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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 14 » Integral of Life 12
Integral of Life 12


by printing pdf or by turning on usual colors for an hour

movies old include songs

numbers greater than 10 are better rounded to integers with a multiple of 5

moisture and transparency

schedule sign on picture for downloaded images

read necessary:??an asset but read unnecessary:??passive

to confess not afraid to tell about themselves

they say I don’t know correct answer

leader and follower are similar in their bundle

forum for comment they say it is difficult to find commentary it is easy

forum profiles doubles to post negative

purpose of being in a given place at any moment to know

strategy beginner will lose resources and lose while learning

case-insensitive ciphers: login and case-sensitive: password

sites official wording incomplete and asking for sure

answer may differ from true

low quality video stretched remains low quality

autocad drawing same drawing rules additional constructions

closing program through task manager new settings are not saved

what proof is there and what who needs

services provision calculation of profit interest is not obvious

what is possible in cinema is possible in life as a play of actors

integral smell

gas pipe

visual slope over time zone

turn car control

internet why ignore does not argue

sites set their own rules of conduct

file control button faster than menu

and it is better to have on-screen buttons in plain sight so that performer is slave

know fast counting days of week months

moon phases month early and old

export by yourself or others

mail notifications fraudulent links are better through website and there are notifications

check address of mail and site or always do not follow links of letters

count 1% and 10% of distance and time and money

exporting pages to numbers 0 manually

forum login through your topics increases counters

forum login through new messages saves time

audience level of development below or above speaker

toxic even super useful to exclude and nothing will be lost

know area of??largest countries and compare number of inhabitants

background pattern control

graph inside constructs example massive and linear

running to work for an asset piecework and salary and control

scientists offer formulas and graphs and proofs are not interesting to anyone

but those who promise a miracle gather thousands of viewers in a week

to call it stupidity winning is better than not winning

viewers are not interested in performer's personality

refrigerator and freezer represent integrals of separate common and powerful

paid and free what is means of production

people love free

logic is ternary: game memory where if there is a mismatch a new picture is opened

freelance intermediary is convenient for customer so that if contractor refuses

intermediary could find another contractor

reading about another city to understand which direction in a straight line is now

uninstalled program disappears from open with

program priority is configured through shortcut in send then percentage is one

controlled asset and uncontrolled liability

doubting your own or someone else's thinking someone else's

animal movies are voiced by people

programs with menus should contain keyboard shortcuts

for keyboard control even on-screen

on-screen keyboard is operated by pressing on-screen buttons

3 mouse buttons as press and control and shift

files conversion is better on ram disk

distorting file time packing it into archive will mislead

freelance payment is 2 times higher but 2 times less time

and higher pay due to several customers

forum article if fictional but real comments

those who want to underestimate will find a reason to exaggerate too

hiding inconvenient facts and no independent opinions

after all benefit of one of parties will be confirmed

phrases are inconvenient not with a verb inside text and so as not to merge

separate with ellipsis in forums

freelance all changes at request of head and never subcontractors

word is important not to separate

hide forum attendance and others do not see in list of readers

everyone is disabled in some way

social network browser favorites replaces subscription

Internet images are embedded in pages

count money wasted as unusual or harmful products

do not buy goods harmful to others

program is asked for calculation ask for calculation data without program

document is loaded read-only by changing save as

accelerate licensed programs by increasing priority

forum to find user posts means to find topics at same time

forum expression not going but suddenly going

pictures pixels to measure by opening in a paint

any work includes science

programs are slow and code inserts are fast

a word containing similar letters Russian and imported will give a spell check

and dubbing

openness of one does not require openness of others

web pages compression

additional can erase

oblique in reality usually leakage rate

saving square visualization: inserted dishes are filled with water

shortsighted can be right and forward-thinking can be wrong

archivist search previous select from list so as not to re-enter

If you buy a profitable product in nearest store it will run out faster

and it is probably optimal to start buying in distant stores

Restrict unnecessary purchases: do not buy in nearest store

archivist finding file can be copied from text

or by opening file still access through documents recent programs

quarter giant time

expression they say I tell you to replace it with saying I say klmu something indefinite

so that interlocutor does not do too much

rule dot followed by space and comma followed by space

work of leader and payment of slave 4 options list

computer search changed repeat: back and forth

heat transfer without transfer of other physical and chemical properties

2nd standards: strength or weakness

forum page counter by viewing pictures shows number of visits

programming: foreign language

teachers need to know answers to toxic provocations of schoolchildren

forum writing in their subject can erase whole topic

therefore save important topics to disk

instead of not yet done: almost done

Internet specifying point of rules rules themselves do not quote: it means unprovable

post important messages on Internet to forums before going out

Seeing negative in others they don't see same negative in their own

computer file cannot be deleted is deleted through safe mode knowing path

Internet telling where information is available after registration will be asked to download

autocad multi-line text scaling multiplies spaces normally

but just more font will be distorted letters will merge

autocad text find and replace: whole drawing or selected fragment

plus previous text inputs includes a dropdown list

autocad to selected highlighted elements by assigning properties it is still possible to assign

21st century nothing changes only digitalization more and more

time as date year is positively and negatively important when sending mail

and positive ends in 5

names of long sites and forums are not remembered

secret files must have hidden attribute in case computer is transported

and transporting hide hidden files

hidden files inside unhidden directories will not be found for a long time

forums afraid to seem stupid hesitate to ask questions

although on forums they hide behind anonymous temporary aliases

all one thing is that in winter clothes do not go outside in winter

forums cherish their imaginary authority but are really noticeable

rename detectable by handwriting

forums renamed break appeals turning into just letters

but everything remains if registration is not new

web archives created by different members and profiles or automatically

are found by same search on timeline of web archive site

pdf editor instead of erasing close element white background and white edges

or prd color handicap

freelance is interested in orders and not in company

resources divided by amount more each will consume more slowly

but resources are divided by smaller amount each will consume faster

drag files between open directories copying but not transferring

authorities' wine transplant transport and cheapness reduces problems

archivist does not look for directories

window sizes without handles on right and bottom more space

forum no one changed their opinion in dialogue

defragmentation looks for largest and newest files and vice versa

defragment files from 5 parts or less separated leave

or defragment quarterly

freelance dialogue interrupted for a long time continues by sending pictures

and only after receiving approval to send files

pdf sending duplicate image including several pages at once

pdf editing inside all sheets or by removing a sheet and editing to get up

laptop cover screen closed means secret

take саге of your computer more public because official one will be replaced faster

at expense of company and state

large firms launch their own mobile applications

freelance is interested in work and not in a company therefore CVs are not sent

layers less transparency higher

to give debt easily by replenishing phone to whom you owe

films too toxic are not justified in any way because reading content of film

there is no need to watch even 1 frame of film and toxicity is avoided

pdf editing Russian letters is easier to type in Word and typing pdf

open in pdf editor and copy and paste

pdf reprinted to a scale in a different sheet format editable are saved

erase files before uploading to Internet and do not rename or move

and don't edit

saved web pages to open in a browser without Internet

saving megabytes

programs showing which site is being loaded exist

infographics integral paint quantity depicting render

freelancing more colleagues more they take longer and check longer

save files to computer knowing links: enter into word

and pressing space at end of line will turn characters into a hyperlink

and save as html and open in browser

and by turning on Internet to save files by links

computer hidden attributes and others can be controlled from inside directory

sheet formats: aspect ratio root of 2

and squares divide a square meter in half many times

manipulation: there is no manipulation

lighting small photo will flash if not turned off

stores different bargains in each store

unprovable theories are immediately visible

Internet pages browsing faster to throw in a notebook

header is visible

fear and fear clearly do not show

having come up with their knowledge they strive to study only through authors

self-story fictional misleading

do not instruct people with weapons

store go further buying most important returning to buy less important

store products that are not perishable it is normal to leave wrong ones on shelves

Internet search does not find classics

until he made nuances unknown

education continuity of knowledge

students are not good at cheating

transfer your words to yourself even toxic

theirs are obliged but others have to buy to interest

defense logic weak investigation call bald

and then they say he ate too much then he will answer

last time they falsely called bald which means now it's a lie

themed radio repeats same thing faster

internet radio stations have song lists

release and further deposit or vice versa

acad layers locked landmark and transfer

and included layer and transfer

archiving gives peace of mind

right and wrong who and no one who

toxic attract toxic

questions leading examples

viruses are equal to: a faucet burst or a computer virus

and everywhere

answer I do not know causes confusion and discourages desire to explain

giving to self-study to learn for yourself

who reported I don’t know how to split they suddenly know

give an answer according to words to add your own 1 word important

sections of my book design hints statistics

cipher strings and search for like-minded people start looking through looking glass

instead of more correct: more precisely

programs by renaming or deleting

do they disappear from open with

do not pour water of inferior grade into water of superior grade

sites modern 95% megabytes advertising

and an economical solution: save links without an additional catalog

or through horse racing manager by stopping pictures

its book ciphers prototype excel putting symbols and squeezing

but observe paragraphs or multiline in 1 line

auto replacing 3 enter with a special character and 1 enter with a space

and returning paragraph division

freelance urgent questions answers to customer by noon

or by 6 pm or midnight or by 7 am

foresight integral

computer explorer files and directories are sorted separately

too injured may be right yes it's too late

expression work should be better applied only to yourself

and should not cause aggression

mail address gives country although there is a mail com

browser videos were recorded long ago and downloaded through horse racing manager

will show date

ours for a minute and strangers for a minute

understanding: all lies are better than self-deception: all are supposedly truthful

questions means read

male and female characters

manipulation look for formula errors will not help those who do not know

communication: transport

average pi e

if there are 3 options before and above and between

pdf word Russian letters does not understand easier to type in a Word

better with different fonts and different sizes

and then pdf print and open copy and paste in editor

to required text

pdf changing scale editable is preserved

files before uploading do not erase or rename or change

and do not move

open web pages saved to disk without Internet

and opening Internet into a notebook does not cause

games records are erased

action enumeration of a digit but options are either-or: letters

weapons using an asset but weapons that have turned into passive destroy

programs after closing save changes do not cancel

sleep before dark means darkening maybe not sleeping

file cannot be canceled

and only a copy of previous one can undo changes

archiving daily and weekly and monthly and quarterly and annually

algorithm exact

answer is correct do not ask means they know answer is just as obvious

exact mean algorithm: deviation 1 large and 1 deviation small

and remaining 1 deviation small takes into account required

and it is possible to manage deviations in percent

obvious: no calculation

advertising and anti-advertising is a paradox because they go on at same time and it is clear

who will win and who is more toxic

bottles plastic caps to unscrew to squeeze bottles at once

movies and TV series to watch speeding up 2 times at same time seeing long scenes

and realizing: looking slowly would be even slower

constructions are wrong ugly

Internet browsers data entered in search forms is important to be able to delete

and clean your browser log weekly

program calculation 1 programming language easy

rewritten to another programming language

whether politicians are supported or do not need support

business non-working to separate time and browser and rules

so that copy and paste do not intersect

unclicked link and clicked clicked colors are different

switch off device wait a minute until next switch on

it's easier not to pay and forgive than paying to try to return

search 2 characters results more than 3 characters search

open file programs try to open ask

sites transition links 2 in a row a lot and better show opportunities at once

forum view profile of like-minded people and topics and posts

modern schoolchildren know as scholars of past

computer game prompts course all development options are visible

documents are stored on one disk but archive on another medium even external

spoiling copy make another copy or 2 copies

mail divided into directories addresses fake addresses

periods are different especially multiples of prime numbers will not coincide for a long time

video reformatting ram disk 2 times faster

optimal word is shorter

safety precautions are spoken out loud

beginners can't cheat

credit cards recovered money is not a bank and it's a pity to lose

Iguanuration of Presidents: Transition from Human to Reptilian

computer task field near clock turns on visibility constant

understanding more independent better understanding

books creation: an asset but books reading: a liability

and probably a medium rather asset: listening to audio books

files sign title example or sample

to avoid accepting is to be independent of beliefs

word is equivalent to

do not tell manipulated about manipulation

or vice versa indicate that they are manipulating everyone except me

landmark outside and inside

long files are downloaded at a constant average speed of maximum

Internet articles about nothing are long: for more reading time

what article posting service pays for

freelance not to tell payers about payers of others

experts should not tell others about experts

colleagues should not tell others about their colleagues even remotely

checking if there is anyone in closed room where light is on:

if light is off in corridor most likely there is no one

and knocking if not opened it is possible to turn off light for a minute

several archives before unpacking view through archiver

because inside archive there can be directories or just a few files

and it is possible to unpack as is or create a new directory

read and listen to in a week to summarize for yourself in writing

3 link visualizations: URL and image and text

computer input characters copy at any time and apply further

measures taken made it worse means without taking measures it would be even worse

dubbing dialogues replace long names of same type with short ones that are understandable

forum few messages on current page view previous page

it is convenient to transfer abbreviation abbreviations by replacing letters with names

or cities increasing control many-sided integrally


games prove optimal choice better than loser chose

computer file and directory names are limited in length and characters

Raise pay by 2 times or hire 3 workers is it better not obvious

freelance new version differs slightly to send completely

but file hosting service updates only changed files and date is important

people translators if they create their own they don't believe thinking they've written off

repairing further will be asked to repair

movies after downloading and despite downloaded unnecessary downloads

and goods without checking will accumulate substandard goods

watch mail at beginning and end of Internet access

programs are basic brick-shaped but programs are b-shaped elongated

forums to store answers and give out in parts

temporary internet files are available on local network if no protection

combinatorics factorial error of unknowing tenfold

think to divide by 5 and it is necessary to divide by 5 factorial 24 times more

forum feed reader only thinks up and has already been written

measure of knowledge of measure

Internet redirection can lead to paid pages and charge money

control balance of Internet sim so that money is not debited for subscriptions

innovation: creation of a new one but modernization of improvement of created

web pages of system name does not exist

site 1 not reading read site another wasting time

numbers 6 and 9 are easier to turn over than to draw

push buttons replays on keyboard and on-screen

heat faster than cool and burn yourself easier than freeze

Internet is impossible to download what is not

phrases true separately and false together

control downloading programs for free

generations were late for war and revolution and privatization

programs buttons further 1 level and windows are same faster

assistants attracting technology develops fast

in order to pay optimally but without helpers technology is not developed

because your time is cheaper

mail and forum reply ready message insert read more

fixes will be found

files scanning a lot without following it is not known whether everything was scanned

and it is better to scan by dividing into parts

films in cities are filmed in different places not nearby

money is main motivation

randomness those who do not see call people to lose

but those who understand randomness help to avoid losing

people calling for losses against randomness show only a growing schedule

although falling schedule should also prove it was not random

there are no formulas for gambling in probability theory textbooks

computer directory 1 is open and other directories

freelance communication instant phone or no messages

therefore there is a connection with other urgent not busy

compose directories with only pictures or videos

or with music indicating briefly in name of catalog

forum news comments allow news to be reminded in future

freelancing is best payer: employer behaving like a customer

customer: issues a task and money

employer: issues task and money and technology

guilty of poverty: bosses

paying minimum without worrying about development

password invisible by asterisks when entering a mistake erase it entirely and re-enter

password if they are spying on enter wrong number 1 and enter entire password

Correct 1st digit to be correct or otherwise and enter and follower will be lost

photo books unrecognized in text are meaningless

all recognized books are indexed by archivist

recognizing documents and text notepad create and save

without but new text before recognition and inserting text to save

movies about aliens: about other nationalities and races

having bought an unnecessary thing add price of a thing to a similar thing needed

phone number unknown could send sms

and addressee does not ask SMS and number is rarely checked thinking advertising

there are few strong but more weak

files name to indicate qualitative and quantitative characteristics:

new or obsolete plus date in file name

prime numbers and sequences arithmetic and geometric and author's

examination as a court where engineer is a witness

master teacher sees other people's mistakes

responses of administration to requests in response not to respond

it is beneficial to consider together or separately integral choice

and transport task

cheap slow but fast expensive

forum why tell how did things and games and programs

mail by mistake it is possible to send unsaved documents

algorithm creates digital verses number of syllables and stress

but rhyme is also important

winning at 15 is not even optimal

picture search sample small finds pictures large

independence is important

English names: months and days of week know

change your mind a year's delay

mass viewing effect and comic popularity

buying unnecessary thing from hands helped with money

moreover thing is always more expensive than price paid

it is unacceptable to call statements of people sounds of animals

time whole hours and half an hour and quarter and third and sixth

whether to show strangers under a hood or to keep it secret

pronouns like he she they exclude

orders to leader and follower

ready-made explanations for delays are usually public transport to blame

costs are fixed and temporary and recurrent

combination combinations between ranges

without combinations within ranges save calculations

screen copy printscreen screenshot sometimes helps out often

but saved pictures may lose color

control your big data

download files directory is not right one can be copied to this directory

offended by words you need to work more especially from your own

youtube create to go down in history with shadows

movie actors of past: people of shadow

ways to achieve qualitative differences know

like turning a thing inside out

past document proving former fulfillment of requirements

word nonsense foreign means here and there

webarchive can copy any site by adding a special beginning

a phrase including word negative first words positive

understand foreign countries near and far

official cover report is simpler and a megabyte less

prohibit leaflets over 3x colors

word line spacing changes

but viewing pdf line spacing does not change

forum agreement between writing of correctness does not mean never

an engineer designs options but experts and managers approve

harmonizing multilaterally integrally

win according to loser

editing pdf gets confused or disabled automatic content

is it okay to give those who ask are not new things and food open

after treating themselves to 1 time they will offer even with a benefit for themselves

an explanation of why they eat a treat right away: from time immemorial

imaginary witchcraft and treats show they are not afraid

otherwise treats could hide and destroy

joke recollections to record at once even repeatedly

specify translators in addition to authors

learn anecdotes for an impromptu after all an impromptu is best: prepared

movie jokes are usually not funny

machine writes poems but not poems

browser save a copy of bookmark to a file weekly

phones replaced watches and watches again like a computer on a hand

desktop separate files and icons and directories and shortcuts

natural number: how many times

know numbers integers rational positive real

negative irrational complex

several players bind files to best players

Russian letters are determined by changing viewing encoding

forums writing expelled who knows where will direct aggression

and option: aggressive write but no one reads

forums insert code turns on decoration and highlighting

freelance customer will definitely mix up options

spelling checker can underline but translator will understand

learn to write fake reports quickly

and requiring a report must provide for false reports

for example getting a better result results are split

ha longer term

normality of garbage and limit of disposal

elimination of cause and unimportance and continuation of consequences

cashless: images of bills are not required

buying 2 things is expensive and cheap: what is primary and what is spare

congratulations and thanks: taming addressee

text oblique oblique divides 2 words and divides 2 phrases inconvenient

post secrets openly like fairy tales

nominative beginning

transition from quantity to quality is more noticeable when above zero or below zero

not to transfer to anyone that they did not have time to check

soiling away from clothing

export workers provide export unemployed

regions not exporting unemployed on a global scale

cubes on a plane and a pyramid if you act

pressure is low and precipitation check

guessing: chain of events and guessing supposedly prepared in advance

checking start of day relaxed all day

agreed terms are signed without reading

there are very few goods from overseas

magnifier screen shrinks desktop and shifts icons

as many windows are easier to replace in a model with a new one than sheets

freelance having received an ambiguous task follower becomes presenter

and lead otherwise negative from customer

someone else's computer history is saved and available to owner of computer

freelance sleep when office workers go to work

no compromising materials on desktop neither directories nor shortcuts should be laid out

hidden showing first look

archivist scans hidden files

shuttle method important and unimportant side

example drawing a table: exact size and perpendicular

limiting actions part is important and unimportant

any video start without sound

simple probability: divide desired events by number of events

example: in a week 7 days means probability of guessing day 1/7

phone to recognize do not ring by lighting itself

but send a free SMS and hear call

counters and speed when it reaches round values

discount cards photo barcode or card copy paper

in case of loss

freelance mail decomposition into folders for years do not erase

graphics programs layer order and best permutation

writing yourself a spelling can be skipped

replacing 2x in a 3-gon

freelancing to give a reprieve to customer considers himself an effective manager

freelancing is not obvious: whether to send immediately or delay finished

and it is more convenient to follow schedule

too cheap or unusual to buy for yourself or others calmer

computer: erased from RAM not saved cannot be restored

more nominative

philately bonistics numismatics main state authority of paper

freelance pay quarterly and quarterly travel

so as not to rush every month

programs different viewing simple and editing

free customers urgently oblige freelancers to work on weekends

and ensure continuity at night

files do not open until fully downloaded

size limitation and scale is better

forum themselves without knowing without prompting important words can not find other topics

freelance clients: a kind colleague and an evil boss

style from stylish spare parts

sequence ready synthesized randomness

key points are finite but lines even segments are infinite

give way mutually

electronics cheap battery price

probability of a case is non-zero means probability of fact is 100%

result is better than unknown

going back and forth to know purpose

forum non-professional writers are less popular

choice is best example: throw money or a snowball

probability higher than chain shorter theory and examples

fantastic stories replace academic theories

and protect priority of writers

when leaving turn off Internet cord or flash modem

host is last to leave

rejected go to adversaries

against repetition of values??uncontrolled

go through a value other than controlled

letters are always addressed to those who have read

long stick is also a drone

sound will show that they are watching this very second

laughing look at their

Close-up photo Finger distance control

understand prestigious products

lifting weights back vertically straight and straighten legs

electronics working does not understand

work on someone else's equipment by those who provided equipment result is not assigned

there is little hot water but there is a lot of warm water

how many files have been downloaded show forums and file hosting

its usefulness is proved by strangers

dialogue transition of strangers into ours: would do same too

translations of words of interest to watch and record immediately

forum does not provide back data requiring proof

people do not understand words of foreign songs

half of work is unfinished does result mean a positive

their own take on blame of those interested

forums express plural better than female

laptop turned off and disconnected from network by connecting

first charge up to 100% not including

2-factor registration integral

criticism is better than praise

files and directories name same beginning replaces additional directory

degrees of freedom: 3 movement and 3 rotation is similar to 6 signs of 0 and 1

computer button apply as ok without closing window

books and articles supposedly economic without word export there is no need to read

price is high absurd

in exchange for a bigger benefit price may be inadequate

example buying 5 items 1 item losing and noticing save rest

but to save all things it is not necessary to lose

smartphone camera and apps as liquid level

Complaining about indecent words to hide what is quoted with asterisks

so as not to be a distributor of indecent

browser text divided into a paragraph is entered into line completely

proof of confirmation and proof of distinction

saving 1 part out of 1 is noticeable but saving 1 part out of 3 is less noticeable

and saving 1 part out of 5 even more imperceptibly leads to a rejection of savings

cash: goods but non-cash: service

lottery in a smartphone: a step into impoverishment

information from outside to report pier thought of it myself

masculine verbs are more natural

walking while they see they run when they don't see

variant of spelling of word in foreign letters a lot of combinatorics

menu mouse if you miss too much is not pressed

news fake fictional toxic do not spread even jokingly

zeros of large numbers should be entered by 3 or as 10 to power

newsreel frame shows year shown

following strategy does not guarantee victory

after all proof: 2 opponents and same strategies

know drawing font and fill in drawing font official papers

be able to write with left hand and right hand

autocad font oblique to left protection from repetition in office is impossible

shortcut name is possible even different from file

being distracted even for a minute do not put dirt in plain sight

dirt in portable media accidentally cannot be taken out on street

do not touch other people's cars on street

a joke without profit is not considered a deception

more people means more competition and more customers customers

going outside phone must be charged over 50%

to tell anyone not to envy in your own words

what is advantage of envious

indestructible paint or sticker

electrical board requires electrical energy

credit cards like canned food

loans with interest products are bought worse

deterioration in quality of purchased products erroneous

natural option of saving after all does not affect others

but savings on clothes are noticeable to others

computer to search in required directories collect in 1 directory

do not open text of 2 copies at same time

understand development intensively and extensively

forums your topics and your posts like your own book

gold heavy truck thin layer at bottom

option of meeting 1 on 1 or vice versa more witnesses

development: mechanism is complex and then simple and again complex

forums calling names enemies have come up with name names and friends

and name-calling is to blame for calling a pseudonym

forum of banks was created for benefit of bankers and topics that are beneficial to people

on bankers 'forum same sellers' forums will be blocked

programs do not accept previous versions of programs to buy new ones

dependent on exports depend on external markets

regions where local jobs are afraid to create

jobs should be created by governor and authorities

reverse engineering of technology as re-creation allowed

summation: of same type but integration: of different types

as sum of products of quality and quantity

over every liberal there is an authoritarian

liberal ruled by authoritarian

instead of words one and other indicate: ours and others

manipulator blames strangers but does not blame his own

saving way and saving time

knowing how to calculate remembering is not necessary

metro know exit of which carriage and walk along platform saving time

website pictures giant small dimensions are unacceptable

picture editor background is filled with pieces to erase

and fill with a rare color controlling areas

it is unacceptable to ask not to tell anyone other than misinformation

war nationalism and internationalism

water temperature gives temperature to materials

and material has squeezed out room temperature

forums avoid words abnormal

it is more convenient to wait at beginning of path because path may branch

side root and prime numbers

it is impossible to open without a key

but having a key provocations and suspicions are possible

keys all together or keys separately

going out drunk is tantamount to putting on boots in summer

self-fulfilling forecast

doc and dox are better translated into a single format

when editing pdf to be able to nest between pages

clothes are clean at home

chemicals must be in reserve

oblique sound quieter

price announcements search by ranges

problems about 0 and 1 about gambling

screen video without avi compression

free digital photos without film development and photo more

but before with film before development they took unnecessary photos

resale is not wasted

name part qualitative and quantitative

internet is spent most on video

incomprehensible take point of view of incomprehensible

do not use other people's money without a contract

canned food unopened for a long time but canned food open will end soon

gambling: a slow drop in balance and a jump up when you win

and inclined fall of balance is more horizontal practically

losing less in same time better

speech synthesizer can skip words

and it is possible to put skipping characters inside special brackets

actors advertise themselves

small organization own leader

new customer needs attention from scratch

freelance work for a customer to a new refusal but to a customer to make a permanent

know years of creation of classic books or at least century of creation

books fragments free would be better from middle of books

people: great nobody

signs of correctness and incorrectness for example all numbers are divisible by 3

investigating incident main thing is not to get out on yourself and on your

being declared toxic creates distances

savings as canned food no matter where main thing is with their

castle divides its own and others' spheres

tell same thing means science

phrase horizontally and variants of words vertically tabular synonyms

if there is a sports team a strong score is more often odd due to absence of even draws

choose sim number by yourself

programs are being edited an asterisk appears

computer menu dropdown is often better without dropdown

but menu is a drop-down control against accidental clicking

forums by downloading only to registered users number of forum users increases

movies are old: they sing in every movie

provocation and getting involved in a provocation is also a provocation

continuity and discreteness

graphically profitable end-to-end growth: line connects 2 points of graph

and at a distance angle of line less means less profitability

site pictures each up to 100 kilobytes

transport started at different times is catching up

speed of lagging higher and speed of reaching lower

plus example: music and video players start at different times

management can not pay for a long time

and those who consider non-payments to be cheating do not become

appetite slugger at table do not report

breaking pattern causes hysteria

unknown is better not to know

assuming deception to tell truth

detective is written from end to beginning

detective who lies are to blame

to answer not to prohibit and it is better to overcome someone else's pressure by manipulation

files are renamed by adding same characters to beginning

foreign films are re-dubbed every 10 years

movie editing is noticeable

buy less often means shelf life is important; higher means added chemicals

additional subtitles: names of actors and years of birth and year of film

agreement between 2 parties may not satisfy third party

phone refusal versus email refusal effect different

screen photo program icons can be downloaded by looking for a small photo fragment

debt to pay immediately after gaining independence

otherwise they will remember in future more than now

calculating worst case covered best and average cases

to compose answers to sudden questions

voicing it is possible to delete foreign letters and numbers manually or by macro

age by years to count in mind especially adding 100 for a new century

technology becomes known when famous

and it is important to record your authorship on Internet and in books and in patents

file is not guaranteed to be read but picture is read immediately

and it is better to combine letters and pictures

a new era begins: year 1 without year zero

seeking not to offend

social network files converts pictures to video

social network images erases media information about camera etc.

same past events are simulated at any time

set alarm while cooking

table is cleaner than chair and chair is dirtier than table

exactly not knowing to report they say I read it on Internet

desire not to guess and it is better to assign a win by already guessing events

copying non-rectangular first remove unnecessary and do not write

tv remote button channel above and below will show channel number of original

secret event know: password

TV as subtitles include year of film and age of actors on screen

return torn bills to a bill acceptor

select all highlights unnecessary

year 1st months and 1st days denote with a zero of form 05

fraction separate numerator and parentheses factor less

cursor is most noticeable on screen

aggression towards positive turns into toxicity

know meaning of names

adjust web pages to size of browser window

having guessed guessed not to inform if it is secret

otherwise cats and mice even later

books important 1% of 1% fits in a paragraph and in a line

It's okay to pretend to be slippery against strangers

clothes sometimes weapons

comments include date conveniently many years later

download manager resuming from SIM card does not depend

design is also programming

abbreviations of different languages??do not match

laptop lid screen closed means not working

communicating with an expert performer can spoil

books to read for next academic year

small youtube look at forums otherwise megabytes for design

forum response notification is written individually

look through mirror

justified are grateful to justified

material magnetic know

acad blocks show everything in model otherwise control 2 and pull out

controlled ones who have something to lose

know rulers for 3 centuries

do not seriously report unknown and unprovable

sanctions reveal who steals more

working student or employee raising qualifications at a university

accumulation means independence from monthly reports

New Year's poems know at least 1

a parody of a work or an actor or a politician or language

reminds of existence of parodied

mosaic integral

movies do not create consecutive episodes

chase movies create in slow motion and cars on another machine

pdf count spread on 2 sheets is convenient to look at

2nd agents are given information of little significance

material properties in place are integrally optimal

watching movies and reading Internet at same time is normal

it is impossible to watch 2 movies at same time

song recording transferred or forward only title

because update to public can contain bugs

words are negative but action is positive

equipment self-disconnection and remote disconnection

teamwork does not take someone else's

children can swear rudely

military obey injustice and adventures of authorities

forums toxic envious people bound by colleagues

and are afraid to report new things they are waiting for chewing to take over

books go back in time

and earlier publication further into past

instead of: think better: if you think

search for frequent letters will show if there are letters in text

searching for a number will show if there are numbers in text

punishment any statute of limitations

forum fetching information if erase add from yourself

forum pseudonym so that colleagues do not recognize author

written works do not change point of view even after proof

only leader is obliged to explain to his followers

movies foreign character president or king

compound words of type yangugl

in order to win in total it is important to exclude losses

genetic information: bytes

files downloaded rename and indexing name is not important

remember ranges instead of exact data

less than 100 and more than 50

copy into memory into your human memory and paste into text

here and now later I remember: many years ago

psychology writers don't know formula

mathematician is called only knowing integral and logarithm

notepad cinema frames same frame height flipping

paper notebook quickly flipping through corner of sheets

advertising talking names washed out above and below

new draft writer presents to authorities

transfer receiving control receiving cards

and options for obtaining a card and a sim card of your own and relatives

forgot to change numbers for a computer

numbers and numbers and calendar are language independent

watch movies in evening so that you don't think about movie on way

password suggests number of characters

forum other people's youtube type link does not improve TV

so that readers do not waste time because of you

state organizations organize incoming letters

1st letter of applicants

example of a quality event: bought a product

example of a quantitative event: item quantity

time scale: same number of years ago from starting point

for example how many are we looking at in a mirror from 2000 to 2022:

2000- (2022-2000) = 1978

what has been proven to others may not prove or is unprovable

a freelance customer spends 95% of time

but performer spends 5% of time

positive without negative instead of not spent better: saved

or 2 variants of expression

cars 1 for 3 people up to 1 car for 2 people

phone turn screen light and reflection

and darkest pointing down

original story is not necessarily true

bluetooth transfer of multiple files by archive

it means that smartphone needs an archiver

smartphone is strongly pointless to press

and excellent pressure: long

formulas solution is inverse exact or approximate

possible questions to know and answers

robots don’t know how to donate

positions and deputies

full height computer window flip side up or down

name 1 letter deciphers its

good and bad regardless of their opinion:

sleepwalkers and martians

Internet pages downloaded read from newest

transferring to another directory or renaming interesting

YouTube favorites of channels of interest

longest Russian word in imported letters: defending

internet pages downloaded dates yesterday and today

regarding download date

firms buy competitors close

photo is shown immediately but movie and music are gradually

practically parallel and sequential

files copy with replacement is more important usually larger or newer

files copy skipping similar massively: headlight manager

archivist exchange indexes without files

letters 1 line meaning is visible more positively

and then problems and main meaning in naming of letter

letters if they go to a separate catalog may not be read for a long time

knowing schedule is easier to follow

smartphone programs archives inside it is possible to replace files

such as pictures and music

small volume more than percent until same amount is reached

archiving first copy and then if you need to delete previous copy

public transport phone will be spied on by other passengers

correspondence of military and civilian positions

those interested will make good out of bad

those who are interested will make bad out of good

wider view if window is closer

view already if window is further

rulers are most far-sighted

freelancer response to customer faster customer will pay sooner

understanding controls authorities

users who do not notice

non-users do not notice users

praise should make you laugh

export point provides non-exporting

clothing advertising colors

presenters in front of other presenters do not constrain

capital letters small meaning is lost

flat part is better visible

sms book

safer more important faster

absolute coordinates: point

coordinates are relative: vector

internal carriers are faster than external

and fastest possible disk emulation in memory

limit liabilities and entertainment: on even days

or on days divisible by 3 or once a week

to hand over your computer to a company: how to bring a cow to a collective farm

deeds of past condemned repeated by all are approved

interest on loans zeroing offended bankers

risk victims without participating would play another risk

and would suffer there striving for donation itself

search within pages is important point for example .mp3

subject and addition to observe

stupid questions many are afraid to ask

atom and planets are identical

question they say must: who always has an answer

words foreign dependent most do not know meaning

standing ovation sign of respect

youtube picture screensaver link has youtube cipher

download manager is everything new transferred 6nr: downloaded in fog

files sorting by size will separate photo from video

drawing includes a layout order above below

and it is possible to raise elements above base in space

simple sites are forgotten

do not laugh at interlocutor and it is better to tell them they read on Internet

perpendicular and non-perpendicular


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