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Anti chaotically math site all FREE against losses против проигрышей 18+

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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 15 » Integral of Life 13
Integral of Life 13


large choice means shelf life more better

doing bad things like in movies can be insincere

toxic actor is not invited to advertise

digital slavery is possible without electronics

paint to clear photo from corner 2 clouds with a straight line on edge

anyone can prove who has to prove

President of 2nd term is more independent

governor does not depend on local elite from outside

freelance customer letters and responses to store for 3 years

freelance mail divided into customer catalogs is more convenient

priority: integral choice comparison of multiplications of quantity and quality

social networks who do not come look through another profile

online translator for words typed by mistake

either guesses correctly or uses imported letters

water in ice is warmer than on winter street

war of 21st century: only technology perishes

excezel formula starts with an equal sign

browsers open at same time take up a lot of memory

browsers quick start through simple pages without ads

spelling mistakes: protection from understanding

excel delete unused sheets means not referenced

Excel sheets can be hidden and displayed and protected

browser highlight check selection: menu

and will show quote what to look for

forums will find understanding most complex technologies

every artist hires a director at all times

save important files to a flash drive or cd before archiving

computer directory target dims

forums article will get lost it doesn't matter but it will go to search

and will give authorship and links and views and priority

browser mail deleting mail full screen window

to see if there are files

transparent look at skylight

acceleration is divided evenly over time

otherwise there will be a mixture sometimes often slowing down

forums interesting topics read final message

do not interrupt speakers

internet foreign servers recognize knowing country code

computer deleting shortcut file is not deleted

angles integer sufficient precision

files are different: dock and dox

acad area is measured by polyline and hatching

accounting for absence of fact

browser click window will drop previous entries

ask for 2 times more and lower it to norm

downloaded links change color as open links

bending and twisting and bending with torsion

forbidden youtube is shown inside TV

or distorted like a distorted mirror

text previously voiced will be voiced again

humor after statement I will not say to tell hidden

city??announcement different address cipher same

hints to know at least to apply is not necessary

glare of light from a surface

browser at first page is not very saturated

to switch pages repeatedly not to download a lot

Internet asking then spam is sent advertising requested

any book must be a free short version

and a version for dubbing is desirable where numbers are in letters

debt repayment depends on interest

and if interest is low then it is more profitable not to pay debts longer

mail without outgoing means postponed sent

call angles: straight and sharp and not sharp

a joke voiced seriously may be solution to problem

disks transferring to create a copy of disk and inside copy of directories

even archives because disks may not be readable over time

computer menu drop down 2nd level important above

program is shorter than problem statement

and program is shorter than an explanation of what program does

check is it possible to do: do it yourself

pedestrians will spoil photo

video forum needs to start but gif immediately shows

so size of GIFs is half a megabyte is optimal

pass place 2 times: there and back

cheap programs will still look for a crack

so as not to light up card with payment and not to know

video cameras where in city to know important areas

screen screen resolution: print screenshot and details

inflation does not increase loan payments

words combinations of prepositions and words dissonant pause

non-contact compressed air and pressurized water

take offense at leading

if something is not interesting then it already is

computer explorer undo and redo

written at bottom of directory window in status bar

browser spelling is checked one word at a time without meaning

find guilty and punish different actions

books even an unsuccessful author got what he wanted: authorship

property tax: even unused rails destroy liability

if they order a similar website then phishing is being made fake

window does not hide from screen means to show desktop

hired or assistant employee not subordinate

password is wrong 3 times and block

accuracy is not important and range is more important

money payments in one direction in case of overpayment set of payments

information at least text without office programs

product: number of elements final

specification for a product and for a mechanism and for a substance and for an organism

final speed of elements per second

ending of word shows gender and number and case

branching: 1 input and 2 outputs or more

acad unlocked layers select and copy and see temp

modern problems and technological solutions

archivist enable new file type and then wizard

doing and not giving up is better than not doing

taken back is more difficult

check internet counter daily and weekly and monthly

window behind window on top of all windows hides showing important

programs attribute read-only against viruses

participant 2 can decide for and against each other

Word letters are flattened horizontally and vertically window font

result having learned by heart calculation is not needed

missing information is visible to specialists

blame is actively assumed by probably innocent

Browser bookmark directories open all or arrange

employees of company can easily work for competitors

freelancer works for competitors without hesitation

freelance profitable acquisition of unpaid may be absent

from intermediary and from customer but actually pay half

video check without sound will quickly show bloopers

number options to know and be able to calculate and visualization

crumbling and melting materials

will steal harmlessly and much more dangerous if they planted someone else's

options by creating a copy of original

video photo taking strangers it is unprovable that this is a photo camera

and possibly mistaken for a dangerous thing

expression i think is always true

determine if bottle is half full: tilt horizontally

forums criticizing more authoritative if there are more subscribers

file download re-rename new file

download without refusing suddenly size of new file is better

question: how do you know answer: everyone knows

computer games store saved game stages

photo search will find other photos of same topic and same site

know how materials are made

know how products grow

sleep integral

missing or superfluous letter creates a new meaning

transliterated spelling of words with letters of another alphabet

better in capital letters and there are letters that look same

intermediate capacity increases control

forum aliases are unique and forge using characters similar

especially replacing o with zero and vice versa

names of historical figures have become toxic

directories filenames starting with alphabet letters

answer is same to a spammer as if he was talking to a bot and would get tired of spamming

forum feed read popular someone else's choice

mail to several sending megabytes less than everyone

debt and return by treat

understand reasons through keywords

understand integral graphically

first misunderstanding of readers and further explanation

visiting governor in case of refusal of trust by higher officials

makes next term of governorship impossible

opposition offering initiatives weak as practicing

disk is not cleared is written in reserve until erasing

distort middle names only positively

secret information is important to readers but authorities calculate secret themselves

acquaintances will perceive new unfamiliar better than strangers

task is absent so customer is waiting for options

things pledge money are meaningless because money is transferred remotely

but things are also impossible to give quickly

transfers between trains minimum time

shut-off valve of taps to duplicate

state borderline external and internal

informing pier was invented after lecture readers decide

they say lecture influenced

twisting on tv clearly moving up or vice versa

to give things is impossible means it is possible to give ideas

browser tabs of same type thematic to move to a new window

combination of letters rare improves search

no one reads poems but everyone listens to songs

do not buy fakes of too expensive things

indirect control without orders: sidewalks

talented in everything or vice versa who have not achieved anything

question word order: correct answer is closer for quotes

otherwise they will quote wrong answer

people of same generation are same

only modem does not download smartphone itself

pawn does not move back

there are no bad workers just workers are out of place

eternal culture themes: crime and travel and dinosaurs

non-professionals see problem from outside

fact 2 contradicting fact 3mu are considered true

clothing: deception

shoes without using old newspapers

program languages??external file easier to translate

checked sag do not mix with untested

victim is half to blame for his problem

forum feed read everything or best in opinion of those who have read before

an unopened gift can be given to others

1 bond breaks first

freelance customer asking for source codes agreed drafts

songs to remake words is easier than composing a new song

pencil prints dents on a stack of paper

wish longevity instead of health

full reflective clothing or stripes

measures unusual after precedent

strap protects from falling hand-held phone camera

cheaper directly or with transfers and not how much

computers purchase: industrialization

some letters do not occur twice in words

letters in pairs and triplets which are not found in words

belt thickening integral

buy or make yourself more profitable

advertising costs converted into products and savings

advertising near or in another area is more profitable

clothes bright in winter

glow and reflection

stock devalues??new

a program or formula excel is shorter than an explanation of what it does

there are celebrating 2 birthdays

number or date even and odd

number or date divisible by 3 or before or after divisible by 3

minimal violation leads to destruction

work at exhibition is more needed by head

2 options are checked and different it is possible to apply both options

a good lock and a bad key or a bad lock and a good key

backlight phone keys

it is not profitable to spend energy on a small amount

touting answer: I have: positive

and immediately your own without contradiction

word and action verb is unclear whether word itself does

or do with a word

social network address of picture and name source of image does not report

social network address of file includes profile number of person who posted

unfinished draw attention of performers a chance to complete

say no and vice versa avoid word no

it is possible to prohibit giving a thing and it is possible to give an idea

index of extension search

problem pedestrians and a dog and cutting a dice

street by phone area of??city

translate spending into months of phone calls or payments

for utility bills and internet

mouse laser visible at night

cut and undo programs remain in memory

complicate yourself but simplify others

thing cheap repair half price

know fiat money

sample and other version inside out same result

forum gender as they will indicate and pseudonym gender does not indicate

browser favorites will show which directory includes bookmark

do not recommend freelancing colleagues and do not answer for someone else's quality

forum signature or saying will find another forum

forum plus delivered without internet connection will not be installed

instead of rubles it is better in money

it is easier to check for incorrectness for example evenness or oddness is obvious

experience of about 5 years is often too little

dismissal reason termination of contract

knowing rules of victory is not interesting to play

forum fine ha spam although spam cannot be called spam

repetitions control visualization half a square diagonally

browser window save to disk file is already being written

petitions signed by thousands are started by 1 person

quote in quotes reads correctly as someone else's

goods elastic quantity does not affect prices

slave countries performers not customers

can stop any day

photo show a lot to combine into a single collage

video show a lot to combine into a single frame or episodes

successful rich asking for donations surprise

forum by entering your name in paragraph pe below

on main page topic is renamed to a new answer

removing 1 element at a time replacing someday everything will be replaced

or whole list will be deleted so a copy of list is important

random range is principally assigned from several ranges

illegal check is unprovable by alleged inspectors

it is not obvious to foreign countries that it is cheaper or more expensive

word control a copy of text and it is possible to forget and transfer

text without copy

low acceleration can cause more errors and total deceleration

worn out further can be easily restored even by hand

restart computer only by sending mail and saving it outside

acad select all shift select all indelible

freelance customers troechniki

draw different social networks to participate where there are fewer participants

cold time extractor faster

results without interrupting data independence control

30-year-olds only 7 years after college

their own said one unpleasantly but strangers also said unpleasantly another

a movie flying on an airplane is actually filmed on ground

forum writing as shown on youtube not necessarily watched

smooth rectangular areas

program from archive is not included

store employees do not go to other stores

file renamed dates do not change

archivist is looking for files accidentally written to wrong place

use by those who do not know cheaper than those who can

zombie and a kind word is better than just a kind word

manipulation and a kind word are better than just a kind word

easier to find near border of area

video cameras keep records for little time

photo is it means photographer was taking pictures

saving important for some milking others is just saving little things

rich are cheap

movie actors dubbing dubbed in vain

10% a lot to compare human height and weight

revolutions are satisfied with envious people

send at right time to wait end-to-end hours and minutes and seconds

specify part and quantity as x from game

mail from station en route trip control and proof

photo effect with a dozen cameras and view one by one

full translations of foreign program articles

Russian program articles incomplete against competitors

making calls in private is freer than in presence of your own

do not call myself with a prefix only

moving backwards pays attention

instead of reproach: you made a good mistake but not me

those who say they have desired thing missing

they can hide a thing or don't know about it themselves

sites remove spaces at end of lines which interferes with speech

and solution: Word replacement enter is not a space

and replacement of union and with a dot space and

and also for unions a and but

lists highlighting manual highlighting shift and control and combinations

forums reply important only to author of topic

colon: intonation up but dash - intonation down

when reading to mark: knew or did not know what was read in line

I hope book will be written into memory as multiplication table and fairy tales

by entering password check https main thing with

indexing accidentally secret unhidden will go to search

browser open a new tab and then close

otherwise browser will close

social networks have a profile with an assumed name

ability to distort others not to communicate

copy devalues??original

original devalues??copies

answer without knowing answer is rather: no

export information

export benefit

acceptance free also purchase

pdf editor places elements outside sheet

GIF animation each frame smaller size

GIFs are only animated because low quality

forums quotes without distortion against what has been said

foreign films and TV shows are best we watch unknown

word order partial citation will take word closest

industrialization of ussr: factories from usa

programs window over window protects against interference

work handed over was done at an unknown time

Velcro fastener replace rings first

and you may not need to replace hooks

inform authorities so that more people know

inform media so that more people know

paint fill will show editing

file copy if any is added 2

basket without looking not empty suddenly placed accidentally

text with mouse without keyboard: copy and paste letters

to see a building or a street: internet panoramas

divide tablet into vertical and horizontal

so as not to twirl tablet

plug trapezoid how to insert probability of guessing 50%

and is often inserted only by looking at plug and socket

archivist index for 1 extension searches all given files

archivist compression shows place of indexes on disk

fold and seam pattern increases control

piecework self-deception seeks salary

search giant files by month

forums reporting alleged ignorance although interlocutor knows

gives hiding information

long cipher can be rewritten manually

packaging of product names phrase with meaning

liquid and vapor will seep into any hole

geniuses are born every second on planet

fans bet money on defeat of their favorite team

and losing team turns into winning money

video books are read by synthesizer and text is shown at same time

freelancer does not go out on street in ice

social network forum to visit other people's profiles without logging into your profile

and from profile of fictional

social networks show who entered and visit those who visited profile

clean clothes are put on street

freelance customers could choose same performers

as last time

site and page address it makes sense to just go to site

to write off loss of money to help nowhere

do not touch any electrical devices with wet hands

especially connected to electrical network

answering question's registration increases control

mail by uploading a file a draft is formed and if there is a text of letter

then text will go to draft

forum by reporting Excel formula is bad in response to report formula better

time management different minutes per hour

words on contrary are read with stress in same syllables

programs crash window in fog

browser bookmarks recent at top of favorites conveniently

work assignment is given to your supervisor

news of alleged failure reveals rejoicing enemies

while giving a negative answer officials still think about question

entire horizontal sheet is visible but vertical sheet must be wound

sound is monotonous or song repeats in memory

turns off listening from outside again

payments should be transferred in advance after all they may not be credited on time on purpose

a dog that has bitten in response is not bitten and cat is not scratched in response

Word 2 spaces for 1 space to replace until number of replacements is 0

Smartphone files check: transfer to computer

social networks as a forum where thousands of participants are immediately ready to register

file if not saved: hint or file unnecessary or essential

weight of product divided by number of days

know conductor and dielectric

buying by ad see other ads of seller

website without registration allegedly notification of news: deception

competing with strongest even stronger ones are revealed

broken goods delivered to buyer as an incomprehensible book

who is to blame because goods can be broken by buyer

also reader himself will not understand book

programs open file where they downloaded last time

self reminder makes follower leader

phrases build several variants in different cases of important words

phrases are constructed where variants include different cases of important words

freelancing performing quickly further will require to complete in an hour

acceleration negative: not falling

particle not further word of prefixes less

buy back to back

sell back to back

foreign words everyone know translation Russian

power as strong as a wealthy buyer

ordering goods of required quality

asymmetry input and output different quality and speed

belt tip rounded anti-slip control

movie machine explosion: export yes and integral

bag strap over head is more reliable

before 1 TV was carried by 2nd now 1 carries 3 TVs

youtube looking quality low include a few seconds quality high

leader impersonates by walking

wet clothes will seep into all layers

close to washing dirtier better

probability of losing 1% or 100% over time

who does business: performer or leader

thread in needle is left in reserve

infringe on yourself and come to place and walk around building

just to waste time and effort

non-optimal variant differs by one step

proving option one step more optimal

earthquake usually 2 times in a row

sleep during day gives time at night

programs nested loops print new line print between loops

they don't like official but they are ashamed of unofficial

poverty and further wealth and further so as not to fall into poverty

limitation of liability as a result of general desolation

new word apologize: excuse myself and inform everyone

correct entry in work book is important

download smallest first

pdf patch is visible flickering in pdf editor

combinations of large and small and medium options

do not touch other people's things without checking for years

save and rename instead of save as

computer abbreviations

archiving by deleting files by erasing in trash does not place

when writing finding a new word it is more successful to write down meaning immediately without coordinating

programs running shortcut to task manager and open location

amount of money 5% of another amount multiplied by 20 times

credit card as a mirror

invisible font

too much respect from superiors is unacceptable

answer to question payment

justification for action and opposite is found

short trip deals

variant could do and could not do

day end and start in a few days between difference of 2 days

repair answer bring look

old and new and does not age long

computer erased program needed does not load return programs external drive

braking integral and acceleration integral

quick acceleration and quick braking is more real

waiting not to complain because they would have come earlier

video is divided into episodes in different files

taxes as export

walking in place with obstacles

plus 1 and minus 1 difference 2

bait lures those who would not bite

typos aypyadny letters nearby

picking up a directory and moving it accidentally is dangerous

a meteorite could fall into any city at a given latitude

toss bags

freelance protest and trap sweetness of communication with customer

mnemonics additional question and control type 5 excellent

question why often does not require an answer

copy virtual disks to hard disk

otherwise it will get stuck

ramdisk is faster than physical

notepad special characters adds a word

forums secret in exchange for secret

shortcuts in Russian and other languages??allow you to enable it in any keyboard

do not edit files on flash drive

cakes sell birthday without asking

dressing first to put on shoes so as not to bend over

connection wire may get lost

browser pictures off trickling out flash ads and videos

checking readers saying they say 1 option is correct

fall of different speed and rise of different speed

Excel synthesizes Internet addresses by changing numbers

Internet directories are hidden but files are available

their leaders negotiate without followers and without strangers

Word fill headers and footers even invisible pages

getting into range is easier than getting to point

reading text without dots can loop process

and at pace you get a temporary empty file gigabytes

undone is remembered as a gamble

but doing it would be remembered as right thing to do

computer time synchronizing with internet

check with phone hours may differ by an hour

name is especially close to name available

absurdity of economy: trash and malnutrition and sweets

longer legs wider step

2 sellers by shifts and probability of meeting right one

internet weather forecast data last year

action integral

export integral

do not sit on bench and on curbs in winter

a passenger who takes up a lot of space rides better while sitting

it is easier to buy a loss

wet rooms must have sealed floors

filling and emptying at same time is inconvenient

due to mixing and waiting for required quality

counterweight or same side

wikipedia translations into different languages

freelancers tend to get elected without competition

what to indicate in reviews

if you are kind then you are underpaid

convenient method replaces inconvenient methods

chosen ones appear in every generation and every minute

eclipse of sun see through semi-transparent plastic

by reporting a file from a site unusual will interest site

Excel changes just but programs are difficult to change

periodic boundary conditions random

used to predict transition points

forum page saving excludes discussion new

any rarity cost: low

paint new elements move cursor

set uniform style integrally

file size does not depend on name

youtube channels with 3d video titles start with 3d

forums unsubstantiated check and do not believe

small things to do and leave big things for a long time

either deciding a major case then resolving minor cases at a single time

know where portable version of programs storing unnecessary data in megabytes

shop checks sometimes punch separate

it's a computer

case visualization parallel and sequential:

parallel: disk but in series: tape

positive interest e.g. emblems pointing up

credit card mirror: illusion of room more

websites and documents invisible font

answers to questions: payment

seeking respect from bosses is unacceptable: bosses are same employees

bosses exploit employee and employee exploits bosses

GIF animations better watch turn player managing frames

education saves you from re-inventing

words synonyms and antonyms create new meaning

a book for Internet so that searchers find phrases

pdf and flickering patches

programs catalogs disk company and program

a freelance customer who quickly agrees and remembers how to recognize a planner not to pay

waiting for a call carry your phone with you every minute

freelancer plans optimally for a week or hectare a month or a quarter

cinema got into transport does not mean use

top of pyramid: customer or intermediary or performer

because performer takes money for himself

horizontal and vertical links

browser pictures are off it is not known which picture was added to link

before saving: copy pasted into another document

browser search page searches only characters

but to search inside: open source code of page

item missing indicate reason for absence

excezel: 0 to power 0 = 1 prove small numbers instead of 0

employees do not have new shares in company

nouveau riche: new rich

forums requests to subscribe to forum channels are best done

computer is not highlighted press shift key and add mouse

exclude uniqueness to refer to other examples

suffering includes donation

training shows weak points

answer no and then immediately confirm what they rejected

excezel sort group repeats

view pictures: by deleting next picture loaded

onscreen keyboard: keyboard shortcuts

backing file has a save time of previous version

a picture of program is useful

forums vote to be kicked out of forum vote against

integral choice: break or restore which is more profitable

informing for future conditions will coincide and repeat

prestressing as a margin outside in different cases

style hides age and education

answer is yes to both: humor

but not both options no: normal answer

those who disagree with speech write your speech

out-of-order customer numbering: devalues??customers

family's money less risk

repetition of words in a phrase is pronounced by foreigners

repeating words even clearly what word refers to

matching words with tv is funny

excezel sorting strings in smallest and largest

read means it is possible to demand execution

congratulation obliges to answer and give and spend

foreign song incomprehensible as music with voice

zigzag positive: higher and lower and higher

secret becomes clear depreciated

computer text not cut menu copy only

cars are more expensive than people no matter good or bad

finding hidden meaning of phrase of strangers

water in sieve: transport problem and integral liability

political decision: reasons are exaggerated

political decision: principled not rational

watching news means having an opinion

but news without looking at opinion may be absent

imaginary problems to protect their

strangers: people of shadow in future will disappear in a short time

therefore depending on others is counter-productive

kick out door strength or weakness

and if kicked out does not come out then kicker comes out

against trap of manipulation: he said

against manipulation: telling former as future

transfer transport due to fault of authorities

someone else's understanding may have a different meaning

gamble chart in waves and calculated stable chart

forums print screen and screenshot shows screen quality

computer screen windows arrange manually

settings are saved when you close

large files after crash know where to look after reboot

phone buttons on side turn on accidentally and interfere

trust without evidence further evidence by providing

more information or unsubstantiated deception will pass

to replace word people with another more precisely: viewers or readers

archivist indexing programs and parts

by examining disk for viruses it is easy to find infected copies

responsibility for sale

unpleasant about others sounds like a challenge and toxicity

but unpleasant sounds to itself like self-criticism

quality is lost faster

writing a word is more convenient than writing letters

transfusion of files: reading and replacing characters and writing

search for a word as a word nearby in text

a computer moving a sheet with a mouse panning is more convenient than pens

program installers icons recognizable

language for children for all walks of life

micro slopes direction control principle

filled from bottom to top

version of book ordered so that important earlier

integral asset: washing and drying

hammer in nails with a microscope: integral

programs installed after deletion are remembered

governor chief billionaire

writing they say I don't write distort letters

consonant sounds are deaf without a voice but voiced with a voice

those who understand come up with visualizations without needing to

a good thing means taking more

correspondents hide information

when reading having thought of something of your own write it down urgently

especially finding integral and asset

what's good: integral asset

copy and further correct or correct and copy

youtube picture show episode inside otherwise everything will not be reviewed

camera included control light bulb

differentiation division creates multiple integrals

failure: host is to blame

forums name-calling clown baby there are clowns millionaires

explaining miracles are lost and does not apply to miracles

virtual and real quagmire: go back

exit where entrance is

presentation style and design template

files are dangerous to transfer to external media without a copy

bosses and subordinates: relations of strangers

files downloaded from unknown

install programs by disconnecting Internet

otherwise installer can download megabytes

dialogue: live broadcast

menu programs hints 1st letters or highlighted or underlined

close sites in an unfamiliar language

natural chance and natural probability

cinema: comedy episodes in serious films

record clever and paradoxical thoughts from TV

not to tell strangers and those in need about finding money

textbooks of probability theory formulas important for gambling are silent

moving lists is more convenient than several

sorting error algorithm slows down 2 times

but those who understood themselves did not cheat faster 2 times

freelance one zaku say they say worked for another

and to another answer they say worked for first

foreigners understand common expressions as an insult

word between 2 words readers can understand

related to different words

forum member list reader listed 1st or alphabetically

cleavage: money was collected and spent or returned to dealer

fill social networks of group with copies of profile

and link copies of social media profile to different browsers

unanswered letter is not monitored

therefore apply read receipts

against mania visualization: mentally walk to place and pass by

for example mentally walk to a candy store and walk by

technology is incomplete and employee is resting at expense of his superiors

instead of accelerating

low pay compensates for rest bringing in line money per hour

gambling beats financial strategies to lower rates

no problem in debt: problem in interest

Internet advertising spends megabytes

incomplete work: dirty finger will stain clothes

losses to zero after bad cases in a row

and then bad ones ended in a row

social networks birthdays for 1 \ 365 users daily

freelance 1st phrase positive is visible in browser

an expert reviewer is obliged to find errors even fictional ones

cursor is more visible

exchange of experience export

absurd now normal in a minute

problem solving by authorities following

time and years and months and days to convert to seconds in excel

prestressed element works for export

puzzles or ready-made answers to yours or others

sudden expenses are recalculated into several monthly expenses

Word replace nothing of desired color with same new color

archiving a directory inside an archive

freelancers do not compare with others

and customers to freelancers do not compare with others

saw metal teeth small but saw wood teeth large

it's easier to recognize real as fake than to recognize fake as real

little green men: pedestrian crossing

freelance best days to ask for payment: Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

phone casing screen inside

youtube video and audio distortion is not automatically detected

dress rehearsal allows you to broadcast a recorded concert

lagged broadcast controls live broadcast

middle class celebrates holidays and mass festivities

it will not be worse to understand about oneself when it is impossible to spoil

denial anger bargaining depression acceptance

forums some consider themselves more versed

export initially there are many people in country of origin

fence posts on side of control

name of movies and games includes a colon

zombie manipulation through raising intonation when reading

Word replacement for same: counts number of replacements

see site in a picture or video manually

it is profitable to lose political sports matches

editing starting to fix as much as possible

forum calling others reveals its side

but there are names calling both sides at once

Internet readers exact address is not communicated against liability

and so that strangers would not see

file downloaded unchanged after start of download

event happened countdown

reporting a variant different than before they realized their mistake

it's ok to read from a piece of paper

light is not included phone is more economical

metro and trains do not take 2nd carriage

air flow at window improves air circulation

hood by window carries heat out into street

document size large means inside picture

browser address bar space replaces plus or minus

programs pause and then stop

distinguish between part of quantity and part of volume

if further visualization of crocodile's mouth is even worse

translation of verses contains same number of syllables

learning to typing poetry on keyboard

for a long time without control new means happened in past time

property in dispute half value

search beginning of words and then an asterisk

optimal variant may be worse for several participants

words letters are main ones for abbreviations

data calculated and assigned to distinguish

money counting to transfer pay in months

creating windows of programs make you play by their own rules

parabola rays reflected parallel to one point

parabola increment-by-increment quadratic function

hyperbolic parallel paraboloid

forums there are reading positive negative

appeal to authorities

printout rename files if date

call a spade a spade

formulas direct and inverse inverse maximum minus value

for understanding imagine yourself in place of enemy and interlocutor

archivist html converting to texts is convenient for creating a general text

silence of its own: gold

site link to download should inform next link to site page

and always report file size

website title is always in title

for adding to favorites and for downloading

manipulation making victim guilty of manipulator problem:

manipulator insults himself and expects a feeling of guilt from victim

browser reports file size before downloading

speed of movement and quality of control

leader makes follower feel guilty

attendance fee

stability fee

payment for positive change

archive downloaded partially create a copy can open

and it is possible to view files and remove whole

but downloaded executable archive will not open partially

text containing brackets in any number

shows an inability to formulate thoughts

sounding at tempo creates a temporary vav and further

converted to a well-compressed format

movie and TV series actors stumble upon forgetting words

reaction to a sign or reaction is mathematical

autocad different versions can spoil automatic blocks and tables

excezel blank sheets are erased without confirmation

and it is better to erase empty sheets so as not to waste time

to voice secret texts by replacing words

to not arousing curiosity of casual listeners

for example replace word millionaire with word computer

pdf sheets turn as it is more convenient to look

probabilities of different amounts in a row are not equal

conflict leaves memories of preparing responses

not even useful memorized as former

therefore smoldering conflict is dangerous for both sides

small files number is larger to create and store easier

files open shell window does not change

browser history forget about site erases pictures cache

and next download of forgotten sites wastes megabytes

late amateurs take risks

computer time may vary depending on daylight saving time

in other countries and differ by a different number of hours

and turn on day and night mode at different times

archiver should never automatically erase

video reduced screen characters are distorted on screen

android photo every hour

paint fades unevenly

freelance don’t laugh at customer

freelancing can end any day

freelance customers longer than regular work

options are incorrect it means that correct options remain

self-shutdown devices

export to take someone else's place

export to put one above other

browser start recent pages

continuity violation

positive zombie

pay and cost explanation on fingers

forums allow erasing any of your posts

answering never called possibly calling for first time

toxic Do not report in any context

dangerous goods and lotteries should not be bought by strangers

excel change random click between titles

unbuttoned jacket in front of people shows trust

and one of manipulations

social networks and mail notify with numbers in brackets

what are fake and ad sites using

search for text within a fragment: isolate a fragment

in a separate document or in a separate file

extract archive into directory as name of archive

do not send e-mails without a subject

social networks pictures in letters links are available to everyone

best question word: why

photo windows show place on street

business letters should sound nice for what before sending

sound and listen and fix and if it becomes better then send

document closing question about preservation risk to answer incorrectly

default is highlighted yes so seeing question pause and think

correspondence can include several addresses

and respond only to addressees required

unnecessary recipients from recipients by deleting

or by choosing a response to only addressee who sent

freelance other addressees are useful if customer does not respond

equalization: same special clothes and same computers

purchased at expense of organization

bosses restrict employees to improve

for workers to take up today's jobs longer

options to explore in parallel and sequentially

and combined perfectly by a quarter requires different time

problem if due to measures did not happen

they will say no measures are needed

time integral and foresight integral

date day and month and day of week will prompt year

archivist index covering all directories rebuild

and then other indexes will be rebuilt faster

archivist index disables or enables directories via wizard

archivist index to reveal extra giant files

search for 0 1 and letters to find more

and excluding files from database compress index

suspicious web pages downloaded through download manager

unnecessary spare parts are erased from catalog leaving texts and pictures

computer is dangerous to press wrong screen button

so move mouse wrong buttons without crossing

successful gambler: taking profit from game

expectation: ability of wealthy

rewind lists to end and scroll from end

one-man management: employee must have only one direct

supervisor giving instructions and supervising performance of work

from which leadership pyramid is visually built from top to bottom

more choice is better and easier to imagine: better option

might not appear if there was no choice

normal point is busy: any differing opinion is obviously worse

and one who expresses worst point of view himself understands his disadvantage

missing letters to print in same language even similar

conflict of other employees taking sides

may need help of an opponent in years

therefore it is important to conflict in a friendly manner

date files inside archive are more important than archive date

although any file dates can be changed

interviews can rearrange answers to unfavorable responder

date of modification of container files of renamed archives:

open container by sending it to archiver and dates are visible

mutual tasks require time and faster when tasks are issued by one

obvious to communicate: no one knows for sure

10 000 hours of professional development will do nothing

if improving professionalism does not understand theory

forums if 2 toxic begging oppose them

assuming each other they say one already understood answer and is silent

forums 1st toxic reacts to what he was thinking

and didn’t think of it but he did it and other toxic ones didn’t understand

so send everyone to ask 1st toxic

observing our priority so that strangers do not report anything new

forums report important things that they wanted to hide if interlocutor

writes approximately what is hidden and then understand 1% of 1%

forums aggression counts on disagreement and aggression in response

therefore it is important to respond without aggression finding answer in original aggression

limiting ourselves to a single answer without continuing communication

forums of form of a tape for dialogues are not designed and as a rule

dialogues are aggressive and toxic and even answer to answer or 3rd answer

less powerful ones look like distracting people into petty

no one wants answers

production is always developing on credit

file if attached player settings to unlink file rename

file if not renamed letters remain large

distort name by 1 letter and rename and rename again

bell calls people

speak loudly or obscenely: mark territory

freelance call bosses immediately check mail

freelancer is always at work

deputy is always at work

know formula for calculating and by heart several quantity results

combinations of pairs and triplets how integral transport problem is solved

where pair: 2 path nodes

earth is more than half filled with water so there is a point

where having pierced through at both points on surface water

knock on door as a password and special ringing passwords

incomprehensible read slowly

everything is easier on moon than on earth because there is no air on moon

everything is easier on moon than on earth because moon is smaller than earth

an example when option is incorrect contains near option correct

portable programs collect information about computer and nearby

a directory of tens of megabytes is formed which can be erased painlessly

answer to a difficult question: think but do not speak or write out loud

competitions getting 1 plus can get ahead of many rivals

forums aggressive toxic report a pier according to rules

behavior on Internet communication stops

volume changes easier than mass

intuition: logarithmic binomiality of probability

formula creates a recognizable graph

graph creates a recognizable formula

Word browser flipping pages instead of mouse steering is more pleasant to eyes

who did something by will of a stranger all one thing: did

non-overcoming gravity flight

a tablet and a smartphone on street are more convenient than a laptop and a computer

avoid word: how and what and like

file sharing shell more kilobytes than file

simple hyphenation text merged into lines skip through word saving

transfer of knowledge between generations as knowledge from future

incorrect answers assuming correct answers do not prompt

knowing 3 almost get 5 and agree to 4

independence: own calculation tables

toxicity topicality scaling

name of wifi by building will show companies inside

conflict calms aggressive regardless of righteousness

programs script fantasy is better and program is better

using a cipher hides necessarily

next step is to explain how to use

and theoretically how to divide into topics

loan allows you not to sell anything

powerful technique requires more energy

do not put smartphone to your ears so as not to procrastinate

not to be alone with other people's documents and values

and don't touch

left small value letter large

drawing parallelism perpendicularity intersection half equality

closing loans with all payday is impossible

but it is optimal to restore credit cards with whole pay


policy and rate cuts

mask replaces distance of 3 meters

female salesmen are more profitable than male salespeople

logic without verification: object is not given means another of 2

forum spoiler specify title what spoiler is about

date of birth know day of week

forums whether he writes himself or others is unprovable

numbers size capital letters

others know: point there we know line

others know: line there we know plane

others know: plane there we know volume

humanitarian aid: sometimes paid for receiving state

company's website may not be updated for a year

company's social network visitors are waiting for updates weekly


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