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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 13 » Integral of Life 11
Integral of Life 11


Cheating daily: call simple difficult and call difficult simple

online voting forms and proposals filling out evidence is not left except for return response if address is specified correctly

Triangle of Psychology: Victim aggressor rescuer

reporting it's hard to be a genius: he doesn't call himself a genius

autocad drawing sharing immediately copy renaming

underground deeper terrain is not important

intermediary thing works integrally

excel list duplicates exclude: sort and if repeat leave only 1 value creates a list with spaces copy and to right insert values and sorting will separate spaces

technology: think less and do more

communication with computer on you and then with computer on you and then computer turns to you

e mail important messages from spam to take out otherwise they will be erased

quoting in quotation marks is not required to indicate end of quote

works of past how to find readers without Internet is amazing and with Internet is amazing how to choose from thousands and where is time to read

product word emphasizes: integral

requirement to tell everything by telling a small part think everything is told

contradictions of friend and foe exclude common enemy

cats can count to 5

forums and social networks user 1st in lists

wi-Fi is not anonymous users are not present

tilt to right manipulates how it is directed to future

fewer update programs means more megabytes to do.

ancient wheels did not know how our suitcases on wheels were not used

libra is ternary 3-ich: one side or other or non-participation

file sharing service does not download open via another browser for an hour

contests to participate until end because leader can withdraw from competition

advertising faces are different as in a mirror

knowledges leave in past but then money leave in future

physics real quantities: time derivatives from value multiplied by time

authority of their own presses and they are embarrassed to do something but authority of others and others is zero

forum to inform your own immediately but to others and others to report in parts waiting for answer of interlocutor not in a hurry

a private house can be without communications and without payment

project: collection of options for approval

internet page is saved enabled from internet advertising will turn on and megabytes are consumed

forum answer known to report as a question

unification: few components but many variations of parts

understand about yourself and your own: there are no irreplaceable ones

freelance client: freelance director

office images of shapes and lines: block block

A read notification is more important than a response

forums messages of conflict and insults are not a plus and not a minus so that without notifications about reading

experience doesn't come without training

cipher inserted automatically with asterisks: length will tell font especially when there is a list of ciphers

supposedly sick people are called healthy when they need to be

competitions: starts 1st and achieves and following catch up in turn

computer before entering windows via enter data is not recorded

errors are easier to find than to determine correctness for example slope is wrong sign is clear quality but in right direction amount of slope may be erroneous

TV shows humiliate characters: agreed in advance

freelance free solutions to offer if there are no paid offers for day

an archive downloaded with an error returns an error message

forums don't write for a long time only active one will fill entire forum

meaning is hidden added specifically

explaining fraud in media stops explained fraud

exclusive: exclusive

e-mail sign dog or dog used to be called: monkey

colon sign translates following word into nominative case

television: speech is literate but Internet: speech is illiterate

Forum answer about normality in rest of Go on streets in different shoes unacceptable although in rest of all normally

markets should not be a place of self-abasement

project requires approval

price in national currency is cheaper

those who live in city praise life in village and those who live in village praise life in city also those who live abroad praise domestic and domestic ones praise foreign ones: nothing special

profit arises in planning hour

investigations: main thing is not to go out on your own

scheduling schedule disruption should be short-lived

flash drive root files for your own

email archive your emails in directories do not erase them

few files open easier to reload

playlist name is unique will be found immediately

uploaded to Internet does not access computer

when archiving do not use directories

command line from top it is convenient for eyes to see bottom of screen and rarely look up

code digit 10 options are few

asks who is not important but to whom you answer is more important than s

bills are not new not by numbers

directory disappeared opening file level above or desktop

forum dialog if there are more subscribers than me

choice is to throw it out no matter where quickly or first finding a place

registration multiple multiaccount when others use someone else's computer

program author has entered himself everywhere program is unpleasant to use

strategy game as a TV series

strategy teaches simultaneous actions

penalties for unruly behavior

recalculating forwards and backwards

transition if not straight is divided in half perpendicular and towards never with your back

frame player copy quality as you can see stop and frame copy and then quality deteriorates

every country's lost 10th anniversary every person's lost decade

tell your friends where you are manipulating and where gap of your statements is but to others and others to broadcast as truth in penultimate instance

defragmentation will show hidden files

computer save location unknown or difficult to save to root

foster independence

autocad turn first 0 and then turn

Graphically examples 0 or 1 who what exactly all cases

ternary: yes or no or unchecked checked: yes or no and unchecked: yes or no 4 options

important: yes or no and no matter: yes or no and unverified: yes or no 6 options

lamp at night: on or off and lamp at night: on or off and lamp is unverifiable: on or off 6 options

cheapness of services means that there is enough money for everyone without competition

an empty bottle will fall more easily

people understand 100 steps in 100 seconds but 1 17th step in 1 13th second will not understand

do not accept charge so as not to pay compensation

actions of others ridiculing themselves will commit same actions

victories in competition of individual states enrich whole world

Do not report your savings to others

think paradoxically

forums medicines any not to mention

sun in a week gives energy like all available resources of earth

Democracy: absence of truth

help only opponents not all of them

forum of schoolchildren students behave like schoolchildren

Download manager if files can be repeated add them to list and examine them for repetitions in your free time

freelancing project of your specialty is answered by other non specialists it is better for you

do not give someone else your gadget for Internet because they will go to a bad site and delete history without knowing how to spoil gadget

window background buttons are active

paint over white take a sample next to it closer

they say something unpleasant so many people see it that way

any that is erase meaning of previous phrases

graph small and their number and large and their number will show qualitatively

no one thanks multiplication table and they don't thank you on Internet even if they learned who taught it is not obvious

pisha they say stupidity show themselves stupid

those who know only addition will not tell you about multiplication and about degrees will not tell you and inverse functions will not tell you

tell your friends about yourself when unprovable

an excellent student will do everything right right away but two-man will also achieve same thing for a greater number of attempts

audiobooks first listen to qualities and waiting for new by starting to listen to poor quality stop

internet pages downloaded unnecessary open and erase from disk and update we see an error message means that page was erased

movie clip 1 frame erroneous occurs noticeably reformat movie

forums spread out keywords leading search to you

web pages font enlarged customize and zoom increased

doubt hourly

vector: integral and goal

foreign languages to know: translate computer games

audiobooks are long and boring to listen to again

Popular character: integral

integral of attention

only solution is of little interest

abbreviations in numbers: 2 4 for

text reprinting windows move to see 2 texts at same time

job search for a job

compensating aid back from slave reduces effectiveness of aid equalizing balance less favorably for slave

free response before task to send at any time even outside of business hours

strategies are taught to act simultaneously while respecting priority

clearing place integral

uncontrolled cooling is not allowed and uncontrolled heating is not allowed

freelancing master language of officials for answers about nothing for reassurance

forum be prepared for toxicity of misunderstood and be prepared for aggression

envious people

having reported that it is impossible to find it they will immediately start looking for it

texts are wide and do not fit: font is reduced or flattened

forum tags by entering wrong ones deprive themselves of access to similar topics

internet images by posting to other sites links to images are available for posting to forums and often by manipulatively erasing file from source

computer organize directories by change guarantee 1 day: any file changes date of change although inside hundreds of files are long-standing

internet link is remembered regardless of how long you watched site or refused to download control: color of link has changed

computer search new is possible by replacing previous search data in address bar and clicking enter

computer file opened recently: list of open program files

technology telling to report they say they can do it themselves so that they say they deceived you by doing it themselves would not be considered

internet sites secret to watch through browser how do you know how to clear your browsing history and files and passwords?

it is possible to pass off bad by spoiling it allegedly for former good

handwritten signature without printout: add a photo of handwritten signature to image of application or contract

complex action includes simple actions: driving involves turning wheels and everything is shown in simulation

computer catalog and thumbnails in window line by width are clearer and easier to highlight

email stores files for years

repairs replace cheap and leave expensive integrally

parallel: started later can end earlier sequential: started later will end later

smartphone programs from disk after zeroing out are easy to re-install

smartphone emulator of old games

sites domains thematic tv business etc

A person knows about 5 generations of relatives

inverted container is not filled

experiment result is relatively expensive saves you from repeating experiment

dry smells less without fumes

item names before company names

words endings properties and cases gender etc

akad circle excess from left to right clinging only completely blocks in other part of drawing and screen will remain untouched

politics: take away benefits and return same benefits over years will increase popularity of those who returned benefits

computer autocad printing frames equal to pdf scale

simultaneously different pdf printers

actor once in TV gets more success

nut 1 and 2 nuts are more reliable translation of rotation into motion

freelance customer pay if they can't possibly pay half of it

excel your tables to sign name or in

unusual words next to English spelling will find more accurately

Movies necessary and sufficient

do not talk in stairwell so that strangers do not hear

computer a document that is frozen cannot be saved and it is good when there is a copy

site map of world will show server address

contradiction if means possible and when: required

texts are gigantic color of letters will help you navigate

site's world map will show active server

unnecessary things also have a price

emotions turn towards liking and turning away rejection of a character or clothing

costs blow away your budget or someone else 's when others are spent temporarily or for a long time or permanently

numbers are thumbs up from 1 to 5 and sideways from 6 to 9

joke they say in 1st time makes answer every time something in 1st time

spying on 1st person humor if you follow many people

algorithm for crossing lines by 4 points

many singers do not play musical instruments

imagine asking others

windows that disappear 1mi and then do not disappear

correct answer: I don't know

rich center and poor regions are normal

align paper in front of photo on edge of table

discount cards other people's points for yourself and others

TV series plots are single serial and plot is multi serial continuous

media clarifies what is said in parentheses even if quoted person reported main words without specifically naming them

pets must work then feeding is an asset

people can't be that stupid so they're doing it wrong on purpose

idea is original inform your superiors and if problem persists remind them of solution

freelancing rejection of a project that is obviously impossible is a sign of skill

Knowing that I don't know is also cheating

pyramid who cheats those above

Repeat after leaders is cheaper

if enemy does not surrender then enemy is not

nut is wrapped

self-censorship options

money is shared by presenter

exchange integral and scales integral exchange integral

there are many solutions and only solution does not exist

books you read are fictional so that you don't follow them

move cursor across transport screen

their own did something but others did something too: nonsense and filth

internet anonymously consumption and non-anonymous posting

people are afraid to harm their own even unprovably

forum haters minsuyuschie sometimes put pros

pour juice from bag open on top

prohibit use of your own developments with toxic substances

order of actions is forgotten

same 2 and 1 different outputs 1 selected

computer should work and person should rest

copy programs are somewhat open and configured selection of last closed program is remembered so after setting up and closing if same program is still open previous new settings will not be saved

weather should not create any problems problem should not create any problems and everything depends on person so as not to suffer

it is a shame to have loans and to pay interest is a shame

work 40 hours and rest continuous 42 hours from 14 hours plus a day plus 8 hours

absence of transport costs every minute does it mean savings

programs functions are new some of them have been arranged for years by themselves

whole is unaffordable to lift in parts

center is rich and regions are poor.

paper bend align on edge of table

rushing is expensive

text of supplement at different times by different participants in different colors

attention integral

celebrity names are forgotten

humor and surprise

conflict is organized and resolved in favor of prepared

to inspire a negative message saying that you disagree with this negative or that you do not know this negative

referencing historical figures count on quotes readers know

art for slave craft for master

high-quality for export and high-quality for export

classics of literature in cinema highlight quotes literal

media elite but comments: anti-elite

3 third party parents children grandchildren

mechanical restriction items and design

from point of view of future no one knows truth

index of climbing inside someone else's computer only by downloading

fb2 books few people know format

download files without specifying size via download manager

download manager contains address of files and it is possible to go back to index

internet search for typos corrects and vice versa correction cancels understanding even mistakenly included languages changing language to correct one

braking is stressful but acceleration is scary

people don't know that it's possible to find formulas without knowing

faster and psychology

add 3rd word where 2nd key is.

why did I do it they ask who also finds it hard to do it

Social realism: conflict of good and even better

work is monotonous listening to audio books

lectures while preparing it seems that there should not be because it is really possible to find out everything before beginning

smart people dream of beating everyone

cut fragment immediately before pasting otherwise another fragment will be copied during inactivity

probabilities are triggered integrally

mining created device earlier on video cards

winning over system when with a probability of almost 50% return is higher than y-2.

bids allows you not to raise bids

forums through social networks can give out a different name of writer even a real full name

prediction self-fulfilling

repetitions are noticeable so text is remembered

future loans as credit cards for 0%

loans % less than credit cards and usually credit cards are closed by taking a loan but credit card reaches 0% and is cheaper than loans main thing to observe grace period is to know your future pay

pressing space bar may accidentally confirm button in pop-up window

instead of you should: you're better off

information has an infinitely large value measured in monetary terms or otherwise

sometimes less is better and more is better

computer: money printing machine

colors of things red yellow green: traffic light

rarest books are read and discussed and recommended

paper books with poems sheets are not filled enough natural material is wasted too much

properties have changed and if property 1 is unchanged then property 2 has changed.

hedging: insurance leasing: rent

emotions in text word-this explanation dash creates intonation down and extra words word: explanation is shorter without excess plus intonation up

open permanent key yourself without giving it away

abbreviations abbreviations that differ slightly better if they contain same number of letters

temporary name can be anything provided that it is renamed to a permanent name as soon as possible

a pdf book without illustrations and without tables translated into simple text pdf itself is not needed especially if it is too large

text is copied without distortion important for programs and calculations

computer modem operation icons should be visible to watch not hidden

fairy tales should be without illogical plot

fiction is possible but behavior of characters without motivation is impossible

freelance work for export to other regions at same time a geography lesson

advanced study of languages and sciences in schools: integral

things that are rare should be copied

now millions of rubles are being lost before thousands of lives were lost

deception deters danger

forum compressible data compress and place next to non-compressed data

loans and interest: personal inflation especially interest on loans on liabilities

computer desktop only shortcuts and shortcut directories

camera auto setting file names: 1 photo name as date and then camera sets names containing required date

dangerous isolate do not destroy

files are large by downloading by downloading wait 1 minute before opening

movies and cartoons show 1st aid

download archive and unpack it optimally so that there are copies of files

holidays family gifts to your friends

invoice and control: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 20

autocad drawing fragment cut: 2 frame and crop between frames and frames: any shapes and polylines

voicing error Russian letters replace transliteration

window is narrow it is faster to see with eyes to left to right

music file is edited by keeping parts separate and combining them

forum response and attracting attention: responsibility for time

file copy from inside directory path does not copy

their own pronouns suggest hidden meaning of text

know what others can download in your public directories

cases and main words in main cases problem is solved by who what problem is solved through whom what

cipher number of a letter is a number other than 6 is not noticeable when there are few numbers

number must be equal to maximum number

instead of exact answer know or don't know

a broken mechanism can't fix itself

music without words and with words is more interesting

color of west is blue color of east is red

Programming languages old mice do not support

many meanings as entertainment guess meaning

women 2 raise 1 barrel but 1 man raises 2 barrels 4 times more

autocad drawing protection scale arbitrary correct scale reference


concert leaving hall especially permanently cause tension

flash android Converter and java Converter

length shadow will show height of other tall buildings

probability of guessing letter vowel and consonant

forum is divided when there are contradictions

Filling in field by copying from outside is convenient to alternate

justification one may contradict justification of other

manipulations are heard from others even in media

forum minuses compensating pause to calm down those who put minuses

putting a minus if there is a plus then put 2 pluses others

actors who are more popular are more popular

creating difficult one asks why your technology is not developed

manipulations are different: I know I will say and manipulations I do not know

forum block yourself enter a random password and specifically confirm

diploma design an array of Drafts

video quality is visible

men's songs are sung by women and women's songs are sung by men

No one will read it sooner than everyone will read it

cipher replacing letters with incorrect ones collects new words

everyone sometimes saves their superiors millions

to look from point of view of others is to lose amusement of not understanding others

game of manipulators in dunno

Cost options small or large or sum of large and small costs

forum to notice non-contradiction with opponent and use

divide text into paragraphs

freelance assistance to customer to postpone until response from customer otherwise suddenly breaking up and helping customer means devaluing other performers

distinguish between acids by taste citric oxalic and others

forum hidden readers are almost clear who if undisclosed ones are visible

forum for beginners is answered reluctantly and will speed up understanding of pier.

phone number on Internet to report including numbers in letters like five so that spam is not sent

search for same words with imported letters

macro of signs and design inside loop is an array of hundreds of substitutions and macro mini substitutions quick option

words conjunctions are different but meanings are same

work earnings savings 3 values

path speed acceleration

autocad texts correcting language switch before editing

word is composite 1st part of name is important for ordering

military bearing is noticeable

downloads completion of next turn off Internet Only can affect connection

offer quality accepted by others as approved from future

book title clear era

computer noise will drown out music and sound

speech synthesizer is normal without dictionaries dictionaries slow down by 2 times

write search phrases in notepad

accept when worst is worst and when nothing depends

photo camera 1 file name exact sets order and size of following photos

diameters separately and sum are not equal

file size is determined so file is there

list of site files with image tags

repairs in presence of savings on transport

oblivion of toxic was at all times

wording is rich and probably true

office record file name 1st word of text or 1st phrase automatically

freelance dialogues without adania are meaningless

eternal dialogues on 2 topics: family and money

download manager force start

dogs if expelled from pack and if a person caresses then they take dog back into pack

rename obsolete unused files because new files can interact with each other and names are important

branching shows source and branches

computer graphics in movies for seconds integral

freelance documents signed by hand are sent by long distance couriers quickly in hours and days

forum topic moved searched through new posts

numbers including year of birth are always favorite

archiver is missing upload to internet and open and download

a story that is clear in your own words

Computer data transferring manually between programs arrange windows side by side without intersecting

wireless communication requires more energy

movies classics of literature created little

loans personal inflation

archivist temporary directories with search for all files

text inside itself is divided into logical lines

program leaves watermarks simply erased by another program

print multiple files by saving copies of opened file and renaming open printed file

postponing letter first set date and then fill in

video you download is visible immediately but music that downloads is unclear advertising

songs downloading long and further result

forum 2 disputing for whom extreme word will help out 3rd other who answered unsportsmanlike on topic

schedules photo phone name

usual word in encyclopedia is supplemented by title about what article

key can jam both real and virtual

subsequent works draw from works of previous ones but not vice versa

downloading is important on time and order of files is same for 1 file to download

an egg raw or boiled is determined by unwinding egg

moment of inertia different wheel shapes closer to center faster they will accelerate in different ways

crash others seeing dangerous take action and inform others

know your own and others disabilities

words are short and order is correct they will learn faster

freelance customers are somewhat not confused to respond in response without starting new emails or to increase control

benefit is mutual understanding colluding in silence

patriots work for export

adviser to adviser

wolfhound and wolfhound dove

menu highlight integral

threefold past present future

youtube subscription to gratitude channel

it is easier to refuse a new freelance customer

freelance customer is better to send express version instead of question

forum big texts and small pictures and big pictures and small videos

word similar to toxic leads to understanding negatively and noticing to exclude toxicity and negativity

programs show percentages in upper control bar on taskbar

threat to sue affects vulnerable

know time of disconnection so that you do not download long ones

after reporting an inaccurate one they will begin to clarify it means that they have definitely watched it

electronic clock non-resettable start at 0 hours 0 minutes

browser history enter and forget will erase stock and other words of forgotten site

forum telling new things strengthen their own at first and others through time

election integral

sites without registration are stored configured on computer

acting from 2 sides at same time victim loses time to turn and change answer to transport task

miniblock autocad line main name

know names of original religious figures and names of their relatives

Forum leaving answers do not read so as not to think too much on way

pisha stories fairy tales word order is not observed

ads without calls are sold by children

circle perfect coin

know how much banks pay for interest

having quarreled with services that serve them do not use them again for a week

integral of defense and integral of attack

after buying a thing less expensive rejoice you bought a thing cheaper earlier more

rulers dream of making history as peacemakers

cords connecting cables of unequal length to combine

it is possible to agree in silence and without contacting while respecting their interests

usb can write to disk

discounts are offered for switching to them and then discounts will be canceled

while studying parts remember what you remember

many people dream of making history by breaking something

computer connects a lot of mice and also flash drives

you don't like wording you write your own phrases

menu brakes and know quick buttons

alt enter properties

forum putting a plus to yourself from another profile to laugh it off like why not 20 pluses without cheating

if you see an error in your personal data from possible scammers do not correct it in response

access to files was closed if name synthesized for download is begged seeing names of others

internet is turned off if you see disconnection cord is pulled out or modem is removed or sim is missing

forum positive negative turn off control integral

adding more has become on average more and vice versa adding less has become on average less

immediately explain I write to children

inflow from below is mechanical and extraction is natural down and at same time vertically without intersecting

Instead it is better to immediately specify more precisely for example faster

memoirs Full version will be published in a quarter of a century to posterity

others do not differ from others by required attribute

page race manager downloaded incomplete once again download 1st page at a time

by coloring in 2 colors distinguish between colors of internal and external background

distinguish between language prefixes

Previous versions of books are simply smaller

youtube which playlists are strangers is not known

selecting a rectangle with diagonals

items that ring and don't ring

archivist index inside index normally

office programs apply integral technology

simplify work presentation extension indicates view or edit

plan respecting an asset otherwise a liability

akad text a landmark clings to exact center

freelance tasks are possible fictional to increase rating of customer and freelancer

photo flash follow up if not required

property abroad pledged

after acceleration there is a deceleration

buying from seller of a new one is a shame before seller of previous one

understanding negative cases is important for predicting behavior

notepad find out properties of plaintext: click save as

and without saving anything find file you are looking for and watch properties

and close file window

forums contradict themselves

integral in films where 2nd control

crypto is not a currency: commemorative coins

movies as a gift to clean from negative scenes and re-save

possibly without end credits to know exact finish

Word replacement text giant view simple draft without decoration

movie you like looking for how movie was made

archivist transferring databases to others first clean out negative

probably creating a new index first

integral of money measured in money and proportions are possible

amount of money in circulation multiplied by velocity of circulation

equal: price of goods and services multiplied by volume of goods and services

proportions to be able to solve in mind and on sheet and in excel

interpolation and extrapolation calculation and graphical

in Excel and AutoCAD and on paper

ricochet and angles of incidence and reflection and 2-sided angle understand

crypto is not a currency: commemorative coins

forum who read page see visitors who came earlier

they do not see themselves and new readers until page is updated

rooms to rent on 1st floor to flood stump

interest where loan is higher

clock stopped 2 times a day shows correct time

sound is too loud to lower voice without raising

send to internet: send to past

economics: a small part of mathematics integration

I personally believe myself

recognize sincerity and seriousness of what is communicated and reliability

water should be tasteless and odorless and colorless

forum search finding messages more search inside page highlighting

cold boiling water

income growth how to count former minus

ignorance protects against provocation

A4 page how many letters to know

do not learn while playing

they don't listen to music while listening to lectures

like in a mirror

railway is most technologically advanced industry at all times

file to throw inside file or in frame of shell actions are different

Smallest chess program: 328 bytes

indignant do nothing: it means it is also profitable

photo copy correctly photographed accelerates turn

nail: hammer and screw: wrench and screw: screwdriver

average amount shows integral amount

means randomness decreases and chains are divided in a row

defragmentation if few parts are defragmented it means

largest files few fragments

list many empty lines remove empty spaces text itself without moving

By inverting images inside small coats of arms and symbols do not invert color

author of his ideas is not

liberals kneeling before authoritarian

notice reactions of others to your manipulations monitor reaction

especially seeing success of manipulation

archivist letters e and e are equal

foreign films often speak indistinctly

history breaks down old buildings and cars

computer plays badly diagonally because 2 moves are horizontal and vertical

but for a human player 1 move is 2 times easier or 2 times easier

namesakes more than their own

YouTube author is not hiding

smaller better

science distracts from inventions with a fresh look

integral cubes logarithm chain

autocad calculations automatic fields and tables built-in

control eliminates accidental pressing of a button or lever or pedal

waiting letter more often check mail

a copy of version makes it freer

table special character is not deleted and is not used

so for use new characters are introduced and applied

search and replace by combining characters and new characters

bought is inactive means liability

conversion to another directory first check and check replace former

other keyword or where

street map city will prompt

got it wrong or always get it right

and misunderstanding is to blame for misunderstood

and possibly ambiguity provocation

games design loses its meaning

internet news carousel translates between news about nothing

smart ones think of themselves

gas while light is on at same time do not turn off so as not to forget

left-hander crosses his arms and fingers differently

freelance watermark positive

labor is sold and labor is exported

memorize visionary witty quotes from relatives and

abroad can resolve names of sites and aliases toxic

fictional may be true

to thank opponents even sarcastically

freelance customers do not reproach or compare or introduce

movies downloading small size is not a pity to erase

21st century beat yourself

understand who you envy and who can envy you

print text manual repetition or copy to avoid copying errors

Throwing a file inside or in frame of shell environment different result

judges are not allowed to ask questions

movie hairstyles show time

higher animals and people play

directories closer to root of disk are easier to sort by change

listen to audio books instead of music turning a passive into an asset

rulers of future have already been born

money and export visually water and air

because liquidity comes from word water

sometimes at hours of morning and evening it is equally dark and light outside

sites lists are not copied only page code is internal

copy and paste notepad and clean up extra characters

internet joke and satire publish name

or a pseudonym or anonymous

see 3 options where everyone sees 2 options

help ability visually: trolley rolling up or down

understand your share

those who thought of themselves could choose option that was not optimal

those who quit keep mail codes and more

quantity in width changes quantity in height

and cell order

doing for first time first learn

industrial manufacturing is more technologically advanced

many things 50 percent chance

only case is possibly fictional

building visiting where presenting documents to get on street

and transfer to external zippered pockets

so that guards do not take it for danger

key word others and usually both our own and others

useful actions to show others to do not be afraid

memorize cases of self-esteem

sealed materials and objects

forum to agree with interlocutor at least something

drive out: weakness and uncontrollability

international films show important players in world

wipe spilled on floor immediately because danger is invisible

understand step voltage

open dishes will pour out but closed dishes take time

sound problems slow down mass creation of audiobooks

resonance to understand

monuments photo construction frame of chambers around sculptures

longest-serving employee

programs on top of all windows interfere when full screen mode

photo camera any date can give a margin of time

if it is important to report to presenters

your opinion is never wrong

programs list drop-down small replace by choice

forums spoilers hidden text title should

explain what's inside and what size images are

especially important for those who read via SIM Internet

literature and cinema villains: traits can be found in themselves

everyone does not need to be afraid but explain to yourself

what is character of a fictional villain and how to use

forums for beginners do not start new pages

by waiting for start of a new page or by waiting a week

forums have their own theme developing weekly periodically

if ahead of topic new wait about a week

to be answered in a new topic

games guessing letters and hint keyboard

computer screen recording brightness is not important

conflict leading as pay slave 4 options

songs of fairy tales and science

foreign names should be given together with name in Russian

contract each phrase its own number

symbols of state money and heraldry are interesting


games are simple little interesting

secrets of others will not be discussed with same secret interlocutor

scenario of most difficult games and movies is realizable

business card inside smartphone will be taken apart by taking out sim and will be found

dates children are an integer number of times younger than their parents

capital vector

spelling is wrong in one language may be correct

if language is different or transliterated

film will see books that do not read as an export of culture

Anyone can invent new words

files must contain name of what they refer to

for example kingchess about chess

thing to return or not to use is equivalent

it is more profitable for sellers to give change by selling more

a small quantity is more expensive than a large quantity

contact with whole area or pointwise

interested in rules with their new ones former


separate use in turn

supporting to indicate what

animals are active but plants are passive

requirements for authorities to infringe on strangers and not to infringe on their own

cut file and paste it into another file then save

file where inserted and then save file where it was cut

replacing text for dubbing and but a different amount

travel costs and travel benefits in favor of traveler

but money is spent

age between centuries: sum of years in previous century and in next century

word plus is positive

guarantee with what

names male female baby animals

arrangement 2 diametrically 3 otherwise even

Yam detour integral

smartphone sign inside

angry at presenters and so as not to be angry to make follower

tags per day integrally

advertising makes cinema profitable before it hits screens

prices do not grow profit less remembering how it was before more profitable

foreign texts are visible surnames of native country

event quality temperature negative

and event is quantitative value of degrees

cases of public figures 1% of cases of authorities

gestures of supposed deception will mislead

company forum and useful goods to advertise for free in messages

abbreviations of text increase volume

subject and predicate as a noun and object

which is more correct at beginning of phrase

transfer of quantity to quality transfer of liability to asset

internal road angle up to 180 degrees is more convenient

road outside angle over 120 degrees is more dangerous

oblique represents relativity

action program: integral

be able to prove statements other way around

wrong unprovable

move items using other items

social networks pictures deleted links remain forever

planets will all fit into distance between earth and moon

archivist searches indexes separating all addresses and phone numbers and mails

technology turns into entertainment

forum so as not to accidentally answer: log out

symmetrical inside asymmetrical outside

forum admin response transfer of responsibility

sms different phones look differently

provocations to only possible behavior

to detriment of provoked

swear to mark territory

understanding allegedly incomprehensible are not recognized

excel synthesis addresses contain ma6 and are improved through linking

integral heating for apartments

cram and understand

write illiterately they cannot build phrases correctly

spelling not with a verb is always unambiguous

line of least resistance

break hours Internet works slower while Internet is used by many

program picture work more program

small pay as imprisonment

do not go out drunk

forum can be asked to server

Internet search itself replaces word endings with asterisks more universally

forum your strangers plus minus 4 options

rich and poor at same time needy better work someone and more cultured someone

crisis exchange rate decreases but exchange rate of exporters increases

no managers think so no one manages anything

computer games points more levels

computer game good humor

know miles and others

expensive work on expensive materials

balance lost half recovery doubling

forum anonymous moderators

visually more less height weight length time

movie extra frames

there is a word usually without pictures but pdf with pictures

goal on street ATM withdraw cash

file presence or absence of BASIC and baht authentication

defense against democracy 2 thirds of votes

free cheese in a mousetrap for next mouse

report information to media immediately for a dialogue without counting

pictures directory file size largest larger size and quality

and if you erase files which is more efficient

viewer loads faster than editing program

finish long business knowing to start short business

forum editor half an hour

social networks invisible function

YouTube statistic is updated once a day

forum top post on page original post

games without sound

letters e all or none

games name is clear without translation

web page list number of lines select all copy

and insert into notepad and without transfer control

texts encoding less more

everything must be provable

conversation to identify questions and answer

Internet communication is ok with you

integral of rewards

speech synthesis correct hyphenation etc.

classics fake it is not clear where fiction began remake

letter reply to several repetition reply to your letter

payment monthly quarterly etc.

random may be right

replacing negative words with positive foreign and toxic normal

refreshments without demand leave extreme to owners

numbers divisible without a remainder from 2 to 9 or more

changes can worsen

female logic divide at once male logic first sum up then divide

do without sweets and junk food

files controlling text entries of extension log match notepad

a profitable asset turns into an unprofitable liability will disappear in a month

subtitle is downloaded quickly by identifying name of YouTube

youtube without subtitles will not show title

excezel control pattern chain multiplication function not 0 not 1

business is long hoping to make business short

pop-up tooltips

more special programs

general natural desire in cons

integral experience and education quality and quantity

Forum asking to erase further will appropriate

to voice off after turning off Internet because he writes every minute

defragment most fragmented and largest

separation of credit cards and limits protection

saves no exchange or mutual exchange

excezel check of 2 cells concatenate command creates a cipher and check

and same is possible in programming languages

forum questions to address to everyone without individual appeal even by pressing answer

internet makes mistakes they don't look for their mistakes and don't show them to others

others others maybe 3 keywords ternary

amount is considered and number is average quickly clear

fantastic what is fantastic

random system guesses 1 closest case

logic did wrong not me it means i did right

discussion with and without

several attempts each attempt is important

pictures turn clockwise

and rotate picture counterclockwise

dubbing to put before and but a point dividing phrase into logical parts

strategies teach to destroy dangerous and non-dangerous not to destroy

flash modem includes a program that writes logs

but modem wifi smartphone does not write logs

square transport slower faster cheaper more expensive

multiplying benefits shows optimal choice

workers exploit capitalists

freelancing do well acting integrally

integrally bourgeois working together with proletarians for export

forgetting text to find start to compose important again

and archivist will find most important words

external disk is filled with defragmented

cheaper is transported to expensive

money returning avoiding responsibility breaking connection

translation know foreign words daily

long cipher can be typed

problem through fault of others looks like a provocation and conspiracy

Calculations Word Apply Calculations Excel

naming exactly how to understand why

unusual good bad but usual bad good

forum messages hidden in fog hovering over and message brighter

world maps of past are different from modern maps

one actor several roles and several actors one role

control several levels

hints will be checked by 1% of readers

receiving money SMS response reduces money received in vain

forum topic links without pictures do not look

war of 21st century: only enemy equipment is destroyed

and nuclear war contradicts 21st century war

fuel cost in price of all goods

a photo of a person shows social status

forum quote before answer but letters quote after answer

forgiving interest leaving principal debt

honestly towards other debtors

waves are better after worst cases regardless of help

large symbols on ground are visible from air

enter many points of keywords in a column

bank cards cipher shows purchases

autocad extra shading in a circle and by selecting a circle cut it inside

election no-show real protest must aim at

errors how many found how many errors left to find

reading pier it is better to understand who

Internet mail letters with files sending megabytes are not spent

advertising actors play themselves

computer pet projects for yourself

open source programs control code by compiling without bugs

Winner contests are announced starting with less important winners

uniform random visually uniform

color noises

programs design start title and comments indent to right

better seen without color

documents exclude pronouns

shops less dialogue between buyers and sellers

freelance customers are regular offer assignments themselves without competition

translation of source language into a foreign language meaning of unusual words is lost

substances are easier to mix than substances to separate

look for puzzles in ordinary things

understand why this is done

manipulation: result is not a consequence of actions

normality check: what if everyone did as discussed

hardness and strength to understand

eat your meals with a spoon and fork and same technology

physical and mathematical integral laws are same

allow you to check structures through electrical circuits

aluminum surface layer like a film

lamps are spare somewhat interchangeable

table without important papers everything is in safe

freelancing and hiring: a clear separation of work and personal time

freelancing includes several positions of type of secretary himself

system works do not interfere until behavior changes

and do not buy new products

internet forums do not argue resist do not learn

internet forums resist learning and don't learn

dark color scheme check how document looks


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