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Anti chaotically math site all FREE against losses против проигрышей 18+

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карта статистики посетителей & исследования и конкурсы бесплатные & ВКонтакте & Математический Блог & КеноКено & КЕНО ЮТЮБ KENO mini YOUTUBE

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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 18 » Integral of Life 15
Integral of Life 15



date automatic branded: no later than date

serials of 13 episodes as weeks per quarter and 52 weeks per year

full stop space and comma space and any punctuation and further space

autocorrect or manual search and replacement of 5 options is automated

option agreed with a reputable organization may be erroneous

skill or knowledge

alien manipulation: puzzles

strangers can spoil information or write nasty comments

mixing strong and weak on average weakens as middle line of integral

site sends information to past and there is experience and recognize dates

can identify knowledgeable special programs downloading original dates

paying by indicating amount less money remains with

providing services

video frame copy stop and rewind to desired location

frame by frame and frame to copy

instruction not to do less responsibility

weight on stairs to lift you need to raise each step step by step

education: proof of completion of curriculum on time

reindexing google and dox

new ending

search prepare strings and search pages

and it is possible to open as a customized list of links

archivist sort text size extra large delete

from index base and compress index

archivist avoid unnecessary directories

anti-elite do not force anyone to report I do this

psychopath blinks deeply

manipulation is enough to tell and it is supposedly unclear to repeat

words of manipulator

phrase subject predicate complement word order

different ways main goal

hearing your name on street or something similar to not respond

data and assessments independent of those to whom to help

list elements are highlighted by sorting otherwise it remains


2ary codes guessing an action cipher is created from data of form 100 cipher 5

understand pi and e and other constants

success is not captured in photo; they are afraid situation will change

money in capital in bank is not spent in region yet

games with unknown probability not to play

excezel is magnetized to numbers

a name that has everything exists

worker becomes a master passes from category of his own to someone else's

understanding formulas creates mental calculation and abandonment of formulas

forum theme develops as an encyclopedia

synonym last past extreme finishing final bottom

far recent previous

cutting gambling bets protect against losses

forum your message does not contradict mine

I think it sounds like a garbage can

computer highlighting text use shift and mouse or

cursor keys

drone copter unmanned launch always look up

technical creativity

Russia has always been state capitalism

over qualification

recent image revisions are invisible by date

GIF shows player better

withdrawal of winnings is similar to loss

instead of running it is better to start

to replace figurative meaning has passed if without walking on paved

high-quality png larger and thumbnail compressed zhpg smaller size

newspaper headlines should reveal content of article

programs directory selection line enter address ready explorer without using

autocad printing in monochrome elements colored if color is from 3 colors

programmers fight for their false elitism putting cons to debunking

and messages about learning Excel collect dozens of cons

and explanation: work is limited so colleagues competitors are scared away

on sml in themes spring 19

manipulation involving a solution:

why something is developing and other is not developing I will not tell you

because those who ask are not a means of production

total: develops which is a means of production

pay allowed to accumulate as divided

by several half-sums per quarter in months of different years

a credit card can turn into an infinite number of small payments

files and directories transition to Russian part: press z and watch following

understanding rules of game a huge number of points and points are gained

devaluation manipulation

beginning: "I figured out how to do it"

manipulator: "did you understand 2 + 2 and write like a miracle?

do not disgrace yourself and do not tell anyone "

manipulation cracks by asking to tell

something as simple as 2 + 2 and manipulator disappears

depreciation manipulation in everyday life:

1st does and 2nd manipulator speaks out actions

positive devaluation manipulation:

writing prediction of actions

megawatt of electric lighting: thousands of apartments in neighborhood

megawatt heat: only 9-storey building

game points maximum when you reached a level and did not go to a new level

it is important to clarify difference between drinking water and boiled water otherwise it will harm on purpose

throw stones out of way

artist hitting TV become famous

flash games are better than executable ones

labor exports and labor migration

listen to paid lectures in silence

words turn off typography invisible characters

social networks with namesakes and namesakes in different groups are few

but by combining groups number of matches is 3 times greater

randomness controlled shuffle

making sure that there are fewer people standing nearby

layer for bending and compression fills more reliably than stretched

open refrigerator; otherwise wait for switching on

so that refrigerator does not turn on due to openings

credit card insurance expense is written in purchases and is not noticed

and they do not refuse insurance

cold hunger fear success

credit card interest at same time small on new purchases

and high interest on long-standing purchases

reality: interest is large and go to low interest

possible only when credit card is restored

half in large or small parts or piece

information small size is better otherwise there is nowhere to store

credit card level 0% means low debt

and interest will run up quickly and solution: an overflowing credit card

understand evaporation and increase in area and layers

integral graphically walking speed low and bus

more speed came at same time if you walked out

earlier and time is calculated graphically

plus it is possible to take into account uneven movement

man's main enemy is himself

main boss of a person himself

who has a drone copter unmanned those more forward-thinking

those who dream of dismissing authorities may first resign themselves

stock exchange supposedly magic waves

but in reality rise or fall of rate for presidents

if there is picture number 7 then address of picture number 5 will be

at end of line a space will suddenly combine lines

switch electric handle up means on

so that it turns off easier and so that switch itself does not turn on

short time and written evidence

integral asset is greater than integral liability

compression of information is regulated by compression

turn off antivirus by turning on Internet

programs transmitting data to their developers by turning on Internet turn off

standard browser saves files and it is possible to find pictures and copy them closer

tilt images are positive and vice versa

movies historical advertising hidden missing

program is not working it means that another operating system is used

advertising clothing colors advertised

Forms 1st praised it means another forum will spoil

youtube expressed further not responding in comments is devalued

mathematically justified protest against voting: failure to appear

opinion leaders about youtube plus integral voices and views

live sound does not mean live broadcast

loads on building frames represent electrical circuits

forums question with name-calling answer: not even a question for me same name-calling

foreign loans must bring foreign technologies

forums can be read by authorities and will accept ideas from messages about source without informing

events unusual for 1 month turn off events unusual for another month

land or people is more important: land is more important

bankrupt state loses land or leases land for bases

youtube timecodes

program to see unfamiliar buttons in full and get hints

browser link was replaced with text and dots link is copied separately

voting: we do not vote for deputies of neighboring region

and nothing unusual happens

noticeable errors: not and neither and tsya and tsya

learning listening to audio excludes music and listens to books only

argue between husband and wife it is more convenient to support wife as uncontrollable

public celebrities commit less crime

convicts in prisons have higher education 3%

works of foreign names are difficult to remember and an accent arises

forums no one is obliged to report to anyone

forums no one is obliged to answer anyone's questions

smartphone and tablet as a modem of any telecom operator

sim removed from plastic and trimmed and placed back inside on scotch tape

forums comment with exclamation marks in a row looks like venal

smartphone screen copy and further map know

browser saves just a page and a complete catalog of images

instead of calling names a ready-made word like horror

clock notification icon is pinned

keep your laptop separate

forums trying to lose asking for results hoping to lose

forums in one topic write they say it can't be but in another topic

reported as credible

GDP PPP gross domestic product at purchasing power parity

quoting with which I do not agree to add words allegedly

archiving mega archives to start and pause several at once

set real time priority to dispatcher and start one by one

mother's repetition of teaching cannot be

because repetition of neuter

visualization mother of learning

rectangle diagonal longer than either side

sum of 2 sides of longest diagonal

triangle sum of 2 sides is longer than 3rd side

change one and copy new or copy old change many times

pulling горе is hard for opponents too

to dial numbers and telephones into memory: calculator

not to lose is more important than to win.

more important than winning: not to lose

forums a topic that has gone unreadable if you add valuable only author will read

laziness is engine of progress

expensive work on expensive materials

paint inscriptions distorted by changing colors better to re-print

lamp bursts out when turned on and turned on for a long time

durability of lamps is obtained

phone picks up time control every minute

advertising colored flyers prohibit

question asked leader hopes followers do not know

tickets prove gap between trips

yellow is most visible in fog and water

rate of Central Bank against purchase of foreign currency by banks on credit taken from Central Bank

programming first native language and then programming language

parabola converts parallel rays to a single point

archivist corrects encodings for readable

rhythmic work: in equal time equal amount of work

social networks pictures tape long turning off Internet and watching

writing advice yourself follow advice

social networks old photos younger

debt repayment is out of control wrong and important to reconcile

go faster philosophy or psychology or mathematics

haircut and shave division standing in a row

forums anonymous and reals

card next to wrong pin will block card if it is lost

forums that supposedly do not understand can joke with those who ask

when going on road you need changeable clothes

tel more indications and all numbers of calculator

and words from letters of inverted digits of calculator

file lists synthesize manually or Excel or programs

codecs review compression speed quality hwyd

sisharp process strip how and at least come up with what

programs technological cycle is closed: forms of dialogues

earlier manually and further visually and now manually as standard

governors lose dreams and turn into line workers

information source to protect

expression: where others studied i taught

phio can be talkative and indecent

baht copy files badges stars

phone charge by inserting screen shines brighter

preprinting a sheet in an empty space and printing out of order

browser search part of search word highlight all found

repetition of neuter

computers play badly diagonally

a large letter without a period in previous phrase divides a paragraph

photo shows poorly branched places and video is better continuous

story 3 envelopes: blaming predecessor and team

and after exhausting prepare 3 envelopes

saying one write opposite protects against claims

by copying Excel enter enter cells

everyone knows themselves and talk about themselves calling themselves names

forums braking secret I will not say they say reach and see close

I will let you know answer from another forum and interlocutors do not decide

dialogue forum they say investment is not investment

and in response I know but people do not know other words

at least a thousand times to repeat all one thing there are those who have not read

one of disputants is more right

those who report this truth usually deceive

but those who report this deception are usually truthful

utility money is not accelerated but credit card spending is accelerating

programs with pictures will use more pdf

viewing just text or no text

individuals: income but legal entities: profit

freelance clients think they have given a valuable job difficult or simple

and artist who has his own technology has his own opinion

example how many will be twice two answer free then resale

writing books hope readers don’t know what book is about

music editors add silence as pauses to dubbed

forums Westerners write from Russia and those who have left write to Russian forums

senses sight hearing taste touch sense of smell

against drunk to become an employer and see from side

photo edit computer date changes

computer uncut text disabled menu item cut

browser links list copy word turn into links space save html

I don't play against people people play against me

music is quieter than voice

turning off electricity signal to turn on refrigerator

money is a small part of debt and a large part of savings

and vice versa when ratio changes

programs priority by increasing acceleration imperceptibly compare experiments

priority archiving dubbing indexing

dubbing is first written vav at tempo and then translated

sounding of different quality and size: different formats in menu

voicing em dashes substitution for hyphens otherwise dash reads minus where dialogues

I haven't tried to say before competition

to give devaluating they say he was going to give

word degree o upper case

publicly voiced gossip about yourself devalues??gossips

any messages to show relatives are not ashamed

youtube predictors should complement youtube winning

you cannot testify against yourself and your relatives

expression if it happened to count from leader and from follower

lights on checks people off lights

house parts keys stash do not take with you

long words divide hyphens read better

follower uses leader's experience saving time and knowledge

those in know should speak on forums

Roman numerals know

losing a month another winning checking a draft

in one place by implementing a clean copy in another place

video uncompressed lossless archiving and compressed version

codecs compress different quality and speed and there is an optimal hvid

tilt of water bottle depends on source and target

forums no no ok yes 90%

propaganda used to be a stranger became its own

demand from authorities or recommend to authorities

icons near clock are configured to be visible

territory allows more large-scale experiments

photo 2 is more reliable when shooting animate

computer changing directories are sorted by date above others

hand-held electronics

punishment should not humiliate

knowing secret to tell they say I guess

non-responding at 1 address contact from another address

Internet address and counter enter adds com and transition and there are also combinations

liquid and solid waste to separate liquid discharge and solid waste

10 meters per second speed of what and 5 km per second speed of what

a camera and a smartphone to put on a strap on hand

offline mode saves energy and megabytes and charges faster

and control of communication your schedule

in cinema and at a concert in phone vibrating alert

photocopy enhances safety of documents

quick mental calculation 30 weeks 7 months

blaming fee for price is not called

pedestrians and cars are removed by taking 2 photos and combining

or by copying areas nearby with clouds and pasting to close excess

expert comments option approved by engineer

paint bay contrasting background and rearranging pieces of image

window application can be done by customizing form blocks

know birth years of certain rulers

autocad coup 180gr sometimes you need to know

small copy and exact copy

rate cold

free cheese in a mousetrap for 2nd mouse

retirees benefit of any age purchase of cheap goods and production

freelance map of country and world and priorities east assignments teams

secret of knowing not to tell

paint only fragment is inserted by reducing borders to insert more

forums text may remain in window and change your mind to enter window to clear

regional center what should be in regional center not to forget

forum on swearing silently complain to moderator

and a small conflict to declare a pier I will answer without negative

roulette records in a row red but no records in a row even

a hemstitch from cells 0 and 1 having examined in detail chains in a row are visible

horizontally and vertically and diagonally and periodically

3rd world war stopped by engineers

engineering approach medicine agriculture art

Word header and footer single line is optimal

getting rich thinking everyone around is rich and do not surprise do not boast

star wars laser sounds noise in microphone

type in dark on keyboard and change SIM card in dark

and change battery in dark and cards

vocalizing hearing accent is wrong to correct word in Latin transliteration

translation into their own: celebration of anniversary helps to elect an almost namesake

when without an entry point: hope for a trend and time trading

liberalism for led and leader of liberal can not be

otherwise superior leader is not a liberal

text giant novels as a cipher someday typed

computer important directories are not changed

helping to understand whether it is

files are moved to directory at bottom

update quickly come in order

social networks are more prestigious than other social networks

windows overlap move

flickering messages for a second catch screen videos

if sites are filled with advertising in web archive without ads

acad line heights simplified bld

printing color elements liner bookmarks materials

out loud non-speaking there is no mode of behavior

door creak reveals use

investments include technology and self-reliance

Understanding simplest probabilities can be found in other areas

credo of Russians: main thing is a big country

phone screen is brighter on street and keypad lock

topicstarter topic author if not participating topic is meaningless

acad binding step

a message including pictures detains attention

and message with youtube attracts even more attention

Internet addresses spaces means go to search

pioneer truth socialism when machines will be smarter

and everything will be in stores

deposit may remain with strangers

Record web archive distinguish between save and web address

and closed from unregistered are not indexed

computer split photo video russian imported

movies cartoons serials

watch end series of seasons

forums non-participation in aggressive even if previously participated

same rate cut

webp formats browser saves jpg or a copy of picture insert a paint

money photo numbers

webinar: webinar

filenames format 8 3 enough

12 letter car numbers 150 million

screen recording programs and time control

Word centered text removes extra spaces

water purification filter when increased consumption does not cope

tastes sweet bitter sour salty work

task from outside is a payday per day to transfer money to oneself per hour

Word header and footer page numbers like 5 and 3 25 and margins

Word and pdf cover white pieces white borders first a different color

word copied another font noticeable and approving font inside

doubting how to properly act according to written rules

freelance 3 hours gigantic time and 6 hours a quarter of a day

and 8 hours a third of a day compare with a 40 hour week

freelance should be ready to return money to an inadequate customer

sound substitution for space commas percentages

oblique stars pluses

scoring dot space ellipsis enter and bad

unbreakable space visible word

scoring control tempo and if stuck divide text into parts

straining their own ruthlessly controlling security

sounding normal speed and speeding up listening

laptop battery is discharged from inactivity

small texts 1 time do not copy distorting memory and easier to print

when you need a fast connection is always slow

reaction: unrealized displacement and resistance: unrealized displacement

tension: unrealized movement in nature and in technology and in society

my formula: I know why logarithm is decimal and search for formulas is more convenient

being able to make mistakes cheaply creates more options

Internet trolls put minuses and post negative but elves plus

save programs as writes there or change directory

select files or directory

forums corrected by moderator is better to not correct

Excel dictionaries search word endings and copy and paste meanings

and compare and sort and copy paste notepad

move secret files directly to hidden directories

hidden directories indexes archivist excludes master and selection

filename constant part start left

computer tab button moves input cursor between windows

freelance new information one day grace period

uniforms should always be clean

Acad embedding in drawings renamed images will disappear from drawings

social networks of namesakes in groups to search en masse

excezel function to split a string with a space

acad is inserted figure from word unprintable light

polyline color 255 thickness closes borders inserted from outside

what is transmitted to others or what to look for is better not to shorten

there are humorous rules of Russian language and styles

exzel letters isolate left or right exact number and find

similar in programming languages

Word Excel macros write actions with mouse and are edited

and operators and commands are applied BASIC cycles arrays

acad bookmark viewport better dimensions multiples

Acad bookmark viewport divide copy line

and in copies move each part removing unnecessary from their sides

motivation from within is better

courts: only leading plaintiff can provide his options

and defendant can submit his own version as a counterclaim plaintiff

know myths of prehistoric though from cartoons

sites pages texts compressible to width of browser and texts without hyphens

paint b & w as white and color: fill color inversion insert inversion png

and back translation to bw: inverse bmp keep lowering color

home private food factory vegetable garden

forums dialogues: ashamed to read and ashamed to watch and ashamed to listen

it is better to send letters to relatives after 6 pm and on Friday and Saturday

to be answered slowly at weekend

movie explodes all non-explosive cheapest vulgar special effect

browser address to use and insert characters of another address

real time priority computer slows down

robot txt vin commander list of necessary pages and files and pictures

there is always guilt

program draws to show center of lines conveniently

notepad control n number of lines format without hyphenation

numbers after decimal point 3 non-zero digits are enough to right

archivist re-indexing highest index

further smaller indices faster

and if you add directories start wizard

administration asking right question will receive a valuable answer

threat of video registration is enough

browser know how to clean forms

pdf images distorted editor insert png clean

crime: normal reaction of normal people to

abnormal conditions of existence

multi-page printing is divisible by 8

paint montage positive negative mask transparent colors

printing multiple pages filling in blanks on sheets

time saved on sleeping

a movie on an airplane or a helicopter does not take off without editing

and actors took to ground

oblique line changes amount under line

a circle of straight lines connecting 2 points of a circle

graph figure from lines connecting points

about credit cards especially about whole pay

but translation itself disappeared due to an increase in interest

business clothes of 19th century were like today

psychological error supposedly occurs for first time

ftp servers as directories are similar explorer and index of

no shell sorting and levels open new tabs

licenses payment monthly periodically others

hidden directories are not shown

travel time seconds to 5 minutes on foot many times

travel time from 5 to 20 minutes on foot 1 time per day

and over 20 minutes transport

answers are layered some layers are more important

names of theory elements and graphs priority is important

programs same file formats receiving know

browser links transfer from where they went to site and statistics are kept

social networks if your subscribers are deputies or other authorities do not break connection

otherwise it will take longer to recover

directories larger than 2 gigabytes split

Word replacement icons only work Word and do not work in Notepad

when selling from hands brand is indicated so that search finds parameters

and a photo of working condition proves date

knowing optimality point to stock up option is worse by 1 step

do not kneel before history

attachment directory more than 3 files

translation interface is one-window convenient

split screen

sheets aspect ratio root 2x and area divides 1 meter

programs uninstall past recycle bin

thinking audiobooks not to listen especially to your

I want to extract most important

extracts from articles integral

acad polyline continuous better than blocks

button programs customized their find out

frequent buttons and rejection of settings

weak claims repulsed devalue strong claims

acad input digital analog

small quantities of dissimilar substances pour

SIM card can be replaced with a new one instead of lost one

and it is possible to pay from outside to SIM card balance

number is lit up

advertising shows prestige

TV series episodes odd more

webarchive copies of period and files via png links

temporary solutions are expensive and cheap

reverse sound is recognizable

cinema number of frames is limited and seconds

film montage to decompose frames and edit each frame

wikipedia cinema startup to attribute age to actors in cinema

programs will require registration is dangerous

movie cops: good and bad

enlightenment action and education result

imports from independent

permutations number factorial cyclopean giant

seasonality integral

battery in charging does not heat up after being charged

word link text and space turns hyperlink

text editor lexicon knew how to distribute text in width

but almost all foreign texts are not lined up in width

browser url frequent links above

speaking in hall to address most distant

negative mention on Internet for a long time and forever

divorce stars to divide millions

many countries had lost 10 years

profile other topics and posts by author

same captcha will ever match

film translators should be ashamed of many films

forums answer against payment: everyone not me

jump progress bar

actor show and credits

anti-elite understandable for children


full and abbreviated foreign names

understanding positive and non-understanding negative square

forums are moderated around clock

TV series vocabulary is easier

positively negative keywords

how in russian


headlines for views

know unprovable

screen video background disclosed directory empty without personal directories

or paint

unfinished is easier to complete than redone

what skaz wanted keywords and what others write

copied will replace what was in memory is not canceled

if no stock

reflection computer laptop names Russian imported letters


vk2 other forums I don’t know which is better and suddenly I’ll scare away

acad copy properties

strategies who unit is stronger than table

autocad not all layers included

master plan layered

series actors pay per hour days of filming

freelancing delays response means sending 2 options

autocad print sheet knocking down

file extension far right is taken into account all left name

2nd control more precisely MB internet

fence is bad and fence is good

local or nonresident authorities

normal point expensive cheap

autocad arc pliny thick ring

sector ellipse

listen to secret in advance by replacing secret words in text

acad arc over circle

know celebrity birth dates and birth years

engineer puts more dimensions on drawings

counting on fingers is normal


font is highlighted in bold underline

table change date

instead of date long phrase uniform computer menu

Mail downloads simple links is unknown better

browser source code dedicated

distorted words hide meaning

voicing a dot at end of lines without an enter

be able to word special icons

browser between tabs and windows

hover over panel closing explorer

matches file name and directory inside

writing is possible and impossible who is right

understand switching of prompt language

what they are afraid of happens

pinning themes and shortcuts 2 copies 1 save

drawing mesh pdf edit more precisely

disconnection turn off modem and modem programs

richer and richer more positive

integral security pack

guests use

oblige export and stock

hard to type by hand

to issue youtube evenly as premieres without competition

forum it is not known who will stay on Internet longer

turn off sim card modem for daily use from any internet

phone messages to call do not dial

discount anti fine

choice taking up small spaces

benefit to maintain first place

disclose secret

water is pouring lighting do not turn off

charge phone with wet hands do not touch

integral graphically at boundaries

insulation surface cold

historical films all participants are not accidental

historical clothing

computer automatic counters

whether messages invented earlier affect following

forum picture size up to 200 kb ok

irredeemable ruble

discount anti fine encouragement anti-elite

archives comments date

metal monuments are empty inside

docks in memory clipboard are available after closing

questionnaires indicate number of sheets

and number of questions and time of filling

paint scale shift magnifier

paint circles shift circle squares shift rectangle

throw pictures with mouse

secret to deride devaluation

translation of foreign languages??by 2 translators and translate personally

including 2 internet translators

safety integrals color control benefits

masses prices cost consumption way food water

accelerating warmth competition clothing

start and determine integral of sum of products

browser hyperlink flickers at bottom

re-login if answer parodies recognizable

browser favorites back side

browser insert and go all line

Russian inyaz and further phrase is closer to inyaz

program reads where and where it writes to know

files of largest directory are most interesting

rule of thumb 20% actions bring 80% benefit integral

visualization 2-sided view: base 20% and 80%

but area is 80% and 20%

YouTube autocad on this topic at least text

forums writing gratitude to put a plus and increase rating

and increase authority and attract people to approved response

dubbing and recording 12 times faster than pronunciation

download manager create your directories

uncompressed archive saves transfer time and clusters are full

conventions are vulnerable: there is an interlocutor who refuses to admit

any living organism is not adapted for reading

but everyone listens naturally like audiobooks

sites advertising without ads: through archive org and possibly through a translator

inversion and reverse video and rotate and mirror pictures and video be able to

print desired pages with commas and dashes

temporary solutions are expensive or temporary solutions are cheap

Internet flipping through article to download or open or to favorites

this year is bad and better this year

panel is empty means programs are normally closed

youtube filters are divided according to novelty and size without precise data

filmstrips of past are on Internet and everyone can do it themselves

archive protects password so filenames are complemented by asterisks

archiving text is well compressed and already compressed images and archives are worse

archivist does not archive but can index inside archives

and it is possible to create a separate index for archives of required directories

know anecdote positive short understandable

if a person carries money by sea

and wind carried money out to sea: who is to blame?

is wind to blame? is sea to blame? money is to blame?

program random movement: value minus constant

creates a plus or minus vector

strangers' neighbors restrict telephone conversations and office at home

keep documents away from liquids

office notepad replace all and find below or above

and replace by controlling manually are different

window menu bar window control

behavioral priority was given initially

domain hijacking especially short and surnames

sorry integral

expression everyone knows if there is unknowing does not match

humor controversy when and if

for first time technology is slow but then it is quickly unmistakable

kind idealists are used by evil

large letters are clearer than small letters

search specify year looking for documents

pull numbers time watching youtube rewinding

without specifying answer: suddenly they will find themselves better

battery is sold charged

youtube in large letters in fall or a filmstrip manually flipping listening to text

audio video deepfakes will be more frequent

youtube cipher and like in other sites are interchangeable and understand where cipher is

camera file name date and time

movie actors count age knowing year of birth and year of filming

date proves priority

image browsers that are not loaded have an icon of type of image location

social networks can take into account gender of reader

virtual bank cards for a single payment

pdf editor combines any pdf

archivist: all search words must be in text of each found file

favorites turn on and off star in address bar

migrate more freely who has a brother or sister

signalmen want 500 rubles from each main thing is to understand why

sun rising east and setting west and noon south

subscribers do not have right to put cons

letters previous next opens a new tab

best disk clean

treats to pay with treats by throwing off

browser copies stopped download link to manager

if date is important

typos spoil jokes

phone an unproven task is called a broken phone

topics closed from unregistered ones do not get on Internet

and pictures and links are not applicable in other forums

their own do not envy

neural net weight integral

programs convert batch video music pictures version

file formats unusual without thumbnails explorer

point triangle unambiguous snapping rigid

print few sheets first and print rest making sure

large clumsy

Integral knowledge cheat sheets

Compressed videos play better slower

pictures letters alphabet in file names

shield and sword fines and violations and provocations

reporting program is flashing in panel

dubbing include numbers in square brackets adjust dubbing

any template breaks sooner or later

Word search and replace only in highlighted fragment

Excel search and show all found cells

do not eavesdrop on other people's conversations against provocations and responsibility

track mailings through number and through website

and it is possible to receive prior to notification knowing number

and parcels arrive at any post office where it is more convenient to receive

that one employee does not control that 2 colleagues control

asphalt melts and melts in heat and asphalt deforms wheels

instead of interested in irresponsible and free: should be interested in

photo indicates place and time of shooting

2-ary easily create desired number in a combination of 1 and 0

production always credit trainee experience

internet mail forwarding adding files

case is to hand over faster it is more important to send it while they are checking to finish case is slow

attract lucky numbers

social media speaking group names are better

lottery distributes small wins to many people better than vice versa

post workers change their shoes

manipulation of your stranger: how you can trust those who broke window at school

generations opposing your stranger

team and personal games

written are not wrong provable

interesting to be interesting

when reprinting links are required

information transfer rate and read and write speed are important

browsers stopped loading continue restart

automation and liberation of people is effective or not

After all people will first find unemployed jobs

proving ourselves to believe in proven

don't wear electronics over fire and fire over electronics

work and part-time work to distinguish

relationships bosses employees: relationships of strangers always oppose

bosses forbid to rest at wrong time but neighbors or colleagues do not forbid

master can do slave's work

but slave is not allowed to do master's work

Forum going to profile sometimes they write that forum user is looking

outrage to explain to oneself in terms of normality

species: state is rich and people are poor outrageous or normal

underpass is possible to go slowly and overpass is longer

an end in itself: life and family and education and still find

instead of accusations they say someone took it better to ask if he took

individual mails to light up Internet

cards to sign a phone or social network in case of loss

propaganda: positive lies

strength side is weak side at same time

cinema is a necessary and sufficient plot: everything is taken into account

up to providing assistance

baht customized program keys

cell excel of values??is better than 0 or a dash is not a space

keyboard to type with any hand with any fingers

flash drives are limited to 10 thousand times and are unusable

therefore it is better to stock more small ones than a little large integral

dvr corrupts flash cards

against manipulation repeat many times

pdf decomposition into pictures size larger quality higher

browsers password not working between browsers

proof by contradiction

teacher education pedagogical ilm special or experience

consonant with you and yourself and better than me

stock of excuses why here and now

phrase if incomprehensible includes words homonyms or other stress

talented can be negative

2 way communication and balance and charging

weak offended calls for help stronger than offender

headphone integral

forums registered for a long time write 1-e post clone

social activists do not oppose themselves

do not place heavy objects near electrical appliances

public figures do not contradict

forums to get attached to individuals means to depend is unacceptable

come winners

level of education and level of enlightenment

is it easy to be a genius genius itself is not called

topics are read a lot more often anyway + 1%

summary synopsis integral

compensation does not cover all damage

stupid to look for a black cat in a black room

especially if cat is not there

but it's even more stupid to look for a black snake in a black room

especially if snake is there

equilibrium integral

mistakes theirs hat dress up

recent times are better modern times

laptop turning off screen close cover with a towel

stop on demand slows down other passengers

starting again simple

collections of articles slide into vulgarity negative unprovability

stranger in my own translation: I understood same too

paragraphs for Internet: looking for their thoughts they will find my collection

forum to indicate unnamed as 1 from forums

digital camera panorama is easy to create

social networks search your name photos articles youtube

social networks mail profile general family worker

and change password on a quarterly monthly basis

beggars playing musical instruments trying to oblige to pay

new words to come up with letters? I am introducing

street food integral

media correspondents are to blame for lack of information to people

books of past world wars did not prevent

forums forbidding obscenities respect courtesy

words alphabetically and against alphabet to arrange in mind

disks remote internet

rejoice in saving little things

public transport instead of private assistance to city and state

constriction expansion integral

order means integral

pedestrians need to know pedestrian traffic rules

competent expression looks beautiful

popular forums are updated daily

manipulation against payment for answer: many are interested but not me

leader needs more than follower

follower will do only to himself

Convenient to shine a hand-held phone screen to know light screens

darkening: filling with dark or inverting all or part

to receive bank sms push-button phone is sufficient

beginning of century and Trojan will not intercept SMS

communication is worse when many connections are integral

computer slows down when there are many programs integrally

automatic file name can be manually added more clearly

obvious needs to be covered

forums pages without answers download without opening saves megabytes

computers and internet information is hidden without erasing

open mail browser and in a new tab next page

Internet is not downloaded by another telecom operator

important directory is beginning of disk and is grouped together by including

directory name special characters are same

asking animal nicknames trying to find out internet password

poetry pies powders without punctuation with small letters

edit delete cut to memory replacing former in memory

and it is possible to return in different ways

small difference between 4/5 3/4 and 2/3 and 1/2 80% 75% 66% 50%

phone call button shows previous numbers

programs are configured to open with and send

translation of Russian songs into foreign languages??export

youtube hidden icons

forums login page link new posts

quickly when unnecessary things are not done

pull document or shortcut into program shortcut

or in show desktop or panel

must prove interested

browser home page

week quarter month month third quarter quarter quarter year

uninstall program asks to erase components leave

freelance 7 customers may disappear without paying

commission dependent may suggest commissions

understand rollback simple economically unfair schemes

variety reveals a quality specimen

technology is violated all actions must be repeated completely

savings deflation pay off with commemorative coins

analog break copy manually photo video redraw sing

find a picture draw a sketch and search by pictures

plots struggle between elite and anti-elite

plots of elite and anti-elite fighting

do not place water containers near electrical appliances

do not place water containers near electrical outlets

foresight manifesto and code of foresight

camera battery is removed from side of closed glass

iot internet of things

start menu by placing frequently used programs include documents

and extreme open in seconds and easy to clean

TV channels switching power increase or radio channels

blow first export

useful is always interesting

we don’t know what we may not know

good business suffers not being able to save

but evil business accumulates by robbing employees and customers

remembering to clean password and log in again

files dependent on programs cannot be saved without programs

programs where files are open replaceable pictures music video

predictions knowing to adjust having learned predicted in press

to change your mind you need new information

song: music is more important than words

foreign companies in other languages??are called differently

forums typical russian foreign is it easy to find

do not handle electrical objects with wet hands

non-binding do not influence each other

making origami paper requires colored paper and workers

but programming is easier

edge of matter use integral

head tool people

declare your stranger to be mad to oppose

photocopy of application

German Russian Chinese technology nonsense

animation chess color filling did and where

qualitative behavior is only possible

translation of prices of unnecessary things into prices of cheap goods

type: instead of sweets buy a flash drive for same money

fragile heavy goods to buy closer to place of delivery

who made copy of technology is also inventor

2nd place to avoid mistakes of 1st place

landmark 3 meters floor height

an experienced professional will always do better than a beginner

video editor to remove sharp light drops

music editor remove intro and ending

unknowing functions cannot be used

ignorant rules inevitably break rules

white background shows dirt

show and name principle: pronounce action

for example took cards and keys

Internet is turned on programs climb to register

there are programs tracking which address site is connected to

forum poll title poll

video 4 simultaneously player without top menu turn flv

reshoot screen video

transfer information first to slave and transfer it to leader

envy addiction

future rulers have already been born

there are programs that restore files erased to computer

file selection is better highlighted

tin can drain 2 holes

forum selling programs new erases messages

upgrading programs old versions so that programs update

download manager archive separate filter manually

downloading archive less or refusing to download seeing unnecessary

week 168 hours

3 words are painted in colors of flag

video better music added

opposing some people to others creates an uncontrollable opposition in opposite direction

detectives are written from end

browser accidentally clicking link stop and reload page

posting virus scan links programs

virus scan programs show files inside archives of unusual

browser favorites move multiple links in list

create directory and nesting shortcuts and move directory

scientists of mathematics physics speaking about other sciences

may contradict common knowledge

emblems site search pictures where is indexed

elections party names similar draw votes

sorry to spend 1st job money or money random deflation

instead of giving money buy what you need

code of selected text leads inside lines

switch night day sleep

liquid or oil if a transparent container leaves a mark on walls

computer tools are different like a spoon and a fork

question is not worth a penny

remember numbers by remembering dates and usually years of birth of relatives


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