is important in what format program saves

for further use of results of work

and important formats are compatible with many programs

inside pdf when pages are obviously of different weight and volume

it makes sense to separate groups of pages and possibly throw out pages

by sending for export without extra pages

inside pdf pages of photo scans are larger

than text and vector pages

it is possible to translate online pages of forums and sites with design

web page may not load due to only

wrong letter and knowing design rules it is possible to correct

when scoring increased synthesizer priority speeds up by 25%

do not copy to 2 external disks at same time

many different actions are performed by small mouse button

some expressions can be expressed through other cases of words

3d graphics can be vector and raster

if program is waiting for files in my documents directory

quickly go to desired directory by placing a shortcut

autocad exact area of??a circle is assigned by properties

move selected fragment strictly horizontally

or vertically better with arrow keys

print always controlling which printer even in pdf

add archiving against simultaneity

it is better to refuse promotions in stores politely: no thanks

do not sound 2 files or more at same time

do not voice during search or download or defragmentation

contract for finished work looks like:

performer has right but customer has obligations

download a file less than 5 MB requires less megabytes

than fast internet browsing including ads

inside e-documents and pdf and presentations pictures

covering themselves is possible to move

freelance receiving comments add problem solving

found independently or without informing customer

draw a line and draw a line - different cases

horizontal level and vertical

underload is better than overload

to come up with a new thing it is important to understand deception of old

multiple sources of information are better than a single source

not knowing next work employee slowly does current work

in address stock entering words includes searching Internet

brackets spoil text and give poorly worded text

emoticons emoticons are only allowed in social networks and forums

on 2 flash drives write large files in turn

youtube channel link may include an invitation to subscribe

recording screen videos hide desktop icons

and hide disk tree by setting open directory background to full screen

and shortcut icons can be placed in catalog at time of shooting

over network to be protected by making a common directory

or another directory for receiving files

mania and opposing oneself to one's own to explain

mania in secret

program code

if link is of interest it is better to add link to favorites

or save link to disk by downloading text of article only text

it is better to listen to frivolous texts quickly so as not to memorize

listening to voiced one repetitions of important episodes of text are noticeable

writing on A4 sheets to increase respect for writer

against computer games directories hidden and indicate: do not show

autocad date is included in name of block; it is convenient to control versions

autocad block create or place a copy without merging

autocad and office screen buttons are better than keys so as not to remember

those complicating operation of keys rest by pressing keys

since overloads with unnecessary information and needs rest

cinema mentioning properties of hero then hero of film appears

on radio pauses are erased in reports

division into equal parts by whole lines and parallelism

optimal behavior saves energy and energy

putting date on internet is more important than time

delete invisible: archiving and erasing inside archive

then carefully erase original and unpack archive

or better use a file manager showing invisible files

control properties of documents avoiding personal data

or by specially adding personal data

name of flash drive as a phone number can help if a flash drive is lost

verbs prepositions that do not require nominative additions

verbs prepositions requiring distorting objects

know "any word" for example day of week or city

know answer to question "favorite book"

autocad shift deselects an item

replacement is faster: copy and paste letters in replacement string

and immediately copy replacement letters to next memory

place files directly on Internet on your site protecting authorship

and date of posting is fixed even if a draft is published

email includes part 2 after separator sometimes often site name

and it is possible to go to site using 2nd part of email in address bar

throwing a document into program icon to see reaction of accepting document

robot becomes obsolete in second of creation and start

program becomes obsolete in second of creation and start

old programs and computers intensive

new programs and extensive computers

visualization eat snow

drawings: distort distorted and undistorted do not distort

earthquake is usually 2nd and difference is half a week

there are more planes in sea than ships in sky

business starts with credit money

sound is turned off and at same time reduced to zero

paid work always has a free part

antivirus can work with provider for all users

by name of file it is really possible to determine where file was downloaded from

no need to specify: e-mail or address or telephone or fax

modified element copy and paste

more convenient than changing element after each insert

expressing your money is like expressing your water

autocad layer property non-printing better off and freeze

apply special color 30 orange

in books look for listing 1 2 3 4 5 where order is observed

and it is possible to read only headers

autocad offset by specified exact round length

measuring wall with a tape measure and obtaining a horizontal line with a plumb line 3 4 5

when there are many systems: guess system

patterns synthesize files e.g. blueprints via dxf

game maps are extensive simple and small complex

freelancing to get task faster because it may not download

vectorization of pdf of individual pages and scaling

layers retains or not

not so rich to buy cheap things

speeding up calculations and speeding up sorting against cryptography

against mania visualization: eating snow

internet control + enter is added to address com

expressions of form are sure to do without commas and without that

including colon

walking inside train speeds add up

going down escalators in subway and catching nearest train

average passenger speed doubles

flexible system of discounts and rigid system of markups

freelance to find out: waiting for a draft or a final copy

because a draft is faster to create

freelance to stay ahead of customer:

having received a full assignment including examples to answer: I will do it faster

otherwise customer who issued complete task will request a cheaper one ...

fines for followers are same: stealing from followers.

numbering of interlocutors: devalues??clients.

gratitude betrays addiction and it is better to thank 3rd person.

understood what you are writing - shows inability to explain in your own words

time scale: same time ago and same time at night

one-window autocad is convenient for emergency closing of picture

other open ones continue to work independently

turning off autocad layers is bad and better non-printing and special colors

serve sharp objects with sharp end towards you and handle towards recipient

cut and paste address bar and go to a new tab reloads page

cooling computer to provide and improve space at air intake slots

trend and time trading

any book is reduced to 1 paragraph and keywords

from Internet copying text copy link address

mayproxy shows which site is active

and which file is loaded to copy addresses

integral essence of life

show big wins means small %%%

show big %%% means small wins.

saved bookmark list: favorites of one browser

and it is possible to open it in another browser.

renaming by taking filename.

open a new tab means a new one is loaded

otherwise it is not clear that we can load old one and change color of link

autocad properties panel in view and it is possible to compress and separate and hide

autocad vector and dimensions are negative

autocad canceled commands often do not repeat due to view shift

any program requires a night mode dark theme

how many errors were found means there are still same number of errors

important to grow up

there are no bad substances but there are dangerous amounts of substances

circles on water complex formulas and visualizations

but natural for nature

only weakness makes you further see deception of those who admitted weakness

reading enriches vocabulary

treating bosses as owners is unacceptable and shows self-humiliation

periods plus and minus on fingers averaged mean values

by copying paste and only saving it is possible to close source

basket can contain files with visually same names

basket shows size of catalogs placed in basket

solutions are permanent and solutions are temporary

golden rule in a negative sense

do not act with others as you do not want to do with you

instead of extreme: newest and previous

pronouns in songs to be used in life

pronouns in advertising so that product is not tied to quality

best question is why

familiarity with bosses is unacceptable

problem about pedestrians walking towards

and about a running dog between them: determine path of dog

2 types of equalization

special characters with percentages to avoid filling inside html

boys girls and candy

autocad blocks and invisible elements inside for placement

deception this hour can become true in a day

truth this hour can be a hoax in a day

dialogues with just losers and not taking responsibility


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Тексты возможно озвучить через синтезатор речи и слушать.
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This site: personal diary created for entertainment purposes.
This site is not a media outlet.
This site promote does not and gambling not organize.
This site bets does not accept and winnings does not pay out.
This site any paid does services not provide.
This site any personal data does not collect.

Site and author for lost profits are not responsible.
Site and author for possible losses are not responsible.

Files have a target: priority of discoveries, inventions, formulas, and creativity
and texts express subjective value judgments without mentioning any names.

On this site none foreign agents don't mentioned.
On this site none prohibited organizations don't mentioned.

All texts have no legal force and as evidence in court cannot serve.
All formulas can be deduced independently & response of site author is not required.
Texts can be voiced through a synthesizer and listened to.
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