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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 8 » Integral of Life 06
Integral of Life 06


older generation is controlled through word ashamed

forum disclaimer: do not thank

forum age of writers is noticeable to many without information only by texts

forum those who write exact name of subject without knowing replace with a similar word of their knowledge

school crossword teachers' surnames and assignments: first name and patronymic

main principle of any business: cheat and if you can not pay: do not pay

promise of payment if payment guarantee is in a month then they will pay end-to-end

it is more convenient to get daylight at beginning of working day at same time so that it gets warmer earlier

forum reading distracted returning to reload page because surely new messages

people act to their advantage which is important to consider without emotion

managed needs to be managed

getting ahead and controlling is better than asking and checking

to be able to translate hours into days and weeks and months and years

mesh: flat but frame: voluminous

self-designation must be provable otherwise impostors

actions planning to present: is result achievable for example by increasing education: is a new position available

humor jokes a follower becomes a leader

repressions of their government are perceived more easily than repressions of invaders of others

introverts are afraid to tell secrets to strangers

archivist parser of pages for example downloaded from Internet searches for email addresses and phone numbers etc.

archivist columns database properties not file

computer most important directories are not renamed

someone else's thing is taken and put not back showing: thing was taken especially if someone else's territory

akad first highlighting shows hints of elements but if at first command elements are highlighted without hints

drawing a stroke dotted lines intersect with lines intersect not with dots and not with spaces

table's word header is configured in properties: repeat row

number of seconds is limited so time it takes to advertise product 1 and less time to advertise product 2

a bank transfer can transmit a message if they can read it

washing clothes basin is all in water if there is another basin on top

expression under building can mean south of building on master plan

homemade products are praised under capitalism but homemade products are scolded under socialism

computer files of same name suggests renaming new ones although it is more correct to rename existing outdated files

text lines go up: positive but lines go down: negative

indicate from city and further nominative case

combinatorics there are common features in several variants

to unpack archive with mouse it is first unpacked at a pace and then transferred to place and if you refuse to replace files they will remain at a pace

use freelance news to increase deadlines in your favor

after complaining to leader of slave victim becomes leader and former leader becomes a follower and former follower became a victim

option of considering slave as leader is less and less obvious leader of former leader has become slave of former slave who became leader and victim complaining becomes leader over boss who turned into slave of other side and former interim leader becomes victim

location is unusual it is possible to control changes like a seal especially location photographed

writing from end to beginning means that smart thoughts will be at beginning of time created at end for example forums topics

free to issue a simple solution and then get a task for an option is more difficult it is better than immediately spending time and effort on a difficult option although there will be more experience in computer example

words are better and worse to apply at same time explaining: more means better

forum who downloaded files: not visible but logically visited downloaded so it's convenient to be a hidden user

forum link to another page then tracking number of views 2 pages and a page of information is more important

delegation leaves hall devaluing performance of a stranger: unwillingness to be led by speaker of presenter at same time it shows speaker as a strong and optimal response to depreciation: to report that speaker allegedly did not notice departed

e-mail sending: megabytes are spent and nothing new is accumulated on disk

without acquiring anything money will still depreciate and be spent

deception seeing properties of qualitative type of purchase if quantitative properties are not specified of type price and cost and profit and interest etc.

files numbered number is smaller earlier in list below

free customers allegedly unprofitable actually reduce losses that were even more without customer data given integral of money

elections: peaceful civil war

having started several cases at same time risk is not to finish all cases if resources especially time and money are limited

figures of men and women differ

principle of doctors: do no harm

animals if they don't understand sounds of animals then people voiced them

video properties transmission speed is equal to total speed means no sound otherwise it means there is sound

moves of 2 degrees of freedom means number of moves of 2 in degree of cells

moves of 3 degrees of freedom means number of moves of 3 in degree of cells

youtube video cover is taken automatically or it is possible to upload cover and at any hour it is possible to change cover of video

free performer works slowly if next job is not known

slow work can impose 2 jobs without rest

integral task: those earning 100 rubles per hour buy work of those earning 200 rubles per hour

those who have learned text by heart will repeat text several times noticeably when exchange is repeated

behaving culturally in public is different from uncultured ones where posture and gait and gestures are indicative

dividing same in a row: volatility

concepts are different: export of capital and withdrawal of capital

by providing evidence and without checking for sure correctly

animals disturbed in their place can leave a place that has been convenient for years

10 000 hours of practice is a necessary but not sufficient condition for mastery

forum feed where topics are not raised ban of author leads to a lag from discussion and topic ceases to be interesting to author

raising education: monthly salary is earned in a week raising education: monthly salary is obtained in a week

to praise your computer and smartphone and phone remotely but to belittle properties of devices capable of stealing but assuming to sell or exchange properties of devices to embellish

akad fonts bold type ttf arial can get stuck and not transferred and not copied then select all elements and then remove selection from everything except necessary letters and better fonts thin vector non-maturing

calculations without printing results to screen are faster and way to speed up: printing outside of internal cycles practically printing 1% of information to screen or to a file

archs looks for which indexes file is included in

browser spell check add new words to dictionary

authority is confirmed by other independent more reliable

family immunity: hope for strong relatives against diseases and against problems using integral of strength

motivated by money they do what they would not do without money

in USSR everyone built their own personal capitalism

head may have a military rank lower than that of subordinates

crisis: new opportunities

pyramid: those who managed to move succeeded but following moving are limited

a smartphone allows you to talk and receive sms unlike a phone

file reformatting: name is automatically set to same

block is three dimensional projections rectangular circle triangle and square are real

secret is transmitted by letter where first lock adds 1st and then lock adds 2nd and then lock removes 1st and then lock removes 2nd and receives message: it is impossible in computer

internet link executable file is downloaded start online antivirus and check link before downloading

gratitude to people who do not expect their own help

awards comic or negative received in advertising do not indicate

actors: biorobots

time managers control future and world

computer itself cannot turn on volume in addition to automating mouse movement and automating button presses

computer control buttons indicate an action starting with a letter for example saving to letter c

popular news forms public opinion so manipulators are being introduced to create a preponderance of forces

social networks registration time shows clones or novices specially registered for manipulation

teachings: their own depict strangers

a movie actor sees a camera in mirror instead of himself

older more and time range seems to be getting smaller

acad plane is indirectly possible to rotate in 3d by angle of rotation of plane

prohibiting is important to control execution of ban

file date may be revision date not download time and it is possible to edit dates inside file

central bank makes loans expensive so that banks do not take loans to buy currency by arranging a carousel: credit currency growth return by scrolling several times like a perpetual motion machine

there is no need to report forums narrowly specialized to those who obviously do not understand

having heard your name on street do not respond immediately and show interest in at least a minute

person who coordinates proposals does not pay for his decisions and does not issue orders for execution

computer does not have a shortcut system tries to find and match most similar file and if file is in trash it offers to delete shortcut and there are utilities looking for missing shortcuts.

archive includes a password: inside archive all names with an asterisk or a password request without showing contents of archive

claims they say would do negatively answer is that when I do then complain

supervisors of 2 people as witnesses and number exceeds victim

computer hardware acceleration is more powerful than software acceleration and there is a qualitative leap

file sharing service checks for viruses if there is no password

higher education less desire to work at factory and mass education demotivates working professions

animals should be touched with 1st hand leaving 2nd hand clean

sober to feel drunk: do not get enough sleep

a single password algorithm allows you to create different similar passwords

it is impossible to copy text so it is easier to take a picture or rewrite or copy screen and then apply for example an image to recognize in text

browser saves passwords and list of passwords is downloaded or photographed and recognized in text

seeing possibly armed turn right sideways and pretending that they are calling you go to side and call police

locomotive going forward will inevitably fall behind

cinema stereo 3d plots come to an end quickly

lottery is win-win: most of prizes price is less than ticket price

grits separate inedible grains integrally

it is possible to combine and separate money at same time

sites protection from free reading stop reading for money even if they previously read for free for years

business transition from LLC to sole proprietor lowering rates

material trail of communication: signatures and approvals and notifications

manipulation of depreciation is applied to strangers or conspiring to deceive viewers

justifying toxic rights to speak for all like-minded toxic rights do not have

richer than envied becoming: envy will disappear

filter: water in a sieve

computer workplace: hand lies completely on table with forearm

having created drafts: it is possible to finalize clean-up after a while

cause: leading and consequence: led

song where fake is heard after a few auditions is normal

training requires a training plan

question why they did this means answer: they did that because

e mail by logging in from another device notification will come to same mail which means that protecting letters will be erased and after reading they will return unread status to letters therefore notifications to other e-mails are important

company's e-mail address is included in directories and it is problematic to change it so immediately set an e-mail of info type

computer directories from root to file: maximum 3 nested directories

words however and others: 1 word per page

archs search in multiple indexes is inconvenient: 1 or all indexes are better

word came is unclear: to send or have already been sent is unclear

meetings of classmates and classmates are avoided if there is nothing to brag about or are they afraid of envy of those who have nothing to brag about and there are social networks

there are no brackets and only punctuation mark is a colon for intonation

small numbers reporting sometimes often add a percentage sign by mistake distorting result even microscopic by 100 times

show bad cases see possible good cases for future

programs properties such as color parametric without conditions and without choice: parameter shifts color to selected value and program accelerates

probability of a 2-point binomial distribution to know

large parallel sum of non-parallel multipliers

line is briefly transcribed into a paragraph and into a page

crouching down is easier than jumping up

more expensive than prize: to award prizes yourself

analog is measured by a digit and it is better to initially enter numeric data

training against deception teaches you to cheat

knowledge of multiplication table deceives those who count on ignorance of multiplication table

typhoid pictures are many-page decomposes into pages by recognizer and viewer

remembering last one an unimportant memory is recalled

to simplify forum to level of self-deception of readers

general puts on trousers with stripes and goes to kick out door to ministry

engineer calculates in his mind for a minute without looking anywhere so expert will also find errors

assumption is incorrect so implication is not true

for image confirms choice of best in contrast if there are no pictures

treasure may contain bacteria and viruses

email social networks without an answer to remind word remind

quoted lead quoting slave

those who left for city are more surprised why others did not leave

files downloading several order will be disrupted in time if they load quickly

to do at least something but do they do or do nothing

cubic meter as pay

changing screensavers 2 files of independent names are renamed to 3rd file

photo on background of unique objects and fake on background of same unique

solution lines colored in a row time

to bring an asset but to carry away a liability

ruler is immeasurable: it is impossible to postpone same segments

file and directory names match value of file falls into directory

how do they know what aliens say

bird feature feather

outraged may be right

think about timing of abnormal time to pull to limit

office programs internet links create

post office likes it when they buy envelopes on their site

golden rule

in beginning titles of books and films are successful new catch phrases

hearing same thing 1 reads positively others hear negative

for topic including yub will be interested in viewing yub real views of topic

measuring analog

fold paper in half and rule fractions 1 part down 2 parts up connecting thirds

taxes roughly understand which budget is local or central

collection of books after downloading will be updated for a long time not to download

a fairy tale in cat's language authorship is inalienable

power of elder dismisses younger looks like younger subordinates have suffered

authorities lack manipulation explaining to locals in cities and regions

word hyphenations in words over 8 letters

authorship is ok to indicate payment advertising

gift is little used especially if liability is for giver

file of books author and titles titles

vertical stripes visually lengthen but horizontal stripes visually expand

election is counted automatically by representatives of parties and those who want to vote clearly inform whom

a site without a video looks outdated

website phone number any format

explanation of nerd style: do you know

Tug of war: strongest players at ends

technology is getting better and everyone writes same thing before it was supposedly better especially supposedly medicine

magazines that were paper become electronic

packaging 90

pdf encoding is distorted archivist recognizes

work schedule human wave at beginning and at end of working day but schedule of machine is stable

transit crossing a section without recoil otherwise not transit

formula sign more and more or equal to be understood has been thought out ill thought out by others

they are afraid of leaders but they are not afraid of wingmen

damage from correcting small cases

clothes do not hold anything with your hands especially hood in wind

communication is free requires a sim

collective influences individual

workplace represents working team

files eagloading several order will collapse in time if they load quickly

do at least do something or nothing

cubic meter as pay

someone can offend someone leading or led

versions older than using keep track of new versions

video camera blocking image hiding what is happening

question is tricky ask a counter answer if they answer

expression is like everything: taken together

integrals of votes for leader president or governor is equal to integral of votes for deputies

forum page saves dates today yesterday and so many hours ago from save time

cinema operators are not known to audience

obvious allegedly do not understand means they are deceiving

battle scenes mass participants are unknown and do not write about hoaxes

excel dimension is denominator in parentheses otherwise it will be understood as numerator

archivist index of entire disk will include rare files

intersection without measurement analog method

articles given by including decimals after decimal point usually get in way

Proof of work: shooting

information is unknown any small clue looks like a revelation

akad from sheets through to draw circles that are not printable by separating windows of sheets in model with rectangles

singers say their words in song prove: they sing live

vacancy is a qualitative difference: education is specialized non-core and it is possible that education will increase as an employee who improves education at a university

archivist different words found different colors

forum repetition of offensive in response to a quote will be most offensive for offending

an excuse invented is negligible if action is predicted by others

answers in order to get hurt on 1 question

computer shortcut to shortcut: shortcut to item itself

cipher: left-hand text in a different handwriting

I don't understand clearly I understand or familiarly you understand but I understand better

random test systems seeing winnings before loss and detecting loss and calculating probability stop tests

smart if he sincerely does not understand then others understand even less

copying by starting and there is a previous file copying by canceling previous file is erased

informing balcony or loggia or without everything type of dwelling is given especially apartments

freelance editable by sending some of elements do not send

joke is predictable and not funny enough

additional constructions on lumen to glass

substance is greasy or non-greasy to distinguish

free Monday customer communication with their customers

files highlighted by renaming 1 file all selected files are renamed

cheaper technology more they will do

successful projects are a pity to sell for example emblems but usual routine is sold daily

forum show photos of rarities and do not show can show through guarantor first checking whether dispute itself is already proof

suffer rules by observing and contradicting rules

sfon application is missing in 1 sfon may be in another sfon

those who have done work 1 time can then receive payment for this work

read and listen to texts of different sizes starting from a small size

attitude of friends and strangers relative to city and region within country

right to act on territory of others

high-quality repairs should be replaced with cheap repairs only for yourself

Some regions have their own several regions

creating a product requires material and technology and absence creates problems but programming requires more knowledge and technology

forum reads whether topic is shown by counters and voting and viewing embedded posts

colors warm denotes a substance warm

computer video picture quarter time

akad mtext hovering cursor freezes and solution layer is blocked

those who have received higher education manage employees almost always

akad block layer is only one that includes elements of many layers

criticizing distorted data in response real data should not be reported

internet search link is visible one is not copied but by clicking: substitution for a long link

freelance design of drafts

rest waves period prime numbers result minimum intersections

dragging is easier than carrying

before consumption of goods and services they consume information

preparation turns time of a liability into an asset

forum revealing appearance further reads presenting image even without a photo

lottery options for more small prizes or more winners of small prizes

for indicating choice provocation they forget to indicate what they would have chosen themselves

computer forms transition between tab windows

word curly quotes are better

a page word and a paragraph column break is better

a company without profit spends a loan to profitability

family household differentiates divides earnings in different industries male and female

graphically growth and fall of kinks are visible dates of points are visually clear

for swearing gives out relatives swearing

authorities know future

academic printing area is only one

computer down arrow download to computer but up arrow upload to internet to cloud

new meaning displaces old meaning especially in art

non-professionals avoid prof words by replacing them with words of form: this

managers are not professionals in what to manage they express themselves illiterate about what they manage

isolation of wires separately from each other and general insulation on top of previous insulation

media points out reasons by deceiving hiding true reasons

detachable connections have spare materials

doing at least something plan and reporting

probability and logarithm can predict diseases

inventor in order not to be appropriated publishes theses a small part including important formulas

essays composed by children and for children to distinguish

computer programs for following needs

a comma-separated search will find including any 1 of signs

free paid only you will tell customer that others have paid so contractor has money for quarter

free telephone conversations allegedly give out a task saying do what you want and then redo it for free okay task is issued

files that change frequently and from internet in archives depend on frequent downloads and it is harmful to rewrite

for pointing out and questioning and reasoning impersonal as a code

some people write songs specifically for movies

difference of years means whole years minus 1 year

for political write their point of view is truth but their like-minded people are mistaken than it is easy to separate them by finding strangers especially foreigners

free work to send to a single manager and send it to others only if head appoints only successor otherwise sea of options will be filled with mail and related parties will demand to pay for options

free to respond to requests to send files bypassing authorities they say ask for files from authorities because even unpaid after payment will become property of customer in at least a year and it is inconvenient if squandered but it is normal to send an image for reference

a free performer can calculate: work in paid volume is completed and then if they do not pay then they can order options from other performers

cinema city showing will show sights and as proof but they can shoot in another city and in another country

archive is more convenient than installer to unpack everything in a visible place

archive creation and modification and addition writes and it is clear whether archive is new or changeable

having passed exam it is possible to check by proving continuity of knowledge

cosmonauts and astronauts in different countries

read faster than write and it is possible to read aloud

acad check whether all layers of drawing fragment in unblocked layers are selected and erased and having understood cancel erasure

humor is real joke is what to explain calmly and probably in movies in scripts analysis of each joke considering how then in encyclopedias collect references to other films

our customer having received a deferred payment considers himself a super economist worthy of a Nobel prize in mathematics

effect of noticing fresh studied in life massively

study of work beginning and end integrally equal graphically

wingmen are fleeing from city and country without an anchor

insurance for unusual cases does not include

flying object affects wind integrally deflecting in fractions of a second and in sum of micro time

if a disaster has not occurred then it is not a problem

sfon is size of dots screen like a laptop monitor

rounding human numbers in a computer: add half to that category and round off

amount that will be paid without authentication amount that is not easy to lose

yub comments of comments without revealing branch are not visible so even answer to others if it is important to issue a new answer

yub comments are not visible looking yub like a TV inserted on a forum or website

social advertising texts about security should be checked by an expert

mutual offset instead of payments by both towards pays 1 due more paying difference

draft is noticeable relative to zero but clean draft differs little from draft

going from yourself is harder to control than going to yourself for example overheating from inside is more dangerous than heating from outside

computer games hide time to play more

animal biorobots

a delayed letter is possible to find out when it is sent from mail and then if author sends a dump

superiors' vacation or sick leave subordinates walk more than their own affairs

message they say is unnecessary to anyone so who needs it is not reported

light year: distance

opposition having come up with nothing looks at what government is creating and criticizes

bill is obviously impassable written as a draft

online media does not need an editor-in-chief

knowing to inform management 2 other control

looking for gambling to understand functions looking for 2 different control looking for division of events in a row looking for waves of probability less to less to raise stakes

amount is normal over 100 in order to detect at least 1 percent

famous relative is more manageable predictable

work on eastern time zone continuous work without pauses

prof for write less than on communication forums

speech synthesizer adding a colon intonation changes noticeably

there would be another reason to dislike strangers

do not wear electrical appliances over products

automation: any job turns into a service

computer directories named same combining will merge

conflict is oral claims will not be written but conflict is written by e-mail

state employer is someone else's explains theft from state at all times in all countries

pyramid of salaries: integral of money is divided into layers receiving same

animals are similar to their owners visually

know spelling of countries in foreign languages and spelling of countries themselves

manigami crafts made of money

strong are ashamed of past when they were weak and weak are ashamed of past when they were strong

profitability absorbs unprofitably absolutely unprofitable

yub name if mouse is not visible click add to bookmarks form window will show name of yub

windows open inside premises

owners of apartment renting can come at any time if rooms are closed

email shows error of option by specifying customer in writing and response quote protects from claims whose option if an error

6rouser control history buttons are same

amount of substance is large externally less than internally and even less again externally locally

review against graphomania

textbooks from 70 years ago language is different from modern one

cardinal directions 8 directions

chess order and binomiality

write down a lecture that you could read

social networks like sign regarding events or do you like article or read notification

social networks comments can be disabled but they like to put everything unconnected except for invisible ones and it is possible to change profile to an unblocked one

words to those who are better: to all who

having formulated oral speech in writing is clearer

freelancer guest worker even sitting in another region without leaving

acad filter line length exactly or less than will separate and further more than a little separate

watermark image from edge is easy to remove by cutting down dimensions

fore topic pros special comment for cons result author's rating will not grow but topic is in top

option 2 to develop and think about both options up to 4 options

pay and refund or non-pay depends on size

computer compressor composter and other words starting with a computer they say I work for a computer

do not leave house sleepy and do not leave house drunk

previously newspapers printed letters that began: they won't print letter anyway

akad layers are blocked necessary elements are stuck layers are unlocked and moved through landmark and make a new one first to free space of drawing

quoting tv means watching tv

free if he sends unfinished work to his co - workers or a distorted specially incorrect one is then completed by presenter having lost time and substitution of colleagues does not achieve goal

akad font thin is always removed although if font is thick lines may not be deleted not transferred and solution is: replace font style of thick font with a thin font

in order not to pay customer begins to finish it himself by sending developer for verification in an hour

drawings of intersection of pipelines of cross-section buildings if everything is taken into account: a dozen options

when discussing behavior of others report how they would have acted in same place

war drives progress

interlocutor's forum showed itself recognizably from another forum in response even though it's better for you to pretend not to notice otherwise it may turn out to be faking a recognizable one

work slowly or by improving technol and work faster

to distinguish between infectious and non -infectious diseases

old image viewer rotates dates saves as opposed to changing dates and converter saves dates by changing

against arrogance of officials understanding there are those interested in removing from office for impudence

of movie news in frame corresponds to plot

computer games are a visual version of plot strains computer and player's brain

word shows many abbreviations in red

text replacement comma and space inside numbers does not replace comma

free 2 intermediaries are possible as a broken phone

a tip to authorities could be harmful to thousands of people

phones pressing buttons including screen is lighter energy is spent critically if there is little charging to know how few buttons to use

light of stars and sun reaches when there is no light source at that point

a machine is a computer for many

movie mannequins instead of people often

yub looking at other sites not to open and not to download anything at same time

words of some kind as offensive do not apply

having guessed near future it is possible not to guess distant future

movie actor camera is visible in mirror looking at others through mirror

internet search pages new search pointer highlighting

having learned to play theoretically and a better computer it is not interesting to play further

expression is only only one

for hidden users consider themselves famous

a million weighs 200 grams and a billion weighs 200 kilograms

saying what you think think what you say

there are minutes when everything is decided by seconds and it lasts for years

for blocked are invisible to many to read open a forum through other browsers where without registration and depending on profile hidden messages will be included

movie peeping

train stations calculate those who are not going anywhere

training 1 learns and then teaches others

solar system as an atom is thought up by many

excel formula beginning sign equals

correct option is unknown but wrong option is known

a real deceiver is capable of deceiving himself

production in a foreign country in which case become their own production

buyer is a stranger and transport together with production are one goods include services

reading having understood keyword to look for and not finding to read 1 phrase from paragraph

social networks a voice message is equal to writing on paper and taking a picture

actor who is called: who has played or received an acting education

videos where sound is important will be remade by distorting video leaving sound

centenarians probability multiplication and survivor error

by engaging in gambling promising that performer allegedly does not have access to client's account a possible deception: overflows

video editing sound is clean distorted for milli seconds in place of gluing video

files page view is extreme there is no further transition

railway station coffee machines to keep passengers awake

each case is done by a quarter and total case is done by a quarter of amount of cases

a straight angle is a special case of an angle

cosine angle adjacent sine angle opposite

forum participant accusing will accuse even without answers of accused so it is logical to come up with a universal answer: work is not mine

for who knows using another pseudonym pretending to be ignorant misleads those who know they say other knows information

probability checking formula regardless of calculation

yb statistics search only for your yb

many people do not understand what is simple for others

who owes whom

keywords friend and foe and others

handicap communication victory over interlocutor even after losing an argument main thing is to find a similar case in life

there are thousands of for messages so I wonder why they paid attention to this particular message

after learning of a possible improvement some improve but most will be outraged and will do nothing

for messages part before conditions explicit and implicit are met

social networks badges for men and women

cipher speech sounds are absent in languages of countries and a foreigner cannot pronounce a difficult word password

an artist from role of you should not walk even from replicas in hall although if it is hard to hear it is really possible to repeat

rulers protect militarily and economically and further depends on people and on each inhabitant

heroic achievements for those who have achieved same little surprise

basis of respect for ordinary people: cowardice of those who respect

nobody knows anybody

problems even catastrophic ones should be manageable and ordinary ordinary

hardness ability to leave traces on other material

strength of material and structures

site password entered alias visible

movie sound from phone is different

something disappeared is it provable that there was only a photo of information

photos are looking for 2 of their parts not finding looking for other parts

new deputies know problems of streets duplicate divisions and parts

provocations give out toxicity that they themselves do not know and aggression to notice

even anti-state writings should be archived

proposal and approval

letter 12 dots is recognized by a person

archivist indexing queue is created: master and having configured to stop and then start practically continue several indexes

product composition is known if you cook it yourself

computer quick start panel accelerating bat is not installed only program that works is fixed

letters similar to numbers are inconvenient

free performer as a cat of what flask

collective to pay for purchases with a credit card returning colleagues in cash means to cash out a credit card without interest

frames of photo allegedly show number it is possible to edit by attributing 0 or erasing

imported furniture is thinner

a patent for well-known is impossible

team's job is to provide highly paid employees first so newcomers earn little for a long time

camera if dirty is visible on screen before photo

monument photo: drone copter drone or long stick better 2 smartphones for stereo video

design of socialist passenger cars repeated capitalist ones

exploited asset but not exploited liability

visit of doctors to take off their shoes who ensures cleanliness because it is really possible to arrange a cleaning before entering apartment

a rich freelance performer can make an order cheaper for him

Court: war

freelance cases were drawn by themselves prompting them to finish a new version of task by mistake

akad purge drawing unnecessarily large copy and at a pace

we see loose layers

do not take someone else's phone without asking

autocorrect a macro that makes words shorter should be an algorithm that returns words completely again

archivist is book included in index to search for words from book

photo of order and photo of parcel before sending are all one unprovable

game is a journey level of a simple game character is alive next time you load it

exit where is entrance

criticism of other people's freelancers

resting for a long time to plan and go into business

stories hiding changes past

film distorts history affects past

changing history now then today will turn into past

most important and less important to understand

akad 2k texts are ordinary index translating copies into 2k format

archivist searches for pdf names of tabs

akad maps sputnik review 2 browsers print screen

magnet pole does not coincide geographically

smlpuim smlpuim and inverted numbers russian english

lecturer is more successful than audience

o6 education is free is student a means of production for teacher and state

films say there will be a war who will attack characters do not say

where did you save money on interest on loans from

expression turns however as always which was required to be proved

geography of characters in books and films

critic prompting sensible everything is one stranger and authorship is not shared

writing to recognize age and pop and education of writers

Question do you know how long answer is I know

text is divided into two lines words are more important than 1st and last in lines are more noticeable

a cheap fine will be paid to break rules in their favor saving time

forum moderators see complaints on sly from readers

letter o is often converted into different characters

actions after reboot set bat in autoload

seeing well and weakly seeing and weakly hearing masking

capital integral capital force vector

number of forces vector sum of products integral

plane from below is blue under sky and from above is green under terrain masking integral

those who are unable to prove it hide evidence on purpose

movies music shows comedies

plastic dishes will burst unreliably

statistics number of 100 thousand inhabitants is more but integrally less if number of inhabitants is small

citizens are non-citizens and stateless 3 times

computer files change size of window to highlight files at once

akad elements separate all color is unequal yellow and if there are any left filter is equal to yellow

freelancers dream of having a rest in a minute

freelance elements are tested in different regions

cheap clothes are easier to find than expensive clothes

acad selection on left is deleted intended without uncontrolled

after all it is replaced with a colon

dot colon triplet 3-bit

a parody of serious shows hidden meaning and parody yourself

there may be toxic words between words and inside words

it is unprofitable for rich to sell things because there is no increase in money and selling things will be enough for a week and deciding to immediately buy another thing

forums secret do not tell anyone because strangers will understand

it is possible to watch movie trailers without sound

bottleneck quality attribute sorting quantity comparison

a paper travel card overpaying for a taxi is more expensive but an electronic travel card price of each trip saved does not change quantity in any way

place to right of leader is an honorable one even at lunch

website name similar letters make it difficult to read and understand

acad hatching point pen geometric center

conversation is a reference to authority they say such and such said can harm who they refer to if assumption is false or erroneous

movies online cache is unclear where and it is possible to find it knowing file extension directory

pre-tension in life is equal to export

criticism of invulnerable situation and proposal against invulnerable

power is represented by a minimum number of people

forum view profile in social networks by deciphering alias to full name

payers indicate and order and direct

virtual reality as a dream is immersed is underestimated

successful ones produce continuously

value is a constant derivative of values that absorbs constraints

building 5 buildings 6th building is free of charge saving

equipment is rare bulky 2 copies are being built

probability of being filled with wishes instead of making wishes

cipher or answer length so as not to calculate

repeat several times in a row to search for a collection of mathematics

product 1 out of 10 to sell for 10 units in amount of 100 and then price is higher so that it remains in amount of 100

customer's bank card may be held by relatives and employees

transfers between your cards are looking for

treats and witchcraft and eating immediately show: they are not afraid of witchcraft

Photo shooting date saves properties inside file regardless of file date

smart it may be easier to pretend to be stupid

telling truth truth there will be toxic aggressive mistakes themselves ignorant

salt may not be food grade

observing rules there is no guarantee that interlocutor observes

new or competing products and services need advertising

forum answers tips to summarize

freelancers are waiting for a draft or a clean copy

they follow rules fearing that if rules are violated work will stop

eatery is unpleasantly called

comparing is more important than counting accurately

future criminals should understand how they can survive by stopping crime in time

akad copying between files follow bottom of window signal copying and watch tempo

computer file replacing question in red

files books photos copies designed to have recognized copies pure text

small fast work justifies a pause in work

internet cloud storage pyramid

only export can pay off

slave is angry at leader

it is possible to rent housing anywhere at any time but apartment has its own for a long time

paying 5 rubles but not paying 10 rubles is also a saving

humor provocation and deception and truth

authorities are not protesting so protesters are not authorities

expression offends some

signal is missing too normality control in excel function is not

cinema special screening integral

you should know your own style of speech and change your keywords by hiding them pisha on different forums

email forwarding and archiving of mail different mail

pilot driver lead and passenger wingman

excel division of last name of name study of endings will find out gender

hands free increase efficiency plus integral plus pyramid

visualization of eating snow against mania

acad additional constructions and erase excess

plot of comedy is frequent: inspector is a slave in role of a leader and leader in role of a slave

logo screen in corner leaves a free space

action is normal if you can't pause and repeat it again

optimal behavior can cause a crisis so knowing option is less optimal

graphic files extension can be specified first any computer will understand pictures

any development turns into a weapon

asset mistakenly spending allegedly saving future savings are actually spent

misunderstanding an asset liability creates probability and risk

clean draft is faster and continuity is continuous

akad copying between files first move with a reference point and then copy

having asked and received an answer why not ask again

street food presentation

number of options and probability if center side corner is occupied

minister's hour is expensive

upper clothes are cleaner than lower clothes

it's time to add word theirs to dictionary

akad scale in 1 direction or in 4 directions or in 6 sides

pdf a dashed line of several lines is not continuous

culture of trade and standard of window dressing

an expression offensive to others by including yourself is less offensive

expression should not be lower or should not be lower clearer

online voting results immediately and no one reports in topic to others

it is better to throw out spoiled products together with good products than to use spoiled products which contradicts to leave good

freelance minus 1: there is enough time for all work except 1st on weekdays and weekends

Forum some moderator let banyat erasing topics from Forum do not leave

more random more accurate probability

factories of 21st century have few employees

books spines for placing books vertically and horizontally

internet ring of sites integral inter advertising

collective farm joint stock company of collective farm type

be able to read lips

dummy integral

asset on time liability not on time

direct quoting add documents without erasing

akad align 1 element mirror and rotate leveled one to bring it to horizontal

15 minutes is 1 percent of day and therefore 10 minutes is 1 percent of daylight

time spent on passive games and social networks

internet surveys hoard fraud at home and almost reaching amount of payment surveys are stopped without payments

reception is prepared before sending

pyramid of technologies

company website name and city it is possible to find a company yourself

high-quality synonyms are worth and established without homonyms

expression I remind you is offensive

court's decision is a multi-party control integral a request for legality from state

computer programs of winnings can show video of winnings

synthesized search includes properties and page number of search engine via bat htm text bookmarks links

forum profile view is viewed in response

photo by turning camera or by turning yourself

giant plant can stop at any hour

pensioners buy optimal products

by paying in cash to create a receipt same amount is withdrawn via an ATM

solstice and equinox

generations 2 times older exact date

salary is accelerating pay is graphically nonlinear

to be or to seem to be more important is not obvious

secretaries switch keyboard layout is more necessary

Latin name of animals will show name of animal

accuracy of another digit to right of comma distorts by from 10 percent to 50 percent rounding

too clean means fake

Forum counter is an integral of pros and cons without calculating the quality of assessment dividing number of ratings by number of messages

synthesis of settings and saves files and configurations

arrest means unemployment means poverty

media divide people into a class of officials and security forces and others

start middle finish 3 and 4

while criticizing domestic they can criticize foreign but they do not criticize paying ones

angle is straight options are equivalent otherwise 1 angle is sharper

image from left to right can be understood by wrongly reading from right to left

results in fraud blaming leaders forget results of less successful ones

it is better not to request confirmation of opponent's rights

distribution is binomial percentages whole fractions are correct

animals manipulate by getting closer to a person for food

power is fictitious

alphabet excel character codes and vice versa

plus 1 graph polyline up and down is converted separately up and down will show angles and sums and differences

arrangement of objects is optimal horizontally and vertically or in a circle or otherwise

score 1 2 10 1 2 20 1 2 30

portraits according to geography of cardinal direction

portraits face each other or 1 face straight other is turned

Wednesday is middle of working week but Thursday is middle of week

expression selling selling or trying to sell is unclear

computer window how many print screen points to measure

copy replace request to know replace or skip

movies write history

logarithm division but degree multiplication


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