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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 10 » Integral of Life 08
Integral of Life 08


forgiveness and inaction without help

non-payments knowing customers will put themselves ahead of their superiors

claims and non-payments are created by managers but colleagues for victim of non-payments

proof of being in city check queue of post office or bank

virtual key can be used by temporary key owners

archivist search option including excluding clarifying

playing on a computer is like playing with animals

waterline bottle controls whether contents have been used

definition of a part may not exclude name of whole

a typo in a template is copied in thousands of copies

higher education is a qualitative leap in development but higher education levels do not create high-quality jumps

social networks of news group are prepared well in advance for a month

you can get negative bonuses yourself if they are not toxic and comic awards can be authoritative

know history of relatives at your age

photo recognition depends on lighting when taking a photo

determine time of photo by clock on hand or by sun in photo

joint of various materials is better to provide control and inspection

advertising of company no company does not need advertising

it's easier to fix a picture photo than a movie or music

words order object is not needed or object is not needed by such a quality

news from several sources can be a single point of view

applications games programs utilities 3.

verb form what will become clearer than form that will make for example a square will replace an oval it is almost unclear how exactly but oval will be replaced by a square it is clearer

foreign animals understand foreign signs

electrical equipment being checked works 3 days continuously 72 hours

electric energy is supplied through electric networks continuously without refueling

gas flows through networks continuously without refueling

movie flapper connects video and sound

video editing by editing video sound is superimposed at end continuously

sound of mounting stitched seam is not audible but by compressing sound in place of seam, a whistle can be heard for less than a second

printout of internet pages address of page on each sheet

developing countries led by

movies phones are buzzing so as not to violate copyright of music

treat is free they eat less than paid one

thing is expensive if you first deliver it and then go for cheap things

high cost resources utility rarity and as an integral cost

online store product ordering browser images enable

online store registration in mail available in browser

forums that recommend applying themselves could apply

opposition wants new ruler to finish good work started by previous ruler in his favor

authorities choose several people who look like themselves as in a mirror

audience can boo performance of artist and politician

pyramid food chain performer can be higher by receiving without giving

growth is 6 fast fall is slow and there are 3 more options

files and programs in a computer whose unprovable because they are installed over Internet

water is an intermediate array small capacity even a palm

Common surnames are same all countries from word blacksmith

jump and growth graph keeps a constant rectangle added

movie dates days of week indicate year of filming and 2nd control

freelance paperless office

attribute 1 has changed check by changing 1 attribute

problem is cheap to make and redo is not a problem

last years should be replaced by extreme ones and still come up with

your own food brought is not controlled by place of eating

revenge on detractors to go down in history and survive everyone and get rich

hysteria means provocation

living organism requires food machine requires fuel and energy

production is falling as a percentage and prices are rising by same percentage

tv hides change in percentages so that viewers do not count inflation

container gets dirty and is placed inside container

smart people are surrounded by people who are obviously dumber than themselves

true in past but use of information is directed to future

characters of literature are negative and unhappy

formulation is to repeat word immediately as a formula because it is always inside formulas

Having decided to expel or ignore them, they leave themselves without depending on others

know sights of city and region

general loses battle but country and state win war

knowing future losses of a million to accumulate a million or more

save up and save same thing

freelance it's normal not to know name of company

graph improves mirror image possibly deterioration previously saved

yawning means uninteresting or tired

losses scare away even in form of damage to property and dangerous to health

hospital socialism

part of word whole word Calling massively insulting personally neobetyvayut

question is provocative 2nd time

sms sound is same calls sounds are different

party is ready for dissolution

shortcut program or directory multiple programs

e-mail by sending a notification request to an inaccurate address

lock fits a lot of keys is bad but key opens a lot of locks is good

internet is an easy way to make history

book is written from end to beginning

name of person is a reference to work of past and to history

same thing for some is not same for others

to study does not mean to accept or approve

life hacks and thoughts of others

aggression export

file is free and paid registration

hair color is a noticeable sign

tariffs are somewhat like a fine

useful and harmless

respect others and respect yourself do not boast of knowing yourself by others

competition may be declared invalid

time taken is less than estimated time is reported

dimension formulas must converge and correspond to

age of technology is less than age of people

website phone version full version and in computer simple version saves magabytes

justifying mistakes of past untie hands of those who do not know themselves

freelance vacation on any day and special it is impossible to guess depending on customers

household includes a house and a plot

expression no is correct confirming repeat

site sorting 1 click smaller at top

keyboard language is unclear if letters are similar press a letter that is not similar

recognize before voicing apply macros and replacement technologies

gdp by ppp purchasing power parity

freelance everyone is asleep and I got enough sleep

attitude of men what does he say but attitude of women how does he say

divide list sort size and separate periodically

deduction induction logic

truth offends but lies and self-deception opponents are looking for how to use

there are more similar jobs and fewer transitions

acad scale of lines and hatching

when writing with left hand, handwriting is distorted

do not do passive things until active thing is done

smartphone permissions are dangerous paid in red do not put

tv interview question and answer swapping

travel case will not be thrown out

visually, Russian sorting by halves proves division of same in a row

a split fall is safer

closing lock with your own key is easier to open

change like gloves every 10 years

forum publications book

invention export

measures of length weight national and si

products where there are no proteins and fat are useless

acad blocks take into account priority of asset

it couldn't be worse and it couldn't be better

battle is best failed if goals are achieved or virtual

programs variables should be called by their proper names

akad blocks their names

any question to ask yes whether to answer is decided by questioner

Calling offensive words using independent 2-another deception of readers

sleep is sum of hours per week a constant number

you can also frame individual sheets of books with a different color

repression does not mean execution or execution

those who read slowly think slowly

fence fence is higher than human height safer against accidents

radio interview went to YouTube

short flight hit

why do you need money without saying it doesn't matter why they refused

attitude towards one is trust and distrust towards others although situations are equal

impregnated material

pyramid linear and arithmetic progression

toxic words are silenced on air

force integral

a thing is a demonstration a gift is devalued

having saved transport costs by walking to buy food in amount of half we save

theorem is called so it is provable through axioms

game number level game time

exchange for less valuable things is better to buy again

application o6 serving only site

rar archive is less than a zip

scale of 10 thousand units

light falls on left like hands when writing

answers from past are becoming outdated

movie turns on news shows right thing and after watching it immediately turns it off

1 work will be an example of design

forum anonymously minimum standards

expression what are you or writing like you has a different meaning

flexible discounts and tight margins

games gaining millions of points will be millionaires

those who earn in real life lose on stock exchange and in lotteries

browser favorites time of addition is unknown

phone is busy they can call caller

heat and cold products are stored for a short time

excel formulas tabs are different inconvenient

cancellation culture celebrity oblivion

involvement responsibility guilt punishment

revealing your secret prevents others from using a similar secret

asset and activity turnover

any surveillance is very bad and it is better to stay ahead

material overlap 2 layers warmer

after turning off phone, it charges computer without affecting it

forum ask again they are afraid to look stupid and authoritative ones can safely ask again and vice versa

fiction differs little from present

diameter of icon before each value

wash dishes open and closed

working at a different time would have created a different option

pisha next entry is unknown

copying source is unchanged and target changes

Free hint refusal not to send original

having forgotten sim in another city, it is easier to issue a new sim to former number taking a passport

free unpaid payments are remembered even after earning millions

Free paid then corrected can not be considered free

others help, so they themselves are getting better

data is there, option is missing.

songs are confused by not and neither and endings

without thinking about what work to do, 1 job would have already been done

a free task is given out so that adjacent workers are given a rest while working

after receiving task several times, they will make it slower

sleeping secret documents to hide

free telling everyone that there is 1 left undone accelerates everyone

what happens in private is obviously normal

understand visually 1000 and billion

having opened documents leaving necessary ones open trying to erase closed unnecessary ones will be erased

beggars asking for use barcodes getting cashless

while reading, they scroll audibly

numbers numbers of groups are easier and more reliable to remember and 2nd counter

employees listing someone will be remembered by 1st and last extreme

diagonal 4 options 1 feature common top bottom right left

document date and date of expulsion are equal to mail search and prove expulsion

crossed out is understood as deleted

free customer is not obliged to pay and if fine involves payments refuse because fine will arise and it is easier to conclude a contract on readiness 80%

acad shifting seeing prompts to enter number manually and enter

provocateurs will appear calling

please do not tell one customer about report to other customers

customers do not know and speaking about some they will think about others

Those who say badly done will say same thing about same thing another time badly undone

take torn bills to an ATM

error important address will be received by unknown people

wingmen and non-entrepreneurs are leaving for other cities

acad blocks changing copies even scaled ones will also change

rarity expensive and cheap is more important than infrequency

know all programs in computer that open pdf and other useful formats and there are a dozen programs

name numbers Roman symbols Latin ordinary imported letters

testing computer by writing down solution on paper or a photo if a communication failure is possible to repeat quickly and accurately

tips are given by themselves without applying their own tips

TV programs later appear on Internet main thing is to know channel and be able to search

they will always try to pin down heroism so they will always understand heroism

city region proves store's receipt

impunity lack of leakage of benefits

comments of one expert will speed up responses to another expert and anticipate comments

1st meeting will have an impact on following meetings

promise and trust and control and verification

interrupt or finish work

computer executable bat format plain text

acceleration is limited braking is infinitely fast

triplet draws attention

game score beautiful finish game for today

advice to wear glasses can be given by non-wearers

keyboard pixels on keys was developed before smartphones

creativity export

repairs are better after hours

breaking things will be broken on purpose

tree grows from bottom up

computer shortcut is outdated by clicking it is corrected to nearest working one

a person is unable to compose an ordinary large text often

structure of phrases beginning is main word and at end is not a verb

article is voiced typos are heard especially missing letters

there are also macros that bring text into a form convenient for voicing dividing long phrases into logical sections with dots between conjunctions

internet downloads copies of files without transferring without erasing

divide and conquer principle is integral

price is expensive quality does not guarantee

comp spaces underscores are better than spaces pluses

program name setup hides program name

negative is temporary but positive is permanent

organic substance is synthesized

putting on new becomes old

conflict is best one that did not take place having received a favorable result

internet downloading square brackets repeat file update

a new language artificial intelligence

list is number of convenient translation to table in rows and columns

delegation of cases is main sign of authorities

what people say is not specifically remembered

search for year in text including signs up to 19 or up to 20

books short course integral

higher organisms understand names

there are a lot of pages and few megabytes is more profitable

exit at same time 2nd control above

Russians don't give up

import of goods at same time import of materials

Russian programs of lexicon type are ahead of imported programs

in 3d word, shapes are rotated and animation macros are possible

deception and recognize deception are same processes

youtube listen to others by watching talking head video although you could download subtitles or sound, gigabytes are saved

blowing into sail moving forward

forum requests of banned moderators look like mockery and pseudo respect

winter Olympics will all be held in Sochi

olympiad 8o capitalist athletes they performed without a flag and without an anthem

Hundred Years ' War lasted 116 years

October revolution was in November

manipulation of sellers saying that they have already bought themselves

cold air is directed downwards but warm air is directed upwards

graphic programs result of graphic program calculation result calculation

shadow graphics are convex and concave assuming light from top left flipping image other way around

numbering distances but important ones in a row can help to sort and mix

help is targeted before waste of time is minimal

YouTube site is same channel most likely author of site

quickly create a directory copy an empty directory special stock desktop

games a backward move sometimes often brings win closer

laws of science are discovered by themselves do not create

range randomness control

low base

those who think in black and white succeed

working at 2 jobs there is nowhere to spend money

forum raising a long-standing branch, then others will write in same place and topic you raised will again cease to be 1st

know inverse values of fractions in decimal form 1/2 = 0.5

phone sms and calls to know for free and use

real mathematicians know why calculations include natural logarithm and decimal logarithm and other logarithms

Internet domain is a spare or fake simple bypass of site blocking

article date may be outdated relative to standards and even are not of historical interest

percentage rate as a payment for a transfer is up to 3% normally

forums are written longer by those who theoretically know theory of forum

actors played well otherwise collective farm or factory and role of director

programming is easier than creating a computer

voice actors unknown

test is same but result is different who is to blame

multi-colored packaging integrally distinguishes different products of same brand

clothing buttons side men's and women's

computer shell skins skins archive renamed

anniversary rehearsal of other anniversaries

convert simple fractions into percentages

scientists mathematicians and programmers are required to know logarithm

computer archive as a directory

know addition of multiples of 5 to 100, for example, 55+25

know how many identical bills you need up to 1000

strategy of gambling catch up in each bet is like winning back corresponding part of bet another even a bet made in future

gambling roulette number of 2-point obvious ones is about a dozen and factorial number of all possible only 2-point options

Nobel Prize can be won in total for several winnings

3-door paradox increases probability of changing choice

children's names are same in same family a rarity

unusual formulas include pi

sliding blocks colliding and pushing off from wall calculate pi

communication by phone can be recorded and mounted

there is no answer without a question but there is a question so there is an answer

walking on spot with obstacles: a favorite sport of residents of former USSR

to suggest 1 to your own so that 10 strangers learn at different times is unacceptable and it is better to tell your own individually by showing achievements on forum only your own in order to preserve authorship

transition from an employee of your own to an employee hired from outside someone else

play with animals and play with computer

music 1 version is better than others and rare covers are better than original

music is 2nd verse and very few people know it completely

word has fewer letters case is easier to find

forum part 2 link to part 1 and further links to all parts and it is possible to find all parts knowing author

explain numbers in words clearer and 2nd control

files names numbers and letters above control

correct behavior makes you richer is equivalent to success from knowledge considering yourself scientists

work is simple if it is possible to listen to audiobooks at same time

multimedia file cursor hovers over a hint appears most important attributes size and duration or dimensions of frame

fix errors immediately or specially during error correction

autocad coordinates integers prove compliance with rules

instead of in my opinion I think

options either-or a lot of options, maybe more than 2 options

freelance intermediate options send less than what was done so that next report includes results made earlier giving a margin of time

freelance task to vectorize send for viewing by translating vector into images so that recipient himself would not vectorize pdf and send 1 example vectorized

advertising of type does not need advertising

acad raster substrates are monochrome by passing scans through recognizer and by translating images from temp to png

program updating version has previous version to roll back

favorite book shows interests of an amateur

book version is short and complete and absolutely all materials

after reading 100 books about 1+1 to 2*2, 1% of 1% of 1% will think of it and will not tell anyone and readers will not understand

text in 2 or 3 columns is arranged in a solid text 1 option

text beginning of alphabet wind to beginning and scroll to end text end of alphabet wind to end and scroll to beginning

1000 signs may be unimportant but 1 sign is important

filming actors do not look at camera

file directory hidden now invisible direct path will find

free customers of cheap and free works can leave reviews and it is possible to calculate price for each review

to promise not to do absurd because it can happen in years

forums put cons so that only those who write in topic decide against toxicity of all forums with cons

depreciation of some kind of some kind of depreciation by informing me I have or do not apply depreciation by indicating that they say do your job

actor speaking and stage speech otherwise unintelligible

e-mail may be accidentally blocked and it is possible to contact with a spare e-mail

packaging of more expensive goods is possible

options 40000 date

waiting time depends on security

sound is periodic draws attention

revolution of background

theoretically, they do not oblige you to buy coupons for products

there are few famous ones but there are many unknown ones integrally

readers closer less desire to share

name including number that differs by 2 digits is even more reliable conditionally 12 23

household expenses for your own and your family per day and per week to know

refrigerator is better empty so as not to waste electricity

a day off at your own expense without profit and still costs a 2-day loss

double or halve rule is logarithmic

intersection of planes is a straight line and intersection of lines is a point

program columns sort where main column is needed

video effect matrix many cameras freeze frame

social networks editing inscription about editing is easier to erase and re -

social networks message chain erasing 1st following can be erased

movie budget is Russian a million rubles but foreign budget is a million dollars

adults were children and can deceive

roman numerals and banknotes are money

prices should be recalculated taking into account inflation and exchange rate and wages

inflation derivative is visually inclined

minus integral

credit card parabola quadratic equation

roulette moves to zero and number and 16 in a row for probability of a quarter

contract on paper is repeated valid and normal

average temperature of earth has increased

olympic formula and lotteries and number of lotto numbers

those who understand them are watching them themselves are watching to understand

athletes who lose leave guests home where it is cheaper

shares of 40 percent and 60 percent, etc. whole shares and round percentages

android links don't flicker and link address inside is unclear

debt if and by winning by ceasing to lend and reducing amount of debt

unzip each and all files without a directory up to 5 files

genetics combinatorics

services cost recalculate discounts at any time

table can be read reliably in any direction

hours 00 start at midnight

when walking and moving, do not eat insoluble foods

dates building bricks

knowledge is sent to past and earlier it is placed better

number is numerical and normally zero

there is nowhere to store large files

less value technology is better

letters graphics address book etc

begging for good and bad is equally dangerous

distinguish between IR and uv infrared and ultraviolet

opaque is more powerful

rest is half for past and half for future

question have you seen yourself in mirror just a question and an answer have you seen

self-deception of substitutions of words

options 2: blue nonblue

house battery knock signal against noise of neighbors

transfer of relatives ' money is not income

money in debt whose and goods and services purchased in debt whose

signatures phone email receipt control

feel cheated and deceived

moon on background of earth to viewer with reverse side

places are stable and temporary disappearing faster at first

option medium plus 2 options boundary conditions

it is absurd to blame 2nd party for a positive action for example rechecking

wave superposition of waves to teach everyone or no one

photo video film product but flash drive service

smartphone cache is rewritten between smartphones but there may be viruses

to whom should they be afraid of being indebted themselves especially to debtors visually like a leaking valve

computer trash 1 file or multiple requests

speaker replaces those working at this time and so that they are not lured away

it's good not to read but it's bad not to compose

exports are same goods but different firms are getting richer

money 2-day quantity control on options

words example and for example are different cases

forgery protection distortion will be seen by those who understand forgery will be determined by those who know not a fake original

optimally everyone is dissatisfied

mix and then disassemble pyramid of quality

there were no works of literature before creation for many generations

audio request in alien intonation

employee corresponds to job or job corresponds to number and quality of employees or a combination

anecdotes that will make you laugh to notice

foreign literature is unknown in world but cinema is available

arrogance of leader evaluation of slave

a freelance customer offering an adventure will then cancel

there are too many things to do so you need more time

excel numbering down

programs brackets are not superfluous

video frames are not enough sound how to connect

forums alias toxic noticing rename if itself

negative words ask and be interested in more positively

archiving can save virus

saying I believe in reality do not believe

control plus or minus visually

forum posts disagree others will read half a week

raising rates relative to future and sending them to future as an advance

risk without calculation is bad

appeals to different dividing same in a row

trust is cheap no matter for or against

mythology is unmanageable

those who do not know harm are strong

balance chart is bad after all rules and players do not know real behavior

discipline is not observed justification of losses

transport capacity integral

books are name of half of book because they download it to Internet seeing name

integral city satellite as moon

deceive honestly so that it will be confirmed soon

a lot of walking shows weakness

freelance first projects are fast

to magnetize or to magnetize

programs converted to withdraw from download directory suddenly program will delete

motion vector and advance

forum topic is raised can be removed by envious people

is help what is being asked for

it is forbidden to sell it does not matter whether you have practically bought it

while playing listen to audio books

bank sms to know to check balance

benefits now and harms further

question do you think a false opinion is being imposed

connection is diagonal contractor sends work to expert or customer directly bypassing boss of his employer

employer provides technology

freelance is best payer an employer who considers himself a customer a payer who has given technology and hopes for a performer

doubts about professionalism a layman will be offended

experiment is temporary

refrigerator depends on electricity and control whether electricity is turned on

addiction self-abasement

if I were in place of another

fractions are simple a third a quarter

government forbids people to think like government especially about past

employee is a rich leader if he is controlled positive but employee is a poor slave if he is unmanageable toxic

freelance in advance is called payment for what has been done or payment for nothing

overhead costs are converted into export if there is an external payer

exports and country gets richer domestic exports region gets richer if people spend money in region

photos dates are handwritten or in electronics on screen next to or a newspaper

against mania of visually passing by

reliability is better than probability and what to think about

wording is different and covers more independent

those who complain about place of study do not change

fine for foreigners export

complex means composite and distinguish difficult

right click context menu is different in different programs

do not discuss music of other playlists

after checking on Internet prompt is not important

disarming is more important than destroying

USSR collapsed when West gave loans to republics

business without prejudice to others

there are a lot of intkresuyushchy people someone will definitely hurt himself using them

blaming yourself is too easy and it's better to blame others

programs variables and functions should be called by their proper names and abbreviations of company name

pyramid examples simple natural

bosses are changing there is always a deputy

right to translate and copyright for translation

firms may have a different name showing benefit of acquirer

akad copy or transfer without a landmark line entering numbers will require entering numbers many times instead of a visual reference

forum answer about source: Internet writes

claims should be clarified exactly opposite

freelance a small advance is easier to return

freelance - customer takes more than 100% of cost of contractor so objects are expensive real cost is gigantic colossal cyclopean and requirements will be increased and terms are endless

search parameters are added but number of results is reduced

post your inventions and crafts photos on Internet

colons intonation above dash below

sign language and language of poses is hidden and fundamentally

caught person who has made a mistake who has violated further works cheaper on his own initiative

soluble and non-soluble products

manipulators are you asserting yourself at expense of someone

internet page saves opens any browser

unprovable communist or liberal

conflict to find out what opponent is doing right conflict to find out where opponent contradicts himself conflict assumption of future accusations is farsighted conflict is a sign of a question they say some problems conflict to get away from personalities: instead of you know everyone knows

evidence can be fictitious coincidentally coincided with the assumed ones without slightest cause-and-effect relationships and verification is collecting more data

door lock protects against accusations of ability to enter without a lock

auto-starting programs can record to disk every minute and send it to Internet

zip archive inside usually without a directory all files

virtual computer shared directory files at same time possibly more disks

address of page viewer looks at resource from inside even if it is protected

having got rich from a low base they become more active and aggressive

non-winning strategies should discourage losing strategies without a guarantee of winning and players slide into euphoria after winning according to system then they lose by starting to play for fun

neighbors can accuse other neighbors of controlling themselves

you can't get attached to your neighbors because you can't slow down change of your place of residence and further development of your own and others

word my otherwise sounds like a verb from word wash for example my city

communication more more other people's words will come up themselves usually toxic not confirmed by anything

a dash often looks like a minus sign

forums poll creating against a character if they do not support it means that poll that created is renamed and starts from scratch

behavior is correct with owners

they say that they are being watched by themselves they are watching others

harmful to buy at your own expense not on credit

evaluate accusations they say maybe accusers are right and then split accusations first for yourself

social networks mail audio messages deaf will not hear but they can ask others to listen and retell

calculations video and printscreen and report

chatterer if he stops talking then where to get information from so do not scare him

debtor who paid debt is too independent

tracker parodies detectives and allegedly conducts investigations

word zoom brings cursor closer to place where cursor is

a smartphone is only computer for many

bra spell check prompts absolutely incomprehensible correctly

phones for sale by erasing personal data

creating problems for yourself and solving enlightenment and education

programs handwritten font with typos

forums outrage to express in a notebook and not to publish but memory will be freed from repetition of unnecessary thoughts

highlighted menu follows cursor

forum is going to post an evil message: write an essay in a notebook and save and close it but place an ordinary message in your topic

more debt you take more it becomes

money received from others by transferring to others is considered to be transferred from oneself

debt is transferred along chain to receive back along chain otherwise a fake debt will arise instead of paying off debt

intensive and extensive

theory of samples is consonant with theory of probability in English

freelancing overtaking intermediaries order is hardly more expensive

because of price assignment is small understanding their work

books options shuffled randomly or alphabetically are equivalent

except for many line paragraphs, order of which should be followed

and an option: combine many lowercase by comparing non-empty strings and sort

variable persistence flag counter of other column does not increase

changing numbers is easier than changing letters

tasks completed by erasing keep original list

or move completed tasks to another list

and list is an integral

acad polyline can change width it is convenient to include triangles

change of occupation better rest

computers free space is less than full

hand drawing solid line or small stitches

technology division of same in a row

interconnected you hear me and I heard you

save a million kopecks monthly

insufficient depth of thought is compensated by length of thought integrally

equality of products is it mandatory

keyboard on-screen input language is visually clear

best news: no news at all

computer uncomfortable polysemantic words:

app permission extension

archivist instead of dividing index into parts by directories

option to sort results by directories

archivist to index downloaded web pages as text

possibly by erasing inside angle brackets and expanding text

but in case of dozens of pages, Word macro replacements will help

quarantine search and examples tap and viruses and actions

macro word often required button is brought to panel quick

saving little things in amount saves time a decent percentage

from a quarter of time to a third or half of time

years 1925 to 1945 and beyond 1965 and 1985 differences are gigantic

but 20 years 2000-2020 are invisible all over world

history well-known paradoxes are repeated in every review

otherwise historical account will be incomplete

text typing on-screen keyboard faster typing space

pressing key manually

whether meaning of explained is provable or unscientific

material layers functions are given by integral

dates of important files only saves file name

but all properties are lost when editing

and sites erase meta information about a photo camera, etc.

reducing size

archivist index wizard shows all directories, even hidden ones are not shown in system settings

computer copy menu file name rename or highlight and click

and highlighted menu copy and immediately paste in a new location

bank creates debts

computer turns off text hyphenation and absence of hyphenation respect for readers

although text size increases due to lack of hyphenation

computer typing text accidentally to nowhere to repeat input is impossible

freelance calling day of delivery, time reserve until midnight of next day

to voice a lot of writer's books with smallest

freelance if someone else's work is being completed, question is why did not finish it before

Any calculations of data array should be executed in Excel and it is understandable to save

computer data media removable must always be copied on hard disks

autocad line height and polylines as height of buildings on master plan

message programs are people invented and could be formulated better

expression "Soviet cinema" is absurd as expression "socialist cinema"

select with a rectangle starting from unusual side

authorship priority sending ideas further back in time

Word formulas can be drawn up inside tables by turning off lines

worker with his means of overproduction: exploits capitalists

text obvious computer may not recognize graphics in letters

picture is 50 times heavier than text or more

programming via notepad

freelancing being late to look for and find errors in assignment

mining crypto books and mining products

cipher symbols are normal what are in youtube name ciphers

internet articles about technology for a year it is always important to find out and remember

technology of last century paper books scan and recognize

and translate and dub and print everything in a computer without a person

excezel constants are assigned to cells to left of formula bar

and really compose formulas like in books

excezel names of columns and rows without letters are relative

other people's forums so that they do not find other forums for same words

replace some letters with foreign similar ones and make it difficult to find

and also automatically changes macro plus makes translation difficult

excezel difference between columns and difference between rows column differences

goal: to reveal dependence curves of graphics

Excel moves a lot, capturing window beyond borders

math packages go online

and it is important to install Internet math packages that do not require

even if versions are outdated

forums charging charges are sometimes considered offensive

graph shows dynamics and is interesting at many points on ranges

not hitting a single point

mathematical solutions remember sites in address bar

and excel in formula bar, but smartphone may not remember solutions and example

video subtitles dubbed without pauses is shorter and will speed up player even more

calculation programs are inconvenient if which section does not report assigned parameters

print screen is not saved, so photo camera will help out

formulate in simple words without numbers

computer start menu favorite programs and favorite documents

even simplest note texts

guess asking for a positive answer for guessing one

conflict is started by equals or led against leading

so way to avoid conflict is to be leading

knowing possible bad development strive to be wrong

resentment of past is explained by imagining a recurrence in future

program app logo on screen for screenshots for media

a spare plan is needed daily

disagreeing with definition clarify what meets definition

domains of rare countries

archivist copies texts to indexes

do not lose files by uploading extension

separate broom rods break more slowly

know what to answer when meeting a deputy or mayor or governor

or president or correspondents

duties are set by states

export danger dependence if external market is not controlled

choice to change a single property when there are no shared properties

but if there is a common property, it is more profitable to set up common property first

e.g. change color and copy many times

cipher using algorithm creates each its own key

cipher when box is opened with several keys in reality

impossible to implement in a computer

exchange may not take place when receiving something foreign

I don’t want to give and especially sell something of my own

online reviews read where more comments

bad events, chain can collect even if all protections have been provided

but less often than a chain of bad events without protection

probability of winning competition is inverse to number of participants in competition

however, following rules of competition increases likelihood of winning

never guaranteeing anything

school mathematics is to blame where difficult things could be told

in elementary school with special words for toddlers

Internet address is usually Latin letters

film montage splicing visible

waves are difficult but everyone understands

counting quick rows and columns

conventions are unprovable to following readers

customer will give contractor's answer to his customer as a contractor

Functions inappropriate passive

a lot of files downloaded at same time longer

links may change and disappear and must be downloaded again

social networks group design integral

remaining process time is calculated as integral divided by speed

acad copies multi text next insert just text

pdf underline size like a ruler and pdf do not write

prepared impromptu song poetry

freelance pay monthly regular customers

born long ago place of birth could disappear

actors who have played in several films are easier to find in encyclopedia

change of occupation better rest

copying little to check

mailing addressee added to hidden address

debts are good for different people if different people don't communicate

relatives buy products together manageably provably

proof of non-doing

protest logic worked 2 times more

means they could earn 5 times more means rulers are guilty

government order should not pay off

date archive inside it is possible to assign to future

site half bottle and answer horizontally

a room without lighting means there is no one inside

integral of knowledge, integral of experience, integral of interest and register integral

situations full and hungry as 2 different people

scalability of problem is usually in money

alphabet book automatically

file inside includes keywords for search and indexing

quantity and quality 1 billion kopecks

paint colors differ slightly inversion will develop

real time priority player stutters

observance of dates of birth should be for control and for verification

giving food instead of money indirect management

repair quarantine

evaporation and deformation quickly and slowly differentiate

search including space between end and beginning of words

forum ban free time

time integral and 4 days

Freelance informs that work is accepted prevents further indication of changes

internet list of download links

all download managers upload list on Internet to your website

in front of strangers do not boast especially about money and relatives

decision makers are responsible for pluses and are responsible for minuses

introduction article or to understand yourself

punishment after help is stronger

logarithm reads too large and too small

private house boiler but many apartment building centrally heated

written works give priority

ban and slowly allow

division into parts where dimensions are manageable

graph of changes in quantity and quality

hyperbole as a graph

rectangle area changing side quantity percentage and quality percentage

calculation proves screen video

freelance assignments in days, but work is translated into hours and minutes

it is convenient to divide list of Internet addresses by 5 addresses into paragraphs

followers at top of pyramid get rich richer by becoming leaders

pyramid top has an impact and gets finished product

do rare many and rarity work disappears free advertising itself

cipher 4 letters exchange names millions of companies

when writing, everyone except me betrays their thoughts even in jest

restructuring change of order

movie characters pointing fingers

what was said before information is different

from what was said after receiving information

gossip allegedly someone spoke is created independently of speaker

usually false unprovable

sleep time managed saves time unmanaged

close program if he writes too much to Internet

browser collects screen sketches katal thumbs

options a lot of good for your own and bad for others uncontrollable

disc cleaning thumbnails removes freeing up space

advice whether it helped remotely not monitored

freelance option is created immediately by correct customer asks for

option is less correct so that there are options

division of labor with oneself

battery is only option

freelance knowing time of work, term is counted back from time of future delivery

freelancing unimportant work while doing important work time

freelancing a quick job means to free up memory for yourself

example integral in life request solution of examples by photo

Free Customer Management Responding Slow Lead Time

freelance business must be clear whose job is not to issue

and not to pay subcontractors

programs solve puzzles blow plus blow equals fight

programs and in life of a team are shorter better

program resembles everything or bypasses every element

a computer sorting billions of people will take about a second

guess number to understand translation of 2nd to power of 10

behavior is not surprising if audience behaved same

smartphone to give if uploaded music movies series games

contacts should not be given by asking contacts from applicants

and transferring contacts to those who are asked

lottery teaches to divide events good and bad

win more often profit less

sites links search to insert a string directly into address

setting up as search size and date, etc.

gift book invite to co-authors

example square area

downloading youtube a choice of separate audio and video quality

which is more important an episode or a song or a monologue

table row counting insert into 6 notepad and down and counter

freelance customers asking for a job on Friday are waiting for result on weekend

giving a margin of time for a day and a half

operated by a leading

firm keeps employees with pay to junior and non-pay to senior

more sources means each source is of little importance

accurately name including words image copy photo etc.

impact without contact blow tilt

report increasing coefficient reflects whole month sent to past

internet saving directory detaches basket by deleting both and returning file

ciphering by errors in text of a word of erroneous letters

prefix without imp arise

special property will attract addicts and quality that distinguishes

rule trap solution create a new rule

programs download sites are lost

to close door so that always normalcy of actions

computer examples solves fractions 2 negative total positive

people immediately automate quickly and rarely

freelance comments work for free and suggestions for a fee

erroneous address wasting time from those who received it by accident

quotes showing text completely intact and allow you to evaluate

transition drone general view

virtual reality is better quality blurry than video is blurry

dubbing stop to understand percentage and start dividing parts of minutes of sound

benefit minimum 10 percent justified new technology

lack of agreement creates toxic options

earth tasks site combinatorics table and sorting

discount compensates for purchases by allowing you to buy same again for free

weak influence in spite of their examples

plural of all does not mean

store electrical and wire separately anti-theft

toxic leading

trust and provability disagreement of formulas express their formulas

contract is remembered upon termination and in case of violation

elections 2 votes are usually case

credit card cashing if commission is a fixed part

affects amount and calculation of minimum withdrawal

when commission becomes less than interest for cash withdrawals

songs catch phrases authors people specific

Word animation is impossible only comics or media insertion

archicad plane and volume do not intersect

and flat export creates a flat, but volume export conveys volume

correct both options out of an infinite number sounds absurd

provoking sincerity induces toxicity

pictures erasing background is unacceptable erase picture

therefore, accidentally hitting immediately cancel and erase in small sections

artist 1 many numbers or many artists 1 number

acad polyline circle corners clear limits figure dimensions

and equality of distances between points of figure

word search algorithm for adding a character to end

drawings are signed by people and sites, because then many use

fraction formulas logarithm natural and decimal why homework

2 personal cipher of signs controls actions

for example, action cipher 2 or 101 means cipher 5 is only option

why an asset and why a liability to understand and about key

be exploited to stop being exploiters themselves


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