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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 4 » INTEGRAL of LIFE 02


protest has a special emphasis of speech and writing

freelance intermediary's request for payment terms there is a pause of up to a week when intermediary asks his payers

there are many options if there is no one to coordinate it is impossible to disassemble

wipe knife with blade from yourself

have you read an Internet page or a newspaper: tell me briefly what you saw

19th century thought: everything is open and invented

wars for size of country and never for system because system temporarily changes in any country

forum name-calling is nothing if self-conceit confirms security and independence if no one controls

communication between authorities and people is important so that people confirm proposals of authorities even in individual appeals without media coverage

a letter without feedback

forum pictures are not visible if others see pictures they can post themselves

programmers are happy when they use their algorithms and developments what is difference: musicians and writers are not happy

body creates waste

big pay absorbs previous and future non-payments to you

site can be a phone version

expression that is exclude

when voicing books if synthesizer fails voice wrong part in parts remember and transfer temporary file as is and voice it by starting to synthesize next part

voicing sound files is pointless to store and after listening to erase  because it's really possible to voice again at any time

21st century everywhere video cameras

when opening a bank cell an SMS should come and put your bug in cell nothing prevents it

after several failures it is possible to get tired and it is better to rest waiting for further success

unusual files open in 2 copies of program and copy and paste between windows

forum name-calling sharp can be confirmed by explaining calmly

willingness to suffer does not necessarily mean to suffer

do not beat equipment and electronics

fake value will attract attention of ignorant

feedback is left more often by dissatisfied people

files need to be opened temporarily en masse in an unusual program standard program changes

books file name author

book photo of author age and age of book creation

verbs instead of a decree what to do indicate what can be done

adjectives quantitative and qualitative sequence

computer menu send file to programs items like alphabet

forum alias as a link means there is a similar site

text is an explanation in brief and then link is long

moving and traveling social networks urgently or temporarily do not change city

forum printscreen honest: part of quote and in small letters whole quote

a book without a search is useless and information will be lost

socialism in 1980s was imagined: cars will become smarter and everything will be in stores

forum female character is sure to be offended

search for program will lead to official website

a sign of state: your money

capital has a vector

successful people were educated in other years and their teachers were educated in even earlier years when any country was different

sings on stage as on a disc: sings to soundtrack

Crime: civil war

voicing: text encoding is not important

cinema: shadow theater

classic and folk tales: moral to know

manipulation: selling you allegedly bought yourself

boss communicating directive indicating dialogue does not support Therefore answers of control are important. I heard you

articles useful in what their science does not explain: they do not know themselves

is absence in workplace noticeable

when reporting plural of form we or we ask ourselves: who are we called

people are discussing news: confirmation of correctness of plans of authorities

work complaints to a colleague should be expressed to authorities otherwise collusion of performers hiding low-quality work

a layman employee taking a place prevents a specialist from taking a place

cinema of 10 years ago is same as now

10 years equals 10% of century

task creates right to result

he is his own employer but not a customer and a performer for himself

computer process time is calculated too large at first

it is a shame to show proof of a photo decorated with watermarks in various media

forum of social network is a provocative toxic question if they answer positively  everyone else will forget after reading it: to give out information that requires approval for example address where to apply

forum is called names and waiting for someone to call you for example  so topic jams and to continue topic or moderators erase toxic message or start with words they say it is unclear who they are addressing

pdf opening immediately to see number of sheets

pdf to divide SHEETS of photo type and formats small and large and separate tables if there are many sheets

infect and get infected how to get dirty and dirty victim's guilt defenselessness

transfer photos between devices via bluetooth

growth is large: value was small a reporting year ago

I took it and gave it to others main thing is whose benefit

having brought dispute to victory arguing on contrary do not bring it to exact argument

words Russian should be used as a priority

mirror replaces cameras

support replaces engine

forum responder changes question: afraid to answer

profit is impossible a liability forever: for example losses of security cameras and looking for benefits

look for something that will surprise you and have in common with your own too

visiting leave traces on purpose

crime is committed by a small easily disclosed: purpose is to hide a large crime

borrowed labor is prohibited

shared wifi hosts or guests or from outside will get on subscriptions and tell you: it's better not to use someone else's WiFi

forum banning yourself to consider encouragement: time is freer and in response to banning to respond positively

forum telling others: they do not write down for themselves and forum closing messages are lost

sound of shoes means they go outside

immunity collective self-deception: identically ill barefoot

live youtube game

profit is first planned

helping relatives can turn into a liability and relatives can become strangers

for example they want to buy an unnecessary thing at your expense

good actors will pull out any bad script

standards 2nd and 3rd

everyone has tickets and no one's tickets are any different

they are harming you: they are doing right thing by observing their interests

free is cheapest

hysteria: questions for ready answers

crossword puzzle is compiled from end: first words and then tasks

social media messages take into account opinion of owner of group

stories of relatives can be filmed

money transfers in past were 10% and 3%

opposition is ashamed of a strong state

attitude to history is never final

expectation: unique and unique as snowflakes but reality:4 temperaments

indulgences to one and others will want

coddling renegades: it means normality of anarchy will surpass normality of power

it is possible to get rich by reserving at least 50% of pay  because those who postpone 10% are obviously poor: 10% of a small amount  while those who save over 50% of their pay get richer: they cannot spend

rich exploit someone else's time

labor is a service in 21st century thanks to automation

performer presenter manages bosses

start time is different faster and slower finish at same time

question for organization: waiting for a decision for a month longer

works far from home so there are brothers and sisters

winning is not earning

forum contradicts itself to choose what is beneficial to you

computer time changing to past minutes to leave to return more convenient

text of parenthesis is very bad: intonation deteriorates and means that author formulates badly even for himself

Olympic medals: flag is not drawn on medals and it is not important for an athlete under which flag he performed

diploma is awarded on stage or in office or in corridor: diploma itself does not change

movie actors play movie stamps

something was given so they will buy something else with money saved

forum movie spoiler tip unacceptable especially close to premiere

firms compromised further temporarily work cheaper

table numbers are ordered it is difficult to find right table in archivist

speech toxic contradictory to explain from a position for state

depending on you to understand and not depending on you

dismissal of an employee: at same time dismissal of boss

borrowing money by asking for what: control and a reason to think about someone else's money and then whether their money goes to an asset or a liability

predicate phrases should be put before addition and understanding is higher

body is a slave of brain and brain is a slave of body

their costs are opposed to costs of others those who have less passive absorbs asset will win

getting an education: creating and overcoming problems for yourself

word mind is masculine but word stupidity is feminine

only corrupt person should be state

slave: easier to replace

vector drawing is converted into stereo 3d better than raster drawing

letter e is skipped in newspapers and magazines and in books to search for only letter e creates a single option

internet encyclopedia contains events by months of many years and it is easy to find events of an important month

actions result in: minus whole or minus part or equal to zero or plus part or plus whole

those who say a trifle is supposedly cheap can pay in transport amount they consider a trifle sometimes 10 times more expensive and will understand mistakes

russian programming language of people

Forum to distort toxic words so that your statements are not attributed to toxic words

transfers to pension fund knowing salaries are calculated knowing formulas

antivaxers understand their guilt to unvaccinated through fault of antivaxers therefore anti-vaxxers do not blame government

production is being closed and failed shop foreman they go to work as experts in examination to coordinate permits

headphones sound quality required but broadcast sound is less high-quality normal

browser site search starting if current page closes any site link opens a new tab and search

by telling how much YouTube has watched it means that it follows its own video

dangerous substances especially hot ones should not be placed above 1 meter

text is long and complicated it will get boring to pronounce orally

forum logic you know what you write and you know yourself so you write about yourself

perpendicular equidistance of 3 points of plane from a given point of line

memoirs are written by winners

story of secret events is possible to tell like a fantastic space story

toxicity eliminating dialogue is easier to conduct if opponent is for a minute he will be right and will also do without toxicity

pyramid of success: those who had time and ate and then it is more difficult to eat

forum is interested in history of those who write how they succeeded after starting at school but state organizations are not interested in history of applicants

information of unknown quality was found among foreigners: copy to their forums to be translated and read

after downloading movie you spent megabytes even if you watch part of movie  but re-viewing without Internet  watching movie online and rewinding: megabytes are spent less  but new viewing: new megabyte costs

archivist index decreased: renamed directories were not indexed

pattern looking for peaks of needle spires of graph is random: 3 currents are compared and it is really possible to understand inflection of graph by examining all variants of function value relative to each other  for example point is low and then point is high and then point is lower  so there was a peak of needle spire on this segment

an action that requires time to start and do other things in parallel is simplest example: drying clothes from different sides each time for as long as possible or example: a TV series weekly so that more can be viewed on Internet

prohibition and permission to specify inside each phrase

having taken someone else's it is possible to accidentally not return it back in time  so even a trifle without asking even temporarily not to take someone else's

voicing text by erasing numbers same patterns appear it is possible to erase for example all brackets without characters

perpendicular sharp intersection equidistant point on perpendicular from 2 points mirrored on both sides of intersection point

largest country: geographically but country is greatest: historically

statistics are forged by knowing probability

there are many variant answers: if party is leader or slave  for example work is faster: for leader it is more expensive  but for slave work is faster: cheaper

electrical appliances are sealed and not sealed

photo translating into a computer vectorizing sheet to align under glass

glass outlining over image by highlighting from below through glass

file start enter a name and save and then fragment from outside copy or cut and paste into a new file and save never to an unnamed file without saving

new head is not independent whether to accept offer does not know if it is a provocation

action does not completely cover comparison: it has become less or more

capital export: it is positive for those who export capital  because purpose of exporting capital is to earn money in foreign countries where capital is exported but it is positive for country of recipient of capital if they work for export otherwise they rob their people

exchange rate is beneficial to exporters exchange rate is favorable to importers

computer secret at end of directories inside other directories secret and unclassified having ordinary names

bribery to lose

proof takes into account data of one side may disappear if data of other side outweighs

someone else's clothes: transition from strangers to your own and disguise

forum to look for non-contradiction and translate in your favor

distance to strangers is greater than distance to your own

search actor unknown search for last name of famous actors of same movie

programmers write programs for financial pyramids forgetting morality and morality

game ricochet projectile hits 2 or more times

puppeteer cannot be liberal

people don't know multiplication table although many processes follow principles of multiplication table

asking what to do with information received

communicating with officials do not take obviously marked cash

ambush integral

business principle: deceive by passing off simple as difficult

people understand deception and consider deception profitable against strangers

phrase is to observe all parts of sentence especially all additions  checking accusative case for example: paint what walls of what rooms

freelance performer is only one who refuses to work for customer which means that customer will refuse to work in front of super customer if there is no other performer who is practically unknown he will not find

key lock holds structure if lock is removed everything will crumble

it is more convenient to collect sediment from surface container is rectangular

convector heat up but radiator: heat to sides

integral finding I everywhere can look humorous

December solstice longest night darkest day
June solstice is longest day brightest day
March and September: equinox day and night are equal and 4 more dots in middle between specified dates

voicing words all and all by setting proportions of probability let 's say a quarter and 3 quarters for sure cases of word all will not guess and cases of word all will be with errors often all instead of all

movies of past movies are good few percent

forum opponents will try to logically refute figures and allegedly questioning whole topic

assistant owner makes computer himself and assistant directs words never to electronics even to press enter without touching otherwise assistant will be blamed for breakdown in years

computer and laptop and smartphone and phone and camera: same thing

forum phrases in several lines union and from a new line and other logical conjunctions and prepositions: beginning of a new line

athletes 2: who came 2nd and penultimate

events are not random if there are 3 cases

archivist directories status unavailable sorting will separate directories

an ordinary person: an investor is not needed

dos file program by opening or saving: sorting is not possible

number is large many zeros are more convenient to replace by 10 to power

owner leading is more important than all slave workers combined

expectation and reality

fulfilling all promises: authority increases

forum would highlight topics that newcomers of forum probably started in a hurry

if it could have been otherwise it would have been different

freelance work for eastern regions: freedom at 2 pm and 2 am

if computer freezes: clock on screen has stopped

actors invite their spouses and other relatives to films

those who have left are perceived as traitors unprovably unfounded

public transport numbers: tram reserve trolleybus reserve and further buses and minibuses all numbers are not repeated

duty of slaves and right of leaders

colonialism: slavery

words of past sound humorous for example a lackey

freelance review: replaces unpaid 3,000 rubles or $ 50

expression is toxic: I am owed expression is normal: I was promised

secret message will pop up sooner or later

anti-elite: it's OK to answer they say we don't know

proof of office work: on-screen video and faster viewing

businessman entrepreneur: a politician for his company

expression effective manager is offensive

photo documents of some may be issued for photos of documents of others

export of raw materials and import of finished products are common in everyday life

if you are not sure add: according to our data

forum do they have right to speak on behalf of several in any form

forum topic includes a very logical text: for sure copy paste: copied somewhere and pasted on forum then a link to source is required

fairy tales can be corrected for a happy ending at any hour

catalog view table only icons and thumbnails are not shown

jokes invented to write down as a script for a movie or TV series or an anecdote

evidence telling how it looks and where data will be taken: reliably for sure especially if data about source of evidence is same

forum discloses sign of opponent in 3rd person to exclude responsibility for example: foreigners lie and coincidence with any foreigners is accidental

smartphone if without a computer: important information is stored at home as copies on flash cards of different sizes and possibly in cloud

smartphone flash card display is turned off and on

syndrome of rejection of someone else's opinion

writers of past were looking for replacements for words: integral way of life and lines of force: vector what keywords cover

source language master but translation: slave

those who live far away can arrive very quickly

a person who understands enemy's language can think like an opponent and get ahead of enemy

answer is yes instead of exact wording: protection from liability

those who ruled in epochs of slow communication and in times of anarchy are surprising

move computer window over edge of screen hiding cancel buttons so that process does not accidentally stop

Stock movies: watch uninteresting ones first by rewinding faster and then thoughtfully watch more interesting films and short films can be more interesting than many films

computer defragmentation of several parallel directories is carried out on 1 directory in turn including nested directories

court is like a tug of war: whose side gets tired more slowly those won

unusual offers to authorities look like predictions of future especially when they come true in another region

information has been received so a photo of information source is possible

video player is not fullscreen it will show size of video frame

lectures lessons forums social networks mail style of messages is same

educated and cultured and well-off: there is something to lose

manipulation answer without denial it is unclear whether advice was used

computer smartphone install 5 players

expression quantity avoid word pieces and immediately indicate name

manual labor is used too much reducing productivity of machines

local elites will be judged by central government and in relation to central government local: anti-elite

governor appointed from center looks like a protege over local elites

newest sign reporting: means seen

forum if you are being scolded by non-authoritarian writers and others noticed  it means to inform them that they are scolding wrong ones without specifying or prompting microscopically so that toxic ones do not get smarter

when voicing a text where there are long regular expressions  replace them with short ones for example CEO gendir

document is edited technologically difficult  but printout is always just a piece of paper: there is no double bottom of sheet

people are looking for confirmation of their beliefs aggressively to other options

opponent's forum is right in something: hold it at another time in another topic

those who ask to be served to those who apply to you individually

accumulations are large: each payday is not important and it is possible to wait for a payday longer up to a year

2 books are being written: a long one of small chapters and a small continuous one which means that author will give more effort to small paragraphs of a long book

download manager to open for a long time to stock links in a notebook in reserve and open insert into download manager and download

a certain expression: depreciation and manipulation

complaining about firms for money do not hint that it will never look like extortion and it is better to complain about non-compliance with regulations

it is unprovable whether a person remembers because he could write

movie chase behind wheel of a stuntman

favorite song to look for covers as other artists sang

film duration is indicated including credits

question about more specifically: give examples

email and profile are different browsers copy link from mail and paste it into desired browser

Computer RAM: as a package in store package is large: it will fit more at 1 time

computer sorting files or values first arranges from smaller to larger and to sort from larger to smaller as required more often: click table header again

forum interlocutor toxic did not answer your question: to remind constantly a week seeing: afraid to think

forum notices that opponent is silent on purpose  for example that he is not able to calculate and he hears something for first time

it is always possible to state: text was created by a neural network

integral schedule

authorities: deputies and governors and mayors and ministers 99% say memorized but common people say 99% of latest and it is useful for authorities to study social networks and listen to lower ones more often within authorities

program processing array should be able to generate random and be able to read data from disk simplest text 1 line 1 number

recognize typo level errors

program does not respond: before closing give real-time priority

computer menu highlighted and enter so as not to accidentally move

applause: recognition

to go for goods and same thing: to buy goods after trip

what a contradiction in itself is more far - sighted

liquid flowing or capacity

they sing to soundtrack must get into notes otherwise musician adapts to singer live

vacancies: advertising of company

social networks are watching you who have you watched so a system has been installed that shows those who have watched

illustration of facts not corresponding: facts themselves do not cancel

loans having paid off purpose of life weakens

development of wave-like capitalism and socialism depend on number of people who have become different due to system and who need a different system

piecework payment: self-deception tends to salary

it is not interesting to report about yourself in order to get ahead of devaluing

a stupid idea will definitely come true

manipulations using sugary words explaining their actions and their own and demonizing others

forums social networks pluses collecting offended pluses not receiving

forum defenders of opinion are wrong so opinion itself and authors of original opinion are allegedly wrong

silent as actors on screen: it is impossible to influence

descendant millionaire or ancestor millionaire as it is better

advice of a puppet in hands of a puppeteer outside council is proved from contrary suppose council is not a puppet came to a contradiction

Programs: international language

roles of actors at your age and younger

accusations of behavior are based on behavior of accusers

cipher value without knowing: do not tell others it is possible to connect paid services to phone etc. dangerous cases

electric vehicles charge fuel oil power stations

asking where he was telling about himself looks pointless so don't tell anyone anything

forum: historically losers are more aggressive than winners forum: historically losers are more toxic than winners

statistics: postings in all countries at all times

heroes: what is heroism of feat regardless of history of feat

self-abasement is seriously unacceptable

your time is free and loss of time is invisible but buying someone else's time: need to save time creates technology and saves money

social network profile is linked to mail and mail is unavailable: it is easier to change email of social network profile

chess is a classic checkmate with several pieces and vice versa it is impossible to checkmate with which pieces

forum noticing devaluation of authorities will answer: authorities have devalued themselves

are you dissatisfied with what speaker says on podium on TV: write what you would say yourself standing on same podium

tv can edit movies at any time

game strategies can repeat historical battles in any strategy by creating a map like a real terrain and placing troops

news deception they say we allegedly did not know: original approver is deceiving or are correspondents who allegedly do not understand deception deceiving

lonely people don't talk much and vice versa: lonely people don't talk much

video of incident is staged unnatural

movies of past picture quality is low and it is impossible to watch

actors of TV series: names are not remembered

people are governed by poverty and need and poverty even past and future

employee does not know where he will work in a year

decisions of heads of departments are written by executors and then signed by authorities

treatment of people as people themselves allow to communicate with themselves

plants do not choose communication

1st order is not executed: control is being strengthened

latin letters english squiggles are missing

several organizations including university specialists should be involved in important public regional affairs

better expression 1 complex: sober instead of not drunk

sitting on a table or on back of a bench: leader

foresight solves future problems

one treats other pays normally

an employee earns or receives or appropriates

films fantastic laws of physics are observed

series of dialogues to watch at speed of 3 is convenient

megabytes are limited files are downloaded small number is larger but there are a lot of megabytes, large files are downloaded

modern scientists easily tell unattainable discovered in past

migrants have done nothing for a new place of residence

a letter to yourself for sake of a date and stamp

audio improvement for speech synthesizer is hard to hear

voicing numbers of list items is poorly perceived as superfluous knocks down

sim reserve of megabytes for a period of for example a month to spend remainder at end of period suddenly megabytes will be needed among period

Excuse for absence: I was thinking next day

planning first and then there is money

game points are plus or minus: first plus sign so that plus and minus at same time turn into 0 without negative

theory written answers control tasks and answers

social activists read only themselves

capitalism socialism and feudalism create complex mechanisms

macro format is text and another macro can return text back

draft cleaner 4 options draft of draft draft of cleaner cleaner of draft cleaner of cleaner

proof of stay visit public places where there are video cameras and video recorders

trap of digits 1-x if 1 is multiplied by 5 times visually it seems 50  but if 19 turns out to be about 100 2 times more

internet video downloader saves megabytes 1 picture downloaded

forum ridiculing is interested in error being discussed  therefore devalue manipulation of ridicule

survivor's mistake for years is not accidental

excel development of basic programming languages

forum immediately explain: your message for or against

war overseers over supporters of authorities

it is inconvenient to blame forum they say to tell on 1 of forums

credit of elders hinders younger ones credit of leading relatives for asset prevents relatives of slaves who pay for liability from living

computer menu item highlighted click more precisely

a resident having drawn attention of authorities to problem and having received an unsubscribe  can then remind himself only to other officials and on forums

expression faster is better than livelier

multiplication: addition of a non-integer number of times

computer restarts: permanent memory battery has run out and is being replaced

voicing can stumble on ordinary words and listen to extreme fragment from temp catalog then changing text  stuck phrase is usually erased

macro replaces many words of form my yours yours with letter e requires options including a space before word or after word in case of punctuation marks

computer is rebooted by button: desktop shortcuts will not be saved

emotions euphoria is temporary and a return to reality is necessary

reviews view dates: old or new

flash drive inability to recover information: write down completely free space with empty files and then erasing latest

a person cannot generate pictures every second but neural network can generate music and images every second

computer editing without a keyboard: on-screen keyboard or copy letters and paste them into a new place is convenient when editing pictures

having found your thing from another it is important to prove: you took it and did not throw it

typos can also be understood in books reason for typo: secretary wrote down words and then deciphered by mistake

foreigners helped in past and foreigners are now interfering: different people

reforms of different years and countries: number of inhabitants of country is decreasing

court: costs of salaries of participants in court may exceed fine but a preventive measure: offense will not be repeated further

answer to selling manipulators: I have makes you mine and avoids negativity

western capitalist travelers show more collectivism than socialist travelers

screw translates rotational motion into translational motion

gimlet is easier to imagine how cap of a fountain pen is unscrewed and screwed

screen has more dots usual speed is 30 frames per second smartphone is watching  but video frequency is 60 frames per second video slows down

assuming that they tell about themselves

theory was confirmed: it means practice

3d projections that only need to be seen: chess order

movie plane actors allegedly don't fly away when they land

cinema inside plane: shooting on ground

movie stuntmen are everywhere where actor's face is not visible

enabling free work so that price does not fall same as selling extra work

goods in package without reporting: it turns out for whole packages more

search expanding and narrowing at same time

a discovery made by chance means author could have been different

e-mail reply to make up of several responses for greater understanding

text is long to read if you are tired: watch end and read conclusions

consent: manipulation of interlocutor worked

books of past in years of illiteracy as readers found

speaker for something: evidence against speaker but if it is required that opinion is shared it is impossible to prove even after receiving hundreds of statements

rotation of earth slows down and length of day increases

center of earth plus moon total system should be taken into account

ruler's order: implementation of opinion of ministers and advisers

rulers of future many have already been born and are now our peers

authorship is proved by study of letter combinations and frequent words

correspondence from mail goes to social networks: there are notifications about reading

it is allowed to break one's own which means that broken one must redeem broken one at his own expense

watching movie rewind online saving megabytes but downloading movie is better to watch accelerated

repetition of information from an authoritative source: original source is responsible for information

messages of authorities are unimportant and it is possible to forget and not delve into but messages of people are more important and authorities are obliged to delve into

foreign investment: theft in favor of foreigners

independence: resistance to superiors

renting housing in different parts of city: you would not have purchased your own housing there

a report from 1980s about export of cars: it's a shame and modern comments: it's a shame to export

number of parts is round for example 100 it is easier to remember

forum former banned best revenge: next important on Forum banned not to post

Forum posts not contradicting do not continue so that topic does not leave another page and I will read more

integrally small faster: I just need to ask

forum of program to explain what it does otherwise is never clear to readers

US is afraid they will be forgotten on their continent

comments on Soviet film about socialism not a word

probability of numbers are same exact or any identical numbers

movie character likes: viewer puts himself in character's place

manipulations are pleasant but anti-manipulation: breaking

do not leave electronics in a prominent place and hide wires separately

money spent and eaten can be counted as if they were spent on electronics

list number promised in title and number of items must match

medical equipment is new if you remove it you will get Soviet socialist medicine

forum uses words Soviet but words socialist are avoided as if ashamed of socialism

experiment probability range and exact range anywhere excel formula

being late to go to a point where there are more routes

transport trolleybus travel time on map is slower but more important transport at night is only state transport

combinatorics finds right option: athlete scores ball in goal athlete scores goal in ball ball scores athlete in goal ball scores goal in athlete goal scores ball in athlete goal scores athlete in ball

attention distracting on purpose or accidentally who is to blame

factorial is less than degree

ruler for residents and ruler for citizens

Letters to authorities: leading anti-elite

a millionaire puts pressure on government more freely or a millionaire is afraid for his millions

public transport ranks safer and more dangerous

summary response refusal silence acceptance 3-point

cheeks inflate against facial distortion

message is brief clarifying original message more clearly

Manipulation structure: like-minded people goal offer benefit conclusions

social networks of characters instead of names to call discussed

movie song should correspond to what is happening on screen

watch movies and TV series before going to bed so as not to remember at work

reliability of statements of officials and relatives: officials are believed more even if relatives claim same too

round can roll away

a small percentage of a large number creates a number greater than 1 a qualitative leap

freelance if pay is like at a permanent workplace or slightly different: freelance gives free time

economy: getting required benefits without excess but without receiving benefits due to rejection of benefits savings do not occur

savings: less liability and hope for an asset

archivist is a whole catalog small to include all files and all features

theory of punishment

punishment forgiveness amnesty 3 times

to go and be late is better than not to go  provided it is possible not to be late

a typo or a new word highlights spelling check and it is better to add a new word to dictionary so that typos of new words are highlighted

better usual value: saving time

proposals accepted in other regions are similar to your proposals  which means that it is not profitable for authorities in your region

word soldier is inconvenient and word warrior is better

if you have 2 SIM cards and 5 flash drives then others have same

if you are afraid it means they are being used against you

different interested parties have different prizes optimally and integrally

rights if yours are not infringed: whether to protect rights of others

be able to tie sea knots

options to develop everything up to 4 or 8 options

internet articles get involved in discussion of various unrelated topics and this book is for purpose: main thing is not to get involved

those who say we don't need to be supported will waste time and fall into poverty

forgetting as if on purpose: unicellularity turns on

a few consequences first list important ones for quote

country's military uniform recognizable in foreign films

vector line point is beginning and end at a given time and array can create vectors in any order

action is good and opposite action supposedly does not mean bad

a draw in game by agreement of players prevents you from studying games

acting according to rules: it is possible to repeat result even random probabilistic

color is cold male and color is warm female

internet bulk is posted by postcard: who downloaded unprovable

after downloading archive find largest file and try to reduce and maybe unpack archive into a directory

self-bypass of web archive once a quarter but it is better to archive yourself even once every half a year

mass dimensional element

a person seeing numbers from 0 to 1 is unable to assess whether actions of division and multiplication are correct after all result is also from 0 to 1

specification for an object and specification for a living being parts and materials

actor is unpleasant and whole movie is unpleasant

movies are better seen in dark

warm is visible from under snow

liquid that includes heats up faster

export is reason for diversity

goods and services control incompetent presenters will impose expensive unnecessary work

constellations are large to distinguish in sky

resources especially time spent on a liability  result will not work for resources spent or spend resources on a successful asset

freelancing some tasks performer is better closer to object

answer from 1 word is more reliable: other words will not add

cinema cars: car advertising

integral mean value: dividing integral by length of measurements

solutions to problems by listing are silent about remaining problems capable of crossing out and devaluing all decisions reached  especially if decisions are unprofitable

forums no one needs a planned economy

homonyms that sound same have many meanings choose a synonym that shows best meaning

today's people who are absent in your future: shadows  for example graduates classmates

don't sell your awards

phones are free but communication services are endless payment

propaganda in language of direction of propaganda even jokes

films parody accent of other languages and foreigners

discoveries were made by 25-year-olds or 50-year-olds

series actors are new so as not to spoil

movie clips were noticeably shot on 1 day or on different days

disabled people considering themselves ordinary will lose benefits

bad option is possible to understand only by doing temporarily

losing points will be added but stopping canceling game will not add anything

zero tolerance

freelance job offer giving out a trifle for free  for example calculation of minimum customer does not want to pay others for what has already been received allegedly for free and task can be received by person who has done part of work for free

know nearest grocery and electronics stores and pharmacies etc.

a game for sake of winning a game for sake of points a game for sake of losing

writing and forgetting is better than just forgetting

peaceful victims of war are counted separately

reaction resistance to movement not realized

cough sound male female child animal

actions of authorities are kind people forget every other day

fair is civilized: pavilions and ticket offices and documents

games hide current time is not visible

any website can send an internet super archive

computer file format any editable

distortion of quotations: reason for misunderstanding

programs: be able to fill arrays with random numbers in required range even negative and non-integer ones

transport it is better not to talk on phone and call back later

inhabitants of same get same rulers

investigations after an offense are low-powered and it is better to warn

forum asks why let them think without an answer until they themselves understand correctness of hint or do not

complainers blame many besides themselves although we could make a list of required works quantitative and qualitative

winter warm clothes are needed even for 1 day in winter

in winter coldest days are up to 2 days in a row

actors aspire to be directors

stock is integral but what is universal word

silent text screams louder than voiced one

reporting a little wrongly is unprincipled: interlocutor opponent dissenter will tell what information they have collected

Ruler Fu and ruler help say same thing with a difference of several hours

officials awarding bonuses may turn out to be corrupt and money will turn out to be toxic so it is better to thank those who help to get bonuses in future

things names come from surnames and cities and countries

erroneous solution is valid for some time

public figures and deputies: different people

iceberg: above water 1/4=25% and under water 3/4=75%

each of us is disabled from point of view of stronger

positive influence on their assets negative influence on their liabilities positive influence on other people's liabilities negative influence on other people's assets

free cheap time to spend on passive

forum saying that I don't do this that opponent does this hints exactly without informing

movies including songs of past: millions learn songs for first time

voting among like-minded people: result is predictable

misunderstanding of others is expressed: misunderstanding of one's own and blatant misunderstanding of others

people remain same but part of people is changing

fight against corruption stops development

probability distribution is confirmed experimentally

it's pointless to report where you came from

camera photo cards without secret data in case of photo transfer for printing

building warm air leakage ventilation

cash freshly printed and used from ATM

informing I have arrived and will be there: deception has not arrived

purpose of finding: looking for free Wi-Fi

missing results is also a result

emotions heat map

expression of past tense they say were

democracy gives power to gopnik  but monarchy can bring decent people to power

forum name-calling is not resisted by those to whom name-calling does not apply even if they call themselves names and those who see themselves as being called are angry

strangers call something nonsense so they won't study and they won't get smarter

prepare answers where you work and how much you earn and how much you saved up where you need to downplaying and exaggerating

guess what they might have thought

presenters forbid asking questions

awards for what they give are known so they parody rules and get a bonus

did you remember an interesting school case or from past write it down

opinion about being independent of you is meaningless and useless

divide 1 million: older generation will divide into 100 by 10 thousand or 50 by 20 thousand  but new generation will divide into 20 by 50 thousand or 10 by 100 thousand or 5 by 200 thousand

what is explained in official language is shorter than retelling in ordinary words

it is impossible to steal free

draining access to all sides will drain faster

recognize weakly seeing in different ways and weakly hearing

opening an employment center: several unemployed people immediately arranged

to report your ideas first to authorities and then soon to media so that media does not assign authorship to themselves

playlist access serial or parallel for masters and for slaves

there are persons v p and there are persons vv p

products lying in refrigerator were previously in store

dishes with a lid closed will boil faster distance is higher

age of video recorders and voice recorders

game is a quantitative sign: enemy's health level and a quantitative sign: destruction of enemy

path includes obstacles and why we are moving along chosen path answer includes an integral of steps that have signs quantitative time and qualitative safety and convenience and advantage then choosing multiplication of quantity and quality at each step we get integral of optimal steps and possible options

proof of rights and proof of absence of rights

internal door notes and control

forum write what to do and how to do not write

transportation costs are elastic supply and demand and stock is impossible

recording parts seems faster recalculating full time

computer sound slows down real-time priority lower

cases combining with other cases justification of being in different places

site owner can enter hello exactly in header of date of articles without violating

site owner sees IP

travel is free discount on groceries in another part of city at expense of tickets for 50 rubles round trip

working in field on street: remote work remote

freelance worker previous one is easier to coordinate

freelance customer is a permanent looking for a job specifically for permanent employees

anti crisis debts are less and payments are less

forum question sorry answer no one needs pity

movies music list order

screen site name more movies same

movie catalogs considering aspect of sides to watch by setting up immediately

integral points game

playing with fire result is not surprising

by contrasting you are innocent but others are bad we will punish with your tacit consent

great ones in history leave their friends and foes

trolleybus tram depend on electricity in city network

production from outside puts all costs into cost of production  but by doing it yourself your costs may be 6 more

play listening to audiobooks

freelance personal situation of colleagues and customers is unknown

quarantine and remote work miscellaneous

computer table header header long shrinking prevents table from being compressed by width

optimization: strengthen weak or use strong ones as much as possible  because weak ones may not achieve their goals

leaving apartments to check gas water electricity by turning off electric appliances

there are no savings price though high though low does not differ much

prepare any word for example day of week

they make mistakes in their favor

to thank those who do not need gratitude

congratulations are better in afternoon

forum is not on topic they ask why this is on our such-and-such forum

appeal first to independent or to non-independent

debt waiting to save on amount of debt so that non-repayment is not a problem

ask authorities and figure it out for yourself

paper stack inclined line control of order of sheets visually

prefix on left but suffix on right

keywords: 3rd rows and order in 3rd rows are important but order of rows is not important

reading articles and topics to understand: could you compose same

purchasing power parity

reading to see benefit of writer for example to make currency cheaper

your name is called wrongly correct or use

paradoxes of keyword combinations are ahead of events

independent technology is becoming obsolete

overcoming backwardness and overcoming lack of independence are different things

forum where disadvantages of proposal to authorities can put disadvantages and reading government decides not to do so on forum with disadvantages do not offer or put advantages to yourself professional development liability in what cases

transport accident and injured passengers where whose responsibility as leaders and slaves

pyramid of family needs and importance

head of region can tie development to himself and resign will fall apart

Progress creates pernicious but it is impossible not to create

Few peoples can say: we can repeat

game is only move possible computer can make a move instead of a person

punishment: send to sleep during day

price: how much is already there

personal transport can become public transport



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