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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
без расчётов в уме и делает оптимальный выбор

ключевые 27

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


keywords 27

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority



Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

мен әрқашан тек өзіме жазамын және ешқашан ешкімге ештеңе ұсынбаймын

завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



Главная | Регистрация | Вход

Главная » 2014 » Июнь » 3 » INTEGRAL of LIFE 01





purpose of book: to understand many processes through integral

integral: sum of multiplications of quantity and quality

logarithm: number of multiplications to desired result

each line begins with a headword

and really collect blocks of a single topic

optimal reading of book in editable format

marking new things for yourself with icons or copying new ones

or erasing known leaving new by collecting your "integral of life"

book style: stream of consciousness - more and more came to forums

and feature: punctuation marks are absent or minimal

usually a colon or dash for intonation and manipulation

meaning of phrases is enclosed between important words of phrase

and negatives are especially accurately placed without ambiguity

sounded version: any of 100 parts is equal and order is not important

quotes can be taken out of context

formulations come up with better write down your wording

keywords 27

ours aliens others active passive saving leader slave victim life machine language target time control service goods quality export exploitation technology integral logarithm derivative elite antielite priority

key are ordered horizontally and vertically

missing topics: politics health history nutrition negative

there are no quotes from personalities and works

this book will turn world 360 degrees

integral and logarithm: highest stage of human development

I never recommend anything to anyone and write only to myself

this book is written from bottom up

everything is manageable

mistakes should be cheap

verbs should show a face:

"opened": without a pronoun it is not clear who opened:

"I opened" or "he opened"

"I open": clearly without a pronoun: "I open"

spelling is checked by ear through speech synthesizer

especially for long texts

transport problem: comparison of products of several features

everyone punishes himself

pictures and fragments and videos and clips

mirror rotate invert

cut and stitch more and audio speed up and slow down

meaning of word largest: one of largest

by no means largest

and can refer to several types

search entire disk and in individual directories

search using asterisks "*"

2-way approach for sake of breaking consecutive errors

find examples in life as much as possible

many little and little big

Russia sees world from future

everything is better than nothing

clothes made man

most popular sport: walking in place with obstacles

paragraphs are similar to exam questions

any ignorance: ready answer integral

Danilin's integral programming law:

a small program requires a lot of effort

with small effect and improvement of program large

requires little effort with great effect

search: read only 1st page ok

polls participate where more than 100 participants can vote

poets remember their poems for real

war export unemployment

a picture or video with an inscription on screen was downloaded from Internet

edits cut accidentally undo or paste

social networks do not follow multiple registrations comments

handwritten letters provide handwriting sample

program lists must be cleanable

acceleration is negative: not moving in opposite direction

Internet forums freshly invented jokes have already been printed

assistance in foreign territory: export

drone copter drone photographing monuments

sculptures and monuments are important to photograph in stereo

intermediaries: earnings not wages: earnings savings

know how foreign words are written in original language

lower stakes keep winning

more important than winning: not to lose

player's advantage against game: non-participation withdrawal

player goal: dividing events in a row losing

player's goal: dividing mismatches in a row

simplifying is more difficult than complicating but complicating is simple

most important business questions: who is my customer? who is my client?

business: provision of services for payment almost always: export

compare: domestic consumption and domestic exports

and exports in relation to person and exports in relation to family

understand simple fractions: half and third and quarter and others

words half tertiary quaternary half tertiary quaternary

sites it is possible to implement buttons like gift and donation

answer is to understand positive or negative without yes or no

keywords lead paragraphs in 1 word or in 3 words

forums: write from point of view of followers and victims but hosts do not write

blaming yourself reached a solution

but blaming others for decision is expected from others

where performer begins there leader ends

movie phone call silent

vocabulary of past: only prefix without

time required: quantity divided by speed

invented a new species should know other species

do not tell relatives about purchases

purchases tell about spending and about income and savings

age of leaders and scientists and actors and characters

and know commanders

introduction of books goes from present to past

program version new devalues??previous versions

books are written by collecting keywords and decoding

time is most valuable resource

design of a thing creates its own rules for others

there are fewer convenient options than inconvenient ones

dividing mismatches in a row does probability increase

positive reinforcement and negative management

weighing problems know solution approximately

human probability: at least a quarter is 25%

everything is more scientific than it seems

hydrogen hydroxide


book is a guide for aliens

beginning of phrases: most important word of phrase

resource reserve is large it is easier to exceed estimated average consumption

integrally: comparing products of quantity and quality

paragraph at beginning is supposedly an electro book where reader selects important lines and his own book is formed and sorting of lines starting with same words is real

households working for export relative to family may not work for export relative to country

language does not require punctuation marks

success must be documented on paper

computer video cropping write fields in a notebook or on paper in case of failure to restore fields

answer they say is that I should ask shows supposedly knows

protecting others: pride

forum imagine your comments are read by government officials and think: what will those who understand and comment on you and whether there are those who do not understand you

authors writing stream of consciousness trying to create a plot reduce number of voiced thoughts and may contradict themselves

chain of numbers is calculated through a cycle or progression formulas or recursion calculates required sequence value

restart computer and immediately run program 1 time possibly by placing program shortcut in start startup directory

a large paragraph is read diagonally or from center quickly which means text could be several times smaller

forum writer calls special prof words question is how does he know

forum minuses try a comic dialogue they say we are our own

forum telling readers to study at school to reread and think does your message explain what you propose to learn

oath will lead into a trap when a small coincidence of actions will devalue oaths

they accuse you to think about why they accuse you and understand why you accuse others

a written request creates a written response

scientific means economical and optimal

voice-over macro is always

special communication a one-way phone charged with a SIM is turned on by caller for a period of calls for a day or an hour

danger temperature list of hazards

series of previous series are not reviewed by successful understand or their children understand integral without theory

lectures 30 hours is a gigantic time

to tolerate communication by turning off toxic opponents without telling anything

discounts are given by giant stores and retail chains

assistance refusal due to fault of those unable to prove need for assistance and then help from yourself regardless of past communication

forum why should you believe in others

developments similar to yours from Internet probably downloaded yours

age young or old relative to life expectancy is unknown

qualitative signs to look for

official representative power of attorney is necessarily controlled by impostors

noise is created specifically to show presence of

elections are announced allegedly fake which means that deputies accusing are also considered fake and to list names of deputies allegedly fake  accusing offend deputies officially elected

successful appeals to deputies are not voiced

a computer document open usually does not require Internet

freelancer is always at work

computer video interactively elastically does not distort

doctors and lawyers and others are interested in regular customers

unmanageable gradually becomes manageable

expression of a word through an oblique slant is better without spaces or words with a space inside slanted lines

losing is useful to stop game

it is impossible to cancel decision immediately and it is not respectable: new circumstances must appear

relationships have their doors open but relationships have other people's doors closed

movie characters threaten each other really there is only more time in life

level of independence when there is no need to coordinate and managing is not coordinated

freelance dressed in what and what society eats opinion is not important

appeal to authorities is rejected immediately by 99 % and will be implemented in years possibly other regions possibly temporarily

moving to center is longer than moving to segment or to plane will show visualization of guess number and guessing graph

movies include plot of previous films and fairy tales and parodies inevitably

Movie Actor moving fast: stuntman replaced in a second

image proportions are distorted circle turns into an oblique oval

successful series takes into account experience of previous massively unknown series

manipulation does protected expression correspond to theses in parts to know and apply and avoid if applied to you

social networks on behalf of community respond politely suddenly an important official turns incognito

movies are old it is impossible to find better frame quality  but reformatting and neural networks are available

to translate an unfamiliar language by 1 word comparing with European languages

actors forgetting words say eh or mumble noticeably

when going out to balcony or loggia door lock should be secured against spontaneous closing usually by lowering door handle open to closed position or taking phone to balcony or loggia

do not take book seriously and check more: did they also know same thing

accusations and suspicions that are not confirmed remind and remind in time for following accusations and suspicions

substances and media: separation or mutual neutralization

problems are relatively small a large number of problems are large

figure is oblique tangent and figure is rectangular thresholds tangent rectangular

programming arrays is important to understand

award winner and candidate nominee

on foot to meet transport or to next stop

program accelerates 1st place will accelerate entire program by less than 100%

animals understand where entrance and transition are

toxicity to avoid to report they say never said

worst option is to know that any solution and development is an improvement

random people are a guarantee against bias and conspiracy and against surveillance

congratulations on holiday of current year passed normally otherwise it is perceived as unacceptable future congratulations

numbers are emotionally similar to years and dates and age and region

being sure it is always possible to report: I may be wrong

bourgeoisie arises from providing services to Internet address digital parameter is obvious and replaceable

export of products when it is not an export prohibition of export at regional level

ideas are valuable to understand and accept yourself without people carrying ideas

after opening canned food put it in dishes

debt stops growing it is important before debt reduction further debts will be reduced

winners are friendly towards defeated

archivist indexing several indexes indexes a small index first

an expert's opinion without your opinion is most independent

is it successful if your housemate in question

a secret translator can remain in quarantine for a month

everyone has unacceptable products

situation is similar to know differences

toy theory science and algorithm of victory

sanctions are imposed remotely usually limiting their cooperation

civilized demands or impossible provocations to distinguish

economical mode use Internet without pictures phone without sound including media for minutes

point integral

architecture monuments are not being created now

pdf translation and registration cannot be repeated automatically

replacement upper lower lower upper

text is typed on a different keyboard layout: highlight text and send it to Internet and it will be translated

oaths are required by led doubting leaders

movement of substance directly without moving back relative to start saves pipelines and wires

work is clear technologically simple and is sold wrongly cheap

accusations and suspicions that are not confirmed should be remembered and reminded in time and by way at next suspicion

existence of media separation and mutual neutralization for example fuel has ended and gorenje has stopped

problems are small but quantity is large and problems are big

browser shows which extension takes up more memory and turns off

those who turn to authorities may be mistaken in their ideas and they may contradict state program being developed

sounds of games and movies interfere with others

manuscript is a modern sms

remote work people will remember team as a danger of past

movie is a melee battle fearing to damage building and destroy it anyway

freelance customer uses weekend to avoid paying suddenly customer himself will need money

freelance performer delays work time if next job is unknown

election is influenced by local advertising or center does not contradict

actions should not violate safety regulations

smartphone all videos are fullscreen

Internet invisible parts of page are downloaded when pasted into word  but copying and pasting text into notepad does not download excess

deputy is most important to right of superiors

programming language anyone can open a file and save a file

program is smaller than installer

browser of 1st function is one and browser of 2nd function is other  for sure 3rd browser will cover general functions

apology selling emotions

file name first letters as a division cipher in directory

computer disk is easier to control than memory

satellite map is a very similar place for sure where it shows

good actors will pull out any movie with any script

games archive size is large to download first by watching youtube

internet price of a gigabyte as price of a ticket in public transport forum topic question forgotten in message repeat comment starting with question

public transport socialism

program activity of internal hard disk will show programs that are written to disk every minute

voicing breaks down to check tempo of different attempts length of file is same then place of error in text is same

risk in work is to understand worst case scenario

forum knowing opponent's secret to hint would do so that coincides with opponent's deeds done or conceived looking like an independent opinion and confirmed

internet youtube videos by stopping megabytes are loaded further stopping points by stopping viewing rewind to end so that megabytes are lost less

internet translator link includes text and saves browser history

interlocutor forum is a single information minimum and important to report only in their topics on several forums copying to their website and to Internet archive observing priority

forum social networks profiles pseudonyms can be rented out banned so exchange of profiles is usually prohibited

when reading text if you know important words of topic look for words in text and keywords without finding them understand low-quality text for sure on purpose

a forum expressing opinion of whom it allegedly represents itself being called to understand: does it really represent or is an impostor

a minor or temporary ruler or a new ruler is more likely to go on international adventures

freelancing was paid for you but higher-level customer probably hasn't paid for it yet.

state ideology will change to now toxic one: those in power will repaint in a day

forum toxic can express an opinion which will be rejected precisely because of expressing and will do exactly opposite

help with things: only new things otherwise help is not support with second-hand things: pride and donation

text letters with 2 dots are usually fictional parody language of country and work for export of culture

those who write about winnings are silent about losses

any state benefits from any exchange rate

having found out your money others will try to charge you at least 5%

vote of others is guessed even secret

film's plot if you don't understand it means millions more viewers didn't understand

integral map

majority of residents live on 1st floor of lower

money without movement is not capital

a public building is usually more expensive than a private building of type of a private house

oblivion: punishment for toxic contemporaries

forum opponent's opinion is allegedly erroneous maybe your opinion will be true in years and vice versa for your opponents

social networks for example by informing about a new movie others can find movie by visiting groups to which you are subscribed

socialism excludes competition otherwise capitalism where competition is basis

opponent is unable to answer forum and you do not know answer to appeal to readers saying is there a solution in principle and in history

manipulation of kind is irrefutably proven to notice and influence not to allow and manipulation stamps should make you laugh like caricatures

author corrects himself and clarifies it means he contradicts himself

short-term time period: 1 parameter has changed medium-term time period: 2 parameters have changed long-term time period: many parameters have changed

dismissal for sake of safety

 YouTube parts must include links to series inside page orwise it is not known which playlists YouTube is included in

it can't be good for everyone but it can be bad for everyone

methods of keeping attention of opponents who are not interested ignoring and limiting answers

e-mail in administration is more convenient: postal address is not specified

internet search for a paper image: upload photos to Internet

millions of citizens do not take oath

 author or society puts forward several ideas which means that followers are obliged to approve all ideas without exception

a manifesto published in media even with a billion copies it may go unnoticed and be forgotten and sent to archive

date of birth or today's age will show age in desired year

expression of form to give an order 2 word but: to order 1 word it is possible to give a written order but to order orally

should savings affect monthly spending because a decrease in savings affects spending

follow official style of speech and text and do not switch to style of fairy tales for example

entrepreneurship and self-employment and state organizations: against unemployment

rulers are not considered great economists

contradictory expressions of type acceleration deceleration are unacceptable

wonderful for millions of those who learn for first time: a common thing for those who know

school unfair grades are remembered for years because it is impossible to fix

creativity is for sale if it creates export of several participants n non-commercial creativity remains for itself or for free

forum criticizes your humiliating is fine if development is useful to you  however critics should not interfere with communication with like-minded people

instructions in a non-native language are read without understanding

programming language interpreter is slow but compiler is fast

savings and deflation are interrelated and sellers are getting poorer left without orders

favorite movie genre will tell you about opponent's interlocutor

accusations in vain have not been forgotten for years

video inside file does not contain download address

sites topics videos viewed disappearing inconvenient

know how fruits and vegetables grow especially local and overseas

literacy is innate beauty of words is noticed

coordinates of point vector from 0 visual control above

collectibility is an integral of assets

program texts names to mark symbolically:
graphics array calculation disks science games etc.

search for non-containing: copy and find containing and delete rest not containing

forums people's news comments are shorter than source text orwise a long comment is better to start a new topic

computer variables if used multiple times

program time to detect variable start and subtract time at end

profit goes into savings

leftovers are not consumed and stagnation occurs

number of elections is limited discrete now and in time

archivist which file is being indexed now is clear if file is large

transport should be more it goes more profitable orwise liability

computer is slow and overloaded  so technology must be fast

creativity of provably successful proven knowledge application is read by more people

higher ones depend on position and slave does not depend on personality having taken position of leader he is obliged to become leader

international conflict distracts rulers from internal affairs

it's a long thing to start ahead of short things is important especially if a long thing is done in parallel and automatically orwise short things will take all time

struggle of refrigerator and TV

re are few superiors but re are many inferiors: a pyramid

exchange forum writing is toxically outraged and gets banned  but n re is no object of indignation

forum face showing hopes ors will show faces too

a forum to distinguish between begging and if y mselves told to show off in front of unfamiliar pseudonyms

forum will never be forced to admit mistakes

game is a difficult level if you lost

game saved stage or cache is new if date is newer

feminine expressions are better plural

tattoo as a signature is more profitable temporary

excel is to reveal 1 among 0 sum will go from set 0 to set 1 and sum shows wher re is 1 and if 1 where in list is transition

telling yourself no one is interested: y don't write ir creativity

list element can be easier to find by highlighting element below in list and lifting for example lower element by letter a it is easier to find by clicking letter b

performance is more important to please 5 judges than to please millions of viewers

scores among lowest and highest are excluded and average score is calculated

action is distributed density is less and quality is worse than exact action

know how fruits and vegetables grow especially local and overseas

literacy is innate beauty of words is visible

coordinates of point vector and origin and above control

mamatics counts 2 to power of x and minus 1: supposedly a prime number

control: 1% unfinished means everything is not done: induction inductive logic

against what is used to be normal

text of a pronoun over 1: reader will quickly forget which word is being replaced

movie hero is a favorite key to understanding interlocutor and opponent

an audio book listening to accelerated tuning is perceived normally

a leader brought up in a team: dependent on team

rule of 5 minutes: if you need entertainment from outside wait 5 minutes and over past minutes things will still accumulate or interest will disappear

micromanagement avoids delegating authority

listening to synsized audio important will attract attention  but unimportant will pass by ears although author thinks everything important

browser link stuck: highlight address bar with mouse cut menu and immediately paste and go menu will load

copying thousands of files from a smartphone cache to a RAM disk saves disk resources

nothing should offend

disputants if 1 is obviously right n agree with wrong one not by a letter

time to measure 1 second 1 minute 5 minutes 1 hour mentally without a clock

phone connection is interrupted due to battery it looks uncomfortable to talk without ending

percentage range should be indicated with a percent sign: from 5% to 75%

planned economy: release of obsolete products according to plan

audio pleasant to ear at least 64 kbytes per second

dos asterisk program means changes have been made after saving

forum of moderators and administrators cannot be criticized in any way

expression enumeration some of several words impression: words refer to or elements

inflow works if re is a hood that creates negative pressure

do not hold your Internet creativity even by preparing future messages for a draft

excel dollar sign before letter before digit before both or before nothing

fax skipping a photo copy of installation with a seal is issued for original with a seal

shuffling where each element is offset and swapping elements by a distance of at least 10% of array length

control 10% of 100 2 digit number

communication with authorities who can formulate a question  y receive an answer and if attitude of authorities to applicants it is obviously biased to ask an ordinary person and social networks to address an official appeal to authorities because authorities will formulate it better in ir own language

entertainment services that are dangerous to health should not be provided because re will be those who dream of suffering on purpose

re is no help and it is convenient to shift responsibility to toxic ones if you help secretly and control by recording

rule works in direction of direct and reverse for example  who is to blame: presenter and who is presenter: who is to blame

know phone codes of your region and several regions by heart several telecom operators and state stationary

those who leave forum get more time for mselves and no one regrets and forget those who left during day

forum how many messages did questioner have during a long-standing question  it is possible to find out if y saved page or if y remembered it or if author numbers his messages himself

informal appeals should be sent from social network from groups in ir style

2nd digits appear by examining numbers for parity and odd and more than less than average

when preparing a cook do not leave kitchen so as not to forget about cooking or y can distract

paragraph multiple lines separation empty line but paragraph is 1 line without separation as a list

lease must be an asset

you would advertise for a certain amount  so ors probably advertise for an amount no less

to control inability to benefit interested

zigzag measurement measure diagonal and add up sum of x y horizontal and vertical orthogonal

program prints smallest and finishing parts of array and controls flags

computer values are discrete integers: for example number of cycle steps

numbers indicating separator dot or comma and n form 00 kopecks hinders

workwear suggests a profession

expression in future tense may not come true refore it is better to use expressions in present tense or in past tense

manipulation indicates a small number of ors incomplete partial and a larger number of ir full

forum words synonyms seemingly superfluous improve search

city name shorter simpler documentation of city

freelance it is possible to fall asleep at any hour

water inside unheated part of room does not freeze

drawings diagrams volumetric objects to depict in axonometry dimetry to sell drawing more expensive and prove cost

computer task manager processes to remember a little to recognize new processes of unusual programs and unnecessary processes

program entering drop down menu moving to right and left will drop down or menus

a computer inside a loop condition means a 1-line loop is not possible

text part has changed: translate only changed paragraph

sorting living beings by importance causes fair indignation  although in reality even countries and regions are sorted daily and here keywords are ir own ors asset liability integral goal export

number of permutations calculates factorial of place first engaged 1 out of total number of places and n choice of minus 1 place and n even fewer places is represented numerically we get factorial

file can be saved in any format and any extension and is more important than it needs to be opened for example via txt notepad

file results are temporary synsized unimportant momentary it is possible to save a ram disk in memory saving disk resource

2-digit signs create a chain of 0 and 1 turning into a 10-digit number and action depends on cipher

constant program is taken into account at end of line so that by entering a comment constant would be temporarily ignored

program outputs -1 or 0 or 1: integer from random multiplied by 2 minus 0.5

mamatically form x to power of a non-integer is equal to exponentiation and n root as from decimal fraction of exponent or power of number 2

laughing at someone accidentally is unpleasant: laughing at yourself and in any case avoid toxicity

silence is broken: dishes are ringing

patting on shoulder for sake of humiliation is usually

information begging fishing

new data should be investigated from point of view of benefits offered by new usually in order to gain time

proposal to authorities may coincide with decision taken waiting for ir time and your offer to waste and it would be better to offer something else

if I supported something n I would include it in writing in requirement  but if it is absent n I did not seriously offer it

playlist stuck to turn off repetition

dispute truth is possible in exact mamatical sciences but humanities can argue endlessly

expression you can't deceive me and it's impossible to deceive better

unarmed are afraid of force

voicing knowing phrases that turn off synsizer: it is possible to insert special errors against voicing

in past centuries audio video recording was absent and performance of music was lost

senile and youth clothing

expression man from city is so-and-so strange if person did not leave

formation of a pension is more important than paying taxes

graph of ratio of latest and past data dynamics is important

tool is fast working and slow spare proves asset receives increased resources main thing is to know that asset

international demand for money creates tension in region and money moves to less tense regions

law of wave of events doing fast and expecting slow

forum is written by foreigners in language of forum import and aggression

chess cells of zone 2 touch and 2 do not touch or all cells do not touch and infinite approximation fractally does not differ from usual form

I have nothing to do.

portions are small proportion of packaging is larger

files directory names with different letters are easier to find by pressing 1st letter on keyboard for example program shortcuts

heating is slow it will melt it will not light up

authorities are silent people agree but authorities ask people are outraged instead of suggestions

internet is turned on megabytes are leaking

composing a stream of consciousness it is possible to recall patterns and discover m by accident

forum newcomers share ir best practices at same time mutually checking unprovable quality but n quality is reliable so y do not share ir best practices  plus y expect or answers from newcomers: suddenly y will show new ideas

a forum that expresses itself intelligently probably writes more on its website

propaganda can look truthful until someone writes to find out and it turns out: manipulating against us means turning propaganda against manipulator's country like a mirror

millionaires stole from others but millionaires saved their own

there are more slaves than leaders and others more than strangers and more than their own

speech argument in descending order of importance

argument is a vector but fact is an integral

an example will be remembered better than theory

forum devaluation of people for sake of devaluation of ideas

freelancing is also a team of remote remote workers

youtube name of program shown should include title and name of music and song and co-authors should be in description

movies known to understand where episode comes from: beginning or middle or end

government regulates relationship between conflicting when inevitably affected by decision not to resist

experts write and call professionals themselves

they argue from whom nothing depends and someone will definitely argue only from winning dispute action will not happen

winning is winning in a way not conceived: it does not give pleasure

by saving notepad as plain text without leaving it is still possible to save other encodings without losing characters but if you exit symbols will be distorted into question marks

browser bookmarks copy directory and paste directory links will be inserted into notepad

damage number of downloads

vote is a fake count to deduct number of throw-ins really allegedly for

bit part possible recalculation of millions of bits relative to complexity

explanation of program is longer than program

random save is better in a file

respect to shake hands and even higher respect: not to say hello

programming languages it is not clear what is word of language and what is name of variable

receipt mutually fixes so that no one changes debt

secret is played out by opposite option or alleged impossibility

one who counts is always smarter and will deceive those who do not count

files transfer without media can be erased and then know where they downloaded it or who transmitted it

falling from a multi-kilometer height speed equalizes to 1 km per minute

what is happening to this hour is declared normal and what follows is declared abnormal and corrected

search for documents of region enter in search with 1 words region and then question

each organization has a boss a management that receives more performers

those who do not have right to participate cannot win

foreigners writing against forum country are required to post in a foreign language

excuse was not asked to leave silently for next time

mechanical means are always used not manual labor even for seconds

laws of 3 years ago could change

file is bigger and fragmentation is bigger

a minute walk to drinking water

action lasts for how long without help and with help of whether it is faster or impossible to check

dialogue polemic develops as 1 of disputants intended

following things are not knowing job is stuck: find other things for future

guest cannot expel hosts

energy saving and conservation: new energy

forum calm answers to provocations goal is begged aggressively

convenient is used more often than inconvenient

forum author was on forum after answers is considered to have read answers

forum registration for 1 mail is possible 1 time and next registration requires another mail or another option

opponent's forum may not notice your blunder

youtube viewers are not able to pay

forum is used by undisputed part

Forum communication on you with 70-year-olds is normal if culture of this forum allows  but usually you even discuss jokes

successful people consider situation normal they would consider it unsatisfactory

expression every 3rd translated into millions of people we see millions of people who have fallen out of system may be transferred to years  given cases in a row that further worsen statistics

word unfamiliar urgently search Internet

Forum question do you recognize a counter answer if I recognize truth does not mean

agreement with wrong idea is noticeable to readers

resonance to understand and use

noticing opponent's manipulations if majority of audience is on opponent's side  remark will not help

question including word is answer yes or no possible

3-ich: given or other or nothing

compress rar & zip and to different external drives

programming and design and expertise: materials are not required

formulas use variables of form a1 x5 and there are cells in excel so formulas are inserted into excel as is without changes

dissatisfied people talk to themselves

treating yourself as a stranger when your time is free for yourself

authorship of decisions is unprovable even if they are shown on TV

freelance performer is less protected: having received even part of payment  customer is waiting for all work to be done and it is impossible to refuse paid work only by returning money or working without an advance

pants without pockets: nothing will fit

actions allegedly erroneous may have been conceived to lead to an accident

hide it in light otherwise it is possible to put it noticeably or dangerously or you will not find it

shopping on a festive day will be considered for a festive table

they promise not to do something a contradiction if they have already done it for example in childhood or have forgotten

capitalism: nationalism but socialism internationalism or not confirmed

voicing text erasing names of participants in dialogue one thing is clear who asks and who answers or turn names of participants into initials

controlled material properties

answer is fictional absurd can be mistaken for a normal answer main thing is that there should be an answer

most important thing by doing fundamentally earlier than important thing accelerates important too

advance payment is not needed how to wait for pay longer than other non-hoarders

they will apologize for what they will obviously have to apologize for it is better not to do

dirty inside clean

smallest is largest and remaining 3 are identical

volumetric it is imperceptible to shift what is inside onto a plane practically dividing layers of volume

culprit in problem is afraid to point out guilt: is main culprit

non-participation in anything by asking: does not depend on opportunity to participate

understanding more and more attitude to knowledge: I understand and nothing special

temporary inability: they will be able to do it today although they did not know how yesterday

time to divide: history and history plus math and math plus economy and economy plus investment and investment

tasks and answers should be able to watch at same time

reading a contradiction and noticing it means you are being deceived even if contradiction is explained then you are being deceived again

video audio communication can be directed and will arrange fake tips for example a bookcase or chess or sports equipment or diplomas

enlightenment and education are higher so income of tutors is lower

pedestrian bridges are more common which means that transport revenue is lower

question of how to do: inability to do does not mean

celebrities name and patronymic to know more better

large firms should have decent websites

forgiveness prevents forgiven from acting on principle and independently

withdrawal if inability to receive from outside  but to give out from outside inability to break does not cause

globe is shown to understand which part of world is visible

permission to ask: 100% control but forgiveness to ask: probability of success and asking for forgiveness for success will not be required or punishment will exceed damage

value is normal numeric data: less or more or range

those who read from Internet it is desirable that they hand over to Internet

forums of offended are disconnected from knowledge of what toxic does not know

synonyms of masculine feminine neuter gender

opinion of others behavior is supposedly stupid does not cancel benefit of behavior and does not devalue

independent understands where mistakes of other people's ideas are

War: capitalism

it is possible to do things in dark and things that must be done in daytime are light

problems of several regions are objective otherwise problems of a single region are subjective

work is given to 2 performers part 1 may be unprofitable at a price and it is more profitable to give everything to 1 performer of difficult part and even increasing payment and will do to sell his part of work

names of creators are included in names of companies and goods more often than we know and use daily

author's manifesto gets a character

production scales socialism

right to protection from persecution by State and people

after watching movie: read articles of encyclopedia and Internet

sound tone is lower more pleasant to ear

actors are your peers who starred in movies as a child: now a little older than you

internet texts dots at end of headings and phrases are not needed

modern collective farm: working at your computer on customer's premises their technologies and their knowledge have been handed over to cooperative

movies name specify Russian and English and search is more convenient

sounds of hammer and drill tool distinguish

text programs should be read by notepad without compression and then indexed by archivist as text

they struggle with what they are afraid of

a programming language may be useful in another industry

download programs to Internet if size is small and on flash drives

proposals to authorities are accepted if they worsen situation of people

computer visually shows how thermometer is clearer

knowledge verification and self-verification leading slaves

forum calling others names: calling yourself necessarily against toxicity

program output without spaces: sum of characters of string

archivist sort by size list copy to memory and insert excel and check is same and accumulation will show same places goal: delete same large files

file doesn't open: send to notepad

excel cycles are possible in built-in language

programs or number of rows as number of cycles or multiplications logarithmically

to ask for something and give without asking if for example they asked for their school as a child

do those who have same values same talents and same skills succeed as you

forum instead of insults it is better to allegedly guess humor of interlocutor: you parody student's questions coolly

a representative of target audience can compose a selling text that works for their

an explanation of why it is right is possible to come up with any idea

e book file size is small but pages mean a lot inside text

online compilers remember other people's programs  and it is possible to use achievements of all

programs calculating circles require converting degrees to radians

to violate instructions in coordination with management

computer is vertical inside computer  shared directory is accessible to external and internal system at same time

insured at someone else's expense is protected worse  but insured at their own expense is protected better

resources are limited information is kept secret and resources are saved by allocating time

social media topics are created by elite but anti-elite comments

notepad search and replace windows memorize different lines

browser saves page if pictures immediately look like information about picture  then pictures are saved as they are but if pictures are sketches and real pictures separately then small sketches will be saved

entrepreneurs have already helped unemployed to get a job and income and charity is voluntary as a donation and advertising

an example will help to interest you where responder sees himself and what would you do yourself

authorities can explain their actions or they are afraid people will act other way around

opposition ostensibly proud of majority: turning into a minority  immediately forgets how it demanded to respect its advantage

movies TV series advertising pauses are noticeable and usually pause in an interesting place

people may not be interested in power and leadership

movies: lifestyle ads

movies: there are talking titles or titles based on classics

inventors sell their creativity to those who will pay more

history: times when loyalty to old order is betrayal of new progressive future

prize and reward are best: so that no one finds out about author

freelancing to know all addresses of customer and contractor from which they communicated  including social networks

text highlighting highlights a long space means tab

celebrities where were they born writes encyclopedia what city and country

1st lost copied in a row may remain in saved documents

priority of cases is fundamental braking of unimportant cases temporarily

movies numbers can be found by knowing actors and vice versa actors can be found by knowing movie number

book article text changed before publication: sequence of edits is not important

voicing books where headers and footers contain repeated title of book: remove all interfering repetitive texts and save and voice

freelance communication with colleagues without contractual relationships increases cost of work and time

earning for 2 works for 3 or for 5

calculating person creates a model and gets optimal result  especially by comparing several options and knowing optimality algorithm

age of performer young report: check report several times

forum addressing seniors as juniors is a shame

kettle is boiling fill it incompletely and keep an eye on it all time

action contains another action and saves time

forums social networks to put advantages to yourself where pseudonym of evaluators is not visible

subscription: product as a service

prize: product or mug it is better to choose a product because a mug with a logo is printed at any time and there are mugs

names are authoritative for some names do not mean anything to others

having found out an old acquaintance it is more profitable to pretend that they did not find out because probability is higher and it is normal not to know

percentage what percentage of whole to know for example 5% one 20th

oppositionists are obliged to contact their parties first and after parties refuse to help incapable oppositionists would ask other parties

historians discuss right decisions after fact of accomplishment

ad advertises other similar products such as coffee or communication

a long paragraph will get boring to read because they read paragraphs beginning middle end so dividing paragraph into 2 there will be 2 midpoints and 2 times more attention

water on floor may slip

different files should have different times otherwise it is unclear: is it a copy

word writes number of sheets on screen and find out more precisely there is a special button and it's easier to go to end of document and statistics will be updated

social networks profile of someone else when created

numerology page numbers are toxic noticeable and affect readers

excel control end will move to lower right corner of limit sheet of table

question why is not done answer is not done for reason of such and such insisting but not accepting manipulation in answer

electronic goods after paying 1 time are downloaded an infinite number of times so determine what is included in payment especially considering time

an idea brought to point of absurdity retains its truth

computer slows down to have a reserve of time and not to rush anywhere

a new liability is needed if it turns into an asset

reading don't talk

using all options they will say that it is unprovable

option is created benefit means paid

program style file name inside program comment 1st line for example about random

relief of sole and tires and prints on floor and ground and snow

trunk is larger than any branch and trunk is like an integral of branches

capacity configuration perpendicular to plane

it's okay to talk about debts but they don't talk about savings

psychology of repression: you are your own but repressed strangers do not regret

movie character is similar to ruler and ruler is similar to character

speech synthesizer puts accents if incorrectly can correct transliterate words with imported letters

trade union: socialism but insurance: capitalism

freelance customer is younger: trust is less

unknown new programs are better in their native language otherwise it is not clear

small edition of audio video makes all audio or video distorted and unprovable

problem is solved logically by reasoning so computer will solve it

it is convenient to download series 1 at a time when series are released but if all series are available at once: download some series

acceleration people understand either process for seconds as acceleration of free fall or deceleration stretched for centuries

computer tab character helps to translate text into excel

your authorship is not fixed: you look like everyone else using same work

tracking pattern for 0 and 1 is implemented in excel through not and that means just following patterns of words in thousands of phone conversations

report may have a state standard and it is important to know otherwise your homemade report will not be accepted

mixing: access was sequential and access became parallel




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