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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 20 » Integral of Life 17
Integral of Life 17


reporting a low problem causes toxicity and suspicion of high

transmission of things at a distance: 3D printer prints

screwdriver magnet

circle center and tangent and curves

2 facts are remembered at same time and adding a fact erases 1 fact

Russian sorting in half speed does not depend on data

screw to determine where it is screwed remember example ballpoint pen

social lift social growth: sport army art science heroism

unusual sound files are conveniently converted to mp3 automatically

combinations to be afraid to be afraid and to be afraid not to be afraid and not to be afraid to be afraid

and not to be afraid not to be afraid 4 combinations

more obvious solution more accurate answer will be: it cannot be

players are looking for division of mismatches in a row what they are looking for without knowing what is achievable

forums minus for explanation rejects explanation clarification

forgetting and later remembering it is not clear whether it is remembered

distorted name of program deletion makes it difficult to uninstall accidentally

numbers with same number of digits before and after decimal point

it is possible to divide among themselves increased by equal tens of times

economy square as nested crockery filled from inside

computer does not play giveaway

cover luminous indicators with an opaque material

tape mouse wire and other wires

calling card number verbally check numbers from interlocutor

best help: when no help is needed

stronger than former weakness is ashamed

weaker than former strength is ashamed

work for a ruble per minute duration of an hour will give little although price is high

work for 1000 r per day duration of day will give little although price is high

cargo cult

monospaced fonts of same letter width it is convenient to form text tables

soccer match theory tfm

know what form of contracts is true

sites video animation repetitive loading 1 time and showing without Internet

best of all everyone knows himself and writes about himself especially giving out negative

wheel of ancient peoples was in toys

a suitcase on wheels was invented recently

inventions could have been made in childhood and were recalled by author in adulthood

directory view table shows file attributes read-only etc.

photo shows photographer in mirrors

forums chatter themselves what was said valuable at wrong time

taking off headdress indoors head is even warmer

e-money is always real

social networks if link did not appear or youtube did not turn on TV

post edit and links will appear

many foreign songs have been translated into Russian

minerals beneficiation integration and differentiation

distinguish between more and less and no less and no more given equality

manipulators spend more resources than beating manipulations

donation is an integral choice to donate or not to donate

admitting correctness of manipulator of mistaken possibly a 2nd victory

to open door by pushing not by handle

Word identifies letters Russian and English

difference is downloading a picture from a computer or someone else's link

and video from your channel or from someone else's counters in whose favor

pdf view in white on black background really set up for vector pdf

most alien: foreign-speaking foreigners

unattainable reliability can be higher and lower therefore apply

theoretical value is normal

dream of people who are not indifferent to

there are symbolic computing sites and there are programs that recognize a task from paper

it is convenient to draw archicad using a 3D autocad wireframe including a dozen layers

know origin of words especially with foreign parts and check in dictionaries

always indicate percentages with a percent sign

weakness in present causes shame for a strong past

drawing clearing screen close to drawing and calculations when drawn

circulations more often rates less kyfa possibly higher

his majesty case

assistance to leaders distributing further and assistance to slave hoarding

lighter piezo put on a plastic cap against moisture

manual 3d shadows are usually wrong

small archive size is more important than archiving speed

specific speed and km per hour and rubles per week

mirror on street: car windows and bus windows and shop windows

buttons pressed in and out

player mouse to scroll rewinds video and audio roller otherwise volume

excezel variable name to left of formula line

commonplace: explanation of simple is incapable of explaining themselves

combining your follower and someone else's leader

mathematically end of ticket is savings

printout of important pages is hidden between unimportant pages

state support who can get it and who got it

instead of yes or no a detailed answer is better against manipulation

copyright owner has no example:

author who created suitcase has no right to things in suitcase

suitcases on wheels were invented in 20th century

freelancer beats by throwing weekend work

client beats perplexing freelancer for weekend

autocad hatch stretches with bounding area

it is important to know spelling of countries in English

fictitious inertial forces understand

insert flash drive correctly first look

glass inside dish

blockchain goes bankrupt

know materials heavier than water and materials lighter than water

links to pages where there are also links to fav

check antivirus by 1 directory

site title of articles at beginning of prefix including numbers a1 a2

etiquette first apply and pour guest and do not push food with your hands

open file with and task manager show program location

windows saver inactivity less time

mask first on himself and then on rescued

do not put off until tomorrow what can be done day after tomorrow

calculations with distortions: it is possible to add a calculation with a known result

and getting conversion factor to correct distorted results

negative: sheets are last but positive: sheets are at end

manipulations can attract envious people into discussion and discussion

becomes toxic giving out manipulators of weak toxic

although in any situation it is realistic to radiate a positive especially at point of normality

other people's authorities devalue their works

positive overcomes resistance

social media pros: read receipt

numbers complex numbers imaginary root minus one

e in power of pi is greater than pi in power of e

most discoveries are not named after discoverers

but copyright is inalienable for free in encyclopedia

repetition of letters is inconvenient it is better to replace synonyms

prepositions to delete by rearranging phrases and cases

their technologies protect country for example they will ban laces or zippers

it means it is important to know your technologies; it is impossible to prohibit from outside

movie lengthy episode divides fragments of different plans and episode is shorter

shove a bill: 4 ways

export of not surplus even time is more important for work and rest is of little importance

diagonal wider than sides use in everyday life

plus 1 and minus 1 difference of 2 parts

credit card is acceptable without a surety

political shows thank participants for hiding most important

money end-to-end without savings creates negativity and toxicity

computer arrange windows to look in one window changing another window

is it produced in one country and not produced in another

decides whether comparison is made in another country

autocad: real life-size solar system

forums raised topic a lot read will draw attention of previous readers

factorial: number of permutations is cyclopean

integral: ruble saves a penny

Say no 100 times and say yes for 101st time

bad: by mistake and positive: by accident

autocad copy with base point 0 0

measurements in bits are 8 times more

who will do if not us

everyone can do better done by professionals

photo is blurry in places distracting and toxic

package in package with different sides opening inward

independence: fear of addiction

forums: search indexes fast responses after start of a topic

better indexed words in their case and in cases as plural

there is no planet on other side of sun elliptical movement of planets

weak manipulation betrays begging

strong manipulation collects information even negatively

even if useful is 1% of 1% and it is possible to devalue

positive jokes about heroes are acceptable

store placing goods cheaper on lower shelf deceives buyer

buyer choosing a product cheaper from bottom shelf deceives store

read checking myself noting whether they knew or did not know

thanks and in spite of disassemble

cut and undo restores erased and leaves text in memory

working with water it is important to be smarter than water

working with metal it is important to be smarter than metal

I don't know instead: unknown

avoid words distinguished by stress: major and major

digits: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

save as already downloaded

expression is not very clear read poorly

an extra dot in address makes link inaccessible

seeing an incomprehensible word on Internet:

highlight with mouse - menu - search on Internet

forums randomly 2 comments change 1st and main 2nd

mowed with oblique oblique

yes no probably

getting rich it is possible to try to compensate for former expenses

saving on food and clothing and transport

reading textbooks for future is good

integral of knowledge

go towards money

movie chases are absurd and must be ahead of

keywords product service can still look like

computer: memorizing keyboard shortcuts is inconvenient

and on a salary employee rests at expense of customer

salary requires management of employee otherwise work does not pay off

where downloaded browser or program will show if file was opened

hammer and sickle are directed positively: sickle is on rise

do not close tab browser in vain

kingchess: chess royal initially board empty

author of hypothesis is not obliged to prove and late proofs

will include author of hypothesis even after many years

charisma and pokerface

zebra black with white stripes

virtual keyboard presses roller keys and small button

when transferring flash drives / disks with video it is important to make a copy in simplest format

opened in a computer of beginning of century by checking compatibility through an emulator

pdf can include both rast and vector and text and tables etc.

youtube theatrical performances of 20th century

works of literature did not protect world from wars

works of literature did not prevent war

speaking to audience it is possible to parody performances of celebrities

youtube link disappears and it is important to rewrite yourself milli youtube

alphabet ternary dot and dash and pause

random multiplying biases parity but length of even ones does not change

occasional retrospective and probability prospective

retrospective statistics and prospective probability

intentions about half measures

statements like hammering nails

statements are short as sms

discounts point of normality including travel clothing

domestic consumption is possible without interchange between regions

more consumers outside and even more work

and more information exchange

toxicity as donation and self-sacrifice

toxicity can be with solutions and technologies

a lot of mail means on forums multiple registration

sort in half and distribute in half

water at bottom gives stability

texts can be placed in file names

heat pump at a glance

successfully embedded audio for 5 minutes


impromptu is best: prepared in advance

autocad polyline continuous replaces a block without a name

autocad solar system natures value

autocad sheets to print out of order and then arrange

forums of real psycho sick do not call psycho sick

forums write: no one knows and after answer they write again: we will never know

forums: friendlier attitude towards interlocutors more aggressively they will spoil

hexadecimal% 20 is a space% 3a is a colon% 2f is a slash

slave does not have a viewer received from leader

opportunity for a follower to become a leader by installing a program ahead of competitors

forums: to question they say he understood what he said answer: I always understand what I write

archivist storing data even deleted files can be kept secret

file is entered into catalog with mouse it is possible to get into archive and archive will be updated

with a new date and it is possible to erase and file needs to be checked

learn yang first words then letters

logarithm: multiplication table

complex logarithmic formulas can be replaced with simple formulas

forums admins follow noticeably

users who do not fix bugs themselves show bugs to developers

forums anticipating insults abusive devalues

democracy and there are other races

heat rises from bottom to top and cold sinks from top to bottom

shell is easier to clean by cooling it after boiling

do not pour hot and cold water into ceramic sanitary ware

forums newbies supposedly only have to ask

forums manipulators beg for a decision positively or negatively

discounts offend those who did not receive discounts who bought more expensive day before

forums replies add to other topics on other forums

electronics above water do not even carry handheld and cheap

freelancer sleeps until 11 everyone knows

freelancer send to customer and not send to subcontractors

forums before joining read quarter learning language and style of forum

having found an error check again waiting for another error

aspiration in danger is gambling addiction

matches more more expensive but lighter more cheaper

by participating in competition of day and not having won could have won another day

predict what they think and what they might think

business emails read receipts include read quotes

closing programs 2nd selection via menu and cursor and ok

forums insert contradiction self checks readers

for example to indicate that no one has right to indicate

universal indication of what to do: sleep because everyone is asleep

deceiving yourself without witnesses

noise small areas of silence and noise interruption of silence

noise absence of silence and noise division of silence

forums foreign programs whole forums russian programs stubs

any frame can be mirrored and any video episode can be mirrored

comment: understood / misunderstood / negative / positive

total 4 options:

did not understand negative 53%

those who did not understand positive 27%

who understood negative 13%

who understood positive 7%

we see layers: negative 66% and positive 34% two thirds and one third

we see layers: those who did not understand 80% and who understood 20% four-fifths and one-fifth

we see logarithmic spectra multiples of 2


forums if you avoid hints then strangers will prompt by assigning priority

tag number pi

complexity complication

endless connections: family and money

manipulations from within: I myself know country of fu or class

own currency like clothes

kingchess where is chess

copying between documents and pasting can reset

so it is better to paste copied into a new document first

and always save periodically to disk and to have autosave

tape: write and access sequential

disk: write and access parallel but think out

far-sighted integralius

donation: gifts to others that are cheap for yourself

self-sacrifice: infringement and deterioration of oneself

donation: may harm others

self-sacrifice: only hurts yourself

donation and self-sacrifice: synonyms for listening pleasure

everyone can manage deterioration of life

it is wrong to sell permanent property for sake of periodic payments

raster vector each cell type polyline

credit card as warm winter clothes

division of mismatches in a row: apple tomato kiwi lemon onion

number of combinations is obvious

scattering and collecting in same order means winning

illegal actions for states: imposed from outside

for example name of state without taking into account opinions of residents

helping colleagues their relationship is main thing that they are knowingly theirs

otherwise strengthening of others at expense of our own will turn out and it is important to know spheres of

and a reinforced colleague who quit may become a stranger

end of book created at beginning I suppose sometimes often breaks rules

monetary gifts or monthly payments that are not accelerated but

credit card debts are uncontrollable accelerating and it is important to slow down

and turn off interest by depositing maximum possible amount on credit card

computers command line is replaced by bat including parameters

youtube screen may contain a site and it is better to compile a list of links from downloaded

archivist extracts e-mail addresses and e-mails and phone numbers etc. from documents

it is important to be able to recalculate price tags in value: price per kilogram

a ban on export of goods from their region explain their own words and those of others

export in favor of a small number of strangers is harmful to a larger number of

doubting whether to send a letter: send it every other day from half a day

autocad different cads clean unused in different ways and can distort fonts

autocad middle of text is anchored to middle of landmark strictly to center of cell

autocad block create first block layer select

autocad save temporary replace their own and possibly copy

browser links in html and further it is possible to download pages and files

randomness natural natural short distances few long chains

youtube decrypt text without commas: stream of consciousness

forums: newbies supposedly have to grovel in front of old-timers

otherwise assume 2nd registration of long-standing knowledgeable forum

options 1 2 3 4 square math find analogies coin

forums against pictures and video spoilers nested

forums subscribers subscribe minus

browser saves 1 file at a time

ex moderators write their titles for a long time

forums idea to pay shows needy proposer

blocked sites can be viewed through an online translator by configuring languages

important quality of life parameter: GDP PPP

gross domestic product at purchasing power parity

often people have a rare expensive small item such as a golden spoon

seller and buyer solve integrals hourly

it is more convenient for tenants to come to house to assume that all neighbors are at home

social networks are working and personal and it is unacceptable to publish personal links on forums

forums cover different sides and categorical no inappropriate

why I have 99% reliability while others have 50% reliability

others can be read by millions and many will break rules by accusing author

therefore we lowered reliability by highlighting main 50%

I think they will read me a little and understand even less

but those who understand rules will not break immediately more reliably

add abracadabra abracadabra

forums increase view count of a topic: enter forum using link inside topic

continue to watch other themes and updated themes

counting printed sheets a4 a3 saturated color black-and-white integral

joint work unites and joint event unites

instead of word smart word far-sighted

instead of word smarter word far-sighted

professional humor checks his own or someone else's

identity of laws of physics makes it possible to model

circuits of constructions with electrical circuits measuring through a voltmeter and other devices

experiment equal phio 1st group 20 equal phio and 2nd group 30 equal phio

but by combining groups there will be about 100 equal names

own rules: playing field of its configuration or its figures and places of figures

it is important to distinguish between unions and or either

sometimes it is not clear in photo signatures of those depicted on right and left from which side

security: fear and fear fear at state level

bigger car and bigger battery

smaller car and smaller battery

forums: currency traders whine whose goal: devaluation of Russia

with a goal: fall of one currency and rise of another currency

a time machine moving in time finds itself in space

drivers solve integrals in their head every minute

pilots solve integrals in their head every second

editable fragments of audio and video intermediate better quality higher

and compress finishing option through codecs leaving a high-quality compressed archive

video filters: inversion reverse trimming splicing reflection rotation

dimensions speed codecs distortion logos adding audio

audio filters: speed cut merge merge

a well-written word looks prettier than an illiterate word

before dash intonation rises but before colon intonation decreases

drone copter drone makes more visionary

media write millions and people can be measured in days of normal nutrition

thousand inhabitants to this day

parasite expression: that is

text design indices superscripts and subscripts are inconvenient

for placing text in 1 line

forums unpatriotic are conquered through a proposal

to express unpatriotic ideas at holiday itself

walking discovering beginning of a quagmire optimally go back

identically exit is in same place as entrance

depreciation of what is written

nonsense hidden unemployment

there are no birds in ocean: nowhere to sit

more complete person more insults he will endure

winning a competition is

export oriented import substitution

apologize strong move and strong move do not apologize

cinema phones without music against use of copyright

cinema where original imported soundtrack is better than sound of translations

applaud TV and computer after seeing work you like

better understand elastic and plastic deformations

it is important to study to save time

movies american often character president or king

problems are solved in opposite ways for example: do not give money

or vice versa manage by giving money

computer to speed up computer you need to pay by optimizing technology

previously not produced and could not buy

now without producing it is possible to buy

those who understand do not understand how it is possible not to understand

goods need material to produce but material is not needed for programming

increasing speed mathematically explain to others they say psychology

management of random options: just random without intervention

human where small solid areas or fake normal distribution

exploiting human randomness and recognizing distortion of random

pedestrian roads to remove stones and branches and waste

climbing stairs is easier by taking a step up with one foot

put other leg on same step and change legs

flickering must be word

patenting of algorithms and programs is implemented as state registration of computer programs

for purpose of further application in invention where registered program is used

scammers by reporting fictitious data can get real data from victim

scammers themselves understand without trial: they commit fraud

blocked on forums can comment on some sections if they find

researchers themselves increase their intelligence but those who use ready-made intelligence lower

if an error is found by accident then there is at least one more error

freelance knowing card number can pay for priority of this work

and it is better to report card number close to delivery of part of work and close to payments

Internet part of address without file name copy

it is important to ensure that text is copied and that hyperlink is not copied

otherwise by copying unnecessary and pasting address manually ending of address is erased

download manager re-copied address does not respond and existing address does not add

browser erasing page name shows disk directory as an explorer

alien handwriting copied symbols

rails dividing mismatches in a row

boomerang spins faster in place

those who sacrificed something for sake of goal are among those who achieved goal who did not

investments compare agricultural and primitivist economists are right:

agriculture creates a new product but other sectors provide services

browser searches by bookmarks among names and addresses and entering combinations of characters

a list of names and addresses of links containing characters is displayed

Finding files on Internet first download yourself or copy them through a file hosting service

or send by mail at no cost megabytes and then share links to others

e-mail check if letter gets into spam: a blind copy of letter is sent to itself

to another e-mail box and receipt of normal or spam is controlled

programs ribbon and buttons collapse to enlarge screen

nested directories are awkward and better directory names include a common name

negative logic: flash drive is not given means flash drive is different

and a similar choice for different occasions

it is better to ride subway in odd carriages at end of train

project requires approval integral multilateral review

bookmark browser can be removed separately to change window width

anti-crisis measures first eliminate deficit by issuing loans

further working for export independently or in favor of issuer

some programs may be in memory in 1 copy

is English indexed and perhaps a dozen-part diary

selling programs selling services but program itself is free

sale of services: time is sold and service can be rendered several times

and cost is different

freelance without advance payment considering several customers especially paying recently

writing they say they study at school do not indicate: study in which class

recognized text correct hyphenation in Word by copying hyphenation

and insert into replacement window nothing will be inserted but buttons will be highlighted

replacements means it works and add enter code and replace it with emptiness

and result: hyphenation disappeared and lines became solid

loan total interest means integral interest

sports betting exchange translation is incorrect and there is no game between players

difference: your win and waiting for equation or canceling your bet

for example they score a ball but corners do not hit then we cancel

who has thrown out from forum will soon leave forum himself

abroad use payment and settlement of money per hour

understanding integrity in early years

pdf properties include pdf printer name

files are sometimes available to registered and logged in

Shift selection of items by consecutive icons or tabs

control selection of elements inconsistent by 1 element

cheaters selling false match-fixing or pseudo predictions

also hope to divide mismatches in a row

so that after a loss buyer would recoup

works of literature do well with multiple ideas

thoughts are smart expressed by characters negative remain smart

21st century engineering practically consulting finding solutions from elements

located simultaneously with customer and engineer and whose technology is more important

forums are usually commented during working hours at expense of employer

a case for an hour turns into a case for a day for a week for a month for a quarter

wealthy argue positively

5-digit number 1% of 7-digit number

information weapon as a tank: a serious weapon is not a toy

mini donation: oversleeping or being late or not in a hurry main thing is cheaper

integral is best explained: speed and time and path

division is uneven: there were 3 parts now there are 5 parts and are combined in 2 parts

extensively intensively

neural network deduction

predicting erroneous behavior is excluded future

manipulation details wikipedia

manipulation of devaluation supposedly problem under discussion is negligible

manipulation is recognized by understanding: supposedly a simple manipulator itself did not

accumulation of special money is associated with preservation of money of others and any

zigzag positive: straight and down and a lot up and down and straight

manipulation: export

entering foreign territory: export

brackets in any number in text look very bad

and show author confused in his phrases

although it's better to just remove parentheses

feel sorry for our own and others in different ways

integral logarithmicity

logarithmic integrality

Does promised win at 25 thousandth move cure gambling addiction?

example mania and boiled water

autocad merging drawings in scales many times larger: insert block and scale

autocad selection of objects is universal: color is not equal to yellow includes other signs

provocation when 1 participant is ready to act and other participant is not ready

manipulation and begging: they write allegedly nonsense without specifying what alleged nonsense is

Internet security and severity of danger

as a tank weapon and not just something on tracks

and internet is also same weapon and propaganda weapon

manipulation who speaks instead of what says

by type said not a foreigner means supposedly no problem

autocad half of segment moving end to middle

and direction of vector is preserved

autocad coordinate opposite to landmark: minus value

transition from workers to master means transition from followers to leaders

means a transition from friends to others

asymmetry: downloads are faster than downloads

income growth above inflation means prices are lower

simultaneous download is slower and it is possible to stop downloading unnecessary

YouTube without ads: scroll video to end and press repeat

forums do not follow links and follower readers will not add to topic what is under link

expecting author of topic to add topic himself

copying computer to memory several times in a row

newest copied remains in memory

beautiful physical and mathematical and technical formulas

everyone can withdraw by himself

passing exam it is possible to teach others and there is continuity

comparisons are addressed to readers in language of readers

and comparisons may not represent language of comparing

communicating in his own language hopes to be translated by presenters

impostor syndrome

safety integral and hazard integral

animate are called: who

and it is unacceptable to confuse animate: who and inanimate: what

instead of word do immediately indicate: calculate for example or read

instead of word highlight is better: highlight

autocad lengthening and trimming uncontrollable slowly and freezes

and it is better to indicate limits

politics: economics of rich

politics: forward-thinking economics

language depends on consumer of information

for example it is different for different foreigners: five five funf etc.

texts then rewrite conventional signs first

expression which word is main thing: what did I do

what is main thing or did main thing or I say main thing

setting language in program gets confused when switching between programs

computer navigates file path by clicking directories in address bar

and transition to higher level highlights previous directory

movies new screen like 16 and 9

glacier contains diseases old and new

presenter corrects wrong name

something illegal presupposes a previous state that is more legal

and it is possible to recognize illegal previous conditions

e-mail a hung letter is stored in drafts especially if files are attached

leader at moment relative to follower at moment

and relative to victim at a given moment and everything relative to each other

computer is better to click in icon because click in letters of name of icon

computer can figure out how to rename and time is wasted

table view includes free space to left of icons

convenient for selecting files with a mouse

document flow automation simple file naming

including combinations of characters search and sorting is accelerated

e-mail filter of letters by mail directories really apply

once a month and put your submissions in customized directories

waves waves string magnitude of waves of waves of waves

string vibrates in several planes

interesting movies and games were created in last century as a

transliteration signs replacing Russian letters with similar imported letters

control of write failures copy newest to disk and write

it's better to be grandson of a billionaire or grandfather of a billionaire

loser chess player played correctly

authorship of formula reduces length of formulations

there is no need to beat against wall because it is more effective to beat corner

program if formula is 2 times better than variable for example

string and string length are used in their parts of program

notepad cut and paste and undo cut text in memory

loans for 0% no one is afraid

graph a fork in fall and rise instead of a fall and it would be worse to understand

safety integral is more important to move away from edge increasing reliability

youtube comments in hidden youtube are marked and it is better to erase yourself

shuffling keeps credibility and reliability

negative logic option 5th and not 5th

re-expression in your own words new wording

those working in 2 jobs have no time to spend earned

graphical representation of savings and achievements growth and possible fall

with which a lot is compared at once and does not grow or is not long

even if end value is same

ready information saves time to billions

word sign positive contains word prize

keygen is dangerous but ready-made keygen passwords do not require

beating a site is better than beating people

decimal logarithm is more convenient than natural logarithm

more letters less matches random with other words better search

playing against computer machine cannot refuse but

person has advantage of giving up game and giving up losses

having agreed in advance about keywords in case of danger

handwriting and programming language

repetition is mother of learning

a week of life is a gigantic term

coordination integral control 2-sided minimum

finding a local maximum

export neighboring regions

index purely my books giving books

perestroika: change of order in name

priorities: pay or experience integrally

anticipation of deceiving seller by deceiving buyer himself

answer question and answer questioner different events

daily cheating of others clothes

which logarithm is considered more convenient in languages

logarithm natural or decimal

autocad sheet numbers tab name is more convenient

USA elite but Russia: anti-elite elite

deposit when you have money.

but you live as if you have no money.

credit when you have no money.

but you live as if you have money.

image quality can always be degraded

and quality of sound and video can always be deteriorated

those who managed to arrive at construction site win it means they were free

handing over proposals to those in power responsibility is shifted

there are about 200 currencies in world but there are 10 times more cryptocurrencies

world financial crisis and overcoming interest

otherwise currencies will burst ending with most expected

it is more correct to distinguish between investments

and robbing all of Russia

and see export of arrived "west" and "east"

negative: do not dine with strangers

positive: I dine only with my

Word leaves small files littering directories and falling into archives

and headlights can find dock and dock and panel will isolate unnecessary

unnecessary only name of computer that edited

Strazhbuzhrsky court

pressed button - sweating

replacing spaces with spaces: non-breaking spaces disappear

especially in simple text for dubbing

good computer games seem to be specially created in last century

archiving before data transfer and unarchiving after receiving data

even when transferring via flash or disk

png lossless compression and jpg lossy compression

png repaints without chipping jpg chipping and easier to redraw

it is unacceptable to open 1 file in 2 notebooks and control is lost which is newer

what is default archiver: opens task manager

and archiving starts and on vinrar: menu open storage location

will show path of program and same for many programs

and it is also determined which program is downloading update

and if update is not required program loses exe and calculator is installed

programs writing to disk could write to memory without clogging up disk

without reference to mechanical media

archiving an old version file can save space but file itself is many times larger

clogs up space and keep files for work but not for archiving

who do not owe anything to anyone they owe themselves and their relatives

integral plus constant tse and writing to yourself plus constant to relatives

files are same copying or replacement looking newer is more important

but if 2 copies are important then choose without automating all replacements

end files may be erased

phrases of many meanings are unknown and it is better to be interested in Internet

reader programming language

interesting films contain large fragments shot continuously

manual programming of buttons and shapes in past

and then a period of programming environments and re-typing manually

shuffling keeps credibility and reliability

and if there is an advantage of choice everything will keep shuffle

wave waves waves like a string

hitting a wall is ineffective and more effective hitting a corner

word sign positive contains word prize

usual arrangement of switches and switches is safer

and opening doors and taps

contests and points reserve allows you to take risks

playing against computer machine cannot refuse

but a person has advantage of giving up game

loans for 0% no one is afraid

different browsers may include different mails of same mail site and social networks too

dialogue: when 1 speaks others listen silently

government reforms of same or new assigns priority

they say past authorities would never have done

ratio of superiors to subordinates is large or small good or bad

if subordinates are few it means they cannot control

if there are a lot of subordinates it means that technology cannot replace

who invented everyday things did not become billionaires

more important is probability and reliability or statistics

probability and reliability and statistics: deduction or induction

when probability and reliability turn into statistics

when statistics turn into probability and reliability

mint and rare banknotes and coins

earth water at 2 points diametrically opposite

does not depend on statistics and probability of water is more important than land

forums to answer low-power those who know answer will react powerful

so that inhabitants of country can steal from each other from their

there should be thieves from strangers for good of their whole country

so that inhabitants of country can deceive each other and their

should be deceiving strangers for good of their whole country

task to sell a pen how to satisfy a need

and it's hard to sell 2nd pen

look 3-sided turns into 2-sided discarding little important

a word like 5-sided is better than 5-sided or 5-sided

a planet a light year away means we see what happened a year ago

bring phone to your head when answer is visible when waves are weaker

see danger in street like a weapon turn right side

and cover your head with your hand allegedly speaking on phone and step aside

by calling law enforcement agencies if necessary

freelancer sleeps when colleagues and customers are on transport

square with sides 3 by 5: a volumetric square lies on its side and 1 side is visible

reverse engineering does not violate copyright

verse translated into programming language still belongs to author of verse

expression i expected worse and better i expected

freelance weekend throwing trap mutual

Word formulas table without cell borders

new 10th anniversary comes daily

but theoretically a calendar year ending in 1: 2001

1st year of new 10th anniversary

excezel isolation: if subjects are equal then we write one thing otherwise a space

and it is possible to sort any columns and normally new columns

browser and spell checker: save a page containing

window for entering information for example from an unimportant forum and further without Internet

by inserting fragment as simple text browser will highlight errors and typos

complaining from bottom up which means complaining follower is complaining to leader

all good or all evil decisions: good can become evil

arithmetic increment less and geometric increment more

against persecution of those walking too close: stop supposedly to make a phone call

rating leaders are slightly better than leader 1

translator is better from source language or vice versa

sisharp programming languages??compatible: curly brace at beginning of line is better

enter computer on right near mouse is convenient to press with your thumb

file sharing waiting time is bypassed by replacing modem

either source of internet or by removing link from browser history

expression to forget about this site is worse and better to forget about this site

know mathematical tricky examples: 25 times 40 or 20 x 50

a large program solves small problems and vice versa

small patch program fixes big problems

boots for street are an asset otherwise you can't go outside and it's ok if you don't need to

if you stand better sit down or if you sit down better lie down

pension reform: money of pensioners of men is transferred to women pensioners

even odd: sum of product of power

h + h = h h + n = n n + n = h h * h = h h * n = h n * n = n h ^ h = h h ^ n = h n ^ n = n

club entrance by invitation

incomprehensible in Excel is better than incomprehensible in programming languages

incomprehensible in Excel is better than understandable in programming languages

incomprehensible in excel is better than understandable in programming languages

software palette: offset color creates options depending on parameter

point of normality: before a crisis or after a crisis or during a crisis

chess problem and 8 queens not beating each other

2-pseudo randomness turns into normal randomness

archive: create or update

neural network deduction result from set male logic

neural network male logic deduction result from set

integral weights

multi-variant parameters specific integral

forums write philosophy and psychology means they don't know formulas

and are unable to calculate and optimize without formulas

site forums spoilers useful

autocad repeat commands in address bar

vector point plane

Word line feed to column: replace character with character and enter ^ # with ^ & ^ p

study pi for parity and less more and publ and county finish 2019

quick recording: screenshot

words positive coming newest etc.

report: we about people of past who have right

manual labor think deeper

youtube or text is easy to place but more importantly

combinatorial options create dozens of options

high-circulation ticket or many non-circulation tickets: higher probability

pay instead of someone in someone else's favor

sorting by date and by rating gives different results

forums blacklist too favorites

site is open and in a new tab is included in link

after thousands of years in competition of weapons: stick and stick with a nail victory is obvious

autocad files of large size to be copied and a copy is formed at tempo

smaller and can be used immediately by renaming

or insert into a new drawing and save with a new name

autocad dynamo system blocks make sense

otherwise discarding blocks in wrong layers on wrong scale

dress: someone and put on: any clothing

YouTube access by link hides in list until opened and is visible on pages

and posting date is saved otherwise hidden YouTube changes opening date inconvenient

school is it possible to make everyone successful and successful

because everyone understands multiplication table and formula of water and shape of earth

ahead of ideas in other books of ancient and modern even insignificant:

Do modern scientists lose interest in authorship not receiving

it is possible to transfer sets of link addresses between browsers

inflow at windows otherwise exhaust at windows will draw out heat from appliances

pronouns convey ignorance of names and correct definitions

but answer is opposite they say I trust to express myself in my own words

program and key: multilateral integrated approach

electronic program is copied and natural key is not copied

leader does give out to everyone but follower who became leader temporarily

hides what was done for profit

contract of a person of a natural and legal person is always fictitious

and key word time: to conclude a contract after completing work by 80%

what does offer represent

film actors younger than viewers over time

head is to blame for freezing of feet

vk what application looks like friends and refusal immediately and then

for submitter: no way

VK message by erasing outgoing message will still reach or erase from both

not large bills not new not by numbers

proving anything present yourself in court as a proving judge to an independent

answer to proponents: I have everything differently; for another answer they will offer an option

lack of fear of words half solution

Internet communication long-term: family and money

forget about site normal for sites without registration

or with entrance through social networks

Internet addresses of complex sites of simple scare away

credible randomness: shuffled

I mean 2-sided I mean integral probability

measure leader's work in days

measure your work in hours

measure slave work in minutes

Olympians without a flag are like guerrillas without a uniform

predictable who has something to lose

photo painting and painting photo is same or not

politics: collusion of leaders with opposing sides

books and culture of zombies and other characters

first ability to copy then erase former copy and create a new copy

autocad first team and then serve better

since properties of objects are not important but selecting objects

properties are sought: layers thickness etc.

computer know where temporary files are stored

because Internet leaves logs megabytes per day

there are programs that determine largest catalogs

visually or reporting a list or showing size of directories

computer literacy requires typing skills

and for training it is possible to print keyboard on paper

and virtually type poetry and text in different languages

there are several better prizes in contests

youtube time is included in address in seconds

series by downloading or watching online in each series an interesting ending

call their

wish of health at holiday: everyone on sunken ships was healthy

and more far-sighted to wish for longevity

messages here and there show whether reporting

zhy shy and zhi shi

send in SMS without guarantee of receiving name of addressee as 1st letter

talking on phone without wanting to say they say on road and conversation loses its meaning

money and children: children who earned 1 money from outside family

trying to bribe relatives

integral of work and time: if work requires a known number of hours

transferring work to other days postpones result amount of work without reducing

mail can fall into recipient's directory not highlighted or ignored

and solution: send from another mail or via social network

photographing yourself: proof of existence

symmetrical letters a dj mnoptfxw11 letters

store taking what to carry by hand putting armpit

walking constant fall and support

paging and recording video for recognition or animation

better 2 frames of 1st page than a page without a frame

optimal variant as a derivative of integrals is equal to zero

for transport problem and 2nd derived inflection point

approach is infinite and distance is infinite is more real

integrally: briefly and further full paragraph and further full text

renamed youtube goes to search immediately with new name

elections if 2nd round is more profitable for 3rd place winner to support leader

otherwise it risks losing 2 times

forum is typical: no one knows and will never know

and rejection of any explanations

or vice versa: nobody knows but we know secret secret

if program has just been closed

it means that in next hour program will be required again

autocad hidden features reference lines

scaling with anchor assigns length

turning with reference leads to zero turning angle

integral of 1st quantity is simultaneously derivative of another quantity

derivative of 1st quantity is simultaneously integral of another quantity

example speed of quantities per hour relative to acceleration

There are many programs in memory it would be good to check memory for viruses

turn off computer by turning off Internet first

so that spyware doesn't get data

each ruler creates his own trap for society

employees are young shareholders without being little interested in development of company

and turnover of young is higher than movement of elderly

non-obvious solutions: suitcases on wheels were invented in 20th century


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