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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 16 » Integral of Life 14
Integral of Life 14


and erase space and character

Word column break is more convenient to display in 2 columns

following all conditions schedule is unsatisfactory

shake canned food

programs looking to quickly start files recognize archives and substitutions

instead of no even better yet

forum is read for first time obvious in other forums

safety trap supposedly safe place

last in last out evenly in time

they say to tie a shoelace it is better not to ask politely

seeing errors do not highlight others finding errors more

films are dubbed then serials are dubbed immediately

forums authority difficult cherish a pseudonym although simply renamed

by mixing to control location

standing nearby minimizing number

export to work ashamed

low base effect

not obliged to produce and obliged not to produce

Word divide paragraphs smaller font

take into account worsening

instead of word stupidity: self-deception

instead of word incorrect: deprecated

blunder of historians gaps in years allegedly after 17 at once 41

and supposedly right after 80 immediately restructuring

arms crossed which arm is higher

2 options binary 3 options ternary

switch 6 options

bluetooth will show desired person nearby

phrases construction: everything between important words especially with not

3 participants and 2 have nothing to do with 3rd

countries conflicting in sports matches separately

songs of 2nd verse do not know

writing a pier is not to indicate in how cases is

ask 1st explains 2nd understands 3rd

professions are included in qualification handbook

new prices higher used prices lower

secret places to know is dangerous

water ice melts temperature o

write a trifle did not do everything read everything supposedly not done

doubting number of victims a fine ruble for each

shows how much

searches are recorded

matching strokes control of parts

division of events in a row: scattered and in same order uncollected won

probability high many unnaturally know up to 50%

freelance reminds customers of several

integral total money and payment of whose bill

follower wins leader by becoming leader

damping integral

buy in same place: integral

heating in residential buildings starts at weekend

work at night like surrender in evening

phone is locked time control

customer bankrupt performer millionaire

getting paid everything will get worse

knowing systems are sometimes often deliberately rejected

medalist man of year knows what should be

and person of year can appoint new prize-winners

rebirth to what level of past

warehouse integral in economics

external cards only copies

social networks from office sims do not visit

undershot flight to left to right hit

advance payment of horse take bridle do not touch

advance is important to unsecured

room doors are located directly integral of room area

numbers greater than one are better controllable than numbers less than one

horizontal connections hide colleagues' mistakes from bosses

write important sms to a file or photo or on paper

sms to sim connect to different phones and take pictures

quiz answer is correct in penultimate place

rate of crypts in regular currencies non-crypts

to appeal to interlocutors for profit but not to appeal to mercy

shirt integral thread

abbreviation inter 1 letter th

freelance secured approval equals advance payment

stadium circle outside is greater than circle inside

shortest path between points nearest

mail delivery guarantee to be carried to recipient's mail or main post office

buying on street before meeting to indicate place is not where we are waiting

to see seller more time

reporting at one time used at another time

height and speed of falling table or counting in your head

compatibility in different computers directories are same

given system variables

entering commands letters are highlighted or underlined

active or smart: will choose active

thing is expensive and cheap first buy cheap and then expensive

download download file small and then file large

smaller of large and larger of small

illuminated erases both del and backspace

knowing few where they make mistakes don't know

speaking to farthest listener

transition from introvert to extroverted: being leader

youtube time codes are embedded in start second address

if you do same as a millionaire then you could be

autocad isms in sheets in model are not automatically visible

selling a thing and buying another thing as an exchange of things

selling a service and buying another service as an exchange of services

selling a product and buying another product as an exchange of products

words important beginning of phrase integral

personal reply notifications

experienced sees mistakes of others

website: parallel social network access: sequential access

computer games install and play are not same

contract: small print should not be

questions are numbered means numbered answers

breaks where integrally thin

movie replay of an idea becomes a reference

cinema modern references 90%

dos menu is not invoked

dubbing is replaced by long words with short conditional

in 1900 scientists realized: everything was invented

new opportunities open up old opportunities close

bytes and bits for time it is important to report exactly otherwise difference is 8 times

copy individual paragraphs nd copy entirely and erase unnecessary

expression instead if done better by doing

instead if customize better by customizing

browser underlined city selection

temporarily divide word with an error into 2 words for checking

not being able to program in modern languages??is normal

yapi basic similar and si similar

my own - a stranger: I refuse to buy means a stranger

I will not buy: already bought means my own

gigabyte gives more development to computer

washing separation of clothes by color and top and bottom: integral

split into each part

turn on pictures and enter information and turn off pictures and enter

directory without files differs icon

file hosting service does not download archive inside computer

only a deceiver can resist deception

for someone who is incapable of deceiving will not see

only a deceiver can overcome deception

for someone who is incapable of deceiving will not see

cheating subscriptions: give 2 subscriptions

and deceived one turns off 1 and pays for 2 until he notices

forums search topic names show topics

or search by posts show posts or threads

mnemonic 2nd look

manipulation of friend or foe: city is such and such and answer: colleague was from that city

there is no need to prove and it is impossible to verify

download manager add and resize gives file a name and size

expression including an indication personal: he did

proves participation if character is interested in proof

5-digit amount: from 100 thousand to one million

8-digit number: 100 million to billion

calendar repeat every 28 years equals 7 times 4

apparently data: days per week and leap years

pdf editor will develop symbols white on a white background

court: does not mean conflict

instead of exact answer: more or less

important data so as not to accidentally insert into Internet: do not copy

or clear clipboard by copying zero from calculator

sites with passwords deliberately leave profile when idle

but archives opened with a password do not close themselves

archives number of password entries is not limited

expression every 3 days is better than every 3 days

users are pressing wrong buttons: developers are to blame

browser changes font without internet

those who voted for after changes are cheated

bookmark browser shows star

stop transport is announced by actors in recording and synthesizer

actors list immediately clear who is in what role

forum beginners do not write prof with words

winnings are sum of products of probability and return

division of events in a row

integral of sleep and integral of rest

advertising actors light and dark audience reach more

cartoons frames changes part of frame small

and constant part of frame is large

color name same color

games points as sums of money: thousands attract

printscreen screenshot computer and laptop and smartphone and phone

those who do are right because those who do not have no proof

distorted downloaded from Internet can be downloaded again

phone vibration spent charging faster

look directed to notice who is directed

social networks working hours on their devices

reliability waves increase likelihood

put in closet for free but in refrigerator for a fee:

resources are wasted especially when opening

email address does not depend on postal address

video thumbnails frame 25%

paint of previous versions saving reduces file

to find impossible means to report search restriction

an opinion that does not influence result creates likelihood of guessing

important can officially communicate a little important

handshake for press and danger of shaking hands

accumulation of part of paychecks conversion into whole payday averages

government strong public organizations

equal to shorten both sides or 1 side

report done as not done

question: think and if answer is no: don't think

presentation integral

download without downloading to Internet fast

pronouns of singular and plural

show objects without naming

internet alien species name: different from mine

internet advice look for yourself means afraid of requested

because if seekers find further few people will learn

alternative votes prove nothing

optimally means integral

forums large files on file sharing

initial capital accumulation is inevitable

forums give pluses to everyone who writes in their topic

we are not slaves: slaves are dumb

video lectures are not outlined

point minimum or maximum: 1st derivative

there is a point of change of angle of inclination

inflection point: 2nd derivative

there is a change point for rotation of tilt angle

contract to sign each page

block acad copy: new drawing and block break and copy-paste

education: proof of completion of curriculum on time

forum youtube without tv uncomfortable

putting yourself in danger is dangerous in future

headers new page follow

withdrawing money from account is perceived as a loss

phones may not turn off completely and battery power is lost

freelance does not prompt customer of editing program

otherwise customer will complete it himself

acceleration people do not understand and acceleration is unnatural for people

hiding to fade around corner is optimal

know your vulnerability

backup copies to erase having a copy of copy end-to-end creating a new copy

Acad lines in polylines are continuous: 1 polyline adjusted and chamfering 0

small extended video is faster than large compressed video

cost 1 20% equals a million compare: cost 2 10% equals 2 million

illogical allegorical expressions: leave or come to a variant

misleading homonyms: fence and better: fencing

prefix learns a single word with all prefixes

manipulation messages are also manipulation

prom design: engineering communications are visible to visitors

engineering added meaning: artificial

control of correctness: edge cases and bringing to point of absurdity

late reaction too reaction

cheap things are better than expensive food

to know competitors realistically and by signs

1-dimensional around axis does not rotate

antivirus cannot scan archive with password

minus even root

control incorrectness does not mean knowing correctness

reduced balance displayed in real can be perceived as a loss

it is important to have a rarity: a thing or an idea or information

or foreign data or unpublished data

or a fictional version of most reliable

first socket then device

not spoiling clothes is more important than new clothes

time minus minute and plus minute difference over a minute

cord is worse than a no-fix connection and a fixed cord is better

or wirelessly

forgetful or unknowing answer to questioner

is in same position as guessing one

computer keyboard: first shift then key

forum reporting a bug include a typo on purpose jokingly

pretending to be weak others will help by attributing

together allegedly against prompts those who are for

expression: I think knowingly true

companies different names are same

forum quoted has an address

forum copy of link to exact message number is changing

to add a link to your exact message elsewhere

browser internet addresses may disappear

highlight and cut memory control and paste and go

browser address includes city it is possible to change city by typing and enter

forum write they say nothing new ask where you read too

jump modem depends on sim and does not depend on hardware

public transport know routes of nearest

and important and know places of transfer

walking together important ones are pinned further from road

but strong are closer to road

character and actor 2nd look and year 3rd look

both writer and director more differences better control

red light stop and green light traffic

difference 2 parameters 2nd control

phone numbers group contacts 2nd control

yes and different names male and female 2nd control

half: not necessarily equally and possibly: more than half

a leader can resist arrival of smart like-minded people

default files set to open with specifying always open

headphones 4 types volume down: computer and volume

and a player and volume and headphones and volume

and removing headphones usually reduces volume to zero in computer

apartment on 1st floor does not flood anyone from below

authorship is inalienable even if translated into cat language

archive single file it is dangerous to lose all files inside

sound without video shows lies

youtube rewind middle half download

x% of y equals y% of x

scientists are afraid of coming up with new sciences lest they be kicked out of scientists

for example they will come up with: history and transfer to doctor of historical sciences

list important to add to new list

thing is cheap: it's not a pity to give it and it is possible to buy 2 things

a person snores means asleep or imitates snoring and sleep

do not hold a spoon or fork in your teeth when walking

bills as Roman numerals

bubble sorting original algorithm foreign with error

slowing down 2 times on purpose and error is avoided by those who understood themselves

memory is limited as capacity or package

phone auto set puzzles words parts

phone contacts are reflected in contact lists and removing contact removes names

phone weight know check scales and dimensions

discussion gives more information for future discussed

acad size of text style is set to data non-zero

affecting height of texts is corrected in font style

change 1 parameter and check to identify influencing parameter

free to move on

dangling will loosen up even more

words positive and negative in search to enter positive

transport different numbers non-intersecting tram and bus

double protection integral uniquely assigning numbers

and mutually self-verifiable

Excel insertion into a table with decoration

Excel inserts into formula bar without decoration

integral or differential approach

walk at least kilometers preset: integral

calculate how many walked in fact: differentially

and also same hourly and monthly pay

notepad text fragment insert and save

forum scrolling by stopping at topic: enter or save link

government is new: we are not to blame for such an inheritance

emblem is difficult: protection against counterfeiting but people cannot draw

cost of transport if it depends on distance

route will come to best option for transfers

especially if you have a pass without travel restrictions

cases about whom about what he distorts but about whom about what he does not distort

copy and paste and correct copy and paste

choice of either psychology of poverty

probability is less than half and even less is needed

no authorization site asks for pictures against bots

files are compressed where extension is underscore for expand

cook: product increases but fry: product decreases

social network forums reading visionary look for topics that writes more

freelance customers do not agree so as not to pay

site version on computer telephone

and on phone computer is economical

calendar from creation of world 5508 years offset

work and income and accumulation: everything is integral

simplest survive for whom this problem is simplest

academic and applied knowledge

double click above control

favorite star

ciphers avoid symbols similar to others

small amount a lot or a little at same time

answer quickly means at computer and in touch

computer game records proof of ownership

mouse clicks noisy underlay papers

mouse cord ties tape

to throw away tickets so as not to present as poor

quiz increases vocabulary

company's social network page should be updated weekly

speed up search and megabytes less: address bar is corrected

understanding: gigabyte 20 rubles

check mate implicit

test programs include specially errors and correct options

programs save opening location of last downloaded file

inventors of everyday things did not become billionaires

hardest things are taken for granted

matters of little importance when performing social networks will comment on: fit for this job

stereo pictures passwords are visible to those who understand

freelance customer: more data means cheaper

it is important to stay ahead of freelance performer: more data means faster

cart show size deleted

angle adjacent cosine and angle opposite sine

backspace browser can wrap page and text disappears

flag inverted request for help

determine logarithmically whether a given author has composed

paint inversion of whole picture and then inversion of part of picture

browsers address bar where an asterisk means favorites

smartphone programs on a card; copy to a computer and to other cards

to take a gift and not to do it in response causes negative

freelance 22 hours children's time

cost should be indicated together with currency in order to separate it from brand of equipment

different systems calculate balance separately

capital itself means of production and capital vector

freelance customer looks at portfolio to have same job

computer and writing memory to disk creates a giant file

equipment repair: shoe a flea

hints can be misleading

filenames are numeric in order starting from zero sorts better

view 01 ... 99

good actors will improve any plot

games with returns and safety net more often than

winnings without intermediate refunds

correspond to division of mismatches in a row

browser to switch between tabs

isolate tabs in a separate window by pulling down

dreaming of past to seek reflection in present

large files reformat batch even 1 file

programming power over computers

computer directories are more convenient in big letters

freelance approval is almost equivalent to an advance payment and it is possible to send clean copies

recite with closed eyes

instead of any day: any time

remembering unnecessary necessary is not remembered

computer x times x is faster than x square

when something is available there is a temptation to use

more correct with a mouse on tree where is squirrel cape

bargain: sell and buy emotions

tab browser smaller faster

prisons: inmates with tertiary education 3%

installer should be in name

self-extracting archives indicate in title

list back to top

it is more convenient to look at columns from top to bottom one column at a time

naval battle strategy of attack and defense along edges

Equivalent to field 12 x 12 44% harder

sea??battle dynamic game

2 times savings and 2 times overpayment 4 times difference

equal: 15 minutes on foot but an hour better transport

rare place camera is taken

date adjusts up and down faster

know full quotes from original source

text highlighted new entry erases highlighted

letter e of file name requires 2 searches: e and e

2 balloons inflated connected a small balloon will deflate faster

passing air into a large ball

neural network weight integral

comp explorer cut shaded name and icon

lettering programs meaningful and incomprehensible developers' fault

opponents of variation win if variation is rejected

land is more important to state than people

importance to state: land time people

most important resource: time

programming languages??pause loop with unnecessary calculations

experts behave like temporary workers

manipulation twice two: four colon increases intonation

shops most profitable on bottom shelf

paradox of probability: event will not happen because

guessing player has reached logarithmic guessing limit in a row

negative sentence "do not look" and answer: do not see

gambling exclude excitement

study foreign languages: first words and then letters

and then words are written from letters and programming is same

draw a 5-gon create 5 sides and rotate at corners

72 144 and -72 and -144 and connect

autocad rotate line horizontal view:

mirror copy and rotate original

or create a circle and restore radius or use a pivot

suspects unprovably can convince themselves

losing to stay leading

slow movement is integrally justified

probability of letters from word length

question why did not give answer did not know myself

gambling with open cards

properties typical of some are used to provoke

pdf editor if word is abracadabra to form word exact

and this exact gibberish is copied

freelance is convenient when 1 customer per day

screen border horizontal and vertical reference

sms save sent and receive notification above control

television laugh fake

historical films export of culture and export of history

politics lie and speaker 1% of truth becomes a leader

hat keeps head warm in cold

but entering room hat prevents head from warming up

humanism: movies and games opponents robots are not alive

light so as not to turn on often leave on

opening 2 text and changing both copy changed

to a separate file

notepad changes newest: cancel cancels

and once again cancel returns cursor at location of changes

what they allow their own is forbidden to strangers

quantity and quality: starting with fast deeds

more cases in progress

video decoded slowly play slower

or zoom out video being played

presence control and absence control

much is explained exactly opposite to be more precise

forums on manipulation respond to toxic magnetized manipulation

Cell phone batteries save phone tossing

and remove removable cards before disposing of phone

mail or forums first check connection and then send valuable files

and control read receipts

computer admins can see computer screens

and it is possible to record screen hourly and more often

forums discussing topics strangers are afraid to show their topics

forums discussing youtube strangers are afraid to show their youtube

integral of interest

freelance part of payment newest part of total payment for all work

between given customer and contractor

parody authorship priority

it is better to be able to multiply and divide in your head by 2 and 5

files copy or overgrown and paste wait a few seconds

forum users excluded from forums are registered again

thing if it can fall keep away from edge

pdf copying lost table design and formatting

thing is thrown out of place

next government has little responsibility for previous one

instead of contrasting city and village

it is better to contrast past century and new century

freelance letters of assignments and approvals to protect

instead of afternoon: afternoon

photo desktop shows user programs

loud music aggression towards listeners

admit negative in example means admit negativity in reality

unit of society: family or household

because inside family they don't earn money at expense of each other

export economic aggression

cheaper to buy more expensive

all films and TV series: your own stranger's blooper:

no evidence that character is yours

who understood writing allegedly incomprehensible: provocateurs

shutting up others who have understood

inside computers gigabytes of temporary files

and copies of memory and logs

spring world data archiving day

data archiving world spring day

questions with examples manipulation:

nothing proves that examples are true

versus idleness: planning

manual renumbering: copy with numbers 0 9 and entry of digits

movie blooper: characters don't take pictures on their phones

opposing politicians in future are right

when a politician leaves office

saving time is more pleasant to hear than saving money

negative telling as an episode of someone else's life

accumulation means a person does not work in vain

waiting wasted time

accident without casualties

disaster: there are casualties

get up in presence of superiors

akad circle approximately and enter more precisely into properties

debunking myth creates a new myth

myth is debunked by some but myth is created by others

claim they say work is done for first time and there is no experience

answer: in every work there is always something done for first time

instead of: make yourself better: you have more data

comparing example and reality

if sacrifices are allowed in example

means allow victims in reality

films include conspiracy versions

films comedy actors retain their roles

freelance file name including date better yesterday

to date sent comments and answer today

scheduling 3 hours a week takes almost 3% of time

owner of technology leaves a loophole against this technology

earn for 2 maybe working for 3

photo date is set any

consonant with alternation of vowels and consonants

growth qualitatively upward and quantitatively angle

instead of waiting I'd better send

trend quality and quantity

players history is erased

turning off main branch turns off dependent

check all components before cooking

vote to indicate 1 choice or several

even an incomprehensible explanation repetition knowing

losing games as insulation loses heat

and charging is charging faster and slower

games and loss insurance return keeps balance

freelance work without advance payment as pay in evening

expression after dinner maybe not having dinner

freelance priority: eastern regions and more subcontractors

people are interested in being interesting and proof of interestingness

replace everything first find and replace at least 1 case

who understands deception is not a victim of deception

Internet it is impossible to find something that is not on Internet

who does not understand writes means there are 100 more who do not understand

forum weekends will read a little and anyone will get ahead on thread

but on weekdays they will read more even outdated

TV hemstitch random number identical in a row theoretical

allegedly misunderstood provocateurs

word read better than words read

lies in safe and lock is intact means everything is in safe

distinguish a little less and a little more positively when what

Internet downloads slow down somewhat unimportant and important

letters are consonant with alternation of vowels and consonants

words first word without homonyms and then homonym

growth qualitatively upward and quantitatively growth angle trend

freelance instead of wait I'd better send

phio letters are same easier to find

fill in questionnaire yourself

pull and push depends on material and construction

start and end schedules different slopes

players history is erased

turning off a master branch turns off dependent branches

check before work whether all components are ready

voting indicate 1 choice or several identical

incomprehensible repeat several times maybe they will understand

war games war against students win students

since take virtual risks and start over

but in reality battle cannot be started again

hyphenation texts interfere with indexing

program version free old update possibly paid

first see password entry window and then copy ready password

or use onscreen keyboard to enter

search and replace an entire word: spaces on sides

competition in 1 day those who did not win could win on another day

inhibited speak slowly but read aloud faster

distinguish between: support and not support and harm

youtube subscribe and unsubscribe in a month

credit card as a street: there is interest how to walk through puddles

no interest how to walk on a dry road

credit card recovery how to come home

questioners hope for ignorance of respondents

hint in question itself

between actions copy and paste other actions get in way

and it is possible to mistakenly copy another

payment without change less bills

sim broken it is possible to insert

plus minus words indicate in text when

to end telephone conversation: good and thank you

opinion leaders mislead and manipulate

small work justifies not doing big work

supposedly cheap speakers can pay more in transport

people love free exchange rates as clothes

occupying premises asking their own whether they need

critics writing against same may speak for

be able to draw 3d vector and perspective and letters full shadow letters

movies keeping quality down and down list of creators

making it free to report free

list of recent documents setting and deleting

shooting on phone first prove that this is phone

credit card levels above inside and below debt pit withdraw before interest is accrued

communicating dangerous safety training and provocation at same time

different words

ads address more precisely in other ads

Russian declension of conjugation turns male surnames into feminine ones

card shuffling number of options factorial cyclopean

drawing computer to be able to translate 2D to 3D

social networks by erasing a message only on oneself cannot be erased from everyone

principles 1st in 1st out or 1st in last out

instead of all sorts: all sorts

social networks alias numbers year of birth or region

pressure difference in front as pressure in rear

transport transplant to blame authorities

top-down replacement and bottom-up replacement

acad font if required and not available

make a copy similar intended font name as required

and is placed in directories of acada fonts and viewers

before sending an important check connection by opening a simple website

original text copied and pasted different colors

know city and area and streets

instead of refusal it is inappropriate to refuse by answering: already there

it is better not to separate from main word

then no one will distort meaning of phrases by throwing out

your mistakes are cheaper

damage through their own fault no one to blame

appeal concerning other colleagues to report during

when colleagues are around and asking colleagues to check

it is possible to control otherwise there will be an uncontrolled dialogue

work is free or may be cheaper if in sum of many works

customer should not indicate grammatical errors

typically misleading about alleged "non-randomness" of market

afraid to think about opposite:

random walk graph:

? could it look like a market chart?

drawing font is more accessible than calligraphic

negative will only be remembered many times over years

to win war: randomness is allowed

payment instead of gift excludes miracle and luck

it's easier to achieve your goal if contradictions are small

and easier to make changes: agree with everything except

ad other sales show address more accurately

without protection they will allegedly not be mistakenly conquered: already conquered

guarantee 5 small is better than 1 large

expression "up to 1000 rubles per hour" means: once

or once a year in 1 hour I received about 1000 rubles per hour

supposedly misunderstanding devalues??supposedly misunderstood

depreciation decipher

bookmark browser grouping into directories faster rewind

and it would be better if new bookmarks would be added to beginning of bookmarks

internet cheating: replace zeros with letters o and promised amounts are fake

where they write "psychology" and "philosophy" there formulas do not know

all that is ridiculous: I was late and went faster

this is my psychology and philosophy although everything is explained by formulas

help is expensive for some cheap for others

table width changes between columns table length changes

directories tree structure

Internet having found FTP site there is an entrance to other directories

negative associated with a city or person to be excluded from air until toxicity ends

purchase by ad: all overpayments are at buyer's expense

strangers message: answer to your question is

2-part films replace serials

formulas distinguish between letters that look same Russian and English

and recognition can replace depending on which language

English flag European or vice versa

raising rates causes gambling addiction

copy and paste many times

or copy and paste 1 time and erase unnecessary

read: respect and better: read

internet forums concluding page contains less information

published means viewed and read

copying a whole line can include enter at beginning and not insert

TV series: many small series integral

search for multiple letters e or? search for a part of a word from single-valued letters

by downloading a small quality movie then high quality minutes are downloaded

asking for name of pets means looking for a password to mail

working a lot are rich as no time to spend money

sounds theme produces a running computer

not remember suddenly all memory will take

forums search results threads or posts

songs foreign words incomprehensible as an instrument

photo shots in a row not video

host meets guest: export meets import

understanding: need to salt may not know chemistry

forums run out of topics begins breaking

ads detachable by yourself tear off 1 or 2 coupons

warming is easier than freezing

announcements to indicate street and house and stop of transport

photo against background of city symbol or name

explanation answer forum toxic blacklist

is to deprive yourself of answers

who bit back do not bite

center of gravity external and internal

closer forward and further back

depreciation as all same

control fact and lack of fact

peripheral vision

every okay wasted money

seeing password enter turn away

errors by writing down to others to inform them correctly

combine trips

advertising advertises all similar products

express 1 way 100 times or 100 ways


integral 6 of safety

computer power off leaves temporary files

Combine unusual actions with ordinary actions

in full view of audience

create obstacles and overcome

1st place should be taken by someone

brainstorming without discussion

verb unclear face i you he did

shutting down light

integral stock

things cellophane

once a day week month year

buy cheap sell more and more expensive

find a phone call yourself

to offend animals is all one thing to offend a computer

ad sellers force to follow ad sites

dismantling requires money and time

clean dishes integral

put fragile glass plane vertically

Internet links in letters in photo are unclear

build word from number three

infinitely connection family and money

internet forum automatic login passwords are forgotten

search integral life life

joke 100 is too much but if it were 99 it would be okay

lists new at end of list

songs not and not like a leaking valve

dismantling takes time and money

tanks flip 2 times

brainstorming forums don't decide what's right or smart

shop sellers are asked but do not ask for self-service

those who know count in their minds not knowing what others do not know

tenants guests in absence of tenants it is inconvenient

work next unknown employee delays today's work

drive sit and dvd mirror

zodiac even and odd and divisible by 3

credit card debt is like a stinking thing only after cleaning stench will end

and filling leak will cease

browser opens new tab

and ads are loaded on other tabs

cipher dots instead of letters appear when answering a full

swearing manipulation leader slave his stranger

who photographed

closer to 100% lower probability of failure

first one called them away from themselves

instead of any it is better than any advising not to help completely

suddenly they themselves will do better

price drop is expected and inevitable

best news without news

without loans payment later money will be more whole

to threaten is to warn

desktop black screen

computer working disk computer do not raise

know different telecom operators by beginning of number

know cities by code

know years of formation of city

whether those who checked or those in know break

recalculation 7 months 30 weeks

victims violated rules hundreds of times before accidents

many hours of work can be done in a full day

1% per minute will take 100 minutes

heavy down and light up

bank interest and credit card turning off interest same

face mask is same as distance of 3 meters

elite quality but anti-elite quantity

up switch will not turn on itself otherwise attacker will provoke

reporting "actually" reporting unprovable or false

alt tab and control tab

paint area curve closing section straight

Internet searching in several services there is a request for future

camera archivist brand is searched and groups photos and videos

cases genitive and accusative as plural

corner reflectors help to measure giant distances

after watching part of film all one thing: film was watched

obvious for some is beyond reach of millions on its own

people do not know history and ignorance is very useful

it is more profitable for sellers to issue change with products

it is possible to provide a service without selling product

but it is impossible to sell goods without providing a service

game computer level strong immediately felt

forums if question has several parts

noticeably when not all parts of question are answered

archive password for all files

more yours less strangers

it is safer to eat in daylight: they will help you in street

writing what you think think what you write

saying what you think think what you say

summer olympiad: 22nd games and winter olympiad: 22nd games

girdle with a cord of about 10 cm tightening straps of pants

book chapter new page or new sheet

free paid to developers

capitalism in socialism and socialism in capitalism

taxes must be paid by legal entities

and practically taxes are paid by legal entities

security devalues??followers

taxi on a long journey to sit in back seat

option easier options more

download counters for a single address more

file was deleted by other users

short-term period: 1 parameter has changed

development peak and slightly decline falls apart that did not fall apart during crisis

distorting your name and photos distort your data

portion higher or several times smaller portions

look carefully for what they pay and what is manageable

stop continue internet video watch TV programs

only one who understands devalues??all those who do not understand

program by pressing top bar can shrink window

and windows arrows open

broken chocolate cheaper

looking 3-te seems to be everywhere 3-te

gap visible to light will show where water flows

flash drive to keep programs with distorted extensions eee

small office and viewing and uploading small programs on Internet

laws passed by new government

look like an advantage over government of past

inversion psychology: there is no satisfaction and negative appears

yes or no guess 3 times

showing others to tell them there is a newer version

movie quotes many people remember wrong

sum of prices of some goods allows you to sell at a loss

and in total profitable

Governor's turnout and non-attendance prove

real protest failure to vote

rich authoritative positive opinion leaders

otherwise opinion leaders are negative

slave in court in an hour leader under repair

point globe going south and east and north

infinite one kilometer from south pole

photo video fresh look

translational and rotational movement uses a screw and washer

stone works in compression and metal works in bending

some structures bend upwards

giving an opinion different from others an unprovable opinion is obtained

instead of not using mine: do yours

capital turnover

noise pollution

not indicate others even in sense that it is better to help specific others

self-employed pension is more important

self-employed used to be called but after introduction of definition

self-employed can only be called registered

appeal you and you depends on age

communication response period division without communication

majority submits to minority like a pyramid

kilogram per hour equals ton per month

cheating strangers' attitude in a moment of cheating

payments that helped to get out of loans as investments

no interest profit

technical analysis studies at no cost former possible losses

for sake of winning participation by allegedly missing bad cases

programming languages??poetry tables prose

an event is easier to start than to end

independent dangerous

decree to slow down devalues??those who dreamed of selling urgency more expensively

online advertising closure is often treated as a start of advertising

file is a giant compressed tens of times inside archive

be sure to download uncompressed after spending gigabytes

and solution password

joining affairs unites burdens free

bolt nut unscrews easier

forum may report outdated standards

quality for sale

restrict reception without restricting issuance of e.g. information

phrases: other words between main words

and particle is always unambiguous

look left and right

elections and stuffing goal: to invalidate elections at polling station

higher education all industries

emulators winhp android zx spectrum yava

updates can be harmful harmful

polysemantic understanding will be misunderstood

acad additional constructions and erase unnecessary

repetitions in different words choose best option

virtual reality dome frame sets and order

loss win same amount

non-speaking letters are used less often

conflicts mob staged directed

spend night at station showing a ticket for next day

limiting one not doing other not doing

immediately or further by allocating time

TV at night to set off time

negative protection and toxicity protection

name including size of hundreds of megabytes

overalls devalue an employee

telephone communication voice automation communication writing

shop communication voice automation communication silent

mouse picking up by shifting another small menu

things to do quickly by making a higher number of cases

census simultaneously or sequentially

faster without wasting travel time

turn off phone when taking out SIM cards and turn off cards

games accelerate losing game theory is inevitable

wonder if claimant has right to demand

sms of banks before photographing do not erase

browser logs recently visited sites

programs less is better

laptop to glue cameras to quickly peel off

exam oral silence bad

modern enterprises work for export

youtube number of downloads is updated weekly

provocation of danger: safety precautions are not respected

and in case of victims treatment will be required at expense of state

water transport is cheapest

games maximum points are known

simple poems congratulations

poetry is simpler than music and music is harder than poetry

first responder devalues??next responders

there is always new

distracting division of continuity

accumulation is fast higher and slow decline

work on weekends gives extra: money or a day off

and secured choose a day off

sans serif fonts are easier to read

setting up your workplace is difficult to work

at an unconfigured foreign workplace

those who are silent does not mean they do not know

advantage: knowledge of multiplication table and other tables

state of people

after recession further growth supposedly depends on authorities

separate writing as one is more normal than merging separately

dictionary of Russian language of past prefix without only

energy density energy transfer rate product power

dividing work into time finding productivity

part per hour

Internet receives information about OS and browser

knowingly violate rules on purpose

book cases are sometimes distorted looking for forms without word distortion

waste paper cardboard

soccer match negotiated goalkeeper grabs his head

computer plays poorly immediately

browser site enter data when site is fully loaded

program counter can be anywhere on disk

players lists are cleared manually

any number part of another number

autocad circle is entered manually area and length

some films show graphics technology without a plot

plots 7 or 33 main

defeated see what happens after defeat

company section free of charge

site must contain downloadable

straight infinitely large curve large radius

subscribe to safety after listening

what to subscribe for

instead of incomprehensible multivariate

paint several pages on 1 page

governor takes office starts counting affairs

and new governor starts counting from scratch

obliged to start governor's facilities

elders don't celebrate birthdays

forgetting to remember to repeat actions in same place

creating a logical chain

an asset by making it sell more expensive and making it more expensive to sell more

keep your computer safe from infection

but their safety is not respected due to alleged self-control

if keywords are same then search for 2 keywords

freelance do it yesterday hand it in today pay in a quarter

distinguish hieroglyphs of writing systems and non-standard writing

restoring credit cards with their own money are considered bank money

and it's a pity when bank takes credit card

derivative bias: guarantee

line slope visually long water pipe: leaking or flowing

books do not distinguish cases and plural is written same way

screen video and fast view check

acad view through window outline model

and mark visible place with circles

acad tracing paper copy transfer digital input vector origin

poking free space

liabilities when destroying an example after a peak

risk-free understanding risk quantitatively and qualitatively

vip & vvip

by reading to control how understood

checking how listed errors are avoided

and how correct behavior is respected

down with pronouns down with

keywords for a second decree close

student success is teacher success

do not name your own names in front of strangers

social network universal website diary

crossword puzzle comes up with a question for an answer

bank pyramid names of clients' relatives

one two three four five

a transfer through a bank proves arrival and separates defaults

and it is possible to transfer to relatives of recipients

control you heard

forums download ciphers of whole topics

cinema dreams

parody means fame

advertising himself allegedly writes satisfied

bosses delegate power and responsibility

defragmentation shows closed files and it is possible to erase excess stock

live apart far-sightedly

pay dividends into weeks and days and hours

simple emblems will be drawn by hand

manage their real risk

they replace gifts with their things looking for independence

sun radiates energy to earth in a week

more than burning all resources of earth will give

lack of sleep is like drunkenness


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