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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 19 » Integral of Life 16
Integral of Life 16


fastening securely through 2 points and 3 points plane

complex graph system of equations range

drawing coin and 6 var coin or switch day night absence

pdf remove pictures save pages as pictures normal quality

and paint to shift to a corner and limit opposite corner

and reformat degrading quality for sake of file size

text is original but there are many translations

rider dependence on host could buy themselves

sound through phone is always noticeable

stereo sound in cinema

elite direct control anti-elite indirect control

US presidents 2nd term freer

radio station name is transmitted to receiver

SMS to short number question in response SMS cost

pdf editor to remove covers and individual pages and save

and open in editor and export all pages

small print is unacceptable in contracts and agreements and receipts

be able to translate into kilograms and money mass of 400 grams or 800 grams

be able to multiply by 2.5 how to multiply by 2 and a half and one and a half

select everything is selected inside window

group programs in list of open programs and panel slides out

in 2 rows and panel can be on either side of screen

Savings wave 1: transport and further savings in plus

instead of: it was and it became better: before and after

derivative as bottle slope and limits

transmission is not secure therefore even

program names are not individually transmitted

because vulnerable versions can download

a modern office I suppose both edits and recognizes

and it is also possible to export pictures from pdf

because images are recognized

typos achypyadki ashyps can make words obscene

when entering a password it happens that button shows password and not asterisks or dots

forecaster dividing profiles guess in one of profiles and report

rest of profiles say owner is single without showing or informing

layers of science cinema plot: curiously guessing without knowledge

thumbnail icons depend on installed programs

exam tickets

inside a long word large capital letters delineate words

questions unanswered start answering themselves grabbing priority

address reporting to distort street name closer or further away

route reporting to distort vehicle numbers against surveillance

metal pipes touch back against electricity and compression

do not watch negative videos and do not read negative texts

browser is a separate window: tab 1 is pulled out and new tabs open side by side

Programming School Problems: Quadratic Equation Sequence

loop array conditions files sorting combinations chart

know alternative less profitable in your favor

programs handle size shows: handle smaller means window is filled more

table is decorated with rectangle outside and shuttle rectangles inside

internet names are bad 0 and other symbols are homonyms

and forge addresses by changing o to 0 etc.

monetary incentive is strongest: where commission is over 500

there will be up to 499

a question without proof of knowledge I will answer and sell my answer for a billion

serials should be interested in very 1st episode 1st season watch

name not to persuade

2 separate phones are better than 2 SIM in phone alone

explorer office browser pdf different actions on mouse click on scrollbars

professional: trained with educational credentials

master: understands mistakes of others

maestro: teaches others

ideas and algorithms go into entertainment and defense

indignant in something right

png does not deteriorate when overwritten but jpg deteriorates more

noticeable at borders of different colors

any numbers from 0 to 1 are same for a person

remove pictures from pdf: recognize and in Word

and save html and watch catalog

site your filenames can include same characters

indicating name or nickname or site

recalculation trap when result is known

files rename against reading accidentally txt in tx etc.

lead dependent on follower is like asking goalkeeper to score

explorer search results undo left arrow means back and

it is possible to copy or move and repeat search right arrow forward

it is ok to be cheated if others do not know for example buying is not optimal

if advised to tie shoelaces it is better to tie shoelaces

download manager renaming during download

download manager another name

words order: most important word is final

sell an unnecessary thing: ask how much you would buy

sell an unnecessary thing: insert cost into appendage

acad knots not erase copied at a distance enter manually

forums moydodyrs are not banned are ignored and in return

moydodyrs are forced to read everyone

forgot integral choice and remember what you forgot

not writing down they say forget-me-not is forgotten in a minute

example of an integral pyramid strip

Cinema is voiced by artists of different integrally more powerful

installer exe is worse and zip is better

magnet properties

game intro outro opening is available on youtube

swearing on forum provide valuable information to those who can read

economic wars are underway cooperation continues

shortage manifests itself as a quick waste as water goes into dry soil

anti-crisis always overcomes debt deficit

pause sounding long: commas dot enterters

dubbing mp three stuck tempo vav will show where listening

call things by their proper names more often

internet communication money or family

hide emotions and deception specials scratch as psychologists write

social networks contact dialogs are added automatically

those who say this is truth are deceiving but speaking this is deceit are telling truth

verb to deceive is but to tell truth verb is not

to threaten is to warn

freelance is not afraid of dismissal

and a freelancer does not consider dismissal a punishment

advertising overcomes line from strangers to its own

best and worst scores are discarded and average is considered

complaints about strangers and friends don't complain

letter ku of name means fast

photo violations can be left off-screen

selling untreated cheaper and undercooked underpowered

wrong premise means wrong implication

listening to another stream of consciousness of others to myself did not include anything new

phone sound is turned off call and vibro in cinema and phantom vibro are not accepted

freelance irresponsible free

control open files texts

Excel Stir Rus Eng

looking at other people's YouTube counters there is no need to follow even those posted in their messages

mp3 combined to accelerate and embed video in hours

mittens integral

tsya and tsya explained to find

Word replacement includes any character it is possible to erase words of required number of letters

Word replacement not for not and non-breaking space

video files names mark sound with or without sound

browser shortcut start desired tab

songs bad original words spoil music songs forever

archive time is unimportant and time inside is more important

score 1 2 3 four five

video editor audio is customizable too

undo changes may disappear file therefore make copies

during operation drag with mouse and copy is near

text notepad transfers inside

answer: my answer is unnecessary

rename pictures when viewing property menu

Word case letters shift f three e

education and enlightenment save time

video 3zhp small and does not depend on size of original

time forward and backward

time saving percentage and hours minutes

elapsed time to rate back

selling from hands further unresponsive not reminding because they can devalue purchase

sound acceleration worse squeak and tempo better without timbre distortion

so speed up video and sound separately

correspondence should be like for publication because colleagues read

identify principles such as nominative and word order

unusual personally personally not to advise so as not to lose

alphabet letter from end flipping from end in electronics

continuous list up jump to end

totals mean finish

binding to transport schedule limits

quotes from famous authors especially on Internet

any text can be collected from quotes even by a couple of words

voicing text there may be errors but translated into mp three is unmistakable

total texts at end of lines and at end of a paragraph

instead in my opinion it is better: I think

guess honestly when guessing answer doesn't know or when answer chain was created

youtube hovering name channel name and link jump

text selection with mouse stretches higher or lower faster

mass meetings can be interrupted by phone calls and vibrations

banks generate debt

difference between investor and speculator is time from buying to selling

by uploading rename in time so that file names do not match

screensaver switching baht and what else

crawling your site is controlled

pace is accelerating balabolka reboot

accidentally creating a copy changes various possible

copy through memory and get a single exact copy

audible visual alerts

do not report freelancing on use of these developments in other works

freelance to distinguish between one's own and someone else's technology for a given customer

acad previous commands out of order

often 111 is more convenient than 100

scale conveniently 125 back 80%

species moves in parts

view parts third and vertical and horizon

enrichment of breed integral and puff sweets

chewing gum means smoking

contrasting colors bw and diametrical spectra

having told joy effect is lost and it is better to distribute story by day

Rename viewed files by adding equals to beginning of name

tests different sites different question numbers

universal question: what time

start shopping with word please

pronouns to use same phrases about other words

songs indicate year of composition and year of performance

browser tabs active and inactive differ differ

money for groceries are not shy to eat common groceries

money is first to bribe elders

budget customers how they learned not to give advances

collecting money for purchases common clubbing ads themselves can give

inoffensive curse: brake

know synonyms against devil and better without

guessing systems must not guess pros and cons at same time

article forums multivolume link to open part of article

to save as

more stupid action more 100% it will happen

those coming from nearest house probably live in that house

beautiful wrong cases are harder to correct

photo video flash drive catalog name dcim

letters: paste prepared text and copy subject line from text

files accidentally clicking cut icons are dimmed and undo: esc

know programs that access Internet on call when Internet is turned off and there are monitoring

cache saves traffic by storing pictures in special program directories know where

logging programs find new file searches after midnight

diaries do not erase confiscated it is better to create a separate diary of unimportant

browsers understand transliteration of Russian letters and imported letters

youtube channels promoted rename by their names

GIF viewing as video manageable

round number looks less

video selection of an area in frame and increase

spelling automatically if 1 typo

cookware with a closed top retains heat better

glassware dangerous for humans and nature

an ordinary person does not need investment in him from outside

those who asked who understood themselves do not explain to others

everyone wants to sell themselves for more

alphabet separates list speeds up search

browser images on pages are visible without Internet

heroism pride and heroism time saving

heroism must end at boss's table

add-on goods used to be bad now good as a gift

freelance advances from one customer are compensated

non-payment of another customer without conflict

forums have you read topic unknown but may

look at profile and see who or can put pluses

computer alt tab switches programs uncontrollably with mouse

forums profile viewed without dates but in order

instead of do: I personally do or we did

do not curse when writing

forums are haunted by cons means low level

development of forum

youtube rewind without starting like filmstrips

browser font enlarged configurable

Word formatting accidental cancel counter

Word select text with same format

laptop electricity turns off on network screen changes


a passenger riding standing can get out at any minute

discussing others behind back is indecent

Internet transfer banking surveillance is easier

cash transfer without interest

autocad of window pitchfork shifted from 1st window isolates


paid work makes sense

shock letter? always 1 time in a word

rate of water heating does not affect properties of water

and there is water overheated over 100 degrees

wheel near axle and ring search mat identity

participation in an event teaches you how to organize events

coolers to collect bottles of water home is profitable

time zones date on planet is different

story about whom 1st person does not switch

understand category of workers and workers

large texts to sound parts and stitch them in right order

including in milli video clock to rewind in phone

scoring properties customize name and site and genre

travel to include in price of purchases

verbs match 1 and 2 person I and you are uncomfortable without


word or can replace letter y

half gloves are beneficial on time

gain integral and loss minus integral

abbreviation letter i replaces internet internet

be able to reverse words and shorten quickly

abbreviations and other letter puzzles

and see words from letters at beginning of lines

chemical composition will show glowing

Congratulations forums hope to get pluses

movies space sounds interference communication

cellular communication promised payment know

flash drive write protection yes

small repairs increase value of item being sold

phone named in numbers gets into database

forums phone write in letters partially

SMS 2nd cost is 2 times more

smart pretends to be stupid or vice versa integral

go around corners from afar others around corner do not collide

phone proof of a ready answer: quick answer

understand importance of water for plants and animals and people

rich images without white space

freelancing from a clearly unacceptable job not to refuse

first getting examples of work of other colleagues

buying from hands buyer goes to seller

turning off pictures advertising is small megabytes

speed knot miles per hour

money paper waste

water is incompressible

planks instead of medals and orders integral

payoff telling understating especially

to communicate different data to relatives and strangers

do not pronounce words of your mania and others

a hyphen divides a word conveniently even when a hyphen is unnecessary

mail replying to quote several previous letters

political state aggression for domestic consumption

browser saving only html or only text name does not matter

authors to prove inept framed followers

instead of word stupid are better led

freelance if customer is petty tyrant others refuse

water mass can leak through a hole as wide as a needle

action programs undo and redo write explanations

and is canceled and redone in order

autocad viewports check for blocking against distortion

enemy of brain: hammered memory

write on Internet on forums and write books

main thing is freeing brain

gadget screen brightness control

charging is turned off internet integrally

mirrors side view rear 2 mirrors

quick launch bar start in place of icons

and if menu starts copying program

crisis and state floods liquidity with money

erase rewriting by copying and processing and duplicating

two two four: true true

do not brush off table

do not push plate by hand using appliances and products

add food and drinks first to guests and then to yourself

integral many people get little and vice versa

few people get a lot of pyramid

experience unknowing help project check colleagues knowing hiding knowledge without exchange

shortcuts are always handy

it is not fact that matters but possibility of action

start to shift and extra paragraphs

bank card internet bank settings

payments experience beat card profile on internet sms control

windows can have a minimum incompressible size

newspaper browser normally flips by reacting to individual words

forums are joking

case 2 dry water swelling cheap imports expensive

programming language: ready-made solutions

piezo lighter blow and click

have programs alternative 2 versions of graphics texts

recognition viewing editing internet

example of driving and transporting things as a leader and a follower depreciation

credit card transportation of furniture and refrigerator

draft creates 95% and saves time

collection of almanac extract of articles integral

advancing shield or sword

text copy deleted in memory remains

keep diaries like a book for publication

walls: through or through more precisely

shops if sellers are following it means buyer looks bad

discount is given by owner of product or service

acad block arbitrary name can be changed via editor

without renaming

Word Recognized text signs spaces double squiggles

payment card informs city and place of payment

good and bad quality screen video

programs used weekly to know where to write

study information literacy

index indexes as book pages

Acad recovery know

phone time auto-update convenient

keygen all rename eee firms

website region including region code

searches order of replacing characters in asterisks and best notepad

archiver other formats unpacks impossible archiving

websites of companies must indicate advertisement of website that created website

price more and more services

second hand used disc selling possible fill movies music serials books

ban leads to silence about what has been done

photo format view incompatible print screen audio rewrite or online envelope

question you are afraid gives out who knows what to fear

forums register profiles stock on political topics future

and dispersed for padding where it is important

browser add favorites without internet

enemy of brain hammered memory

paint bay area save png then zhpg

paint background color immediately paints erased

old paint does not reduce but new paint reduces

browser frame code frame will show youtube address

photo to copy through cameras between cards or through a cord

renewable and non-renewable resources

movie screen print screen save and then search by image

will find same movie on Internet

words: investor and investment time to rethink

whether investments are correct to come up with new words

or rename fake investors and fake investments

social networks groups list cleaned monthly

quick button press integral

divide and conquer disintegration

penalty indirect management

it is better to regret what has been done than not done

figure volume is both a rectangle and a circle and a projection triangle

Browser selected images are dimmed

texts divided into parts can be listened to

randomly for example sorting duration

link opening same browser links are highlighted

little information is free but more is paid

integral for a long time not calling by calling division mismatches in a row

psychology games for dividing mismatches in a row

exams are automated by passing your answers to write down for yourself

sequence of pseudo random numbers stock idealized

names of internal organs know in a foreign language

do not put a hand on head without a headdress

audio video playlist sorting duration

including without batteries included date of issue

trap in defining order breaking mess visible

Newspapers floor displaced by incoming

probability: something that cannot be

refusing to answer a question does not mean a lie

it is more convenient to refuse saw no did not see

when it is not fused with verbs in a new way

pictures of dots even number x and y

freelance communication with customers days tue wed thu

Mon day of communication between customer and intermediary

friday busy day wasted and waiting for assignments

sat day off

Sun beginning of night work to pass on Mon and Tue

buy from hands without change

turn off small programs before rebooting

2 options then and this 3 options before and after and for sure

no warehouse identity strategy brute force integral

freelance get a gig fix a trifle and upload a gig

overwrite new file size and properties are not important

sms in front of strangers do not write indecent

ours and strangers and none

know inches

rewrite large bills by ourselves

word search many lowercase in single line special characters

re-voiced cartoon actors are not considered

idols of past do not envy

everything in diaries

elite and anti-elite who are their relatives

it is better not to know hour day week maximum and further

ordinary people: we don’t know but scientists: we do

your opinion is always correct from inside

write down received

what and how to monetize stories of past

plan months we can movies about what else

scripts are always written

knowledge freedom and protection

GIF animation without sound

scientists formulas graphics science books are not interesting to anyone

but adventurers are a miracle and thousands are immediately interested in

I forgot something about freelancing and customers they say I'm not interested in process

files rewriting follow no newer so that new is not replaced by old

know bills against distortion

computer menu explorer sidi dvd extraction

know musicals

command baht erasing temporary files

logic of consistency was taken by those in room

vernier caliper and microscope and rangefinder safe

random document any unsaved look for newest versions and tank

that is word means

transliteration of understood language is recognized

small complete phrases inside phrases

especially on one line for out-of-context quotes

customer is known to whom and leader is intermediary

youtube access by link

idleness rest path games sleep passive when an asset

continuous pumping is better

lever works like water everywhere

moment of force and moments of 3 and 4 degrees

reactions okay correct 90%

stupider question 100% more scientists asked

must have special names constant

reading why to believe

21st century of DVRs

generation 45-55 years old was afraid of ignorance

generation 75-90 years afraid of poverty

question what code is answer

freelance long-term projects for combining freelance and permanent work

forums if answered several then questioner

reply to all even in one message

too clean for sure fake

seeing others earn themselves also do not earn

knowing names of codes long mathematical notations shorten

rebooting computer upon completion of program is inconvenient

computer case sensitive input know where

having received someone else's message about pay they will remember day of pay

if you set a trap then others can set traps

freelance is not responding employee may be working on a schedule in a different time zone

freelance seeks to under-finish its work to use and resist

freelance unanswered days waiting and tension and resentment

freelance responses to comments may be a draft

freelance draft anytime

freelancing to give an advance payment back for unfinished work is inconvenient

through whose fault who will complete remaining work for a fee

freelance new performer will say their comments discounting

performer of previous one and in order to fill price for yourself

freelance asked a question delayed response

reading mine inconvenient paragraphs of standards are noticeable

repetitions free memory

browser download failed signal

a small number to list in full jobsite

selling instead of a gift goal: so that miracle disappears and it turns out just bought cheap

if they offer an inexpensive answer: you need it expensive

apartment and room to keep order suddenly TV people will arrive or a search

typing quickly when they erase whole word and retype

programming in any profession with any education

and before getting education

download manager addresses are erased if no text is written

html full name important links file and directory

rounded straight fonts are more convenient for man and machine; otherwise inconvenient especially oblique

digitizing blocks manually always against lines of frames

Word starting to save and insert save and filling out save

by opening entrance in literal and figurative sense provocations are possible

advertising of 2 items one more expensive than other and cheaper than one another

there are always consuming our time

inserted from memory remains in memory until memory is cleared for example by copying a space

Word from line to column replace space with enter and vice versa

Excel sort column alphabetically

browser tabs too many pull 1 down and start a new browser window

and vice versa few tabs to combine browser windows

transfer of all bookmarks: special tools

transfer part of bookmarks: save bookmarks as a page and open another browser

question of knowledgeable answer of leader is different from question of follower

it is better to distinguish between leader's questions and follower's questions

state education is provable but self-education is unprovable

files inaccessible 403 forbidden looking for other addresses on internet

simplest sites are impossible to remember and important

photo to distinguish an event and a similar event faking given event

control es and control s rus font

technology knowing surprise does not cause information speed previously unattainable

programmers are happy when they play their games and levels and maps

settings changes random unknown undo without saving

for example accidentally clicked inside list of options

it is impossible to force scientists to indicate all formulas

it is impossible to force scientists to give out all knowledge

when reading to know what culture work shows

read: perceive from outside and vice versa read aloud

smash for happiness

I would be surprised if it were different

seek coordinates layers of science cheating minister

millionaire vertical and horizontal guessed

who is faster than your own or someone else's

line numbering of agreed texts

stale food risk of casualties

post-censorship for internet

otherwise only only one reads before publishing

moderator or administrator

sale occasional periodic

amount is known and when they will sell it means

received in full

knowing area root side is calculated


phone conversation anyone can record

by either side

even most liberal will be a samoyed scoop

when is law better

seriously and jokingly

accidents as miracles

movie business card same actions of actors

and same songs

normal shop discounts same

walk paths normal

his own leader

atomization to explain individual services

it is impossible to read and listen to audiobooks at same time

phone and or number to have a spare for anyone

not shown except for addressee

call signal one second random but 2 signals special

suspect shows knowledge of suspicion

example donation hope holiday next

do not pay with rare bills for example

souvenir bills or numbers unusual or unreleased

tags and we what tag cloud finds

are there tags yap and pikabu trading

what is not a pity to spend: money

and get buy time and events

deficit is covered by fast money

and at first sufferer remains at zero

before independence

water plants water cheap same debts currency loans

fulfillment of 2 conditions is more reliable

certified signatures 2nd approach is more reliable

it is undesirable to terminate employment contracts

password entry scares away from entering a password

highlight line: shift or click and down or up

other people's things can contain money and valuables and provocations of those who took things

algorithms to compose in native languages??of humans

pensioners and state employees and people with disabilities buy goods for benefits

and bought by other residents

scoring versus annotations replacing parentheses

to square brackets by setting skip

drying flip

decipher words inyaz in front of others on Internet and in life

archivist searches largest texts and files

employee's debt is practically a loan from his superiors

archivist search 1 0 100 bulk

division of unverifiable and division of control and uncontrolled

long-term business to start and accommodate small businesses

such as a long journey and small conversations

independent work is better than lectures even understood by listeners

acad design center sketches of blocks visually

acad block insert and layer is important

calling names into a corner do not negatively drive

freelancing to customer before start of work do not report everything even with questions

there are more and less commuters

forum having come up with spice others have already reported

forum tags observe special insert tags


a specialist in his field of knowledge replaces special words with his own

forums social networks distracting passive turn off internet

but do not turn off asset to write down your messages for future

cinema copyright scripts slandering history so as not to put films

recycle bin saves thumbnails until erased or restored

forums are more important for admins who write a lot even frivolously

chess between programs and other games human mediator

psychology compensatory

psychology compensation

minus space letter space em dash

unzipping copy can stay in pace and it is important to know tempo

count daily expenses in bread or canned food visually

author's opinion may change from year to year

science winnings in free contests with real prizes

computer network between old computers: for recording and downloading at same time

simultaneity of parallel work

be careful on family dates

debts money should go in one direction in whole volumes without rings and without back and forth

listening to audio without wasting time no matter if book is valuable

youtube opening to rewind to middle of video for slider and do not watch screensaver

forums registration complex codes can be taken from previous posts

use other people's technologies or not use them without their own technologies

impossible to buy unsold

memo knot landmark

autocad landmark copy or transfer clings same landmark point

line who is to blame when accident: acting or not foreseen

on purpose or accidentally or temporarily

phone if you cannot hear interrupt conversation and send SMS

bloopers their aggression of strangers but theirs are not afraid

freelance silence with customer to interrupt dnsp

mouse clicks loudly on rug or on a stack of papers

a computer to throw files into a shortcut is worse than into a directory opened by a shortcut

social networks of groups are blocked for a while but they leave groups for years

desktop has fewer icons easier to position

time means money shows an asset and a liability

RAM disks in memory take up memory and for large files temporary are unacceptable

a file that exceeds disk can be archived and sound will create an incompatible file

state is richer than rich to crush rich

spaces 2 replace with 1 space

refrigerator division into an integral freezer and doors to control use of a magnet

movie hero positive can it be wrong dangerous

virtual graphics: reflective surfaces do not reflect camera

do not pronounce or remind irritants

instructions on Internet for many goods and household appliances

do not carry water and liquid over electronics

side view of myself: 2 mirrors are used or photo video camera

permanent neighbors should not conflict negatively

and it is better if an external enemy is found for example bosses

purchase on ad is cheaper former expensive without disposal

social networks writing to different groups has a higher priority than writing

within group especially if social network group is closed and erased

counting frequent words: count 1 5 letters

social networks on holidays messages will be lost

seeing data incomplete it is possible to offer your options by becoming leading

cinema actors of past are their own but actors are modern strangers

code password entering when strangers enter extra numbers in any part of code and erase

taking phone while sleeping and carrying it in pocket of your trousers to block phone keys

completed desk and desktop and disc donation

list of files by opening source code of page

bad words inside internet addresses and aliases

especially within a combination of 2 words

download manager controls downloaded erased moved gray

natural continuous lines and areas continuous integral

translation saving time working free of charge unproductively paid from outside

leader or follower agrees

any file is a database and there are environments that control properties of elements

complement words requiring additional words property of which element

coordinates of science and indentation one step differently will be thought of by strangers

1-line text do not spell check

against catching password incomplete code or many passwords

recovering from danger to safety and do not develop further

employee works slowly if he does not know next job

customers don't work with same freelancers it's always weird

discounts points pluses attract visitors

company names and stable phrases are negative

send part 2 after reading part 1

same disk move priority

loan paying paying off they cannot save as much

spam is cleaned by itself therefore remove important emails from spam

winning and winning are different concepts: everyone can be a winner

Internet does not work if you turn off and turn on modem for a minute

cultural code

copying it is possible to copy author's elements and become dependent

move along tracks indirect and direct control

1st word is not a preposition

half good and half bad at same time

half examples if wrong use half examples are right

disk operations: search archiving indexing defragmentation

download upload and bulk file operations using high priority

completion of operation after seeing wait a quarter of a minute 15 seconds

by changing gender avoid verbs indicating any gender

by copying to change paste 2 copies: 1 for checking and another copy

first png without distortion then jpg distorted otherwise both are distorted at once

browser stop loading esc

copy of file preserves dates of file: changes and creation

forum by answering in topic then it is easier to find topic by looking for your answer

freelancer recognizing pdf to customer does not send a whole

to send only a part of recognized so that recognized errors are not passed on to subcontractors

substances heavier than water and lighter than water

geography name search internet maps and view via satellite

and there are street panoramas and really create a screen video

remember unusual arrangement of things as a seal

forums envy when a game without a goal is an asset

physical violence from streets went online

Special manipulators write with emotional words

free letter repetition although it is usually quoted

regular mail return letter is considered offensive

calling something with an exact word will receive an answer saying you yourself are this word

7 data center and before before last

know what offends

speaking 2 sorts agree or resent

full-fledged humor explain to yourself why it's funny

know music from films

freelance to send work with whom agreed

because price for end customer is unknown to contractor

free cheese for mice following

acad shuttle table drawing direct

and selection of areas straight and around and cleaning with an eraser

forums from topics to expel weakness and it is better to ignore PM too

know theoretical strategies for winning in computer board games

computer play or human style

computer games to stop winning in an hour

dns peas and beans mixed example

browser history how to delete

youtube requests and comments delete and configure

internet know country domains

prompter inclined screens and tele and cartons big letters

integral paragraph space more often

minor punishment replaces major punishment by compensating

self-deprecation donation holes clothing unshaved

are there varieties 1 could not and no one can explain and do

switch file hosting service to download manager for sake of downloading

link may change and dates may be newer

computer 0 crossed out forgot

know file extensions judging by experience if file without extension

browser search highlight

input same format highlight

youtube playlists

asking to inform what they will do after learning requested

link and quote that pr link

beneficiary of information and free and infinite cost of information

programming compilers interpreters program languages??incl. online

yes no probably

fear when there is no control

select similar keywords yourself

forums topics: 1 against everyone and ours against someone else's

Internet tracking of watchers through metrics for period

inventors of games and algorithms and languages??and devices did not become millionaires

internet services information can be downloaded free of charge

no payment to authors and who posted and sites

Internet pages word hyphenation is inconvenient because there is no savings

aluminum oxidizes surface

correct answer can be guessed knowing place of correct answer in list

integral of path over time m times a second

excezel trendline polynomial degree 4

earnings should be saved by a quarter or half from 25% to 50%

21st century book: file

note: free work but task: paid work

engineering approach: suppose goal is achieved and calculate how goal was achieved

draw pseudo 3d letters illuminated from different sides

requirements to send a photo with a passport via Internet is unnatural

Internet: it is impossible to find what is not uploaded

but hidden can be obtained by synthesizing addresses artificially in hundreds

spare parts must have similar names to sort side by side

selling a pencil how to sell a 2nd pencil

coin and 6 options: 2 participated 2 did not participate 2 did not

Highlight files with a small mouse button and directly menu

cipher not to use word such and such it is better not to use word to letter such and such

namesakes and namesakes

relatives and brother-in-law

negative means protest

donation must have a purpose and know purpose of donations and those of interest

window size max: screen and does not stretch anymore

forums to know vulnerability of ideas of friends and foes hiding understanding of vulnerability

word sounds and spelled same in plural and in other case

resources are sold due to not working for export

exporting goods are outraged by export of resources

working on a computer in dark is better with headphones

files created recently when downloading exact date is not important

read only 1st page of search is ok

credit cards purchase codes show which purchases were made

screen rectangular window beforehand and further more precisely moving borders

common error: file is opened and changed by mail or archive

or an outdated copy is sent to an external drive not saved

equirhythmic translations of songs respect rhymes similar to original

but many songs are massively unknown

game currency must differ from real currencies by name

freelance station wagon is distrustful

prestressed structure as export

first bring to 0 and then side is negative

promise and comfort and time reserve: integral

autocad href general layouts matryoshka type

freelancing today means until midnight or until 6 a.m. tomorrow

social networks closed profile can be found in group

know ready-made phrases in several foreign languages??about a dozen

stress concentration angles

gambling and exchange kitchen

noise means accelerating

acceleration is negative: braking or deceleration

rotation of planets slows down around axis among themselves

educational YouTube optimal duration 2 minutes to 3 minutes

forums avatar photo age and date of posts

notepad spell check

book spine up and down letters lying or standing

yes or no guess 3 times

data its opening priority gets its language

why so much why so much

know word instead of damn

articles on topic have disappeared means classified

movie trailers featuring most interesting integral

less profitable better than closing production

costly proof: opposing party goes to court

not knowing about good faith of opponent

debtor owes amount to 1st including 2nd to whom owes

will soon owe both a decent amount

forums and social networks do not conduct dialogues with debtors

browsers favorite bookmarks modify e.g. assign sections of an article or video

joint stock company: collective farm

hand over your computer to a company how to hand over your cow to a collective farm

browsers tab that closed browser is not restored

all programs are converted into machine codes of simplest

mechanics main rule: winning in one we lose in another

coordinates of knowledge coordinates of science coordinates of history coordinates of deception

levels of knowledge and deception or layers of a name better than kind of sphere of their

computer window handle x y or diagonal and flip to change sides

files are not downloaded by half pdf and office and others

but half are downloaded and there is a view of archives music pictures video

there are no joints and gaps: 3 gons 4 gons 6 gons and combinations

photo of things or landmarks control

4 options answer is correct 3rd in human terms

photo of papers on wall may contain personal data and passwords

government business people player ball gate leader slave victim

forums at least a thousand times will read and understand and learn all one there are not read

freelance drawings do not sign with their names often

numerals vs. corrections of numbers and numbers and dates

if help is tied to lack of help in past it means that they did not help correctly

link browser to bookmark and favorites and save to your computer

video is same as a lot of photos

movie episode successful wonderful without editing is obtained after a dozen takes

lecture: control of transmission and reception of information

non-professional actors: anti-elite

vector sketch is better than raster sketch

browser address bar address cut on page does not affect

forums whether interlocutor entered after contacting forum is controlled

waterfall and bottom of jet: below water is faster and vibrates

YouTube is more important than views and less important are subscriptions and likes for views

tilting letters in tables is more convenient counterclockwise

inserting blocks and pictures: instead of inserting insert outline outline first

typos are same and sayings and style are recognizable make it easier to observe

autocad line inside polyline

archiver choice of compression ratio worse or without compression if higher speed is important

books pages interesting and useful not all integrally

autocad coordinates copy and paste to other elements

autocad exact areas and lengths and interpolation and extrapolation

forums without minuses influence friendlier

it is important to see capitalism in socialism and socialism in capitalism

what is positive and far-sighted about watered topics

drawing and filling commands interrupt to undo small changes

web page without hyperlink place cursor normal where hyperlink cursor finger

scoring: female monologue voiced by male language engine

wins: ball has no memory and that's good

reporting 2 options: good and bad; telling only about good option

and a bad option to remember as opposite of good without explaining

do not leave fingerprints or specially leave or not your own

statements and major agreed documents no corrections are allowed

copy snippets and paste integral

advertising arrangement of things makes sense for a reason

autocad recognizable colors can be seen on a microscopic scale

it is not obvious there must be one solution or several

documents if you need mandatory recording on disk and minimum revision

text layout centered and not centered and write and close file

files with an extension of 4 letters at end of x of dox type are zip archives

ramp allows pedestrians to disperse from different directions in different directions

arguing 1 is more right and should not take opposite side

internet verbs with do not write together would

toxicity means poisonous buzzword of 21st century

articles titled 7 species are better than 10 species alphabetically above

change cases avoiding prepositions

browsers write addresses of city maps to a file

Internet address copy all characters and parts of address

read-only texts cannot be cut and deleted

different browsers can actually be configured for different cities

accompany pattern of actions with words aloud controlling what is said and done

files are usually sorted in wrong direction at first and must be sorted again

forums before sending important messages copy text to memory and paste into notepad

Internet pages hashtags of transition to sections work without Internet

uploading files end time is calculated in terms of volume and speed

money from a helicopter: helping wingmen or suddenly leading for a month

Does state force parents to give birth

whether coach forces players to score ball into goal

explanatory prepares for itself and arranges answers in advance

a solution that is less optimal by one step can reach more interested parties

refrigerator door open less often

know rules for storing food in refrigerator and without and storage time

unjustified suspicions are hardest to overcome

advice instead of do: if done avoids responsibility

Eat medicinal products separately from conventional products

Eat entertainment products separately from ordinary products

search in site window without a trailing space or with a space

courtesy: selling emotions

colon increases intonation attracts into texts

autocad on drawings to enter quotations of tasks and important data and calculations

increasing self-education instead of music listening to audiobooks and instead of TV and serials

friction increases grip through fabric for example through a sleeve

browser applications overwhelming obscene words

Word can hide headers and footers with information and page margins

when view is plain text or continuous borderless pages

forums of wit from jokes of same day

cinema sound of lasers in a vacuum: radio interference audible in headphones

forums negative comment is devalued if its previous

distort message allegedly anticipating next negative in response

earphones and wire clinging can come off or harm

internet source address of downloaded page inside text at beginning

knowing a programming language it is easy to read programs by yourself without writing anything

forums minuses exclude gratitude to forum for place of performance because success despite

forums who writes more precisely means who observes other people's rules more

best surprise impromptu: prepared in advance

lottery vice versa when accidental failure

freelancer rushes customer before payment but after payment freelancer does not rush customer

letters are distinguishable by a person if font is 2 by 3 pixels

free pdf reader can display pdf inversely: shapes and symbols are white on black

revolutionaries dream of living like in West at all times

it is unacceptable to use credit cards and other people's cards for transfers

after all further transfers by mistake to someone else's cards and provocations are possible

forums normal messages to relatives are not ashamed to show

know puzzles to circle figure without lifting pencil from paper and without swiping twice

equations solution graphic equality of functions

non-circular square containers do not roll and take up space without gaps

forums read receipts cons

forums leave read receipts not receiving

forums reaction with cons is terrible but without reaction is even worse

menu fast transition down moving up being at bottom and vice versa

forums attitude rude in response to friendly naturally

but discourages readers from helping and outpaces normality to advise

division into 3 parts: parallel lines x and 2x in opposite directions

connecting line divides base of lines by one third

I'm afraid to be a loser so I win


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