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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 9 » Integral of Life 07
Integral of Life 07


gif animation saving in a simple editor animation is lost

photo of a watch without numbers dial turns over and even parallelogram turns over normally

forum opponent who can manipulate and express true point of view showing disagreement is itself deceived

trip and food at expense of host compensates for transport

inversion psychology negativity to your own if there are no emotions

only option is bad and tabular form is better leaving previous options

akad text editor is stuck resizing akad window

question what type of counter question what types are there

akad block is not accidentally copied from inside it will not be transferred

fictional about others who raise or lower their authority

socialism is a form of life for poor people

teeth are an asset

ask an independent expert yourself

interview require a correspondent to ask necessary questions

do not bring animals to face of people

workers physical labor workers intellectual labor

akad profile start landmark coordinate 0 horizontal elements real mark at scale without automation

expertise and signatures in uniform

an actor can't ban a movie

point of normality line level plane sphere of normality

working more actively pay is 2 times higher but working continuously pay is 4 times higher

working for 3-get them for 2-get them

host of TV game is interested in losing players

scammers catch those who have reached a certain age so there will always be victims

computer new folder name is better if it includes date and time

statement is a controversial issue

avoidance motivation and achievement motivation

search for sign 3 and 2 as an average and balance and calmness

typing on keyboard quickly makes it easier to erase a word and reprint it

internet articles are important at end to finish reading and watching ads

knowing correct answer hides truth

negative reviews are more significant than positive reviews

photo proves possession of thing

level of bear meat in blood is 99%

download YouTube insert YouTube cipher on forum and a preview will immediately appear and selecting video or audio quality download

bank is calling it is possible to call back same operator if not a fraudster

self-employment and pension formation washes gray salaries

employee boasts that he helped his superiors earn money or saved time answer is another helped 2 times more

music: passive but even synthesized audiobooks: active

gambling is a deception of overflow type: betting on opposite events and losing victim's account means winning deceiver and winning victim means paying fraudster even if access to victim's account only victim has it

surnames of representatives are recognizable historical

words of form are uninteresting offend and sense of doing is uninteresting and offend in sense of you are not interested

any product can be massively free any service can be massively free

ads made a mistake on prof website

science formulas graphics theory result: 5 people who have thought of it themselves will be interested

they promise a wonderful miracle result: 1000 pecks carry millions

a weak investigation protects against strong investigations

answer is to guess before beginning of reflections of guessed one

basic program is shorter than explanation of what program does

talking about yourself talent looks humorous

funnel integral

mirrors 3 will show on side and back

baits are caught endlessly

problems that seer and unseeing have allowed are seer's fault

acad circle hatching replace with circle ring polyline

to call it abnormal it is important to know normality

forum to return through years is equal to many to survive

link e-mails to each other in order to recover passwords

internet address insert notepad main and add beginning and add end

having been substituted having made a mistake further it is a shame for a long time

freelance mail without checking it is possible to miss changes to task and spend time on an outdated task

freelance providing a discount in return for asking for as much time as possible

video recorder record yourself

I don't know what to do answer myself but it sounds like manipulation although authority is being shaken

photo is shown incorrectly so that those who understand understand

sites that are closed are forgotten in a week

forum emoticons file size small

pdf photo scan is harder to edit

word text color assigning tables are decorated separately

signs are threefold: accepted not accepted unnecessary

headings: do not put a dot at end

TV series actors can spoil new ones

witness does not have right to rehabilitation

do not wear animals over food and do not wear products over animals

food stamps: they don't force you to buy

construction transfer of working capital to fixed assets

wars of 21st century do not create a syndrome for warriors

control files and clicking mouse can cause accidental copying of these files

roman numerals ordinal number or year

site is my everywhere parts top bottom make it into texts before inserting

manipulation hint at something and then your own version

steps in a circle

against secret recording official recording and showing

different phones different contacts disjoint

banknotes by numbers cipher

megabyte 100 movie or video clip

freelance refusal of a task can be replaced forever

story 1 may contain several moralizing independent

a knowledge gap of 1 topic can slow down all work

computer browser lists are long so as not to shake mouse

avoid expressing some kind of devaluing

it is important to be innocent

blame non-independent to become independent

manipulations first read books did you read answer did it help

knowing someone else's power prevents an attack but power of not knowing is immediately destroyed

an explanation to myself why I am innocent of problem

awards to those who are obliged and no awards to those who do not participate independently of themselves

payment absence from business is unacceptable

it is impossible to sell by accident

demonstration of strength at same time

know how to turn on and off

forum topics of tape integral megabytes downloading

deputy chief slave checks more than chief leader

transport and pedestrians go in direction and vice versa

history analogies can be unpleasant

directory overwrite only files

conversation translation of strangers into their own

salary transfer in rubles per hour to recalculate yourself

hourly payment requires operation

site is inactive until check mark then active

site can be closed at any time

forum is left unable to wait out ban for about a week toxic

do not tell forum about those who left through your fault because reason can be any and return to forum is a loss of time and read forum without registration possibly through another browser

get to acceleration point by driving things are slow otherwise speed slows down

cars know front or rear saving time

answer is asymmetric good for evil and evil for good

internet name offering adding 1 it is better to specify year of birth and region

voting options order and random

exam tickets are shuffled numbers and inside tickets are just

helping does it matter what he will do with help of behavior of master and slaves

do authors turn off readers from search for new knowledge on internet

visualization brings theory closer

question without emotions whether theses correspond to thoughts can give out toxicity without emotions

to read to those who are bored and do not read they could listen by voicing

you can't swear because provocation is possible

load is constant temporary short term

honorary employee professional recognition

whole distance and angles are controllable

water is energy of falling

hint indicating gender

transmission drive wheel is larger or smaller or same

phone will tell robot yes and no by distorting voice

repeating random ones until desired result is deceiving

search witnesses or video recording

freelance price is less asking for more time and justifying higher additional cases

file date server may change when server is moved so pictures and forums will show dates of messages

cash can be appropriated by sellers not owners

being in building and at polling station is more important what requires a permit and a general pass

they will not be able to distort history without knowing and not being interested and trying to distort it they must encounter ready resistance from official history but those who are mistaken or manipulative who know their mistakes can argue

bus seats rows center safer

reflective clothing and safety

front side and reverse integral

minister is new employees are same

take wrapper on street with you without throwing it away

work part is free it helps to get a job because one who received it for free does not need to buy same from others

new danger slows down for a while and then danger is overcome

dangerous imperceptible increase size and visibility decorate

there are no employees work for yourself to count money

smartphone executable programs date cache

internet text rules against hyphenation

wake up in an hour from vibrations of building animation

should I give notes without asking

photo may distort small things and may prove nothing

organization enter and enter little and not enter 3 options

go closer to road leading or closer to curb driven

question why didn't it happen answer why should it happen

donor regions are not leading ones because center is leading one

developing regions are no longer subsidized but some regions will always be ahead of them according to laws of average no less than and no more than

movie game footage as a chronicle 1 percent further story is distorted

provocateurs use true facts to introduce their fragments

request itself or representing other interested parties or any person not even interested

an accident without victims but a disaster on contrary

a regular customer gives you more time

big choice is more expensive than small one otherwise they will choose big one

forum is typical they want to punish everyone except them

phrases 1 lowercase read between lines

detect possibility of neznaya hiding a little

Dry clothes are active but wet clothes are passive

labyrinth freedom of choice is only solution

filmstrip gif giant size and better comics

contract signature of each page

computer files highlighted remove backlight click on free space of catalog

a technological breakthrough turns into a routine latest technology further minimum standard

prima information from strangers will find even less of their own but strangers use a minimum and will find it

enemies should know quality of strength but number of forces should not know and power should not know and power should not be known to strangers

1 million per month over 1 thousand per hour

computer is overloaded sound is rattling

to report news immediately they say everyone is alive

risk management converts loss to break -even and converts break-even to profit graphically angle of loss slope

rows rating up to 5 ratings and sorting

2-bit choice creates a cipher by calculating following action

they walk in circles

repeat words new search

web archive line at top will quickly send address to Internet forever

a photo of remote will help you buy a similar one

anti-elite social networks

manipulation of expression is allegedly a big mistake

ciphers letters are swapped aya yaa normally

actor would have said different words

programs start and then start commands manually or automatically even through bat file and parameters

exercises leadership is allegedly someone else's

formulas are checked by visualization faster

game is active and passive and game is an educational asset

an asset and a waste of time a liability

games to know what they teach for example games teach to identify priority

those who leave for higher salaries are doing right thing and everyone is less dependent on those who leave

forum deception non-flyers write they flew and vice versa

through ground from country as if from under ground

verdict quality and quantity

re-crediting simplifies monthly payment by reducing even in amount of paying more And trying to pay ahead of schedule and if it is impossible to pay small monthly payments

archivist phrase without prepositions result is less so that you do not search among prepositions in results

life of travelers is more interesting

downloads percentage if not visible enable megabyte control

let them do depreciation and I will check and work is not done in vain

immiscible substances are not polluted

online individual advice is unacceptable because they will do opposite and blame adviser

information does not affect decision all one thing is important to know and answer questions

a push with acceleration shifts qualitatively

a parody of name creates a new word and priority

repair by handing over photos of things and an inventory

phone jokes are acceptable for example

exams are passed by those who are too smart not to allow purpose of exam

forum message was it real or remembered how to write

handwritten texts can be issued universally and copies can be made

past time did not understand usually means and do not understand

see graphic and text loops

acad landmark is a multiple of a power of 2 e.g. 800

forum moderator anonymous require to show and vice versa moderator is clearly rattling his moidodyr armor

minutes are limited so advertising your own takes up time of advertising someone else's

forum is a personal answer is it more powerful ideally to repeat it to everyone separately

crowd from allegedly not like everyone else

evaluating wrongness is easier

square of saving chain of events before study will check

word stress can be shown by a capital letter inside word but it is not allowed in documents and official texts

actors of 20th century have never acted together in films

right of higher-ranking employees to dismiss lower-ranking employees

those hired out of pity should not show toxicity

many useful programs were found by chance

contract pronouns worsen by introducing interpretation options

countries where surnames are long

files can be deleted by viewing because they can be useful deleted

control of liquid leakage by humidification and gas leakage soap solution

transfer to length if iteration is reversed transfer to half of transfer

absorbs bulk better but evaporates flat better

work contact checker will check faster

music and video and photo editor different photos and videos are visible statically and removing excess is controlled but music is edited by stopping and cutting out parts of music and combining necessary fragments and stitching video finish on top of sound

people need guarantees and confidence

who paid as his own especially independent

answer without contradiction is equal to consent

distribution of risks case of losing 1 section turns profit into 0 for example earnings and new shoes are needed so spending slope is sharp and gentle

economy square is programmed in excel like 2 paths from each cell

simple secrets are urgently published for fear that others will think of it because technology is supposedly simple in opinion of those who have thought of it taking into account: most complex ancient things are now understood by schoolchildren

akad circle polyline

computer keyboard numbers are a number it's easy to make a mistake but square of numbers is controlled by place

it is convenient to count by 3

mail files adding by mistake it is not possible to issue a new letter only necessary files

computer program turns on window another file does not open waiting

work unfinished by performer makes manager more expensive

forum asking what is understood will have to respond to errors

file name if unknown there is an analog of names synthesizes excel numbers numbers are simpler and letters are more difficult perhaps excel character codes

files opened in mail are uploaded

picture is a set of points and it is possible to synthesize

gender male and female and any 3-point choice

social networks are proof of existence

failure to search for information braking indirect control

everyone sets up Internet for himself without obeying majority without voting

YouTube authors are closed from dialogues with commenters and comments are addressed to viewers from viewers

browser cache is separate and codes are separate

clothing and supplies should be in different cities where you visit

measures are dangerous justifying are called: reasonable measures

confidence through binomiality by calculating spectra of number of cases over 1000

original text and translation can be swapped hiding authorship in front of others

ruler naming hides exact position

forum they say do and counter questions and you did in response against questioners is not justified

question repeated without an answer looks like consent of both

quoting leaders increases credibility

make claims immediately negative and toxic without accumulating

payment for several months immediately looks very large

sellers of small things selling will receive planned amount for example selling a disk for a thousand selling everything will be so many thousands

instead of I don't know maybe or maybe

salaries of 20th century are 20 thousand kopecks but salaries of 21st century are 20 thousand rubles

21st century 10th anniversary nothing new although 20th century and 10 years were qualitatively different

distance from earth to moon would fit all planets of solar systems in a row

question is written I am waiting for an answer while there is time to ask those who know

does start-up capital affect success or do you need your own qualities

mathematically optimality through root

law of value choice of goods most depends on cost

laws of physics where simple formulas to know and navigate

I saved up through clipboard contents are shown by special programs

help is small for helper and large for recipient.

signs are important plus unimportant equally important is 10 percent and unimportant is 90 percent

what is told is unclear retains authorship and priority and explains how translator translates finished without authorship

food donation

knowledge of force protects against provocations for example cameras video recording violations are indicated and violating penalty is a fine

internet address large letters in domain are unimportant but in ciphers different registers are important

equipment is broken if it is possible to sell it to workshops

forum pseudonym ending vowel usually female

message you found yourself devalues help

help for several system users

letters are normal which it is not a shame to show to relatives even after a time when intended in letters came true

there are no irreplaceable bosses and dismissal of an employee is at same time dismissal of boss from himself

mail automatically removes spam and mail basket is cleared number of extra emails shows growth of spam

when saving a file in a window without showing other files and directories it is impossible to replace a file with same name

it is a problem to return money received by bank transfer after all sending account is unknown for sure and there is a reference point a few numbers indicating payer

boss appoints a fine but they deprive themselves of bonus

drop-down list is controlled by mouse

akad polyline is straightened as a folding meter or circles radii

freelance delay of sending usually after downloading with a delay canceling planned sending and replacing files

your own can be a stranger but a stranger can not be his own

files directories hidden are visible in lists of files and directories

message forum secrecy is clear if there are other hidden messages

time zones understand where time is greater and where time is less

computer properties of a file or directory alt plus enter

forum replace vulgar words with positive synonyms

freelance customer paying an advance requires faster

any director is like a freelancer looking for work and customers

different browsers highlight different links

docks viewed by separating directory or renaming

absolute truth: no one ever owns absolute truth anywhere

it is easier to comply with deadlines set by contractor

akad blocks collection all variants turn are immediately visible copy paste

do not tell phone to strangers yes or no they ask if you can hear it well so that you can record yes

cheaters call those who have lost things they allegedly found and ask them to turn off phone so that other cheaters do not call competitors

interview what question would you ask yourself

reason is fixed problem remains there could also be one of reasons

select from list and manually enter Internet address

work is 2 times more payment is 1.5 times more

acad protection scaling to a random non-integer scale and rotation by a random angle know how to solve

excel variable a separate cell to change in a column

earnings profit amount of monthly savings is unprovable from outside

computer catalog view table works faster

information is always secret catalog is separate

phone lists can be photographed in office

media is calling so they are recording audio

taste has become even tastier

information can disappear it will definitely disappear

it is easier and safer to download a song by finding and downloading a video clip and removing music

countries like sun and regions like planets and largest countries

countries do not unite into 1 country to have votes in UN

prize is a trip abroad payment at your own expense

youtube monetization if advertising is not available turn off in order not to deceive audience for free

exchange of action for prove

forum is debated by disputants initially especially when an independent expert can judge by proving

computer restarting walking

program allows you to switch language to test toxicity of others

work is first mental and then physical work

forum political answers to anticipate and correct not to suggest proving beginning of training

sending knowledge to past

an evil person can be kind but a good person cannot be evil

answer parody does not create new things

rays closer source distance is smaller

browser site loading top bottom middle

translators know secrets of rulers

non-exchangeable ruble

it is more correct to compare regions located next to each other

strongest one treats others as he treats himself toxic is not

will allow

title hero does not depend on audience

largest of largest

deception is actually said

hourly wages are hindered by salaries of officials

all employees can leave in 1 day

having authorship will help with authorship without assigning

forum topics toxic are not read

paradox is that writers are minus

browser does not prompt address of link from favorites in text

language symbols translation of strangers into their own

acad fonts are visible by printing out

fonts are visible only for different participants

media message means they will inform enemies

expression Soviet is more erroneous than socialist

parade export forum answers to tricky questions suggest prevention of toxicity and developmental questions for example can nominate a candidate

homeland is place of birth of ancestors

freelance submissions are accepted without comment as they are accepted for free

organization department sole employee head

forum answer to those who want to say I also want to disarm

anyone you meet can be from a toxic organization

above is incomplete information is not reported but priority is preserved

even professional singers are shy to sing

expert justification may not correspond to expert's idea

corruption exists in all countries

borders of states are longer than there are more states

answer is paradoxical it should be positive for its own

media should count billions into bread

political shows do not say main thing and thank you between lines for understatement

Ukraine seeks to replace China for Europe

intimidate is better than punish

file name including value designation miscellaneous assign order

6 square is same distance victim complains to host

punishment in accordance with a written contract or law

they converted benefits into money to pass on by inheritance

it is better to release guilty than to punish innocent

punishment is proportionate to fault

letters are different in width

modem power off by turning off source or consumer connection is interrupted

saving more is more important than earning more

non-standard video in editor open

taking it back without asking hand it over without punishment

acad layers name including underscores and other characters above layer 0

pdf printing each page size is clear

forum support nobody knows more correctly

things in closets check pockets looking for money

news peers

Movies books someone else's conflict is more successful and your own less successful on some basis

stars of past art of present are not com

diversity and toxicity

probability is high it works in only case

a wrong misunderstanding is truth

expression is less by so many percent to calculate

phone call waiting to enter number in address book

phone sim cards and flash drives by turning off phone

work is more expensive they forget doing work cheaper losing experience

instead of opposition agreement is 90% but most important thing is for yourself

probability is high it will work in only case

having massively understood wrong they do not understand and there is truth

bones at price of product or price is lower because of bones

separate edible and inedible

3d is calculated in terms of sine and cosine

parties showing up only for elections are weak

hours slowing down of both time and processes is unproven

unique discoveries are told at school and then explained by students

understanding formulas it is easier to fit solution

copyright on how to tie shoelaces is also possible in order to prohibit enemies

phone advertising stops at 20 o'clock

sports number of balls expression

he knows what he is saying he knows himself so he is talking about himself

phone input of letters replacement as a rebus

intermediary recipient

letters of anti-elite people

files are rare important copies several disks external and internal and flash drives

actor leaves series at will of script he plays as if he left himself

myth is being debunked a new myth is being created now or later by people same or different

conjunctions and or either distinguish and understand

there is no re-crediting on a global scale although people are being re-credited

understand others by remembering yourself at this age

successful people are afraid of falling incomes and beginning causes panic and a reduction in expenses is not one that may be required further

video was shot a rarity so there were many attempts to shoot

they work early they leave late they come

put a point with your hand above control

jump shows speed of Internet

word page different window number

unemployed are jealous of those who ask

reducing speed by 5 km per hour increases survival rate by 5 times

an authority can be someone with whom he disagrees

they complain to those leading up

freelance time reserve includes whole day

text repeats noticeably so you have remembered

noticeable to audience are noticeable to authorities and business

quality attribute specific points and number of other points

there are those who do not know does not mean that no one knows

self-employed are organized by a single party

password and review are safer secretly in everyday life

they don't interrupt each other in writing

they overestimate their own damage and underestimate someone else's damage

games battle against robots humane

advertising 1st seconds say most important thing

seeing others do is devaluing

check qualifications of a doctor and an engineer and a musician

wait for results knowing answer before message

inhibition of those who are looking for an answer devalues

downloading 3 files at same time is more convenient

lynching is unacceptable

early retirement indirect management

unemployed leave driven hoping for work abroad

contest prizes are unnecessary do not participate in hidden groups and do not participate in contests

authors are namesakes probably relatives it is easy to identify older ones by initials of patronymic

without guessing exactly opposite

program background work accidentally pressing space bar does not cancel does not close

remove flash drives from a turned-off computer

expert opponent writes only bad things

saving due to absence is uneconomical and there is nothing to be proud of especially by depriving a friend

increase in pay is equal if there is no interest for loans

programs on screen write everything

it is easier for programs to change texts in quotation marks

blowing into sail from inside moves forward tested experimentally

movies action or talk shop

instead of word soldier it is better to be a warrior

forum ridiculing hide true options

technique stop for 15 seconds turn off power cord

game is a homemade mod characters cost a lot or do nothing

number is large screen is clear highlight 3 digits skipping left digits will show millions

independent training

people are interested in being interesting

free of charge by selling storage costs to buyer even at intermediary of store

they are persuaded to do elite but they are persuaded not to do anti-elite

there are no gambling formulas in textbooks of probability theory

forum of people's news feed

movie trailer is all interesting and you can not watch it

I don't have to do anything sounds threatening

chefs of restaurant eat modestly not restaurant food working for export

phone is someone else's so as not to forget not to take fragile things

it is easier to pass off what is available as missing than vice versa because it is more difficult to prove presence of an absent one

mounting from 3 sides perpendicular is more reliable

determination of middle of segment with a compass and apply

using ready-made changes will be made by 1 percent or less

trust technology to look from both sides for and against how someone else's foreign is imposed on you or for example everyone will be forced to jump with a parachute

reading and listening in reserve is useful for future when it is feasible

notepad without hyphenation everything is visible nothing is hidden

program is a variable and in text word replacement will spoil on purpose

site address is new links are old replacement is beginning and are included

distorted calculations are restored knowing 1 answer all results are recalculated through coefficient

file name is long it is not clearly visible in explorer and in file sharing service

forum counter answer joking

talking a question without an answer is annoying

those who are sure that they are right are not interested in opinion of others about their work

files transfer a small mouse button to pick up bringing to a new place menu select copy or transfer

controlling someone else's host

women retired earlier so that there were grandmothers

any news manipulates in its favor

time margin is longer so speed is slower

contest may not justify ideas

answer is negative suggests different things to your own and others and control

standard of conduct qualification reference

working hours future knowing to count hours back

host is to blame

strangers may belong to secret organizations

block your site to be able to hide it from others temporarily

advertising quantity is specified from means more is specified to means less is always worse

advertising using dark

know famous first name and patronymic

those who foresee future write unusually

rinsing with water any finish is pure water

election parties express fresh ideas brainstorming what was hidden earlier

cultural people don't interrupt

copies and slip 1 option

scientists do not know what their relatives do

toxicity purposefully to slaves makes it better for example quality requirement observing toxicity ends

they protect weak even wrong ones until conflict ends

exports are hoarding gold

characters recounting squint

export 7 letters import 6 letters and it's time to come up with a new word

infinities of numbers are different

teachers are interested in their own subject and translate questions on subject in lesson into their own

questions that do not ask surprise those who are waiting for questions

programming power over computer

give more money and demand even more work

an employee considers himself to work better than others according to principles of 20 % and 80 %

guilty and guilty are different words

management first leader is to blame and then improving slave who became leader is to blame

host is interfering

employee of month integral of quantity and quality

there is not enough work a vacation without pay is possible

pay of 30 money is equal to 30 % of output but salary of 50 money is equal to 15 % should not surprise

a foreign accent is not important for Russians

products compare cost and caloric content in masses

pdf printing color black and white gray

mounting is structurally without load control

acad copy inside drawing and a copy of file

movie helicopter editing actor does not fly

apologies transfer to your own and devalue problem

voicing does not mumble and does not stammer

rent earnings asset and export but if loss is a lease a liability

column stretches depending on slow

engineers philosophy comparison is offensive

freelance dismissal is not a punishment rather freedom

freelance work is simple should cost less to justify cost of work is more expensive

file is written new or appended from top or easier from bottom

despite also thanks

those who have done something hope same those who have not done it will suffer

shield and sword protection of programs and documents

products that have taken someone else's must be obliged to pay

calling names meaning of words and expressions to know

those who have done it after hint look like slaves who are not independent

exam after receiving a hint even an unnecessary grade can be reduced

those who speak a foreign language will not distort their words

know and use sign language and do not accidentally give consent

colored brackets are conveniently applied in excel

it's hard to keep silent on questions and imagine others begging for it trying to steal authorship

sensing interest in topic of others urgently create an article on Internet by making sure to add it to your website

illegal is not advertised

an unanswered question should be answered out loud by yourself

sheet of cell is blue photocopies will be printed without cells

working time tends to be 8 hours a day optimizing number of

to give up is normal for strangers and to give up is abnormal for your own

against manipulation we are who we are to us to us and similar questions to ourselves

decline of USSR transfer of benefits into money and inheritance

envy turns into someone else's toxic

rules while observing others may not observe rules

dissenters can formulate normality as they understand it in any words written or orally

social networks phone numbers are indicated no one calls and they will not answer and an Internet number without a telephone connection

they can't remember option 2 and probability of not guessing is high

leading questions askers risk running into rudeness

sites define browser

acad background images customer's format to be included

a weak ex can become strongest more dangerous than if strong becomes weakest

it is normal to cause pity in indifferent people before whom there is no need to show yourself and it is profitable to support someone else's self-deception

pause payment and crediting to account for up to 1 day

table cells serial and parallel access

Toxic in their devices advertising

he is his own boss but not a customer

forum topic list of respondents

translator online text should be entered in source field and having translated part of 5000 siivols copy translation and save and translated part of original will be cleared and another part will be translated

programming language of officials

evil one will answer that he is kind that's exactly what he would answer

price increases in 1st currency and decreases in another currency at same time

a small paragraph before a large paragraph 2 paragraphs are immediately read

richer less benefit of selling a rarity

search for characters between asterisks

data changed by seeing an improvement further data do not change data changed by seeing a deterioration further data do not change

a bank card name of owner is not required anywhere and is not verified

bank card spending controls codes that exactly bought thousands of items and unusual goods are controlled

book last phrase is unknown and can be anywhere in book

sort in ascending order 1 2 3 4 5

sort in descending order 5 4 3 2 1

a character and a historical person in different works should look same

replacing 2 spaces with 1 space each replacement is 2 times smaller

territories of name mention of export increases quality attribute in comparison with other territories

Empire is possible a virtual computer game strategy

TV series season 2 actors starred play fake

running water and recirculation and recovery and independent schemes

freelance is obvious to confirm through a written task otherwise understatement and misunderstanding will turn into options

integral report and report integral and essay integral and presentation integral

voltage concentrator integral

trapezoid oblique rectangle aligned 3d perspective projection

accuracy of order does not depend on anything just another option is probably obviously wrong main thing is that options are paid for

customer's free files are rare and can be used as part of payment especially useful for other customers

horror movies at night are forgotten like a dream

by passing off unimportant as important in order to quarrel with group it is possible to guess most important implicit leader

movie names that say for example rich

presenter prints or draws presenter but copy is inserted by slave and even then if technology is from outside from employer

materials to slave stock to yourself

computer files aim at a shortcut or open a directory easier to get into

is it worse or better in what to specify immediately

search image large copy compress to 200 kb and download and search

clothing t shirts a lot in winter on street will not help

propagandists without guessing pretend that they parodied

election photo may be fake but voting video is real even recording an on-screen video of voting over Internet showing clock

video editing clock in frame will prompt gluing

forum answers writing down in a notebook and inserting in an hour most of answers will be a shame to send

computer window closes itself print screen

different expressions are used by different generations and different cities

photo from camera name includes dates is arranged by name and by date itself

pdf sheets regroup print or export by setting a new order of sheets

freelance rest for half a day and it's normal to do it in an hour main thing is to control schedule of customer and related parties

phrase is long incomprehensible to divide into parts

having composed suddenly it is easier to repeat further

it makes sense to make forehead hurt to talk about yourself and notice

programming a spinning string a condition and repetition itself

positive event step back so that a negative event occurs

phone sms as telegrams

important messages do not need proof

pictures sketch is remembered next scroll forward faster but it flips back slowly

pets must have a house where they can live inviolably

pisha first new words that author has recently learned are at beginning and spread to entire text going into past paradoxically

translation of book is not paid by author

criminals call themselves criminals without a trial turning themselves in

toxicity on Internet is overcome by putting pluses and then rearranging or posting a picture or YouTube from a classic fable

computer explorer does not sort directories by size and there are programs that count size of directory

dependence on attention creates negativity and toxicity for sake of attracting attention

wired connection is broken more reliably by breaking wire but wireless connection can break suddenly

program running as an administrator is not visible anywhere

forum is allegedly unclear answer is made up of previous message so initially there was all information

faster you turn off liability less losses there are for example water from a broken tap

what was bought a long time ago was more expensive due to inflation

book next entry is unknown is not planned and there is an alphabetical version

there are no brackets or commas

numbering of a6 paragraph is a random 3 digit cipher and then plus 1 next it sorts isolated paragraphs from several lines

large numbers are briefly mega and giga

integral sum compares but difference of integrals is equilibrium

does he know or does he not know

combinations of words do not suggest

explaining where his deception devalues and teaches

When calling an organization to introduce myself I call there

Vulnerability to use does not suspect in days of vulnerability detection end-to-end benefits are not received

browser wait for page to load

musicians composition are known for less than 5 percent of compositions

computer window scrollbar should be available

random range plus start

el clock may go wrong showing an erroneous time

freelance approve search for other performers because it does not depend on performer

forums pros and cons attract users and even cons without putting notifications that do not receive will leave forum

winning ticket belongs to those who bought it or to those who paid when they bought it completely strangers and won

video recording continuously for a day

computer disk free space to record by month

horse racing manager controls transfer of downloaded files

Eat with a spoon or eat with a fork

question of master and question of slave and 4 options

add a non-rectangular object to a rectangular area and circle it

running water

buyer's language export

are there any noticeable channels on tv over arbitrariness or what

proof is an internet profile and 1 of owners could use any

security should be interested in recording yourself video audio

hint is usually correct question waiting for hint is more important

sayings are noticeable especially on tv

it develops what is a means of overproduction

qualitative training junior school and quantitative training senior school

a student can replace a draftsman and a secretary

authorship in documents and programs variables otherwise pirates

pdf properties printer will show

graphics 4 a gon and a polygon are possible from 3-gons

changes that destroy coordinate

smartphone photo

admin answers

accumulation makes goods cheaper

browser down images

store's address is more accurate than name

cases rearranging cases rearrange from 1st case charter next case will be moved 1 day later and priority is important

1st item is beautiful but 2nd item is accurately measured

ventilation and gas pollution

earthquake 2 in a row

by defining at top of pyramid

application requires an internet password and a cache location to know and clean and screenshots

deterioration decrease angle of graph slope rise is more positive

a new hour is time to change case

removing from place others occupy this place

empty dishes are not put on gas

employees of institute go to institute but do not receive an education

constructions integral of parts and elements and materials and cost

plug inserted may break

non-switched phone gives master to slave

presenter is himself as his own employer not a customer

exit keep escape route clear

work is recalculated in days and hours

a product that does not deteriorate a little is used for a long time

freelancer performer does not require customer's documents and not interested in

interested person may not be a participant in dispute

black and white options that divide win in life by not agreeing on intermediate options

photo 3 characters maximum are normally visible

working hours and personal affairs conflict so it means to postpone lunch for time of personal affairs

galleries and many pages flipping through 2 or 5 pages

those who have not paid with money feel like debtors

it is unclear whether gender is masculine or feminine write plural

acad type deleted disappears from list of elements

picture earth globe around planet

acad polyline including points landmarks

acad size text above line is a quarter of height of text

hearing someone else's suggestions there will be arguments against

bosses are closed from dialogue and open up by becoming boss

authorities have a safe

bosses of presenters have more information

authorities translate work in months and weeks into days and hours

time before event is like in a mirror to reflect into past and count how much time we had earlier in same time

to see mistakes in stories and fairy tales of classic

instructions video 2 minutes clearer

humor parody reactions driven

geographical names that speak color event

duplicating information with different words is better

image is uploaded and there is a series of images

useful hints fight harmful insects

depreciation by condescension assuming answer

word important between 2 words covers 2 search options

work is longer than way to and from work

There are several players who can organize a financial system

sales and delivery include a service that is theoretically more profitable

musicians read notes as others read letters

engineer's instructions do not provide for creating academic blocks yes programs are licensed at work only but it is possible to work from home via remote control

text settings files and file export can be created and edited in notepad on any computer

more than one and a half times means plus half

pedestrian paths are rectangular on sides and angles are 45 degrees

download time of server is real file is explicit with extension

work concerns several more responsibly so as not to redo otherwise it will still come to correcting not everyone and for a long time

enlarging images is easier to stretch but reducing empty places to fill

forum does not report true goals to moderators for example delete message so that topic leaves main page

forum appeal to you respect and your own but appeal to you to someone else

water evaporates and cools

gameplay interesting usability

freelancing without an intermediary is performed for same cost but with an intermediary intermediary will still earn

student does not know whether teacher's subject will be required

platinum includes word pay and value is higher than gold

games and movies and literature understand age of target audience

a weak opponent is beneficial to other opponents and they are afraid to scare them away

candidates strive for more, so there are fewer problems

word search and replace executed in one document work in all open documents

smartphone charging signal and charging signal disappears

tele camera from top to bottom view subordinate tele camera from bottom to top view superior

folder is closed without a closing request

books a new fragment should be voiced separately

files copy and replace choice of a former or replaced file where other signs are newer and larger is just a hint

replaced files are highlighted before following actions and not replaced ones are visible

books list is large download size large and small and medium

map of countries is painted in 4 colors

time travel is like a movie or computer games without affecting past plus a trip to past changing archival data

applying knowledge of science on Internet, they write that same knowledge is allegedly not needed

a request to think can cause catastrophic aggression of those who do not think, so first find out who recipient of information is

they teach unnecessary in order to know about existence of unnecessary

exhaust is higher than inflow

internet file is replaced with another one keeping name and address saved but date changes so earlier download is in past better and file date is recognized if you download it through special programs

public transport service replaces product

forums aliases deanonymization is not allowed

unevenness of greater half and lesser half

TV shows and extra actions are cut out of air

shooting editing 1st part was filmed 2nd part so that it coincided to shoot many times

social networks address is better name of company instead of cipher, however, it is possible to fake for example, address is replaced by o and 0 and 2-th letters

propaganda and manipulation whose letters are bigger represent strength and win

it is impossible to guess every case but it is real to win every day every month


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