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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Integral of Life 10



visually acceleration waterfall is not used in school

benefit is more like cubes different size and choice summing integrally

repeating words with different words is normal and improves search

forum is attributed to interlocutor reluctantly which interlocutor did not report especially often they attribute everything or nothing and allegedly know everything

debtor spending a lot surprises

freelance spare time to ask for more than a whole day

probability when guaranteed even organizer can lose everything

probabilistic time division both qualitative and quantitative total integral 1

probabilities and time sum of 1 fraction are different

logarithm translation via constants

Plate sloping bottom for disabled

drawings of many small blocks technologically advanced

picture editing window outside lines aligns seams on interfere

a third half of majority and a quarter half of half

drawing a third in ends 1 up and in other part 2 times more down connecting divides a third

words of letters are even odd

PDF drawings images are inconvenient scale raster

presidium elite and presenters

mail customers catalogs of performers and performers catalogs of customers

pyramid who is top

morning fog then it will be sunny

seals breaking damage increases to hide broken seals

rules changing continuity breaking

a fresh look can speed up hundreds of small actions

Forum read whether to watch time of visiting other writers but it is impossible to find out exactly without quotes and it is possible to ignore it is possible to include pictures increasing attention of readers

text is approximately known to re invent problematic

bought earlier has become more expensive means an asset bought earlier became cheaper means a liability

games parodies on other engines

uniformity rhythmicity of affairs as scales

business weekdays and weekends equal number of hours

converter by loading or processing lists

program version is older program file size is larger and vice versa

difficult for se6ya think difficult for others

quotes from literature movies are remembered incorrectly

Seal under blue signature 2nd control

car glass phone higher control

movie portrait of ruler shows year

comparison of assistance and payments to bank: losses are accelerating

internet from each according to ability to each according to need

books indexes below and above line are inconvenient and ordinary numbers are normal h2o

voting is open verifiable both online forums and then bots and external ones

experiment you can't talk when subjects aren't controlling

case without ending is not clear

amounts are different 5% 20tysch and 25prots 7tysch

holes are small and visible to light

pdf extracts images vectorizer or image translation and remove unnecessary ones

freelancers can reject projects adventures

reduce expenses if liability and increase income are always an asset

debts of its employees profit 30%

control means calmness

russian sorting by halves does not make unnecessary movements like sorting cargo on platforms by a number like calculated logarithm

video is enabled view table column flow rate

holes are visible to light looking at sun or at lamp

delete links after successful download

new web page opens from top

manipulations hearing voicing what manipulation is unprofitable for manipulators

it is all too easy to say what they fought for although clarity is often obvious hence devaluation of any war manipulation of enemies

export literacy is as important as financial literacy

write about winnings it is important to tell immediately about losses

acad blocks counted list copy and sort excel and in notepad

text data used to shift or colorize without erasing

those who write incorrectly put punctuation marks and spaces create their own style

argument ends when 1 expresses a weak opinion that coincides with interlocutor and everyone agrees with sudden surrender

inflationary deflation and deflationary inflation people are sorry to spend even depreciating money

it is possible to provide a service but not sell product but it is impossible to sell a product or service without providing it

post-industrial society: people invent their own jobs

forums writing they say do not mark beads: they shut their mouths with their own

relationships with superiors: ask again or pass options

contests give prizes to everyone in categories specially arranged

multiplication table virus and alphabet virus

excel save to format of Internet pages on 1st page otherwise a catalog of pages is created

internet critics contradict themselves and it is important to find a contradiction

forum those who are afraid to offend right ones avoid mentioning words which is noticeable if they fundamentally ask to speak about right ones

integral: porridge and butter or bread and butter

customer communicates with executor's superiors never directly and executor hands over work to superiors never to requester

contractor issues task to adjacent employees through their superiors

speech synthesizer tags: artist and year better sorts catalog

animal vision is colorless

archive adding creates a new archive and needs disk space

choir sings slower

computer input window it is possible to insert copied text without printing

phrase asked a question is long but word asked is short

email subject of email adding a date to response many days later you can see what was answered and whether they are responding to latest

email directories of permanent recipients are configured

word paragraphs swapping cut and paste small paragraph

it is important to be able to write instructions

introduction and introduction to others: transfer from strangers to your own

a sell-off turns a liability into an asset

door is wide opening by 1 meter angle is small door is narrow opening by 1 meter angle is large

archivist wizard configure and stop and start in future

archivist file extensions separated by commas are not taken into account

rating last place someone should take

ratings on student websites are boosted by student jokes

rename movie images to improve search results

graph of number of views for example ordered looks like a hyperbola

multiple cases at a controlled time order of cases is unimportant

questions answer is correct long for sure

colon translates to nominative case

non-integer points are inconvenient

warm air rises up but cold air falls down

video without audio saves disk space

warriors hope for state in future despite patriotism

abbreviation abbreviation case unclear

pension integral

горе tug of war is tired but opponents are also tired

difference scales is also an integral

a person who lives in a glass house should not throw stones

to demand an apology means dependent on offending person

apologies in print are more natural than apologies in private

freelance customer can track when performer I visited site of tasks and forum

numbers are beautiful magic of numbers is a pity to delete

smaller I am and simpler phrase by placing verbs I did or spoke more clearly

3-point: warranty and halfness and no

expression that is that is not inconvenient

negativity of story can return in any month

sincerely never apologize and do not apologize

sites are open around clock

installer copies creation date files

drawings intersection of callouts is not acceptable

transport transfers are cheaper routes are not important

transport stop names are shorter as most important landmark

expression of thing no shows form of word at once but phrase thing is missing nominative case as well as thing is

warning that information is hidden will affect disclosure

co-authors will assign themselves a share of labor out of proportion

deformations show direction of impact

program index of indexes Russian programming technology

pdf translated into images scroll faster but search and letters disappear

answer is written or oral control is different

each household should not work for export but each region should work for export

drawing parallelism perpendicularity intersection half equality

integral understanding frees up time for new thoughts

translation into strangers through jokes

those who have thought of it themselves after receiving confirmation will appropriate other people's thoughts

social networks are going to erase comments of strangers do not tell strangers

they boast of belonging to security forces in past

students learn when teachers don't teach

when caravan turns back: weakest camel is in front

3-point save exit cancel

numbers are more important than 3-digit numbers starting with 101

programs and in excel to be able to extract characters from strings

intuition: integral of experience but experience: integral of knowledge

many valuable ideas are invented while lying down

freelance customers forget about issued new tasks and wait for development of disputed agreed before new tasks

superluminal velocity of other particles rather than light

domino effect

Essential 6: carbon hydrogen nitrogen oxygen phosphorus sulfur

heap is also an integral

when conducting an experiment do not inform subjects about experiment

alien waves can circle earth

contact of extraterrestrials with earthlings as contact of people with a byte

import ads correct domestic names

mnemonic multi-party control

formatting multiple windows at same time windows slide to see all windows

reading time should be specified farsightfully

value is unique and dynamic

pdf long view many sheets view 2 sheets side by side 4 times faster

entrepreneurs all earn in total more than all employees

working mentally sells responsibility

fax of document parodies original without blue print

no cash means no crime

autocad is not highlighted if you click command 2 times and select right one for 2nd time

freelance projects multiple unpaid ones from one customer freelancer trap

chase is always bad and it is better to catch towards it

imaginary intuition obeys probability and probability probability

messages that are euphonious are better

forum foreign: did you do it yourself? cool!
forum Russian: why did you do it? nothing to do? at same time it shows complexity of case and lack of technology labor market is small so all competitors around are strangers

replacing a large text that includes a small text

dispute it is possible to apply ideas with which you do not agree especially if interlocutor does not know

indexes upper and lower cancel and then clear m2

important things are never urgent

answers are not obvious to riddler

talk show guests are silent about most important things and they know it themselves

copied more is better than less it is possible to delete by editing

metro train ride in rear cars or in central ones if you go ahead of traffic

browser favorites by saving to an html5 file open without Internet highlight desired menu selected code copy paste into notepad and save to a new html5

it is possible to forbid talking but it is impossible to forbid thinking so there should be short answers that overcome other opinion

browser address bar outdated suggestions are removed through log and search by entering a part of words from addresses by selecting delete 1 line

smartphone screen do not knock and do not press hard

humor 30-year-old and behave like a 29-year-old

youtube most economical format is not downloaded

words comma dot dash are not spoken aloud so it is easy to do without

puzzle is like a cube: turn half a turn then 2-colored sides are easier to assemble

gambling: trading time for losses where goal is: donating money for an imaginary success in life

hair short shampoo less and less often

risky winning interested

risk balance a lot

tom error tom trace

acad block click it is possible to edit any block from list

clothing unbuttoned means trust

losers are more aggressive than winners and vice versa

akad moving without overlaying is easier to paint over than drawing on a wall

stupid means illogical

movies of single people are played by non-single people

building orientation tilt sun in many directions

ranking top places is simple

question is inconvenient or begging for an answer they say same question about you is not interested

answer has already been answered on another forum for a long time

someone has to be smart I'm better than you someone has to be stupid or rich or poor I'm better than you answer is universal

versions count new write older

menu field highlight control above

buy tickets at any train station knowing where there are fewer people and hand over tickets too

alarm clock woke up round time neighbors clock noise control

parody replacing letters of a word

slope without observing will flow in a dangerous direction

pay and pay different meaning

cat steals understands its crime

reasons to be a lie

by asking a question for a self test repeat for an answer

association consent to concessions unacceptable

movie time machine sends things into future

ignorance turns you into strangers

absurd proposals like egalitarianism can be implemented and everyone will agree for a minute

victory death of enemy is unimportant

memorable days be especially careful

money without giving to pay instead of those whom you help

those who think same answer same way

employee's attitude to combining work when there is work and when out of work different

freelancing to ask to pay would not be ordering

power: responsibility

touchpad pressing fast and slow and shifting

delete selected window and insert a new one instead of replacing it without erasing it

copies somewhat update original

ready-made calculations of inflation percentages years

elastic demand price does not depend on quantity of product

shortage and export ban

change of clothes wet cold dirty

freelance monitor properties of sent files and signatures

holidays doctors rest also to detriment of patients

it is common to refer to like minded people when reporting contradictory messages

courts no one dreams of a strong opponent where is real struggle for land and property

name files must differ by at least 2 characters

freelancing before you start to give up adventures because in process of working before paying customer will add adventures

a phrase on different lines that started and ended can be seen whether it will fit on whole line

matters of importance integrally comparison visually graphically

notepad explanations more details less time spent reading

internet address manually first in file text then address string

songs changing words when performing violate copyright

get to know yourself and represent others

possibility of voting several times means that they will vote and cheat

any employee can find a job for company

abbreviations abbreviations toxic are not allowed

acad nested shapes builds a landmark in center of additional construction

standard response including comment will show an individual approach

acad copy with a base point and erase while selected and paste as a block and add a block to layer

asset before photo and after photo liability

offend others and your own in front of your own or in front of others

minute count to 100

lining up with a herringbone probability is 50%

letters minimum matrix of 6 points 2 by 3 points

cops good and evil: manipulating your own and someone else's

career growth: distribution of money

having done something only to restore expenses is a common thing

amount of water if divided by days will show daily consumption

children's joke likes social networks

food is active but food that stains passive

money combined integrally or separated differentially

answer mentioning number of pages

those who can count 1+1 will win those who can count 5-th 5

inflationary deflation and deflationary inflation

section: both

division into number of parts is even half will appear

it will make accusative case but it will make nominative case

many rubles as many coins

plan for product is outdated abnormal but plan for spare parts is normal

number of unusual people who are same in a group is not surprising for example a group where many are wearing glasses a new one with glasses will not surprise

acad styles examples nearby

free who needs who more: customer to contractor or contractor to customer

a professional can pretend to be a novice

know your sayings and root them out otherwise they'll track you down

there are few options indicating that other important options are hidden

socialism is relationship between one's own people capitalism is relationship between others

cities exports places of origin and reminder

blaming others affects your own

computer directories understand common superfluous word and do without superfluous

employer assigns what he gave task for

integral of victory integral of control

settlement agreement: contract

people understand but they can't express it

20% 1/5 and 25% 1/4 difference of 5%

different mail addresses problem

google and yandexit

ranges as tools out of place

those who know will find words but those who do not know will not find words

suddenly smart one will start selling so they put cons without reading it

election absenteeism and party dependence

governor and mayor controlling budget as billionaires

behavior is integral: buy a little and get a discount card and then buy more cheaper

option 1 and 2 are manipulated so number options are prime numbers 2-digit numbers can be honestly shuffled

files names with a beginning with ciphers are better than directories

computer alt print screen photo only active window

word will not be saved by changing view but action in center and along edge will be invisible but it will be saved

articles correct 1 character normally

programs real time priority is highest program can remain in memory and not be closed

recycle bin restoring file name is available asks directory again if erased creates a path

know cool expressions in professional languages

coordinates first horizontal x x and then vertical y y except for familiar screen and then from top to bottom

to separate everything good and something bad

transport: open and close a file

5 day's day equalization and working tools are same equalization

office: desk must be clean after work office: safe must be closed in presence of strangers

if you do not assign positive names then names of known ones will be assigned toxic ones

whole package means higher control and higher safety

price cuts and discounts capitalism

commune: free of charge and paid for by others

question is how much and answer is nowhere to take it means answer is 0 or if percentage is up to 100% or whole fractions

list images will help you restore lists

mail full version home page

archivist delete by opening directories and removing from index

all-or-nothing logic

autocad copy of block break record layers turn off freeze

having shown knowledge further they will not believe in ignorance

akad hung up to search in temp setting time a quarter of an hour in advance

division of landscape images into portrait copies of all equal ones will be next to and rename 1 and 2 at end know x coordinate by copying enough for all images odd insert x and even shift and enter x

acad solid hatching will hide important elements on master plan

hints devalue responder

take a chance: beat yourself immediately without delay

idea of profitability is a leading driven example transportation

freelance response to a reminder in half a day is normal

expression "your problems" is toxic and better on yourself "problems are not mine"

anticipate what others will advise and anticipate what will happen if you follow advice

assigning results to non-participants for free is beneficial to absolve yourself of responsibility

computer tests record screen video 1 frame per second and resulting video can be edited by reducing long spaces without actions

on-screen video storage options: no editing or cutting edges without compression gigabytes archived compressed 100 times or encoded left as a movie where 3rd option is more convenient for storing and viewing

provability and non-provability of provability are advantageous at different times

money cash is suspicious by method of cashing out non-cash

if you lose your SIM card you can get a new SIM card with same number

photos of vote are unprovable it is not known whether ballot was omitted and a thread is possible instead of marking field for photo reports

state costs can be controlled prior to purchase by checking optimality

freelance giving up project do not report price

medical first aid is provided to yourself

autocad renaming blocks of random names inserted in new names beginning of name a sign an underscore

computer dangerous action changing files must be confirmed

instead of I know better many know as anti elite

computer write to a new format a copy is created

confidence shows intonation

chairman of jury has most important position in life

delete download link only after downloading

by downloading programs to configured directory then transfer them to a separate directory

winning adventure 1 but losing adventure 3

youtube subtitles downloading whether video counter is affected is determined by by downloading subtitles more than 10 times and monitoring counter day

show text added at different times in different colors

independent ratings

parody means you have your own style

choosing from a large number versus manipulation

programs that create intermediate files know

winning election for everyone about 50% means equally weak and voters do not саге who to vote for but strong who scored 80% interested other strong ones not to participate

win in court by spending millions or show opponent senselessness of court and mutually save money by amicable agreement

discipline and winnings are not related and those trying to link write unprovably and example chess: 1 of grandmasters who play correctly will lose

mawkishness and unprovability of ideas

there are many options including options that are beneficial to each side even hidden by parties as revealing their weakest actions

forums sometimes write abstruse comments that have been silent for years probably copies of other pseudonyms

files split by directory: first separate files explicitly for other directories

expression they say this one said to substitute others

proving opinion of one will also prove opinion of opposite

excel is just looking for maximum number and number of maxima excel is just looking for minimum number and number of minima

when you open a text file see if any other text files are open.

autocad layers disabled by enabling assign an additional attribute such as thickness so that it is possible to turn off layers again exactly

autocad copies of drawings control temporary directory and if autocad freezes copy temporary files to another directory

price announcement restriction quick enter a price of type 777

provocation by asking what would I do if but knowing where trap of responder is

newspapers make mistakes when putting words together

saving square filling by deviating from rules main thing is to win erase vertical

what is best way to follow rules without knowing

it is convenient to consider coordinates of parallel coordinates as increments of coordinates

minimax of function and data: horizontal tangent where derivative is 0 and numerically counting slope of tangent will find all minimaxes and through count if number of minimaxes is considered

piloting it is possible to be inside without control

mining has created machines for mining integrally

series has many seasons new actors are afraid to spoil it

forums toxic are outraged they say what to do do not specify then report option of inaction and in any case toxic will perform

expression insults do not count so same expressions can be applied to skeba and to their relatives

formulas are more important than program

forum comment question better as a new topic

forum authorship of message proof itself will prove pros and cons by posting more messages but it is difficult to prove to others because others could have access to profile

copy keywords your alien: a copy of someone else's little important

numbers are remembered if there are few numbers due to signs for example consecutive numbers then it is enough to remember 1 digit of a part of number

option is not exactly known so they can recognize passed option allegedly wrong to get 2nd option cheaper and faster

forums are best served where posts are edited and erased

foreign songs learn better by seeing text and understanding what is written

answer I heard you increases control

an inverted flag means a call for help

understand visually tangents and minimax and inflection of graphs through derivatives as tangents of graphs

cost recovery is also a win

a playlist saved in directory where files are is different from a playlist saved outside directory by file paths

social networks and forums of administrations and news media comments on folk humorous parody

electronics screen down is safer for screen

computer system messages are created by people

freelance cost is small distributed over a year of waiting if there is no leakage to banks for interest is equal to buying cheap electronics

a crowd of scientists and a crowd of schoolchildren behave equally and predictably

watching movies on computer then on TV I want to rewind and repeat

Freelance price negotiation is possible at any day and hour

topic inflation indexation of mass media

sorting replaces advanced search

line scale of elongation of shapes scale and width

search name option

freelancing everyone is asleep and I got enough sleep

diploma style lots of drafts

phone to turn off to answer: battery is dead

socialism requires a lot of money

images view forward faster

programs all complete list divided into directories

graphics perspective to know

letters are supposedly three-dimensional to draw without additional constructions

answer all security questions

comments means they are watching

pass-through-the-door algorithm

freelance comments are only ones underline reply

archivist index compress finds obsolete places

copy 1 stream even though it takes a long time

autocad color almost white hides lines width of polylines

sleep is best time to archive index

work computer screen saver will show absence from workplace and faster screen saver turns on less time you were absent

scientists create formulas and graphs but people believe dreamers

how to enable and disable programs

freelancing should be done immediately so that there is a stock faster report

task manager priority column

computer editor for viewing regular and compressed files

tension advanced as export

Gaza team demonstrates export

copy to external disk replace with new ones but ask about replacing only name

response to spam scheme steam locomotive orders more information

site of information is a lot like a frivolous site

forum funny when asked about something not to think or not to consider option

freelancer pays customer but subcontractors get same for free

book is free title and content of book will come up with themselves

files and archives names including dates

machines will not be deceived

employees performers are unable to automate

housing near work and study investment and export

amount year average monthly not equal to monthly manipulation

more or less especially credit cards once a quarter

adapter source hereinafter referred to as consumer material

hidden files links work

archivist index as text only files 0 inside

archivist delete from database and compress

phone number of specified operator

work for an hour is done a week

freelancing is worst option chosen by customer

reading aloud may be better remembered than reading to yourself in your mind

computer real-time priority is configured via shortcuts to bat

computer immediately same window or new window

property ability to throw away

autocad mtext gap

print in black and white or color specify in title

tell your friends news

repeating calculations will surely reveal correct ones

document view and cursor

airing for yourself is more logical than for others

archive is large to reduce size and erase large files

acceleration of work on employee's initiative

free tip by downloading

probability of developing a bad one is high so it is easy to go to worst possible events visually 9 cells turn into 4 values probability is 11 22 45 percent

android programs by placing a card or taking it out

information available quickly know by heart

social network vote shows cities and it is possible to recount them

freelancing is faster more expensive more profitable for leaders and cheaper for slaves

having decided ok they lose amount as a weekly payday

those who doubt calculations deprive themselves of answer

lock is a one-time asset and immediately a liability and same packaging

waiting list assets and liabilities

colors are warm and cold and materials are warm and cold

hint about a hint

computer select skip action saves time

letters are like numbers inconvenient

film adaptations are rare less often than theatrical ones

moist air is lighter than dry air

consent to purchase means purchase

video frames are fuzzy by erasing video quality is improved

names multiple spellings are inconvenient

those who write as corresponds to attribute may not have this attribute

bedspread is dense warm and powerful

files names encrypt means names are shorter and better search by file names

indirect path is integrally justified every step

wingmen evaluate leaders

to offer authorities something in media it is better to call predictions

autocad protection of drawings by breaking into micro elements

causes of unemployment: hope for state despite 30 years of capitalism

we did or our did word boundary

olympics form is allowed by foreign officials so wait as long as foreigners allow form and dependence on foreigners is unacceptable

inscriptions giant letters are visible from a height

export Russian words simple and letters similar list to internet

wingmen complain about leaders.
or do victims complain about wingmen?

lynching is unprovable and unacceptable

message is initial without detailed information instead of full names letters full name

Debt cancellation worldwide including countries populated

have a video editor that degrades reduces size

bait trap attracts those who move by

smaller spacing between paragraphs controls lines on page but is not acceptable in standard documents

paragraphs and font extra lines before images are not visible

pay only from work or an extra payment from outside helps or harms extra payment devalues pay from work

radio broadcast requires control your own someone else 's so that other people's information is not read

seating arrangements transport by 1 by 2 or in groups of their own

effect of broken windows cumulative integral cultural code

parabola drop and simplest parabola acceleration

walking falling and standing every second

vaccine as a multiplication table for body

you can match people's speech by passing through sum of letter combinations filter

freelance paradox payment received switch to another order

most important keyword is control

don't use word bad even when speaking out against bad words and come up with new words that mean same thing

buying unnecessary things who needs it will not get it

smartphone files are large internal memory but small files on external memory

credit card credit without approval

maze bypass touching wall on one side and going back out of dead end will end up on other side

if there are no problems then there is no problem.

composers play musical instruments

mail el takes avatars from social network of this mail

property of superiors for subordinates: manageability and predictability

keys are separate from phone smartphone so that screen is not scratched

freelance edits of paid work interfere with unpaid work

ratio of vowel and consonant pairs are different in people it turns out by dividing giant text into parts

electronics birthday: TV and phone are also there

development to buy outdated means to continue to lag behind in development

do not show your relatives your social networks so that everyone in a row does not read seriously

exact words without knowing write any words even children's words

price growth assuming buy to sell it is better to end up raising price so that line connecting control points has maximum slope

foreign songs will not be understood by others but Russian songs will be thought of as important

computer desktop only directories and shortcuts but it is normal to download to desktop and immediately put it in directory

from simple to Complex simplify complex and then even more difficult to simplify too

programs that change program resources view text

freelance slave lamp

ratio of pedestrian speed and transport is proportional to cost and time then on foot spending time 5 times more means a trip 5 times cheaper because on foot energy is spent and confirmed: time = money

passenger paying fare faster exit more profitable but waiting on rings passenger will get out and go at their own expense but passenger goes on ring at expense of transport

transport is bad when passengers choose to wait for transport for a long time or walk far to get away faster

model integral of time on foot and transport sum of products will compare savings and difference will show balance and everything less more profitable

know your avatars in mail

a plant is more active than a person.

predicting negativity goal: avoid negativity by revealing secret meaning

more obvious solution more few people will think of it

manipulation of incomprehensible pretend to beg for more information

free newspapers are given by presenter

extension files repeating standard ones will open in wrong programs

installation of panoramas from 2 photos in a single photo name including a special sign

Computer trash: don't look don't empty empty trash don't click

bank card case hides number

soc does not answer question about unemployment

browser cache: data saved from past times especially images

browser f5 page refreshes and control f5 reloads page cache

game files number is large it is better to copy to ram disk and start

recreation: half for past and half for future

internet addresses # icon will translate to section inside page

concert translates to competition

text is large by creating next create a text in 1 paragraph for social networks

apg images color white transparent when inserted into other images

asking your own at same time learning important someone else's pretend that someone else's is unimportant and ask your own important question

transport passengers go to nearest bus stop even wasting time in transport instead of stopping further and do not save time.

older ones were younger ones and they see through younger ones

information from authorities is perceived more reliably than from relatives

autocad: blocks templates settings training

freelancers fix for office workers and freelancers fix for freelancers and office fix for freelancers and office fix for office

there are a lot of items checking there is no guarantee of checking desired item

word letters are turned 3 sides but autocad turns at all angles and autocad tilts letters to left protection

TV movie picture quality is worse integrated approach

debt cancellation worldwide including countries population

freelancing is accepted without approval

relatives having made repairs at their own expense could repair at your expense and vice versa

forum ban after waiting to devalue reporting rested from forum

convex is harder to create

quotation marks inside quotation marks are inconvenient

dvr differences in images by 5% means it has changed

automation turns any work into a service

mail control before shipment recipient icon delivery guarantee

freelance sleep travel time of public transport

forum chains visibility

browser has reset tabs remembered and will recover

corruption is weak harmful

wet clothing cools body

non-switchable phone is issued by host

people do not know device of technology

expression actually betrays uncertainty

threefold consent refusal and unresponsive

endless communication: family and money

actors play characters of a different skin color.

emigration: export and immigration: import

tourism export of services

forum toxic trust to respond to moderators because they will not respond

life hacks knowledgeable do not use

advertising poems are better remembered

understand structure of musical instruments

you can move autocad without erasing it to a non-printable layer or move it purely horizontally or vertically

pattern is continuous periodic

world will clog up packaging

victims did not plan to get hurt

construction helmet: color shows industry

miner's helmet includes a place of a lantern

free training means leading: who pays for free training?

seeing word in case try to translate main word into nominative case

it was and we know or it wasn't and we don't know

think for other people's leaders less think about your own wingmen more

freelancing sending obviously partially a draft to keep to yourself to report back tomorrow

throwing it out window check security below

on Internet too literate a message offends those who consider themselves to be writing insufficiently competently and in dialogues they usually write briefly in style of SMS

too literate a message humiliates illiterate

room below is colder but above it is warmer

work acceleration: do not do unnecessary things

information collected by wiretap: hiding so that wiretap remains a secret

search for word rare more precisely find desired document

prohibition: inability to control

paper book: static pictures but electronic book: pictures can be dynamic

a simple action creates an action but a complex action means giving up action therefore those who make complex things simple will win

freelancing a day of idleness a day off and a sudden rest should be written off as a dream because series will not look at itself

help: force as a vector or moment as an integral

behavior of big people and small people is different

those who memorize do not write them down store them in memory and waste their energy

passwords store a password cipher

forums topics festive will be visited annually on holidays

computer ad accidentally clicked urgent close window

time to understand form 1000 seconds or 150 minutes or 170 hours

strong are afraid of those who have seen weak in past

amateurs uneducated created many inventions

searching on horizon not finding: searching beyond horizon

it is important to understand who is leader and slave

archivist indexes are both inconvenient

computer only copy new ones does not understand

work is done by those who were paid

converters are compressing knowing required size of new file

if you do not call back write a text message otherwise as if you made a wrong number

unknown people answering phones cause confusion

after learning about accident who should report and necessarily residents or media

files where dates are same and size is same are most likely same

akad text font is not bold better

parallel lines increment of coordinates is same

freelancing allows you to remove negative quotes from interlocutor but keep letters for a year

movies based on classics it is not clear where quotes are direct and where fantasy of screenwriter is

computer games losing instead of starting first reduce levels by 3 levels

archive synthesized will unpack file more

speech synthesizer will translate text into a readable encoding

mathematical dictionary and physical dictionary

book your can it be included in list of other books

psychology and philosophy: integrals of humanitarians

economics: integrals of rich

tables sent on a white background standard color

logic is negative

social networks private messages id number is visible even when name is full

manipulations: expressions: a little more than or a little less than it turns out report data less in sense of a nightmare but report data more in sense of nothing special

a photo from windows shows place to understanding

Russian language surnames and first names are both heard and written even foreign ones

current superiors and subordinates will be re-elected and higher-ups can change leadership or recuse themselves

video street cameras create alibis

athletes without a flag and anthem: partisans winning without uniforms and without ranks

know which tool expert is in

lightning is seen faster than thunder is heard because speed of light is faster than speed of sound

time from lightning to thunder calculating clearly distance to a thunderstorm and comparing different calculations clearly: a thunderstorm is approaching or vice versa

salute shown live booms from TV faster than audience can hear noticeably if TV is in place of salute

moon and sun are of different sizes same in sky because distance to ground is different

program writes program: it is real even on basic and in excel

security key graphic number of options is calculated

Gratitude manipulation: transfer from your own to someone else's

manipulation is a joke: do not think or do not search or do not read

understand traitors and anticipate provocateurs

shorter message faster they learn main thing at beginning of message

computer fragment cutting risk of losing before insertion and then rollback

videos important distorted translate aspect ratio you need in editor but video can only be viewed by changing aspect ratio in player

fragment highlighted at same time save entire document is saved

audio how many megabytes does it take inside video: video to audio converter or audio track removal will show megabytes of audio which means that video will decrease by so much by deleting audio and re-saving it

there are no strong questions means that they do not know how to ask showing their level of development or doubt their ability to answer or about simple questions agreed

file list is raised above: name at beginning of include characters is equal to or underscore or exclamation mark or together

asking for contradictions without prompting others will find contradictions

getting result in a difficult way is easier to think of how to continue to get same results in a simpler way for example by finding answer on Internet without thinking

archivist search to reduce index: 1 0 100 10 -1 i we i we and sort column field: text size

index reduction archivist: search for documents with largest text and finding excess remove from index and compress index by controlling size

phones are stored by dividing numbers in a special way groups of 1 to 3 digits

compressed time: past events with no exact dates are rearranged by recollector or deceiver himself

autocad recognized scale according to drawing data regardless of stamp

sum paid average on month of the year and sum paid average at alike month of different years

critic knows critic better than critic and slave criticizes

having made a mistake to redo completely will bring up faster quality so that you do not make mistakes and do not redo further

TV: voices delivered but youtube: amateur voices

logic deduction male and logic induction female create collectives where leaders are men and led by women

authorities are foreign from outside nonresident without clans is equivalent to teachers from outside teach laggards

those who are in need of knowledge as far as they do not know may not know

textbooks of probability theory probability multiplication formulas they do not output formulas available to schoolchildren that include logarithm even in children's words remain unknown

word auto-numbering saves time and effort

they can't buy jobs without salaries or goods

freelancers who find an error report that they found it themselves and have not yet corrected it presenting them with errors tasks are difficult and their mistakes are simplest

charity things new or high quality not rags

reforms begin same way so in each country agents of reforms imposed from outside are same

authorities know their main achievement

some work but others live there some rest and pay but others work there as well seeing same thing too

jury words are written by screenwriters

internet numbers are incomprehensible hover mouse a hint will appear

sopromat teach at school early statically definable systems and review systems statically indeterminate

remembering money and other people's pay means poor or afraid of poverty

it is unacceptable for authorities to discuss it over phone they can write it down

installation fix on photo video and 3d model adjust to photo

it is more convenient to record measurements with a tape measure in centimeters

buying as a monthly paycheck is real if family is saving up

inventors and programmers of important modern are unknown

battery poles are shown in devices convex

check working batteries by inserting them into watch

suggesting that discussion presuppose answers in advance

if you get stuck in elevator take off your warm clothes and lie down on floor of elevator

words responds or reports verbally or in writing

internet commentators may not know simplest thing then they look like schoolboys

freelance customers are crazy about deferred payments

tear off ads 1 coupon to tear off yourself they say it's interesting

forums topic itself to comment and manipulate

participants of TV shows sign contracts for shooting

cycles economic possibly logarithmic probabilistic

waves of 8 points: maximum and minimum and middle and between 4 intermediate points where influence of integral is maximal

wave spectra of objects and environments

folk craft: export of culture

e-fiction translators assumed by 2100

it is important to find freelance satellite maps yourself before customer

images of people any manipulated by audience

speech listeners can leave hall independent of speaker But chairman can't leave

givers devalue winners

sea battle placement of ships on edges means an increase in field by 44% for enemy and those who understand strategy are harder to hit at same time optimal zone for shots: 2nd line and 4 cells are main ones

sale fact of sale or application what to call

water will fill container silently if there is already water in container

word images rotated above text

draft of case 80% but 20% of payment

those who overtake them look more closely

everything is taken on photos and videos and absence of photos and videos is suspicious

internet program is closed internet connection is terminated

dependence on other people's technology is underestimated and algorithms should be their own

Walking fast dirt of heels flies up on clothes

permanent employees change their shoes but temporary workers do not change their shoes and come to visit bringing a change of shoes

movie series guest star more expensive or cheaper integrally

those who seek to go abroad can can harm their country by falling into trap of their own alien

unpacked products may be toxic

work on their own is supposedly free not free for food and housing

replace words with prefix bes with Words with prefix without

record without editing clock on screen and check time

people who write a room instead of a house rent a house

speech synthesizer avoids speaker's accent and prevents manipulation of emotions some are able to deceive themselves

process takes time showing what is going on File pulling random starts a document or video or audio

wingmen blame presenters

digits a comma separates visible distance

compressed time events seem different at same time

actors roles transition between movies are tied in person

No credits monthly winnings

instead of being grandson of a billionaire it's better to be grandfather of a billionaire.

programs cancel before closing program

program scripts

directory 3 files

photo copies are rotated for lighting to rotate camera or sheet

protection against changes simplest

freelance customer permanent priority

record dreams by fixing dates before dreamed events acad coordinates are exactly bound to globe

image typical of scientists: beard or tousled

small moves relative to larger

e-mail is missing or e-mail is busy: sender will be notified

those who know 1+1 without education will not come up with a multiplication table themselves

photos of documents and turning camera over more photos or turning sheets by changing lighting and more photos

gambling discipline is guaranteed only if you do not participate in gambling in a disciplined manner otherwise gambling discipline does not guarantee anything

information is sent to past and priority is sent to past

advantage uses someone else's: dishonestly for advantage uses his own: honestly

non-repeating names: square and cube or circle and ball


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