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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 6 » INTEGRAL of LIFE 04


hands are crossed and fingers are crossed in a certain order

opinion is correct to confirm opinion of others for yourself secretly

movies to see their peers

moon reverse side is all covered with craters

turning on electrical outlet check safety every time

understanding works continuously

waste paper is used for packaging

meme year of creation

processing gives right to paid leave or time off

specific value: qualitative

it is easier to collect a layer of water surface than a part from depth

rotation of earth takes into account latitude of other countries

unverifiable work is always bad

hack work: capitalism under socialism

money is first to remember for a long time

trap of short cases: it may not reach long cases

birthday gift is not required especially unnecessary

Collect proof for yourself

cliches of ideology still sound cool

ban anyone can come back any day

brag about money in front of those who have money and brag about children in front of those who have children and brag about grandchildren in front of those who have grandchildren

money of medical fund can be spent a lot by those who are ill  especially those who are ill through their own fault

gratitude of ruler of his rulers to others is directed against rulers of others

forum instead of answering someone else's my opinion you don't need

dry that has become wet should be separated from dry

cipher of letters 1st and last are same but letters of middle of word are mixed: everything is clear in Russian and in English

integral of people

cipher letters similar to english and numbers instead of letters

cipher lines inside squares around outlining letters visually highlighting square

monthly payments are less whether debt will be removed or there will be another use debts will remain

computer games it is impossible to guess whether level will be passed but probability of an event and normal number of identical events in a row are calculated

public figures do not influence government's decision  they can only guess government's decision because there are no calculations of public figures but government has best calculations.

video layers and sound final layer

encyclopedia of everything: if everyone writes dedicating weekend

when typing at end leave a line space otherwise including next time thought will be forgotten

words of many of 2 parts are simply highlighted in capital capital letters

trial deception punishment is greater and inevitable

there must be bad cases but a small number of good cases should be more

conflict finding guilty party from outside solving internal conflicts

those who disagree with their superiors subsequently agree even after years

an example of randomness: number of letters in a word is even or odd

important is protected by unimportant

order of arrangement is optimal and worst options

someone else's money turns into payment for requests without issuing money itself to owner

idea of previous government uses next opposition government

tractors appeared in Russia in 1914 from east

foreign language cipher and your own language cipher for foreigners

search on surface of crisscrossing radio beams

a millionaire clown is a common thing

employee himself reaches level of his salary in any organization

word means does it replace a colon

cinema to understand when a man voices women and vice versa to understand when a woman voices men

songs are appreciated after years comparing with newest songs

forum to report less envy-inducing

fighters against lies dream of winning in court by deceiving everyone

there are no forums for USSR in CIS

computer cleaning disk for sake of space: do not confuse disk

image must follow order above below: plane at top but ship at bottom

knowledge saves time

low start: rapid growth by hundreds of percent at times

growth evaluate quantity and quality at same time and what is more important if other parameter is equal

complex of small people creates cruelty

countries bordering are most dangerous

forum words are silent noticeable

rich clothes are always cheap

pyramid of quantity and pyramid of quality

movies and TV series and advertising special holiday releases

mental development is more important than physical development integrally

computer directory is closed without a request

verification before a certain date guarantee of time control

computer attached devices less stick out better

forum help and no answers from those who asked offends  although questioner visited profile and possibly outside profile

top up travel cards at points in city or from your computer

films humor civilized in culture of wild and wild in culture of civilized

clothes and gadgets what % of pay and savings

bank hides monthly% on credit card deceiving debtors

bank insurance is recorded in usual expenses and deceived debtor does not notice constant expense of insurance

mirror integral: look at most important side

expression left: unofficial in many languages

advertising viewing seconds is not turned off

damage has been prevented small does not look solid

forum to clarify read instead of saw

imprint of your teeth is as unique as a fingerprint

manipulation of a question and an answer option as a required quote

an excel is inserted inside word

excel formulas ready how to output parameter back is unknown

to check with strangers to send most unimportant things suddenly they will answer allegedly they do not know

integral shows most important thing in ordinary things

external entrance is closed internal passages are more reliable

cards are shuffled order is never repeated and number of options is factorial colossal

internet search word in quotation marks is mandatory

any game: result is obviously not known

game has a margin of 5 moves

game means war

release harmful substance before filling with useful substance

linear movements are same but angular movements can be different

a sim turned on for a day can give a lot of gigabytes cheap

probability of a single continuous element differs from probability of several elements after all several chains of elements can take values

availability: there is no lock

really: pay is less and less but savings are more and more

statistical graph is harmonious it is difficult to fake

opponents other data quantitative and qualitative notice which data as yours is usually qualitative

to believe without calculations means to depend on others

after telling someone else about someone they can ask each other again

internet is like a snake: first beginning creeps in and then information

combinatorics number of combinations is limited and countable

computer keyboard language indication control above

lottery ball represents word number but word number in sense of: quantity

destruction to coordinate

it is not necessary to explain forum to questioner and it would be good to ask in other forums first

scanned texts recognized ascharges reveals voicing and listening

recognized texts confuse words on and not

recognized texts original font is slanted certain letters are distorted in same way for example b and d

typo letter without erasing to print further correctly and computer will prompt option and correct

transition of quantity to quality: more letters in a line causes more lines and more pages

data per day is inaccurate if measurement points are not exact day

people do not have a theory of debt so people pay% on loans as they were taught to kneel in front of banks in lessons of financial false literacy  although competent behavior is opposite: to lower % on loans to 0%

more people live in hot countries than in cold countries

word ending awn value specific value

number of parts of same calculate sets

defragmentation prevents files from being restored

mandatory always with you for example a pass

queue is smaller means faster

understand what internet admin sees: become an admin

interior: culture

forum comment offensive to wait out night

manipulation from inside: audience understands for themselves what fu and what class

start and stop sound is scary but continuous sound will not scare

rare harmful

game exploding object must destroy enemies

have at least some rights and have no rights

internet downloaded thousands of times to author brings 0 money

bet on a trend or end of a trend

freelance temporary workers should not take risks

services rendered: temporary workers for customer and expert: temporary worker

don't you believe me: ask me

forum ban: quarantine

simple explanation makes it uninteresting

lessons look out window: an asset outside window and a lesson passive

voting for whom center of subject wins

fries earned in summer and were given in fall so word was given more correctly

forum documents its correctness and calculations using opponents' data

disorder probability of guessing is inversely proportional

free subordinate got: computer

tilt of speaker visually image

electronics broken parts valuable

simpler control more control

statistics good and bad are explained poorly and well

non-parallel create a triangle of rigidity and planes

simplest explanation is to know in scientific words

movies smart with glasses and computer scientists

screen desktop to remember shortcuts in case of failure

half- siblings and half-siblings

probability is this and what's next how to apply calculation

those who need a calculation already have their own calculation

to invest while expecting growth is a visually inclined line connecting

repair or buy back a broken one

training or a ready-made employee to take

setting exact simplifies solution although in general it is always possible to solve

turned on 1 but used another and did not turn off responsible: not turned off

questions of others should cause disgust and indifference and remain unanswered unless they say there is an answer

information transmitted by abbreviations will not be understood by their own but others will guess and assign

computer equals book

computer menu highlights default action

internet files word means pdf text v means graphics drawings

forum is odious to express opinion of administration

player location of file being played and volume level control

words declension in quotation marks is unacceptable

word depicted stylishly bowing deteriorates

moving by turns to small angles of 2 sides

read mirrored or inverted in Russian and in a foreign language

entire list is visible through vertical screen

forum ahead of answer read my thoughts and have proof

debts prevent family from saving

when eating bring something to drink

talking is not my thing to be ready

when constant pluses are higher multiplication factor

savings should be more than a temporary debt to everyone

cipher number number of letters

fence mesh control from outside

guess answer based on question and which answer is beneficial to questioner

books fragment seeing at random: Internet is possible to find yourself same book

pitch of pipe supports is small up to 5 meters

government gets most competent calculations

ordinary people use monetarism mercantilism

called a stranger on street not to respond after all they could have called namesake or accidentally

server attaching files dates long ago distorted by downloading server dates distorted allegedly long ago

phone is push-button usually without Internet

electronics are checked immediately to pass marriage

contest participants start quickly and immediately visible stragglers stop

fine is small and large for those who pay and for those who receive

word order is a different signal: deceive

credit cards without paying minimum payment could be written off without penalty

open container must be stable

having confessed a misdemeanor they will be suspected in future of same misdemeanor  but not knowing about misdemeanor: they will not be suspected

swearing aggression

bragging about meeting a celebrity humiliate themselves

having reached goal half of goal is reached first

presenter buys for several of his

download videos via browser app

forum message with youtube preview including dialog by downloading youtube message without posting

capacity under plane will leak well and badly

a forum that has posted a lot of participants disappears suspiciously

browser auto-fill history is deleted manually

ideal is still being completed: bad has already been checked and corrected and sold

they don't like TV parodies of themselves

do not carry dangerous substance over products

nearby: right or left

restrictions are logically unprovable and there will be a loophole of form: running also means not walking

graph is a direct struggle of lowering and raising

wash first water and then chemistry and then water

abbreviation 1 letter: country

determine direction of movement by sun

music: someone played and song: someone sang

image is spinning in wrong direction: they cannot manipulate

online translator: unknown words turn into transliteration

birthdays noon beginning of congratulations

relatives in a generation of claims less

graph is continuous uniform more reliable

statistics for month may differ from statistics for year and average statistic rather interferes with itself

forum should be asked again from a more authoritative one not from an approving one

forum of interlocutor who has become his own is a shame to deceive

predicted: correct

pajamas instead of a suit for your

forum expressed in writing then remains to be confirmed so as not to contradict itself

it is heard out of tune after a few auditions less noticeable

forum authorities of opponents to support if you disagree yourself but authority for opponents

events in another place or at another time are almost same thing

blogger victim of subscribers

forum moderator anonymous clear if communication or restrictions

season's clothes are changed in a day and an hour  and normality will change in hours

score 0 1 and 1 0 difference 2 points 2 points

building windows of different widths are more beautiful

tail is wagging dog

dark clothes are better than black clothes

a project on paper in reality: in a computer

re-export without spending its resources as transit

forums where it is impossible to ignore

there is always an opposite point of view

pure capitalism: in relation to itself

it is difficult to change field of activity and rarely change

social networks lack of positive likes from owners of group is noticeable

claims to free are unfounded

glass that prevents you from breaking neatly is safe for everyone

browser 2 windows nearby: open 2 browsers

website registration and confirmation: mail must be in same browser

freelance customer keeps contractor unpaid or promising following orders

lifting weights: bend your legs without bending your back

read magazines transferred to others: services are cheaper

newspaper magazine issue is considered to be most important

some TV shows are embarrassing to watch

banna forum is limited to a period of 1 year

electronics repair repairs even latest equipment

anonymous suing reveals his full name

are those who have achieved what you dream of happy

notepad asks you to save unicode: do

minister can resign if he does not agree with imposed decisions: they will make decision anyway and will still lag behind even after years

word form is not a nominative case a plural- sounding form is better  although only a different case

program: active lines and service lines

forum indicates 1 reason answer is manipulation of depreciation they say there are other reasons

graph down saving 2-wait from if graph would grow up

computer slave desktop shortcuts on edges of screen

question mark and number 2 next to it is inconvenient

forum mediator between 2 as a mask

internet cookies are fake without personal data

artist sings song of jury

telephone message is reliable

nonsense when explained makes sense without changing letters

Computer icons columns somewhat separate each such and such

forum does not disclose its authorship to strangers

working on 2 computers is inconvenient

unable to overwrite video

audio fakes

no harm means help

programs are originally a human language

computer directories files hidden from relatives or other users of same computer as long as they don 't accidentally erase it

root disk directory

drawing size is unclear

often less than whole

sleep gap and memory overflow

apply expression level of development to yourself

abbreviation of end of word

reporting end of quote is convenient

special order is more expensive

social networks plus like means your own but minus dislike means someone else's

a job assignment to another department is actually given to his superiors

rally is held on working days of authorities and media

a whole gift is better than a discount gift

esports division of identical events in a row

forum words toxic letters to replace with foreign ones against search

opponent expresses an opinion similar to stay agree with yourself because others agree and opinion does not make truth

forum information fishing to stay polite to be informed more

winner can always lose at any time

forum asking uncomfortable questions accused of intoxication

opponent of toxic turns out to be right when toxicity is confirmed

products covered with water are completely stored longer

there are more participants and more contradictions

archiving sorting by change is more important

money common relatives consider themselves rich

shadow actors

citizenship by birth is sought to obtain

there are names of people in every culture

proof of falsification of falsification

getting secret is truth

free on your own territory paid on someone else's territory

question timely integral

play only on your smartphone and computer

photo fixation of day

movement is uneven skewed

song contest covers

a strong leader and others are afraid to take initiatives

services that provide a percentage of profit are not applicable

event is expected yes it will be a normal day next

list from top to bottom was found so from bottom to top there will still be

voting who is considered best after themselves

computer windows previous input drop down values

a lifebuoy made of pants in a pond

pdf pictures are inserted read poorly as if too thin lines

modern basic language inside c language

forum manipulation I do not believe because there were statements unreliable and implausible

cinema audience who is in mask is always clear

forum ostentatious aggression may have a purpose: collusion with attacked

changing quantity and changing proportion is different

process of hoarding gives pleasure to hoard and therefore they do not deprive themselves of pleasure

photo camera lens must be clean

against grimaces of cheeks to inflate

forum answer is ambiguous admits yes or no information is hidden but answer is 1 meaning is immediately either yes or no answer is obvious

cargo is driven filled with water and sand

a file sharing service where a link to a file is created immediately

visualization take someone else's hammer and hammer nails for your own benefit

forum does not know how manipulation is and it is better to ask your like-minded people

hyperinflation blocking of paper money

anecdote a paradoxical comment itself as an anecdote

tyrants leave documents to next generations of tyrants classified for half a century

sum of umbrellas is not a common umbrella and sum of roofs is not a common roof

night is short so at same time it is same in nature it is light

report schedule is intermittent strange and incomprehensible

they ask if they are from police so they know that they are violating

forum is equal to dialogue or communication is too long

forum definition includes keyword excluding logic changes

replacement signature is a slash

other people's things left available to others can take someone else's on sly

there are more symbols more combination options

duplication protection and reliability and control

fact of using transport regardless of price

forum so as not to tell someone else's secret to understand someone else's every minute

way to translate distances between cities and in hours

tyrants overthrown in history of achievements are remembered after 50 years and a longer period

one who does right thing can say wrong thing

schedule of buyers quantity and development of technology for export

rectangular hole is cut out by a drill bit and a 3-carbon nozzle

forum quantitative correction confirms qualitative data for example more than only 5 times confirms: more

playing mindless games: think

it is possible to call yourself in a figurative sense by any word

forum reported truthfully 1 phrase truthfulness of entire message does not mean

middle distance between points creates curves

angle relative to north is like a dial clock: 3 o'clock or 10 o'clock etc.

forum is not written on topic they slow down those who write on topic so as not to confuse messages

working less for money is even less unprofitable for those who wanted more work for even more money by adding fees for unnecessary services

social elevator: war and revolution

duct tape valve will help to find edge

replaceable socks

mandatory makes paid free

conflict of national states immigrants are hiding

checking whether several disputants know: everyone writes an answer and passes it to controller and then checks whether answers correspond to topic

important when transmitting through an intermediary do not transmit

advance money from future

computer games can be installed from archive in hour of program

workplace manage from home remote work

date year conditionally rotation of earth is not an integer

helping those who ask is not enough: easier and faster

project is long in time obviously erroneous until last days

buildings temperature seam against expansion

digit register is a separate integral

copy is changing original is unchanged

reasons 4 winter spring summer autumn

product is soon spoiling toxic

who calls turns out to be important

gravity takes into account positive and negative

lottery modeling a lot of 6 tickets result is theoretical

quantity and quality if yaco6y unclear

survey what is clear in your own words

contrasting colors control

fulfillment of promises donation and vice versa

boundaries of movement tangents and distances from object

number of inputs and outputs is same

tram terminal ring or star large and small

money is not enough you need to earn more offends many

distribution of quantity into several parts each part is less than maximum

business in red for years

toxic are punished by lack of hints

bad habits liability and savings

playlist integral of music and cinema

best option can be taken for a week and canceled forever

Cinema pool means they will fall

imported individual equipment

landmark protection measures work even if they don't understand

archs is slowly overwriting

for an excuse sounds like proof of a different point of view

dust settles from above.

retrospective and prospective planning

those who disagree with leaders hold their meeting

jury speaking 1st in turn are protected from influence opinions of others in jury

actor commercial break movie where is being filmed

usb is thick at bottom

mouse for 2 computers and 2 mice per computer

why didn't subordinates do it and didn't they do it themselves

computer catalog shortcuts are not shown in catalog for a long time

link is not clicked it is already in link

downloading file further reducing size is of little importance

cooling time and heating and constant temperature

perishable goods

slave document has disappeared no matter but master document has disappeared a big problem

bad habit: game and habit of harmful games

working hours and nights Internet is freer and faster

non-optimal is used by rivals and detractors

they call strangers names they are not outraged although they wanted to be outraged if they called their own

place 1 ideology will not stake out so another ideology will take place

asking silently at myself

limitation period integral

an unplanned case interferes with planned cases

multi multiplier and incomplete years

films show future is unclear capitalism or socialism

men are looking for fatter foods

rulers drawing historical conclusions leave to people

gifts of old are acceptable among their own but strangers even those in need will be offended

sports a team that plays poorly helps those who bet against this team

computer versions of game and pictures releasing it is better not to contact authors or they will ban them or they will buy and hide them

humor is black means toxic and problems perimeter and area count quickly in mind

multiplication and addition in a column to understand extreme numbers on right

air temperature is positive if bucket of water does not freeze

manipulation is an excuse for inaction they say conditions are not met

text array forms quickly excel and copy to notepad

vegetable knife color of vegetables to lose

video is staged noticeably and voices are unnatural

having accumulated more monthly getting past savings seems unimportant

computer games understand priority of puzzles and shooting games

programs are made by several developers

chistovik at 1st handicap to praise opponents is all one toxic

special lack of control is noticeable

computer directory names

quantities name dot size it is possible to sort by number and size of catalog which is usually impossible

a rare case is perceived as frequent and permanent

they know how to do something without showing it means they won 't recognize it

a person who knows how to count should realize knowledge for himself

a copy of value is required

computer is not in case on an area of many square meters

human capital

employment pyramid and salary pyramid and labor automation when fewer workers are needed

spelling error looks like another normal word is not underlined

movie 4 characters a reference to 4 musketeers

pseudonym of ancestors and 2nd surname passes to descendants

movies show something like supposedly bad behavior in reality behavior turns out to be optimal and far-sighted

price difference between selling your own and buying someone else's over time may be greater reducing benefits and visualization is different prices diverging and converging in time

voltage concentration

forum is sometimes often written allegedly impossible although readers have examples of possibility of discussed

programming language: a game by itself

numbers are irrational decimals see fractional expressions and roots and constants

remark means work is free but task: work is paid

debts in which cases to forgive if it was debts that were bought out

rules for people or people for rules

less emotion is more business or: more emotion is less business

numbers and numbers are single- digit but words and letters are multi - valued

forum disappeared ordinary writers do not restore even those who have posted thousands of messages daily

forums looking for bots of opposite side can search for bots of their side

beautiful is done specially and scientifically and scientific is natural

forum accuses and assigns explicit properties to others which means it is not like that itself for example it accuses readers with loans which means it is without loans

random strategy: participate where it is won more often but next time another strategy and the principle of guessing system will win

anyone can become best in world for anything

form is historical and modern

forum records date of change they may think they changed it allegedly after correct answers of others even if typos were changed

reporting they say it is possible to tell truth but reporting it is allegedly impossible: they know that they are telling a lie

social networks date of registration in group is clear only to admins and multiple registration is possible

create a shadow for yourself

growth percentage per year is made up of percentages per month and percentages per day

internet links will be viewed more and can complain and block

integral of links is downloaded and also blocked

a contract with yourself

income is high and risk of losing is calculated

manipulation of depreciation even while respecting

forum help is free and there is no gratitude

browser control site visits

archiving archs pages control newest and send internet archive

outraged why they do not complain themselves and do not complain about non - complained

a collective image based on several

automation should turn workers into managers of their machines

discussion of war films finds behavior lapses

freelance time dragging on further waiting for more

actions on each element or on several elements integrally

opinion of site owner may not coincide with content of site

freelance payment based on cost of day and month

limitations: integral

more stupid more 100 % intelligent they asked themselves

control half resources in half time

forum has its own article and its own topic miscellaneous

piecework rate is different salary rate is uniform

diploma deviating from rules is more likely to be posted at exhibition

computer trash names may repeat and all file properties may repeat after all names of files inside basket are conditional

dreaming of donates remember who you paid

project business as usual: sheets from another project

central element: number is odd

wall lamp without a bookmark typing address bra prompts from previous addresses

term may expire after payment of cards therefore updating cards will remind you of payment with working data of cards

analgesic division of a permanent row

photo of palm visible lines

free work of subcontractors is unclear although subcontractors consider their work simple they say they would fix it themselves

tool works better to prove the customer by increasing and not lowering price

distance and time and suddenness

discount is always suspicious

program rows and columns are filled in

for links to another forum are prohibited

concert: competition

a freelance performer constantly owes someone

pore insulation: rupture of permanent material properties

quiz don't tell your rivals

option knowing usual or unusual offer both options but develop usual option first

forum answer changes have you read before and read or after answer

online banking without a card must be notified otherwise calculation is forgotten and check converges so it was considered same

list of files opens stored programs and search

layers overlay: 0 and lay1 and lay2 and sum of layers 4 options

a program from a simple programming language is simply translated into a programming language more complicated

humor senior speaks in words of youth

talking in a dream in their native language

choosing at random solution is optimal and worst on average is normal

free bringing from another region in your region there will be more free for your own

everyone is looking for a spy movie except spy himself

good is mistaken for weakness

programs cycle plus a variable inside cycle speeds up cycle

internet hackers resenting blocking too supposedly secure communication method

castle uses gravity positively and negatively

guns are silent not because shells have run out

search for primes up to root but other multipliers are larger than root

it is possible to turn off alarm clock on vacation

guessing on 1st attempt proves correctness

site links are also spread

download manager continues downloading it may not support downloading file do not stop

location from previously opened by opening save how not to save and then directory above and open previous directory

separation method is to mix first and it is better that water without impurities lasts longer

forum explain your opinion by state laws

responsibility for fact but not for damage

faces are asymmetrical

connection and disconnection at source or at consumer

a bad word is a synonym for manipulation less and a little less or more and a little more

events of wartime and peacetime should be evaluated accordingly

collapse of USSR in other words less and more valuable residents or an example of a house and an apartment and a room

balcony necessarily balcony plate console but loggia plate is parallel to facade of building

a bot of games depending on previous participations to distinguish between losing and winning in a row bot puts minimum amount of pennies and result is a win next bet is higher

forum declares a person to be a bot looks strange

archs master if directories are same and back and just rebuild only new and modified files

archs setup index including directory

race inside circle shorter distance means faster

continuous and interrupted sleep

rotation of earth and spread of viruses

rotation of earth and nuclear explosions and accidents volcanoes

long-finished and synthesized in real time

live sound and live broadcast miscellaneous

classics with modern tools

what is being discussed means a problem and if they do not discuss it in principle then it is not a problem

addition subtraction multiplication division degree logarithm

inhabitants of USSR built capitalism for themselves but now population is building socialism for themselves

21st century information is same and any work is a service for processing available information

balance heavy part is lower than light part

electricity is off throughout house windows are dark

side is important with important properties

pinning act cowardly against manipulation

databases are distributed by database creators a dash looks like a minus

internet by clicking city next change city

inter addresses of part in different color

pay: little or nothing

high quality video almost needs a few seconds out of an hour

manipulation and here it is obvious and opposition

forum response did not say something turns out now said avoid

words of same length are more convenient success leads to savings and it is important to spend specifically

red army before 1946

property tax forced to uproot rails

list of sorting by signs unknown further sorting erroneous and sorting back to original state will not restore

phone smartphone sim by changing next reboot

movie roles are secondary someone has to play and voice

new ruler dreams of making a revolution from above

free letters to share that can get to others from customer

photo posters record year and dates

they don't use their own advice so they are deceiving

mail phone number

bra add bookmarks dynamic search view it is difficult to find new messages and you will have to change links inside

bridge is convex up and it is impossible to overtake on bridge after all it is obviously worse to see

plots and line of influence as dynamics of plots

city map is inverted really if sea is close

gesticulate less so as not to give out an indecent gesture or not to show a toxic one

viruses protected vaccinated as dressed in a closed jumpsuit

solution many options know percentage of options

message too little or too much to report approximate percentage

to start reading means to start learning

it is usually not necessary to prove your own proofs to yourself but it is useful to check yourself

quantity goes into next category smallest unit leads smallest

hairstyles haircuts show years

akad to isolate site circle nested circles for example and trim between circles and remove excess

underdoing and underdoing is better than redoing and overloading

synthetic and synthesized

optimal solutions and all others

cinema is weakly toxic to capture a niche

fore can block and will not see nasty things sometimes unlock read toxic without remembering

forum question manipulation if question includes adjectives

social networks having conceived to ask a question to experts: before answers of experts on forum do not tell directly

forum is an ideal manipulation: interlocutor tells everything down to relatives and learns nothing from you or is content with fictional information for example your characters have a different age and gender and city

paying meter in advance on eve of a price increase is equal to buying future costs cheaper

edible tableware integral

akad circle and from dozens of polylines to replace with 1 circle ring

street outside auto road go on side like a car but near auto road go on side of road to meet traffic

lowering speed and rates and risk

video cameras direction best review integral

sail integral

recognize text in paragraphs by highlighting windows if whole page is poorly recognized both tables and figures should be selected manually as appropriate blocks.

plane and weighting nodes

integral survey

food is useless: catalyst will not be absorbed too much

letter is opened so I read who letter is really addressed to

experiments are visually brief like a multiplication table

response you have heard receipt notification

computer strategy: there are no prisoners and prisoners: integral

socially useful load by profession for example an engineer calculates for free at the same time a paid employee will check his data cheaper

cross section square and rectangle compare formulas and optimal ratio of height and width should be

photos videos of other people seeing their like-minded people thoughts of other strangers are quite understandable

youtube loading screensaver: choose most successful frame

time reserve and distance

phone smartphone watch large integral

an old thing broke is more offensive than a broken new thing

reason 1 remains if it is removed and problem does not disappear then look for more reasons

for those who shut up they say write more often

transport beginning of route more enter and end of route more exit

mathematical calculation of contribution through degree and income as a monthly pension is usually avoided inflation means calculation is fictitious

retirement experience and points are presumably not depreciated

to call them honestly afraid means others will deceive those who are afraid

greenhouse integral refrigerator integral

animals recognize by ear steps and opening of doors

compensation to pensioners and citizens from state how to lower retirement age by months

corruption: a risk

search is more than very small

social networks plus like: I heard you

it is possible to sort size by understanding dimensions visually

unusual is usually impossible

rare cases are perceived as permanent

height protection

time of their own is pushed apart for cares of others

movie characters are like historical figures all time or seconds

social networks when I came in does it make sense to contact and prompt

soiling substances and soiling materials

up to 5 electrical devices from network work simultaneously

wire mixing up gap

manipulation I didn't know before but now I know for unrelated reasons

temporary should be inconvenient so as not to become permanent

accelerating costs are always greater than payouts of linear accumulation

cinema virtual reality is divided by frame compression vertically so that player can be configured for whole catalog

unusual seeing to take pictures and shoot videos or draw

take disk out of box from side of box axes

task to performers without giving out can ask himself by increasing payment as a presenter to yourself

city is a point of attraction for young people it is better if near place of study

manipulations demonize ordinary dialogues by making fun of intonation

free work waiting for money payments

retail outlets unprofitable liabilities are demolished integrally

forum and communication any attempt by you to name relatives should be slowed down and renamed into another character for example a colleague or acquaintances or neighbors

figured it out independently somewhat probably correctly

how to use it and whether you liked control: superfluous

acad block viewport layer freezing disappears entire block

text is mandatory as a script to speak while reading pieces of paper

archive deleting files after packing all files but there is no function to delete archive after unpacking

download manager if download has slowed down following downloads in list are being slowed down and solution is: stop jammed downloads

area is squared and volume is cubed

layers of deception where layer of strangers deceiving begins and how to call deceived are they also strangers and should be for us: trying to deceive but deceiving like ours deceiving other strangers

akad drawing by changing layer by separating and transfer to a circular distance is a landmark

sensor is far away but dial is close

smell exudes a humid environment

to buy a thing without solving a problem means to continue paying for an unsolved problem on a daily basis

underground structures or underground laying integral

pay is a derivative relative to a month etc. but accumulation is an absolute integral

step a third in a quarter of a second a person understands little

acad hatching brick is wrong

entertaining information is perceived a lot as work without emotions

computer counters should show natural total and percentage of completion

Did you like gifts?

debt is not agreed further not to lend

sound tone accelerating and slowing down

computer mass reformatting after defragmentation and external memory sources while computer is busy: do not connect

he must do it but he does not do it especially to himself: a donation

it is impossible to prove absence require proof of presence

convert money into units per day

hush you're going further will you be a work or a private one

artists make history

computer learning started keyboard and typing poems by heart

start failed training

guessing whether number of options is important

a person is dressed unlike animals which means that clothes distinguish a person from animals

numbering is out of order so it was removed or added

guaranteed prize is included in price

voting line of party does not correspond so they voted against party

logic is good in courts

expenses should be recalculated in years and months and days and hours separately

internet hyperlink: picture and hint and link

handicap in relation to negative word thanks do not apply

there is no attack: it means victory

Betrayal: clash of manipulation

manipulation would be in your place

for a reference to opinion of another means to ask again who is being referred to

for errors are corrected so they have read and checked

youtube walkthrough inside game link

separation of statistics is qualitative as letters and numbers as name and extension of files

dos programs files are not entered into program with mouse

computer charges through cord even when device is turned off

player playlist is empty and freezes

letters are third upper or lower person reads

archive is entirely of same type there is nothing to hide

ball is a different sport different weight even if approximately same size

forum: questions and answers are irresponsible so without a signature even high-quality ones have been published in past using pseudonyms

theater is watched integrally by thousands but cinema is watched by millions of viewers

TV presenter means there will be an advertisement with participation of same TV presenter

TV presenter profession high authority in TV world

social networks of group list of participants can be hidden by admin and commenting and plus and voting are visible

video size sorting from 0 to 10 minutes includes size from 0 to 5 minutes

dictionary should substitute substitutions of all words where it differs by 1 letter

memorizing parts of repeated numbers in a row in one half

archs by renaming a file or directory former indexed ones are not available

actors surprise is always feigned

actors always cheat

files name numbers multimedia yourself sign name about that in 1 word

multimedia files are downloaded faster than they are played

converter 1 third-party is advantageous to start to get 2 versions

definition of a joke can be literally serious

forum manipulation you claim and further imposing your own even humorously

computer disk in RAM may overflow

graphics separation vectors and raster integrally

celebrity forum devalued for your purposes: do not interfere

social networks have blocked interlocutor previous notifications disappear and new notifications are not generated

open electrical appliances by turning off and de-energizing completely from power supply

follow rules of safe walking especially on slippery roads

do not cross ice on river

if an actor is asked to play he must be ready to play a role

photos of measurements with a tape measure are more reliable to check at a distance

yuba forum name may offend readers and especially staff by e-mail

faure accusing of propaganda himself propagandizes

movie music recognizable

saving a part to spend a percentage of savings for a month

lawyer knows gap of his conclusions

file sharing archive format incompatible viewing will not open

symbol of different colors or same color

opposition can propose and discuss draft laws

program color selection is fast as remainder of division without cycle and conditions

interview story of relatives

forum moderator anonymous then for then against

fore messages are same at a close time for sure 1 author

cut is longer from short to scraps

exact fractions are immediately visible

there is a barrier so they will stumble for sure

checking first for low height and depth

space messages to aliens are same if they got into past they would not be read and incomprehensible even to today's scientists and animals

benefit is less than pay is of little interest

talking to yourself alone and not talking in front of others

guilt of attackers and defenseless

earth rotation takes into account nuclear explosions

time share how many hours and working hours took per month

long blanks are more valuable than short ones

collective government and collective opposition elite collective adventurers anti-elite

heroism saving time

only those who do same can discuss

yub video sound separately and combinations option integral

against leaks from below but evaporation from above

federal budget benefits regions and vice versa

good laughs who laughs at everyone

playlist plain text open look in notepad

lifo principle is last one in and first one out and fifo principle is first one in and first one out

when asking for information about reduction both sides should know

there are street names in every city

for those who are banned to remember in style of I don 't know because they don't need reminders either

casting in granite is a real technology

calculations untested too much published in case of an error will slow down for a long time and corrections are distrusted

it offends that it is impossible to change

agreement with a lie is misleading especially partial truth

computer color bits and color mixing combinations of bits

computer and programs and Internet: inactivity means shutdown

doubters of obvious kind can not be look like manipulators

dynamics: calculation includes degree and indicator time

its insider devalues those who have received it and in vain not to report

record dialogues that evoked emotions of both sides and decisions

rally on day of vote is more attention and influence more precisely

it is difficult to calculate percentage of infinite time

doc and docks text file includes pdf files usually: graphics

expression shows a deliberate attitude to event positive and negative and in a figurative sense

forum causes pity and even does not cause pity they say choose most offensive answer yourself

changing places of terms of vectors can lead to final direction from other side

people are growing up and there are buyers of any goods new ones are constantly emerging

browser insert and go whole line address is just insert part of string

internet images cache download are shown in a fraction of a second

breakage of distance is greater and repair reduces

pdf editing experience: printing a fragment observing scale cleaning of excess copy and paste and rotation and approximation cut and paste and save bringing fragment into place

they call to come officially and are waiting for an appearance and not an unsubscription

calculation is incorrect 1 means another calculation may be incorrect but 1 calculation is correct another calculation supposedly correct does not mean

for avatar name 2nd control

photo was taken earlier than film in vain in order to develop faster

code is alphanumeric code is digital

lying down do not eat or drink

computer shell if document is not modified closes without asking

creative and ordinary professions

by buying cheaper you saved money so is it profitable to sell at a loss

communication underground quickly disappears

household electronics can be controlled via sms

imported equipment may be slowed down from abroad


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