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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 5 » INTEGRAL of LIFE 03


politicians are in thrall to words liberalism or socialism etc. unable to incorporate achievements of other ideologies into their ideas

pay immediately otherwise it is not known further they will ask for money in return

city know which region

employees can know how to improve work of company

find a solution from set: list all solutions and choose optimal and almost best and worst

employee sums up pay from bottom up  but customer divides array of money into pay from top down

management pyramid: every employee looking up sees a lot of bosses but number of bosses is much less than number of subordinate employees however bosses have to pay at expense of employees

ruler of region is changing: previous appeals and proposals are outdated and it is important to send ideas again

computer synthesizes 10 times 500 variants is same as synthesizing 5000 variants at once

daily costs to measure: how much would you buy a powerful product  for example how much would you buy a canned food per day

file defragmentation over a minute: too much

digital is controlled by operators automatically

transport talking out loud Any indecent and dangerous

officials do not call they write to have paper evidence

missile provocations give out tracking locations

Kilo of fluff kilo of cast iron weight is same

a comfortable place shape of body is more convenient

it breaks where it is weaker

obstacle is small imperceptible dangerous

dimension formulas must match when added  but it is possible to multiply any dimensions

way of retreat in case of disagreement: to agree to half

Having received spam seeing dozens of addresses write down addresses for yourself suddenly you need to spam

font blind understand calculations sign title

have you seen friends in city do not tell them yourself

it's a shame to walk side by side Depends on discrepancy between each other

auto numbers of relatives and friends to know

transfer of more than 3 percent is a lot and if overpayment is large personally bear

forum comments including manipulations: inadequate toxic awaken

files sorted by size: uninteresting files are deleted and there is more space

files search previous maxi searched name or extension speeds up search

algorithm instead of conditions: formulas

volume varies but mass is constant

search for text with a space option with a punctuation mark will not find

walking or driving towards it is easier to meet other than public transport

forum links unformulated are invisible therefore on forums where link is followed by an additional consent page: give a link distorted by forum and below link text without initial characters is not converted into a link

cinema by cutting out part of time: size of fragment is proportional

comparing smarter educated more independent: how to measure

tests total 3 variants of results and usually average result is norm

quiz correctness and speed are important

sounds from games are remembered and interfere with playing without sounds

do not break electronics

text highlighting in large letters with a particle not: highlight related words

connection of sim is its own but place of city where connection is faster at times

stretchable and non-stretchable material

monolith or powder or liquid: structural properties of material are different although amount of material is same

movies say don't forget: they will definitely forget

forum humor declare their messages witty and far-sighted

weightless information is more valuable than diamonds

words parasites do not arise in writing

protection if weak those interested in weakness do not report using vulnerability

destruction of a gift: protest but destroy only their own already owned otherwise theft and damage to someone else's property

statements of actor who played role of such and such

actors who played together in several films

currency of country is secured by land of country

production of outdated low-quality products: there is nothing to be proud of

computer send menu regardless of file extension and program

forum link to authority is minimal: another respected received although it is unclear whether he read and answered and what opinion

having lent themselves to understand ways to reduce debt to you  for example debtor gave something or gave a lift

testing a 2-point number system will pick up similar results

revolutions need further development programs

they are asked to explain in more detail probably on contrary in a shorter way

friend enemy nobody 3-personally

computer order of program menu items does not change

computer window is inactive cursor does not blink

humor attributing words to famous in reality words of a deceiver

sleep suspends bad habits

wash your hands from a bottle tucked under your arm

pedestrian and auto transport bridge

walking: feet touch road constantly

walking: fall and support

air conditioners: building is functioning

point cloud: segments connect any 2 points

they turn over their shoulder right or left

after hearing word left they can turn right if sound is on right

work is entrusted to 2nd to control as little as possible and performance guarantee is higher

debts for communal services and for groceries

debts to people and to bank's machine

important information is copied to an external hard drive and to cd dvd discs

forum writing supposedly it's better to leave: those who left or contradict themselves

integrally: an increase in entire pension for interest and an increase in prices of products as part of pension

whole book: a preface to itself

knowing how to check: everyone will believe and no one will check

a more expensive asset by buying and then selling even in parts: asset will end

formulas speed is included more often than acceleration

game's computer can peek at a person's cards

films are created for round dates of events shown and especially for 100th anniversary

helping to understand himself on spot would make same mistakes would suffer

Abbreviated multiplication formulas combinatorics

imports make poorer immediately but exports make it richer after spending inside territory

Responsible work for strangers is done for free: deceives his own

monument to restore or destroy or not to touch

too many people are not required to work because of automation now and unemployment will increase

forum taking point of normality to explain to other opponents calmly without insults

authority of officials is higher than authority of calculations

by posting audio on internet check tags inside and edit or erase

computer windows floating can close important data such as percentages or megabytes

computer application closed forcibly via task manager: documents active when closed are not saved

how old are authors in years of creation of works to indicate and simplify search

movement goal is to go straight to finish line

after reading book further it is easier to read and listen to large books where keywords occur

a layman may make a mistake next time without knowing another option

bus is bottom step not to go a minute

is it easy to be a genius they don't call themselves a genius

it is possible to spoil any idea

a little is unprofitable but a lot is difficult

school grades are stored years and 10th anniversary

Having found someone else's do not raise and do not report otherwise they will say they allegedly stole a million

smartphone Sound recording earphone microphone

to have money for a hotel in case of loss of keys

Online translator translates into many languages

screen is full zooms only by editing

image from above screen disclosure and scale

numbering of transport as male and female names are not repeated and 2-way control is easier

Russian Russian is default language more often foreign languages are required but by default a foreign language is required: Russian is more often required

former team is perceived as their own

those who dream of managing region do not even manage their entrance

manipulations use graphs and flowcharts

problems from inability to control

impossibility and inability are sometimes different concepts

training programs of provincial universities may be worse than those of capital

opponent forum is a chance to improve they say he writes parodying himself disagrees

teacher is same but academic performance is different: teacher's fault if students are active otherwise students are passive

social networks profile number is smaller registration is older

empire of its own is possible in a computer game

forum stops following topic first read new messages extreme

words are obviously erroneous against search to distort by introducing letters imported similar

forum banned for a week are afraid to speak further so that despite several profiles they will not be banned forever

calculation of cost of work regardless of assessment by contractor even if he agrees to work for free after all it is really possible to translate cost into number of products

experience and education of an employee of importance to employer and customer of lead or slave 8 options

your solution is free as your package in store

text paragraphs numbering space after numbers with a dot and it is better if at beginning of line: hyphen and space

data result and data algorithm for obtaining result

manipulation you are absolutely right

when leaving for another city it is convenient to leave car at station and then take train and return to change to a car

list is several columns of sheets smaller

leadership: delegation

receipt of money per week and money on working days are different values

statisticians know how many will suffer but they don't know who exactly

can be angry at countries

new error relative to old

question and what are manipulations waiting for

think others know what they are thinking

visualization sound

not a drinker at wheel

opinion is wrong it is important to understand exactly

cameras catch and commit

freelancing: out of pity they don't pay and customers are looking for flaws so as not to pay

logarithm number of multiplications is not an integer

company's email got into spam: inform source to fix it and know

Conflict in public transport: they can track route and time

probability of throwing exactly 50 eagles in 100 throws will be only 0.08

cards are shuffled order is never repeated

search for word in quotation marks is mandatory

any game: result is obviously not known

game has a margin of 5 moves

game means war

deception is perceived as a joke by its own

temperature where it is warmer: water in dishes will heat up more

punishment: weakness inability to make your own

historically architect is unimportant and it is more important where it is built becoming a business card of city and country

social networks of authorities: devaluation of power

historians in captivity of history textbooks

image of phenomenon is more important than formula

yes probably not

colors red and green are contrasting at addition level of palette

check and pay: different people

they didn't express themselves right away: they tried to deceive

do not touch any wires with your body

excel random 5-digit: 10000 to 99999 programs random 5-digit: up to 89999 plus 10000

forums: adults ignore for themselves but teenagers deprive others of words

text megabytes million characters: book size brick

release harmful substance before filling with useful substance

angular displacements if same linear displacements

move file and then rename it on spot

5 gig for 15 rubles if sim for a day

probability for 1/4 as a single continuous element differs from probability of several elements because several chains of elements can take values

availability: there is no lock

pay is less and less but savings are more and more

statistical graph is harmonious it is difficult to fake

opponent other data quantitative and qualitative

to believe without calculations means to depend on others

image of face is close: manipulation is supposedly your own

after telling someone else about someone they can ask each other again

Internet is like a snake: head crawls and then body sequentially

data per day is inaccurate if measurement points are not whole exact day

reporting news without a solution: no different from news from past

people have no theory of debt so people pay% on loans

how was taught to kneel in front of banks in lessons of financial false literacy  although competent behavior is opposite: to be able to lower % on loans to 0%

specialists are young age is clearly visible: double-check work

directories without files are not erased by themselves

logarithm occurs when degree in calculations

forum bad things about you ask answer: I'm like millions of people like me

smartphone landscape keyboard more

internet downloading through site to relax because pressing space bar or enter can interrupt downloads and it is better to download through download manager

athlete winning is ready that others will win also in life offending should be ready: they will also offend them and their relatives

working quickly so that authorities do not sit down on their necks to talk slowly like a retarded person

electronics: read instructions first and then buy

dependence on game to lose: to make a wrong move on purpose

inadequate call adequate inadequate

manuscript proves authorship

electronics informs about battery charging

drawings from different templates made by same author are unlike

plastic pipes can be broken by bending with your hands many times

inventors are also authors of an independent work

deception: a normal attitude towards strangers

cancellation of mandatory voluntary refusal does not mean

award received for achievements of past applies to future affairs as a sign of quality

things and paper at top of cabinet are invisible to ignorant

forum alerts on every page

file name can replace spaces with pluses when downloading

word updates fields and considering change tries to save

next move is to cook previous time

forum post answers without waiting and without responding to answers so as not to be responsible

auto boot program is turned off inside setup program

graphics polygon of 3-gons

problem is why explain to yourself

text between lines is different step is noticeable

are your ideas scalable

integral line is average and integral value is average in life constantly

powerful foods to eat if an important event

battery current constant

defeat yourself first

those who vote for parties should first contact parties for whom they voted and then report whether their party helped

spare keys should be stored outdoors

social networks alias and profile id are found out by numbers of pictures

public transport stops more routes in your direction to know

there are a lot of points in frame it is possible to isolate a fragment inside frame

every governor and mayor can become best in history of region

bad decisions can only be temporary

tree traversal return to branching point

work is done papers are not ready: better than other way around

beat your ears on your cheeks

films that have collected a billion dollars at box office are rare

freelance customers are looking for ways to work for free  for example for contractor to send drafts and for customer to finish it himself then understand how to set a price for everything previously done allegedly for free if a cleaner is needed

social networks photo deleted link remains for years

it is easier to defend: its aggression is directed at attackers

arguing logically wrong it is possible to justify yourself only by winning next dispute

put money in different clothes in your pockets

help and support are different concepts

zippered pockets

electronic report is more reliable: several have same information

recording is watched more than live

winter street wash your hands with snow

financial monetary solutions are more mathematically sound

playlist order in a row check which are being played by clicking next for a second

place is dusty do not breafor longer

speed considering stops for how much longer minutes and km per hour

moving fast can be seen moving slowly

rearrange cases

they usually cheat in return

defenseless despite simple protection: donation

data is smooth continuous and data is discrete ranges for example how many letters range on a separate sheet

court trusts experts appointed by court

to do and fix it is better than trying to do it right away and not start

cipher 40 thousand variants: date

laminated business card: a dense sheet inside otherwise it will shrink

news and announcement movies TV series someone writes texts and translates

an erroneous email will remind you in case of non-delivery

winter clothing fewer options

authorities can send an appeal to themselves on their own behalf by introducing themselves in social networks on behalf of relatives

violators know claims against them

claims that are not confirmed are better than at least 1 claim that has been confirmed

they report money allegedly not earned on credit

they get stuck on bus with questions: get off at a safe stop

payments and debts are less easier it is to recalculate in your mind

work salary in advance then work out hours turns into usual advance and pay

movie book TV series what kind of ruler was there at that time according to plot and in your country

wanting to seem smart they reveal secrets to strangers

authorship is harmful to report if high responsibility affects interests of others

printed publications take into account price not sold

meeting with wild and feral and domestic animals what to do to know

movie songs are listed at end in credits

key is in lock: a seal controlling those using lock and door is open: they watch when door closes

payments received on 1 card: inform a friend of card as a last resort after all it is possible to transfer between cards by withdrawing from an ATM and depositing

downloading: do not close download address page before downloading

design of thing is designer: more expensive

socialism: better more expensive and who will buy: new bourgeoisie

white helmet: engineer

scenario is good: beginning of a good program

glowing attracts attention

keys in lock prevent you from putting keys on other side

tenants who went where never ask

tenants should have debts only to owners of apartment and there should be no debts between tenants

debtor is looking for how to catch lender to reduce debt for example he remembers long-standing works and treats

number of knowing list is easier to make

finds on street without money: they can say that there was money inside  so do not pick it up and as a last resort call police

relatives do not help so relatives are not an asset

know where police stations are to walk

it's not a pity to get sanctions for what

question should not offend

photos of president and governor and measure are a separate catalog

vector graphics are more manageable

heat evaporation is higher

forum asking without their messages and without their topics important not to answer

it is easier to isolate smaller

there is no proof that they listened

copy keys to make your own without asking anyone for their key

forum toxic in their topics is normal but getting out into topics of others are banished

forum 1st dialog smiley looks bad

computer text words letters replacing to leave letters similar speeds up

volunteer trainee

an unauthorized rally is paid for by police on a day off at expense of protest organizers

tv sound records noise and it is better to connect wire

a movie musical instrument is shown in frame so they are playing

some words are only with e combinations of letters and autocorrect is real

what mass and volume does quantity have  and vice versa what mass and volume does quantity contain

intonation is characteristic

complaint about authority from authorities: they will stand up for authority

habit is harmful how much does it cost per year and per month and per day and for all time habits

plastic business card is more durable

inflection graph means formula coefficients and sine and natural graph includes sun

forum courts do not predict either central or local

subject export candidate and doctoral dissertations are possible

working together 2x is better than 1st mutual assistance

there is no need to reshoot digital films

movie is downloaded if you download a movie of worst quality without music or a separate audio track and combine and save

film is supposedly uneditable to be carried out through a converter in its own format

unable to answer any rhetorical question

mythology and gestures and ideology and gestures

logic within phrases: does mention of a single one extend to several

files directories are rewritten by 1 but archive is completely rewritten

debtor and lender are contrasted as a slave and a leader both strangers

damage caused by aggressive or damage caused by defenseless

beneficiaries who leave should return benefits because they collect a large number of people for benefits and beneficiaries themselves could not collect it concerns education in schools and universities

problems: blame media

quoting claims to those whose quote

chain of reasoning is long if you restore it as you thought of it

someone else's computer: downloaded to a separate directory in order to further copy to your computer and then it is possible to distribute downloaded to directories in both computers

confessor accidentally probably understands

officially authorship is not disclosed informally everyone knows

forum aliases with adjectives cause attempts to call by distorting adjective on contrary

it's a pity to waste 1 listener's time but thousands of listeners are told water

there are a lot of things to do: time goes slower

information disgraceful from words of accused himself: unprovable

picture small avatar avatar

write your mistakes to yourself outside telling you: right

instead of no help: no information

have you read Internet diagonally or only headings of paragraphs: plus is not necessary to put

additional earnings: if there is not enough money or diversification as products: bought flour if there are not enough sweets or vice versa

file sharing by filling in directory by mistake it is possible to replace previous files with same names

denial anger bargaining depression consent

people's news: open up to 5 topics a day only from 1st page  all one is forgotten in an hour

our problems are with others and it's better for others to have problems with us

reactionary: without their own planning in response to plans of others

building plan: layout but plan: schedule of works

goods and services are unnecessary where is edge because they do not call their work unnecessary

humor 50 is too much but if it were 49 then it would still be fine

songs foreign to know suddenly you will need to perform

it is possible to enter your house without asking and without warning

toxic master and toxic slave

product integrally can be very cheap

forum agreeing with opponent will be caught on word they say they do not contradict

distinguish between what happened thanks and despite

restoration of evidence by analogy with provable  for example price of a ticket for a given route on known dates

repetition requires less resources

screen glowing in opposite direction is not visible

snowball integral

wedding only changes surname name in social network remains

telling about important to ask again suddenly unimportant most important

while pension is far away: experience is more important than points

do you believe yourself

forum attributed to you is inconvenient even true: I didn't say that

casting inclines

expression where verb with not in middle of phrase further causes addition in a different case than if there was a verb without not

unprovable allegedly led to negative consequences it is not known what consequences would be if they acted other way around

getting a higher education they say: forget what they taught at school

scientists on their knees before authorities of past

plan: middle line integral

socialism reduces working day  but capitalism reduces number of workers

consumption is demonstrative excessive asset must be

birth rate provides pensioners

cowardice is visible when justification for inaction is contradictory

loan is higher to pay out of excess unused amount

economic bubble

adjective before noun is surprising

a layman will not overtake a professional

year before last sounds clearly more than a whole year ago

printing out other people's thoughts

homonyms that sound same knowing it's easier to change your words

hours in cinema must go

those who haven't thought of it themselves usually don't know

asking if you are going to store to buy an inconvenience at same time: how long should it take from answer to exit so that refusal is considered normal otherwise: by answering no how many hours can you go to store

white is lightened by adding but black is darkened by adding

smartphone quickly turns on voice recorder camera video recording to know

smartphone printscreen screenshot know buttons sound down and on6

mental work is harder than physical work

only relatives help free of charge but rest of helpers are forgotten and usually help has a cost

support: not help

teach dogs to bark

visit store combining with trips to city on way back

credit money should not lie in closet as a liability: interest is coming

Transport: end and ring and inside ring 3-and

attitude to illness and mania does not make it bad or good

values to transmit near video recorder

formula replaces exact answer with words

travel benefit: amount of savings difference in ticket purchase price has ended travel means so much has been saved

browser pictures are turned off information is less toxic

manipulation 1 I agree others are not interested

predicting against responsibility they write down se6e on contrary it's a shame when they take it for someone else 's

actors who forgot text are noticeable

audience is yawning so it's not interesting

expert should be included in project

rating is more important to break away from lower one or get closer to higher one

ticket win non-win waiting 3-second

self-sustaining phase

macro replacement on contrary for forum

recall repeat cases

open source programs compile themselves

date of birth of parents is 2 times older than children and 3 times older

actions are correct pre-fix previous one

color inversion inversion again original color

relationship between colors red blue green

returns original color

electronic intelligence and intermediary lead and slave wire

transportation special conditions heat humidity

threefold truth lies silence

weekend to get some sleep before working day

talent on tv is shown further doing same little interest

possibility of danger is passed off as an inevitability

trust in deceivers of strangers

a team of over 1 person

an answer confirming my answer even if respondent does not know

forum confirm opinion of someone else to submit as if a stranger confirms your opinion

a bright color on a bright background is invisible

self-naming without proof is not logically provable

public opinion initial external data is unprovable false

exports are best if foreign ones are richer otherwise exports are worst if foreign ones are poorer but exports should always be better than local ones

direct quoting taking out of text should include complete independent and at same time interrelated options

transport seats for disabled should not be occupied until last seated passenger

paying for 2 months will you ever forget to pay for next month

computer mouse pointer giant diagram is more visible

is word worse or better to include an explanation of form: is it better to see or use participle and adverbial

slave adjusts to behavior of master

having stopped spending resources on 1 out of 3 then it is spent more on 2

deception by one's own strangers causes a desire to repent for deception

to lose interest in order not to depend on manipulation and it is important to be provided

envy is cause of toxicity

what is not done according to rules presenters do not accept

broken ones are being taken

debtors have amount borrowed to pay back quickly

computers are different to observe directory structure for mutual rewriting

product is called means there is a price

barcode of countries to understand

medal named after a countryman export of culture

obvious does not depend on speaker

cash in case of power outage and disconnection of cashless cash registers

photo of cash proves solvency

salt is also money

having received your data earlier it is more difficult to deceive

diagnosis is better: there are more cases

word macros have disappeared restore normal template

color is a sign of quality opposite: colorlessness

controller restricts and can then skip controller next above

any price is 1 percent of value of valuable

language of world whose are those presenters

giant giant cyclops

obvious evidence

traffic light lock valve

food expenses go to sewer

snow did footprints leave house

purchase number of items as number of inhabitants of a household

opponent's forum has increased its authority to wait out its response

attitude of a person to an event changes attitude of like-minded people and opponents to a person

keys to different buildings should be carried separately

keys to a private house can be left inside plot

public activists seek to freeze actions of authorities before coming of power it is beneficial to public figures and any actions of authorities cause negative public figures

adults playing children's games even computer games look strange

flex: flexible

debt graph is up perhaps incomprehensible  but accumulations: a mirror of debt graph

air is cleaner than earth

graph of increment of derivative

inn shows region of registration

plus and minus graph if plus is more means accumulation

a hint turns you into an independent

transfer with commission is cheaper to withdraw cash and deposit it to card through an ATM

people who are similar in different regions are recognizable

students lose time in transport

walls are rough uncomfortable

words arrived arrived are unusual because people don't fly

be smarter than wood and water and animals and plants and stones and fire

someone guessed 7 times then he will not guess so after learning choice call it other way around

a professional in his field is like a beginner in another business

data is continuous sequential like a tape entry point is there but data is parallel plane entry point is missing

good memory: do not tell strangers and it is better on contrary to remember to report: I do not remember

phrases union and a new line begins

lotteries can monitor system and give a win of 5 %

interns do little things on their own

pensioners have their own business and work for soul

smart people have something to lose

program: simple commands executed very quickly

programs transfer an array of files as an archive otherwise you can't download

modern shops: self-service

intonation of text: music of text

descendants of artists and scientists and politicians: there are no workers

looking for finding rejoice giving out what they were looking for

do not specify outdated versions of programs

medicines and products should be controlled only in sealed packaging

temperature of minus 15 feels like minus 5

all adult children

throw out a renewable and non-renewable resource

light through cracks of door

limits of adequacy

question is not asked so they know answer is probably not profitable

calling names using a patronymic is unacceptable

city and village are obliged to observe culture of clothing and everyday life

clothing warm collar

compensation exceeds by at least a penny damage absorbs

evidence required to be prepared in advance

sunrise and sunset know time zone transition speed higher lower

slide down is easier to go

spending leading is more important

phone calls are linked to passport

follow wind or against wind

manage different will not check

safety of dangerous packaging

it's OK to give discounts to others

part 1 untested problem may be in untested

catalog company name date

computer field 1 line enter input

to disclose knowledge fully in several publications on different sites so that those who guessed would remain guided

over-cultured peoples are more dangerous than less cultured peoples

phone with strangers dy instead of yes

inflation property that is worth more than money that is not

smartphone tablet flipping through it is unclear exactly where beginning is

new year in summer time and winter time old new year by summer time and by winter time

diagnosis is higher and there are more cases

ad we invite instead of looking for looks like an employee allegedly ran away

robots are too similar to frighten

loans of small interest form large debts and endless payments exceeding original debt

success now can be disastrous in future in years to come

series lures alleged solution in next series and so 100 episodes

pseudonym forum gets boring

famous movies have a big bang

flapping of a butterfly's wing is fantasy but flapping of a bat's wing is reality

culture shock and cultural code

communication phone is turned on internet is slower

no-show reason: was in another city

drawing training: drawing a house is getting better including settings

polls from enemies even expressing your opinion not to participate or vote is unprofitable for enemies to distort or knowing result to vote through another profile by leveling results

electric motor moves its battery

slide from top to bottom is a step wider but slide from bottom to top is a step narrower

vector graphics: vectors and on top of pictures

evaporation any temperature

room corners are indirect space is not occupied

observe visibility invisibility

rulers of different countries of different years are similar

deficit was bought with loans

predictions of past events unknown at time of interest

any apartment can be communal

forum authorities create their own topics noticeable otherwise they will not remember

information obtained through keyhole should not be disclosed

games mistakes stupid offensive

changes by units and times

listener does not have to look and turn around

a given debt and a non-payment debt are no different

private transport discount if you were traveling on public transport today or 12 hours ago and transfers are free routes are not important

drunk hello to yourself sober and sober hello to yourself drunk

thing closes itself for example handles of bag form a ring

understanding reason for truth you allegedly do not understand

assistance to relatives as an export if money is received from outside family

help when solution is otherwise not help

sequential access of 1 degree of freedom and parallel access of 2 or more degrees of freedom

question what is normal answer none

food products: acid

they discuss something and tell everyone so they discussed what they didn 't tell

debt reporting in words is just a small one they say give change faster

they beat themselves to blame others

others are dangerous their own are safe

message is of high quality they say they avoid buying quantity how much and how much

legislator of language and fashion and culture

buy now pay later or buy pay later

amounts are shown on fingers so that conversation is not recorded

amounts 1 finger different cities 1 thousand 10 thousand 100 thousand 1 million

one-time travel cheap monthly expensive protected from counterfeiting

electrical appliances turn off themselves save electricity

employee knows answer by heart without preparation so expert knows

it's an important rare thing to do: send an SMS to customer

whether he worked there is not to ask and it is better to argue let's say he worked there

workers and engineers even millionaires simple work is cheaper  it's stupid for sake of strangers who have earned millions on resale of someone else's work

animal biorobots

problems in their own not looking for fear of offending their own even pets: problems are not solved

print screen purity of lens does not depend

stopping on demand is inconvenient to demand

tangent and perpendicular to any surface

there is work there is no money but money has been paid for there is no work

permanent job: poverty but unpredictable job: there is money

e-mail to nearest device forwarding: letter goes through capital

computer panel of open applications bar moves along edges of screen

after listening to it quickly without remembering it then after listening to it it will be remembered

downloaded without looking is forgotten and archivist will help when he finds it by accident

2nd-day mirror economy schedule

inscription on paper is printed on sheets below as a shadow

forum it is more convenient for those who disagree with your truth to answer they say well do not agree so that they look ridiculous in front of those who know

licensing: oligopoly and monopoly

to understand whether you know answer to question without looking anywhere

forum to discuss banned is unrequited ugly

forgery of documents: what to call a document

fakes are of very high quality

gas is checked visible gas bubbles passing through soapy water

interview on you are an illusion supposedly have known each other for a long time

serfdom won war of free military

it is important to create a modern Russian folk costume

shuffle from edge to center and former center will disperse to edges otherwise area will increase

inventor understands deception of existing knowledge and theories

forum to complain or use offensive messages against expressed non-gentlemen themselves with their quotes

after reading to end beginning is forgotten

middle class participates in holidays

internet encyclopedia replaces books

service is free mandatory makes performers poorer

depreciation: more work for same money

indication of how work is performed by a knowledgeable person: depreciation

minerals bought unearthed for many years to come

forum evidence devalues they say proven but not enough

musicals all put together: musical mumu will turn out

quoter usually agrees with quote otherwise depreciation is visible

forum to raise topics if on 1st page your topics disappear

rules to know before start of participation: right to information

immunity is a collective self-deception  but family immunity protects its own inside household  a low level of vaccination causes disease of unvaccinated  which encyclopedias are silent about

incidence of unvaccinated in % visualization square creates 4 uneven variants  for example incidence of vaccinated 25% shows incidence of unvaccinated 75% and probability of infection unvaccinated unvaccinated =0.75 0.75 = 56% and other variants are distributed binomially 56% 25% 13% 6%

incidence of vaccinated 9% shows incidence of unvaccinated 91% and probability of infection by unvaccinated unvaccinated =0.91 0.91 = 83% = 4 out of 5 cases

sun relative to earth creates at least 8 calendar points: solstice as minimax of 1st derivative and equinox as inflection of 2nd derivative and averages between solstice and equinox points where angle is 45 degrees

forum calling names gives out what relatives callers have

work measured in hours without a reserve for days without work but a reserve of at least 2 days means more pay

action on each element or combining elements action on all elements at once

understand those who are afraid to disclose calculations: do they use secret data to which they themselves have approximately thought of

they set a price for an answer per hour to be converted into a price per minute and they refuse to count everything even for themselves so they can't count

sit down then stop

entrepreneur: freelancer

phrase words are distorted means meaning is figurative and parodic

it is not possible to help enemies independent of you  but enemies with your help will harm you.

train does not depend on weather conditions

a pump running without load quickly fails

holidays wish for longevity

graph of measurement of one product in units of another product

time of phone may accidentally get into frame

taking offense for 1 second at most immediately finding out what offends and well-off usually do not take offense

it is more correct to wish for longevity than to wish for health

games points should allow laggards to win according to rules

prompter screens are transparent

forum exact answer without knowing answer: there are many options

play must contain a conflict

Everyone is asleep and I slept well: answer of those working at night

symbolic colors: green or red etc.

song words I and you are interchangeable

physical education: main thing is proper nutrition

forum usually understands deception so other higher-ups understand

youtube disappeared channel is not found out

freelance to get to work and hand over only cost by agreeing otherwise to do drafts for yourself at random without handing over

freelance payment from one customer from another customer's advance no different

exclusion method: determination of low probability version

residents jointly report where they leave house

those who call disease names will inevitably call their relatives and colleagues

movie stamp false passes from movie to movie about historical figures

economic growth regions cease to be subsidized

playing plan

forum arguing with copy paste is pointless

Song in movie: year of song

let opponents make you laugh don't shut up forum

forum proof pictures erasing personal data without a link so as not to be followed

social networks anonymously hiding owner

cold pays for store but bringing yourself cold you pay for

main owner anonymous is issued on behalf of group.

Doctor of Historical Myditsyn Sciences

movie actors of past are playing better every year

forum rules of communication are set by leading most important

it is illogical to criticize parents' past

paradoxes of winning systems: there is no need to sell systems and solution: borrow from relatives

work minute price 1 60th whose benefit as an hour

laws of genre force you to add same plot

word we do to clarify is different: we build or design

movie titles are successful quoted and parodies

volume without voids is filled with parallelepipeds

access is mutually closed: it doesn't matter who started it

shop check average as average line of integral

angle between non-parallel mirrors and reflection of beam inside non-parallel mirrors

do not send money in an envelope by mail: it will disappear

heat evaporation is higher

freelancer often looks at map of country and map of world

penalty: time-saving fee

forum is a powerful statement and a ban or a statement of no and more to post without a ban for longer

money is deposited on a liability to look for an asset and recalculate for example to count money for a gift as your phone is more expensive

social networks group to know who issues a ban and remove from knowledge

is period recognized by selecting results not periodically

labor costs modern usually 1000 man years

googled by yandex.

soda reduces acidity

accusing to know where loophole of your accusations is

monster defeats monster

internet access to provider's website is free

a trifle to have in case of general delivery in an apartment building

proportion compares several to each other estimating quickly where an exact answer is not needed

a quarter ago government did everything right  but now government is making mistakes and so on in a circle typical criticism on internet

shuffling is like sorting random related

Gas exhale command: export

noise: environmental pollution

mathematics to be able to put out of brackets

secret files can be changed especially on a flash drive

freelance: precariat temporary employment

Electrical devices energy is spent when pressing buttons  even on-screen ones and energy is spent on sound

forum your answer page is not turned over read more

government is criticized for right actions as provocations

while living in another state or another city  take саге of your hometown and your native state

repetition creates a fashion necessity importance normality otherwise there will be a fashion for opposite action

authors write but actors play their own work for everyone not other way around

cinema viewer is older sympathizes with villains

sleep comfortably lying down

liquid transfer closed container small open mirror

forum reminder and lack of response especially from author and those who are asked an extreme question is noticeable

forum reporting about yourself and your friends from abroad: do not name country

those who have deceived grateful will help to deceive

trail on water shows direction of movement on water

lottery whatever system is you need to guess

tightness is broken: water evaporates

file to print is root of flash drive and directory in root

in yard of 21st century and not 21st year  but in yard of 22nd year and not 22nd century

to win lottery it is important to buy a lottery ticket

credit: purchase of more expensive outdated products on day of loan repayment

program manual data entry in online compiler does not work and only variable is processed

moment is qualitatively more important than forces and a random eccentricity occurs inside block creating a micro lever and a moment

change of places of terms of vectors is introduced a qualitative feature of each step and benefit of integrals of steps is compared

official data is known so unofficial data is more allegedly unaccounted for cases

translation synonyms should be avoided by replacing them with ordinary words

main author invites others to be co-authors

game is next level to go in 1 hour

others have suffered to remind their own rules of 6danger understand what they are like to victims

media criticism is cowardly so that they don't change anything

morality: constant but morality: variable

algorithm searches graph for peaks spires spikes needles

what ideas did you come up with yourself

pronoun 3 person he she it is always possible to replace it with word itself

depreciating product is cheaper and currency of depreciated country is cheaper

first aid: main thing for yourself

friction nearest cloth napkin towel

know back notes colors letters numbers

there is envy of rich at all times

guests change their shoes into their slippers

books are added they say no one reads anyway

crowd is always a minority

jokes on sites are written anonymously by comedians from TV

guarantee is guaranteed than for example a temporary non-payment

keno lottery paradox probability formula is 1 in 7 more often than 1 in 16 but return is same but probability waves are smaller and chains of constant cases should be less in 1 in 7

candy wrapper is dense for packing wet little things

program includes random: start random timer

call animals at home by saying a name without sounds kitty kitty

advance payment if material is used

success is devalued by seeing fact of success

price of communication for a month earnings for 1 day

understand worst case of your work  for example everyone is on a diet or everyone is sewing themselves

words asset and liability without knowing: they write giant texts

engineering means man-made

novels union and often in titles war and peace etc.

city knows where photocopies and printouts are usually photo studios

danger: electric current falling from a height and falling objects and auto transport

angle of inclination and reflection is sharp and gentle to use

play for a long time: game will dream

electrical circuit works if it is closed

washing substances that dissolve fat apply

look of others is noticeable

treat: donation

hinge of degree of freedom 2 or infinitely many

pride and stupidity live in same forest

when caravan turns back weakest camel is in front

a kilogram per hour and money per hour and a kilometer per hour principles are same

everyone can justify guilty for himself

sleep analgesic

products ready for export make unemployed residents of importing country

import of culture when singing foreign songs in mind

social network forum bans another non-ban means ban is unfair

synthesized voice does not breathe

overcoming donation is also a donation

exhibition export of culture

round rolling is sometimes unprofitable and more profitable to carry

a bee and a home spider are better than 1000 cockroaches

programs mod controls color and what else is possible to control

expression degree of a number 2nd meaning: exponent and result

collection of platitudes

uppercase letter is probably beginning of phrase and paragraph and vice versa lowercase letter is small middle of phrase and paragraph

specific value of week differs from specific value of year



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