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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 21 » Integral of Life 18
Integral of Life 18


a tablet or a smartphone means Internet is here and now

who exploits whom is decided annually to this day

short youtube is not profitable to open

work requires a task

freelance instead of words they say I have already sent it is better to send or forward again

autocad master plan shading solid will hide underground and better shading sand on a scale

Word cutting pictures inserted conveniently

keyboard contains traps: Russian letters and imported letters conflict

Russian n in same place where Latin y is and it is possible to confuse yes and no

as well as s and tse same on one key spoil words

spyware can react to a copied credit card number

just as there are programs that respond to Internet addresses

Internet link to open in a new tab is better than in same

since opening in same place before opening extra megabytes will still be loaded

distribution of random mass even and odd and more than half or less

it is important to cook cooking and not to spend time for sake of process

if a student is silent at exam for a minute looks bad

growth rate slowdown is not a drop but a derivative as top of mountain

power of attorney makes leader

treats are eaten immediately showing they are not afraid of poison and supposedly have immunity against witchcraft

paid work requires a written task in any form

sports betting for youth is unacceptable to compete fairly

credit as personal inflation

keep money on phone close to phone

taking pictures with a hand in strap of camera

quarter of life is a decent period

speech synthesizer insert pauses into Russian and foreign text

and or by editing to mix sound pauses in necessary seconds

write different lengths of words separately and it will turn out synchronously

and in same way performers are combined in music editor

construction labor capital energy resource intensive

production contains a solution to many problems

2-sided coin is absolutely equiprobable

has 6 variants of cases taking into account participation and non-participation and control

trap: violated someone's rules and blame creator of rules

so help your own

stop getting angry at host perhaps by becoming host

it is pointless to be angry at follower: it is tantamount to angry at hammer

and it means who are angry with those leading

desktop basket is convenient to place in corner of screen

Word counting number of characters: replace characters with same

and replacing same with same Word will report number of alleged replacements

excezel most used words: space on a new line and in a column

and alphabet sorting further increment formula and new word zeroes

resets counter to take into account and isolate and word and quantity will remain

enough to sort by quantity

length of words through remaining empty cells taking letters from left required number

and at same time counts number of unique words

explaining something complex that affects several sides

explainer can explain by example of himself and his situations

taking place of characters of event in question

SMS census: photo of screen and cord and into computer in minutes

true knowledge is unknown to anyone

no one has true knowledge

everything changes and disappears what was previously considered true

shop seeing product 2 pieces rare needed for example a high-quality product

it is better to buy both remaining goods

quadratic equation physics acceleration

survivor's mistake and bankruptcy of those who did same as successful one

people work when they do not communicate on social networks and leave normally

to Internet according to schedule of type: Internet every 3 hours

names simple searches will mix with common subjects

and it is better to make a name of 2 simple ones

balance falling and flickering may not restore original balance

random can start losing like bad weather for a long time

white noise is known however color noises are indicated: green noise etc.

quick sort created in ussr by a us citizen

hokku size number 575

phone not switched off

negative: can not but rejoice

money not received is already planned spending in excess of pay

freelance rework get willing rework for free

5% of successful ones are explainable:

first split into 80% and 20% normal

then normal ones are divided by 80% and 20% successful

total: 5% successful

limit of continuity and division of non-coincidences in a row

divided by people or by mass

by weight: come and go and let 20% win

by people: losers 80% disappeared and 20% remained

and then from remaining 80% disappeared and remained 20%

as about 5% of original amount and then same

keystrokes search directories and files name starts as pressed keys

file hosting whole file modified date original

downloaded part of file download date

appeal to authorities higher bolder and more possible

hide information and conveniently present as a pseudonym

defended documentary authorship of their

expression is not empty negative

decrease in rates and winnings per day week month quarter year

does boomerang schedule increase probability of dns paradox

rest half for past and half for future

forums asking user to enter forum means viewing their topic

forums by prohibiting correspondence it is possible to report addresses in files

accounting for randomness affecting randomness

e.g. number of passengers and choice of passengers themselves

Internet links are saved immediately without distortion

without opening copy

internet site customized address bar includes parameters

and replacement of words or parameters constitutes ready-made settings

and it is possible to add customized address lines to favorites

for example youtube search given date and duration

positive: good and negative: not bad

experience is more important than education but not obvious

write psychology and philosophy

it means they don't know mathematical formulas

or are deliberately silent and misleading

kitchen lighter and matches and electric ignition an integral choice

shorter words mean more words

crowd doing everything right remains crowd

cable and radio communications integral properties

do not oppose yourself to your own even covertly because your own become strangers

TV series actors get tired of playing immediately noticeably

actors in scene shown individually were filmed at different times

and cartoons are voiced one by one at different times

meeting in person in 21st century is pointless

higher order priority price is not important and cost

growth of graph is smooth intermediate desired point is turned on

between start and end points and coordinate is calculated

leader slave victim and passenger transport is clearly place of all

threesome owner driver passenger and pair driver and passenger

after reaching nearest stop and walk or get closer

and go further is calculated considering going up or down

and it is possible to visit other institutions along way

transport large or small and same phones large uniform

or small phones for many

transition to underground drop is less than aboveground and at first downward is easier

different versions of programs can distort by shifting sheets

control enter divides exactly important in reports of type thesis project

entrepreneur: production person personifies

to say something bad about someone's behavior indirectly

better to invent a case allegedly heard as someone allegedly did something bad

readers who benefit from weak manipulation seeing weak manipulation

understanding of weakness of manipulation will not be reported to manipulator

expat working for export

it is possible to provide a service without selling product

but it is impossible to sell a product without providing a service

an obstacle creates an integral choice of another path

danger is easier to secure by moving backward

increasing labor productivity is responsibility of leader

so that followers use their time rationally

independent growth of productivity of follower who became leader

aimed at rest at workplace during working hours

question: who will do and answer: anyone will do so it is important to do it with high quality

daylight hours use fully integral

garbage collection is integral: it is not profitable to remove a small amount

speculation when victim of investment becomes poor

speculation when follower and victim are one

speaking out loud helping to think while staying after work

respected like-minded people means listeners employees of each other

leader is to blame and who is leader who is to blame

education equals enlightenment plus knowledge testing

to name positions correctly for example chairman of government

instead of prime minister

problem about globe and moving south to east and north

returning to same point has an infinite number of solutions

parallel to north of south pole length as a given distance

and then first south to parallel and in a circle to same point

and north we return to same point

positivity of quality is more important than quantity: more than 4000 is worse

but about 5000 is better and less than 6000 sounds worse

pauses between repetitions are avoided through repetitive playlist

or by temporarily placing files on ram disk cleaned up on reboot

of lists with check marks selection is massive uncontrolled and not inverted

and it's better to select checkboxes manually

proof of its importance: work that requires half an hour

solved in half a week

bank cards are blocked by user completely opening

at hour of payment or partially isolating a small amount for spending monthly

rain initially at altitude: snow

conditional punishment: convicted under a hood

insert mirror by setting transparency and increasing 2 times

go from top to outside or bottom to top transport integral

forums answering topic insert a picture to attract attention

better picture on subject

dummies create a crowd and on forums they will join crowd of subscribers

even faster than groups without a crowd

a generation late for war and a generation late for privatization

generation late for initial capital accumulation

it is not obvious which is more: e in power of pi or pi in power of e

autocad din blocks are of interest only to creators due to inconsistencies

layers and colors and only sets of din blocks are required

autocad lisp length counting and lisp renaming and lisp axonometry

non-printable miniblocks including block name for BOM

auto mark changes formula and scale is convenient for profile

layers are added by adding a block of layers including linetype

integration of archicad and autocad and creating 3D presentations is easy

screen black background when screen is small and vice versa

saving integral

non-negotiation: drinking water and drinking boiled water there is a difference

priority and simultaneity of affairs should

depend on leading leaders and depend little on followers

so that led order of affairs does not appoint

different cases are given to different followers

secured little interest in a one-time payment with loss of rights

and more interested in constant payment as a percentage of sales

although both options are integral

engineering approach: doctor-engineer and economist-engineer and musician-engineer

full recycle bin is subtracted from free disk space

emptying trash can increase free disk space

logic is negative: to use an object and not an object

e.g. a basket: an apple and a kiwi means someone took an apple

and there is not an apple left in basket

or copied a new one to phone and then not a new one to phone

negative acceleration: work is done faster more expensive

according to a pre-approved schedule represents

look of performer is integral as a sum of little things for sake of

and customer's view is logarithmic and differential

as dividing original amount into parts and payments to performer

visual infographics: performer sees pyramid from bottom up

but customer sees pyramid from top to bottom

a lot of bosses over performer who sees pyramid from bottom up

visually like a pyramid where subordinates under each leader

get exam tickets: find knowledge in yourself

all kinds of combinations are interesting: your own leader or someone else's leader

your wingman or someone else's wingman and your own victim or someone else's victim

I think and possibly equivalent

forums leader of rating and subscriptions and then collect views of topic

scientists who consider viewers as strangers hide information and do not disclose

patent and copyright: relations of strangers

math forum discussing consistency checking

randomly showed by chance: there mathematicians only copy

someone else's demagoguery from old books and are not even able to think

over distribution of repetitions of events in a row

it is not surprising: in textbooks of probability theory sought formulas

accidentally missing but could simulate in excel

using example of a probability of 50% how many times it was 7 times in a row

and other numbers of signs in a row

to correspond to formulas including logarithm

otherwise random number generator ... fake

horizontally oriented: video

oriented vertically: photo

addressing different people: see hear feel understand know

pictures are inverse white black so as not to print

names and patronymics of historical figures and our contemporaries

ciphers replacing letters with erroneous ones and composing words from erroneous letters

export as war and export border protection so that residents can be friends

there are defenders opposing strangers and also export: so that residents can

trade with each other there are those who trade outside so that all of their wealthy

clothes are stored inside out better by covering them on top against dust

freelancer without loans working without advance payment as willing to receive

payment at end of payday although to others payment is important at beginning of payday

savings depend on person himself

but increase in pay depends on authorities

domestic exports within country: problem is solved when a small number

consumers in their region at expense of other regions are even better than non-neighboring ones

ensuring employment and quality of goods better creating competition

products of local producers working simultaneously

for domestic export to other regions raising quality of life

his majesty case

probability waves check sequences for randomness

decomposition into number of identical events in a row

with known theoretical distribution values

and easy to program into excel compatible

explanations should not create links to erroneous actions

for example mentioning binding to birthdays will have an effect

friend or foe and those who learn further will remember wrong method

and it's better to get attached to inanimate random: a minute now

although it's realistic to guess a minute or to have a ready-made explanation for each number

Internet pictures included will automatically download

even pictures of a dozen megabytes as an animated gif

saving file to an unknown destination and closing program

open program and immediately press save into a new document

and will show directory where it is saved and saved one is removed from there

to correct directory or see a list of recent files

in program or in start button if it shows a list of program files

1 word answer shows read receipt and can help strangers

grow wiser uncontrollable and profitable weak will become strong rivals

shortcut copying further text by pasting link is inserted

attitude to amount of money depends a lot or little on savings

and compares with current needs

1st word phrases preposition is bad and better 1st normal word

program license or subscription integral approach

and it is better if start of program does not depend on Internet

low expectations lower self-deception and higher satisfaction

undulating success and failure is used by bosses

when in case of further failure success began allegedly thanks to authorities

re-export of raw materials without processing saves its resources

question with answers of simplest kind: read it or not

answer is meaningless: read and what or: did not read and what

moreover: they have not read it and will read it in a week or listen to

having received a letter without opening it is better to assume answer is bad

and ceasing to be afraid of rejection by devaluing for example:

probably they write they say my application was ridiculed and allowed into schroeder

open letter: your application has passed to next round of competition

and instead of negative we got positive or there would be indifference

after all not losing is more important than winning

writing a letter in a notebook so that other letters are not copied

it is better to type each letter into its own file

forums and mail before sending select and copy message window

in case of communication failure in minute of sending a message

as well as mail saves draft especially if files are uploaded

freelance without advance payment against test purchases

otherwise persecutors need to formulate a professional task

translator must correctly translate synonyms and homonyms

copy to memory retains formatting

and application of registration depends on program of host

by hand on paper black gives ink

forums topic even for author is meaningless

if theme is meaningful and far-sighted

ad blockers

playing stronger is uninteresting and remain

parties: integral of like-minded people

forums blacklist: alien integral

integral deferral of payments and division of payments into parts

having reached optimality creative people are obliged to invent new

laptop can carry information in RAM

if battery does not run out and if it does not turn off

how much automation is unprofitable

automation by data or magnetisable

humanitarian aid export to keep people in place

it is prestigious to be on same page with outstanding personalities

turning to you immediately become massive poking in communication

symbolic designation that understands given symbol language

cash gap: payment was made but payment was not received for yourself

rar profiles to arrange for maximum compression

and it is possible archive is continuous as if all files are as 1 file

to find common patterns to compress as much as possible

and add recovery information

it is necessary or not necessary to think for everyone and after all someone should

when integral was solved: years ago or in a store and planning a route

bourgeoisization of proletariat begins

through bourgeoisization of service providers even in education and medicine

draw puzzle without lifting pencil from paper nested shapes

there are many truths but one truth is not confirmed: over time

truth is reversed especially politically and economically

economics narrow branch of mathematics int and dif integration and differentiation

in life problems on integrals of simplest form are sum of set of trapezoids

freelancing a day without work is considered a day off

moreover a normal day off: Thursday instead of Saturday and Sunday

black and white thinking: perfectionism mania for perfection

kind: 100% not done means 0% done

numbered lists can be copied without numbers

or vice versa when pasting continue existing numbers

nudge to a solution: user can uncheck checked box

thinking of what he loses by removing and user is expected to not remove tick

means consent is positive and refusal is negative

otherwise to check box user thinks whether proposed

means negative consent and positive refusal for sellers is not profitable

cheap products on bottom shelf and sometimes too cheap to take is not solid

games have their own rules; minimum your fields and your maps and your textures

either freelance or office is more profitable

programming a button manually then environment then standard text again

demonizing by adding negative adjectives to common words

erasing as archiving to trash does not move

Internet monitor paid services connected

list of shortcuts for all programs

flattering more clearly define and loser

over speeding here

visually positive shading on rise

phone calls to groups and mail letters are separated by addressees

control increases calmness

mittens and gloves and socks integral

minimum payment for a gift deprives you of relationship as a miracle

game form tests knowledge and vision etc.

crypto number guessing: check more less equals

finds answer in logarithm base 2

guessing with repeats creates a sequence

minimum containing required element

main thing is that everyone is alive healthy rich and happy

it is possible to block someone else's bank card knowing number and contacting bank

do not block found cards

foreseeing bad things more forward-thinking

assuming bad more joyful awareness of good

has only area: shadow without volume

in advertising and in cinema and in life minors should ask

adults permission to communicate with strangers of all ages

and fairytale and fictional characters

simplest survive for whom problem is not a problem

instead of donating it is better to sell at lowest price

so that instead of being treated like a miracle attitude is bought cheap

dialogue between superiors and subordinates stops

and a monologue arises from bosses to subordinates

and there is a contrast between authorities in form of strangers

demand is elastic and inelastic and supply is same

it is impossible to stock up on some goods: gasoline

your stranger: everything depends on ruler or nothing depends on ruler

depending on attitude for or against ruler

those discussing history think splitly through fragmented consciousness:

discussed year is old and immediately year is today

dangerous things are best done during day when other people come to rescue

foreign agent with a foreign employer

and victim: residents of country of foreign agent

means foreign enterprises without export on territory of country

impersonating delta fake investment yes foreign agent

print on a printer in distance: set up print and put cursor on ok

and taking wireless mouse and going to printer and checking paper and ink

click ok from afar and print and pick up results

it is convenient for employees to know task for day and for week and for month and for quarter

unknown next job causes runtime to stretch

Internet centenarians remember simple passwords and normality of information protection

firms keep youth with timely payment

and same senior firms can withhold unpaid for months

education can give everyone good and excellent marks

seeking assimilation of knowledge instead of letting it go for a satisfactory

autocad multitext is easy to get by drawing size and tearing

forums page newest lowest average

letters rus nerus written are determined by inserting into word and pressing symbol

and will show place of letter in alphabet rus or nonrus

technology point and line and volume are paragraphs

before every thousand most of available

now every thousand is most of remainder

people strive for irresponsibility referring to common truths

walking in town scissors easy to get in mail for a minute

autocad comparison different lines have same length

parallelism and collinearity

read or not read universally

obvious for one example are afraid to apply to another example

who is more professional: drawing letters by hand

or trying on technique and technology and tool

image link URL and small thumbnail image URL

it is possible to change surname before wedding

paycheck chart resembles balance chart in optimized lottery

links in emails are different because a link in an email can send it to spam

multiplication table and technology case pro 1 received an order for payment

draw a multiplication table and asks an outsider:

how many times he does not pay twice or twice without a contractual relationship

multiplication table example of receiving a freelance order

RAM contains information before shutdown and is erased

on shutdown if without write protection to disk

your thoughts are always correct

I think snow is cold right

I think snow is warm right

male view of money: a lot of money single integral

copy of site weekly monthly and quarterly and annually

crawling pages indexed by search engines and metrics from where guests

by setting up favorite links to watch faster

search phrases and pictures and names of YouTube on Internet

when unpacking archive make sure that files are inside folder directory

and by yourself archive directories of folder

PNG distorted zhpg or hyphae cannot be restored

and it is easier to draw again as a last resort

circle straight lines cleanly and fill areas

freelance work day and work night

foreign cartoons: male voices are not enough male

and in Russian male voices are more male

film frames can contain hidden negative meanings that separate people

funny manipulators are sure that no one sees their manipulation

monuments can actually be digitized through laser scanning and digitized

documents recently opened in their programs are in start menu

control of your life makes you positive even in small things

colleagues to each other does not have right to indicate right and tasks are issued to authorities

just like chess pieces do not indicate to each other

colleagues communication horizontal: hide my mistake and I will hide your mistake

poorly done work gets done quickly enough

or expected quality to be higher and same money and for same time frame

freelancer result of task: dismissal

therefore freelancers do not consider dismissal as a punishment and are not afraid

dismissal of a subordinate at same time on contrary dismissal of bosses

freelance: everyone sleeps at night but freelancer slept well

it is possible to be toxic to strangers knowing solution to problem

otherwise negative toxic ones are excluded from communication

border of toxicity is not obvious: they can be offended by praise: good

surely there will be those who understood pier it was bad earlier and approximate

solution: avoid homonyms with same sounding and spelling words

politeness is like clothes: it is better to be polite how to be dressed better

money like clothes payment by conventions like pollution of clothes and clean skin

on forums it is optimal to allow erasing your comments

after all only those who have not read lose but author himself does not lose knowledge

steps are better with anti-slip stripes otherwise they look disrespectful

wealthy people have something to lose and wealthy countries have something to lose

decrease in global debt could cause currency depreciation in turn

credit card debts closed by lending yourself are possible

lending to each other's countries in order to pay off debts of each country

for 10 years each year creating an integral of money of an unthinkable amount each year

heroism and perfectionism should be cheap for idealist

and it is convenient to spend your night time on better quality

freelance customer is active when there are comments and suggestions

and customer is silent when work is error-free or checked

in cinema to show safe working methods in goggles and other

personal protective equipment and collective protective equipment

it is important to close internet window that has appeared by accident quickly

Internet video on pages can auto load rewind to end

fast typing when type is faster than copy and paste

prints quickly when it is faster to retype wrong word

computer is a book

freelance best days of week for a resume: tuesday wednesday thursday

Monday resellers communicate with customers

Friday can wait for a task for 5 subcontractors for weekend

day off is convenient on Thursday

thank you in advance convenient wording

wikipedia replaces 5 pages found by search engines

instead of asserting form this is disrespect

it is better to ask forum: is it disrespectful

text with errors is translated normally and read out

Word formulas are written in tables by placing symbols

into cells with non-printable borders

entering service sector is easier than entering production

for example programming requires electricity and knowledge

but for simplest production of paper hats you need paper

those who advise to start with themselves should also start with themselves

on sites blocked pkm menu is inconvenient and annoying

and bypasses by opening several bookmarks of main page

following links by opening your own or looking at page code

taking links to multimedia and pages

alleged export of surplus: restaurant employees eat inexpensively every day

to record dreams that anticipated events because further time is compressed

will rearrange events in memory and dream will be remembered after event

SIM card contains service numbers and sending SMS via flash modem

SMS texts and codes are accumulated see finding out balance and services

and it is possible to rewrite SMS to a computer

follower devalues??himself against responsibility

they say there are no solutions technology is just implemented

paper and electronic magazines in long text read

only top and bottom phrases of almost every paragraph

watermarks are removed by pdf editor or recognizer

or fill when picture is of highest quality

command gases and exhale also export and then put on a gas mask

songs in form of verses in books look unnatural

your assessment will be correct given

payment of half of someone else's assessment is incorrect

recovering an erased file is possible as a last resort

seconds after accidental erasure

and it is important to have a proven recovery program

probability of a repeat is lower than probability of a non-repeat

regarding likelihood of theoretical

new tradition: stay awake at 4 am on June 22

especially on weekends

movie comments can be rave as a joke

for others to watch a movie and waste time in vain

autocad additional constructions and then erase unnecessary

exercise on layers and colors etc.: numbers 1 2 3 4 5 to spread

by layers 1 2 3 4 5 with colors 1 2 3 4 5 and different features

youtube challenges are issued after passing test

subjects on their own initiative for example first future subject

read a book and then gets a challenge to read same book

worker productivity is same as

productivity of hammer itself is not necessary for slave hammer

reaffirmed: labor productivity of leading

and productivity of capital goods owners is increased

download manager having received contents of archive it is clear what is inside

and whether you need to download all or some files

file size especially multimedia smaller is better

because there is nowhere to store large files

graphics editor fill background temporary color shows

when fragment is displaced white stripes and whether it is clearly displaced exactly

provision of technology and finance participation in copyright does not create

for customer tool is important for reliability of quality control

it is better to copy files from source and do not copy files between flash drives

and between discs recordable plastic files do not copy

task manager shows memory occupied by programs and programs

occupying most memory give priority high

onscreen keyboard prints to window indicated by cursor

and forgetting to specify desired window characters on screen are not printed

overseas movies often include a character: president or king

to voice their defects to customer depending on situation

how difficult showing importance of change

or as simple ones showing simplicity of fixes faster

social networks go to next line shift + enter

excezel in cell go to next line alt + enter

about explaining a scientific child differently quackery

create kids viewers first

and if it can explain there is no need to explain to strangers

different paint versions include different initial palette colors

people with disabilities should stop feeling and feel disabled

what social entrepreneurship and social export are about

incl. domestic exports between regions

savings: a service or product is received and paid less

if service or product is not received then no savings

PTO engineer as an employee of obkhss or obEP

pto - production and technical department

sanctions by agreement between strong countries

in order to intimidate weak countries

directed against independence of weak countries

forums to draw conclusions from pseudonyms is hopeless

community members can especially distort words

know approximately square root of some numbers

and a quick estimate of side of a square of a given area is achieved

nominative and short keywords

more important than length of message and everything is also better to reduce

yes or no guess 3 times

by inserting a picture into a Word it is possible to edit before inserting by reducing fields

or after inserting into word it is possible to shift borders of picture

literary classics did not help to avoid world wars

internet is like a snake first head page and then body pictures

download manager allows you to download any images of site separately

for example by size by defining small design pictures

and large pictures photos or illustrations

extension files do not group different extensions by function

mp3 music mp3 movie

indexing makes filename unimportant due to viewing contents of file

indexing of drawings of autocad it is possible to copy drawings by translating

on another computer in AutoCAD 2000 format and observing order of files

to transfer to AutoCAD 2000 only copies of new drawings for indexing

and text indexes and preview drawings are included when disk structures match

almost 2 styles of drawing autocad and command line and archicad and windows

coreldrav is similar to archicad

archicad depends on version losing compatibility and there are furniture elements

include a lot of megabytes inside project and support is lost over years

Corel Drav program can replace triangular fonts with round fonts in PDF

portable versions of programs are installed by unzipping without installation

si sharp basic of 21st century is similar to development of visual basic

in programming tabs are better than spaces

program guess number in 1 line was created by me in BASIC and C Sharp languages

and posted on many forums and sites originally in American where

I overtook a dozen Americans deciding in an hour for first time in a month by going to forum

advising what is useful is easily discounted to annoying advice

means of production for technology transfer

social entrepreneurship and social export

5 or 7 schemes lvzh and would replace at least a synonym

too lucky not to be a victim

identify with profession: we are builders

jokingly best composer: actually there are several of us

divorces of stars for sake of preserving family capital

issuing an assignment as a questionnaire: delete unnecessary and send

customer so as not to pay performers longer

may not take positive examination results longer

Windows logo mirrored colors like Olympic flag

shorter words are faster to write and more readable

rich and poor at same time: needy works better

piecework self-deception and better salary acceleration

archiving a directory if an archive was previously created

files in existing archive will be replaced

and files erased in directory will remain in archive

evoke a story about plans by guessing plans

and interlocutor will tell you to keep priority

many books would help people who don't read books

and should help movies and audiobooks and speech synthesizer

work science is not miracles

be ready to draw any picture or draw your favorite animal

new is not necessarily good and old is not necessarily bad

probability more sample more aspiration to theoretical probability

mail name and site underscore is inconvenient but stands out with clicks

firm on 1st floor and on other floors higher below

more and more employees are interested in a free schedule

files without a name are not downloaded

in literature and cinema difficult names are not remembered especially in translation

notepad see changes: menu cancel and redo changes menu cancel

gifts at request of personal few who applied

automatic links are more in demand

instead you could fix it yourself it would be more correct to fix slave

otherwise there will be a branching into variants and a loop

speak without paper

grant leader follower victim who

social export schemes 5 participation of social workers in need and paying

its scientists and priority free of charge for country

dvd and phone to use as a mirror

message think rules answer itself whether I thought I was looking

line between leader and follower in priority of knowledge

webinars saving on transport

memorizing number and quick formula with words eight two in a cube

integral cases similar cases more heap visit several stores

football besides key also referee coach grass rules

property of bosses is foresight but for workers leading

dreaming of bosses led short-sightedness writing softly

meeting if in style teacher and students raise their hand for a question and answer

or knowing answer not to act so as not to strengthen strangers

attitude of teacher and students desire for teacher to check and praise

to teacher's pupil whether to strengthen ideas after all

choice of initial and final what dictates

whether mean is chosen initially

leader does not justify choice before followers otherwise other leader

and there is a choice that does not justify

host and guest it is unclear who is leader and follower especially guest star

transition from quantity to quality

answer without knowing is better to find out who knows answer

against plagiarism rewriting and scattering of lines in text without a bunch

unemployment no job for a specific employee

respect for lecturer to listen to end even without interest

and putting yourself in place of speaker

sms to write off important from SIM card manually or via usb

phone is suddenly lost

it is impossible to download from Internet what has not been uploaded to Internet

it was bad and it became good or vice versa they evaluate their own and others'

benefit from money where money is spent for first time

strangers at seminar turn into their own quickly after eating

a freelancer can hide his offer from competitors

or create a proposal that makes a clear leader for everyone

password of unimportant non-monetary sites is possible to allow simple

is equivalent to registration through a social network

autocad images inserted external and internal

autocad without cleaning blizzard gives more information and blocks inside

engineer drawing of nodes conditional and saturated

flash drives are write protected erase protection

flat flash drive is more compatible with digital cameras and gadgets

flash drive name phone number will help if lost

work without advance payment: take horse and do not touch bridle

union yes positive instead of negative union but also instead of union and

opaque liquid richer than transparent

liquid liquid is best poured into thick liquid

word makes all selected letters uppercase and small

file download manager view part of file

usually expensive for buyer and cheap for seller

and deal is done when

it is cheap for buyer and expensive for seller

elite billionaire and anti-elite small official

however anti-elite billionaire and elite minister

smokers lose money as utility bills

speed of work is high where it does not give advantages

will subsequently win competition with leisurely

as a lead or a draw keeping safety

name of site is more important than order of words starting with main meaning

clothes increase authority

for what was allegedly done then report back before checking

nobody can be seen in front of everyone and nobody can see behind everyone

acceleration is limited but braking is fast really

ticket price if same choice is train or bus

depends on convenience and proximity of route to purpose of trip

train reserved seat on lower side seats at night sitting without a bed is cheap

sometimes it's often better not to know secret

weak opponents are beneficial although they themselves do not suspect weakness

ashamed to read and either cause pity or do not cause pity

striving to take place of bosses to assess whether colleagues' bosses are successful

workshops increase vocabulary and show behavior on stage

people with disabilities strive to stop being disabled

presentations for halls larger letters are better

advertising text is important word order main words are read first

advertising date is better later than target information

small part variants create smaller combinations without multiplying

scalability and versatility

Internet polls cause false cheating and provocations

although cheat counters are obvious and really subtract votes

pdf newspaper or magazine may contain collages and hidden pictures

e.g. sheets superimposed in turn and it is possible to spread sheets

and use outside a newspaper or magazine

new versions of programs may contain traps for users

using previous version of program without a hook

defragmentation is important for smallest and largest files

defragmentation is better high priority and inactive disk for a while

undo extreme actions without skipping and redo nearest undone

raising retirement age creates a demand for 2nd higher education

Internet manipulators write more in their groups to erase other people's messages

copy and paste creates a copy but rewriting again expresses idea in a new way

in original head spreads along tree where head is: squirrel

genealogical tree of a family can be created by many

words that include prefix imp are best avoided

average cloud weight 70 tons

installation of programs it is better not to change destination directory

micro-office programs will read and print documents

on computers without special programs even at train stations or at a party

sugary fear of expressing truth to oneself

inversion of elites few options impossible anti-elite anti-elite

subway go down and not go up is like a competition and a draw

sine series expansion and random number generator

private traders are technologically ahead of government show power of a shortsighted

table text direction and flattening columns and condensed font

read aloud to remember

cribs mini notes or ready-made answers clean copies

in computer classes help can be recorded on a computer

provocations in elections stuffing or supposedly buying votes

allegedly leaders of vote were in reality organized by provocateurs

and it is unprovable who is beneficiary

and it is possible to discard purchased votes if internet counter is visible

a candidate for deputy having lost election forgets his program

and does not require elected deputies to resolve their ideas

to recognize and recognize languages??of world by ear and writing

and recognize programming languages

construction conveyor of a special kind: workers move around object

a word like is better than a word like

straight line hyperboloid

phone buttons on home screen can activate preset functions

equal to replace with means avoiding words like

autocad tilt letters to left unusually protects against counterfeiting

autocad blockage of letters in any direction is impossible in office

autocad letters are easier higher lower not merged inverted

internet answers far-sighted no no no okay yes

sophistry solvable positive are there

SMS from phone can be written off via a USB modem

saying negativity about others beat yourself on lips

instead of answering in front of strangers find out if there is an answer in principle

and does interlocutor know answer

sounding incorrect accents correct imported letters

excezel synthesis of addresses with numbers from 3 columns

start digit end

pkm and lkm control and click

do not store important data in your phone without passwords

a shorter haircut is easier and faster than lengthening a haircut

giving task large and small first they will do small for number of cases

fitting random numbers to required

lottery it is possible to get 2 results and choose

whether to give more people small gains or vice versa

computer can compose poetry and speeches

separate trash integral

flash key revives right computer at right time

start and end unit of measure quarter

parents doing homework for their children build their own communism

family atomization

pdf without pictures and tables is just text sizes smaller

reaching optimality further option less optimal

proving previous optimality

a fountain in a place without spectators is doomed to be dismantled

players accelerating and moving viewing and listening

Russian folk on eve of nadys again

clothing repair means of production 1st stage

a gadget without a connection is charged faster

believe yourself and not believe

cursor is faster sideways and up and down

share decrease increase heat water

cheap water plants and hands and face and drink

harmful factories border guilty ones who harm economically

workers or management or authorities of what level

or same from outside and workers and leadership from outside and authorities from outside

someone who knows about opportunity to run can run

worse than and better than and colder warmer normal

credit card canned food

single qualitative event hides time and quantity

cheater syndrome and other cognitive biases

like making a loud sound quieter or blinking deeply

computers are old modern size of a charger

but in form of a software emulator in general as a program code

information has infinitely high value or vice versa or combined

information has an infinitely small price and an infinitely high value

sms are written shorter replacing words with symbols in sense of 4u equals for you

conferring with others there is evidence of priority of ideas and independence

bosses are not talking to you here institute needs workers leading

bosses may say there is nothing to do to get a job

and it's important not to sell too cheap

giving out more information customer wants cheaper

therefore it is important to get ahead and communicate: work will be faster

best payer: an employer who considers himself a customer

who answered questions and issued technology and what helped ignorant

pedestrian and car: walking towards opposite direction decreases time spent near

go in same direction relative speed decreases

it is optimal if pedestrian stops increasing probability of safety

answer: answer to your question is nothing specifying ok

star-studded negative toxic ones are ignored by methods of internet forums

and it's better not to drive into a corner with questions

without their own tales other people's tales

without their own money someone else's money

without songs of their own songs are strangers

reverse engineering and reverse engineering of anti-elite programs and hardware

anti-elite subordinate computer and chief technology

heroism pride: one's own abilities are opposed to inability of others

left mouse button lkm click main action

right mouse button lkm menu fallback

scroll wheel scroll and press move

autocad and word letters above and flatten

autocad rotation to orthogonality for example put a 3-gon on each edge

landmark line oblique mirrored orthogonal and rotate and

using 2 points of mirror reference

and option: lines create circle radius and inside circle orthogonal radius

autocad landmark builds layouts and same coordinates of elements and axes

first from computer to you

then with a computer on you

then with a computer user to you

leader does not tell exact option allowing followers to choose their option

store receipts contain time of purchase like a clock

purchase date can be used as proof and alibi

large screens show weather for a number of days

it is possible to use photo evidence of allegedly staying at screen

music songs representing different languages??should be in computer and in phone

charge gadget at work integral and other keywords

control creates peace of mind for leader and follower

a sheet containing only title of section is wasted especially on paper

ordinary e-mail gives access even from home and transport

unusual email addresses often lead to regular email services

authorship is inalienable and even rewriting classics in their own language

everyone will understand: this is a classic belonging to author in another language

image editors are adapted to increase margin in 2 directions to right and down

and to increase image field to left or upward turn copy

or flip before and after editing

an incorrectly asked question cannot be answered correctly

with equal probability choose positive option

better quality translation through 2 translators

controlling translation through translation of translation better


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