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Просвещение России содержит гигантский пробел:
интегралы в любом виде в младшей школе не изучаются

даже словами отличными от слова "интеграл": "сбор"
в то время как интеграл в жизни ежесекундно: и одежда
и продукты и выбор в магазине и транспортная задача

ведь понимая интегральную суть человек сравнивает
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Россия видит мир из будущего

Russia looks world from future

Rossiya vidit mir iz buduschego

IQ бесплатно Яндекс.Метрика

всегда пишу только про себя и никогда никому ничего не рекомендую

i always write only about myself and anything to anyone never recommend

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завжди пишу тільки про себе і ніколи нікому нічого не рекомендую


ich schreibe immer nur über mich selbst und empfehle niemandem etwas

j'écris toujours seulement sur moi-même et je ne recommande

mi ĉiam skribas nur pri mi mem kaj neniam rekomendas ion al iu

siempre escribo solo para mí y nunca recomiendo nada a nadie



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Главная » 2014 » Апрель » 26 » Anti Gambling
Anti Gambling

Anti Gambling

purpose of this article is to increase readers' understanding
mathematical regularities of any gambling.

gambling wins are not earnings because of
activities that do not satisfy anyone's needs.

do not play against people and better play against math games.

be sure to tell your relatives about your participation.
in gambling with possibility of losing and explain
why they decided to participate in chosen gambling games.

keep a diary and seeing results count as it should
it would be to participate in order to win especially stopping
and understanding: how much to guess for daily profit.

errors should be cheap and cheap savings
Quadrat Economy Danilins QED
at same time personifying asset and passive because there
is no need to participate in large sums in possible losses.

in medicine gambling is called ludomania.
gambling addiction ludoman enjoys losing.
against mania: removal from mania - cures any mania.

probability of winning never guarantees a win.
each player seeks to win without raising bets.

i suppose with mathematical approach it is necessary to distinguish:
probability of coinciding event and probability of guessing event.

each case of game is called circulation for universal
lighting any games without imaginary differences from title.

a separate circulation is not important and
a lot of set of circulations is important.

sum of products: probability for money creates integral and
integral pyramid calculates return in money and as a percentage.

integral nature of rates as money over time
creates understanding: draws often mean lower rates.

mistakenly replenish balance from bank card
and it is much more correct to use an intermediary
internet money usually tied to e-mail.

in general any gambling is based on advantage
organizer of gambling and it is obvious impossibility
player to win at a distance at constant rates.

player needs to raise bets to
compensation of costs and obtaining a minimum winnings.

simultaneously in bets on probability of more than 80%
it is optimal after win to further lower rates
and loss of 1st lowered bet keeps winnings.

number of rate increases is equal to amount sufficient
to zero balance at initial rate of 1%.

for example an ordinary roulette: betting on a third of numbers
and in addition there is a cell "0".

multiplying probability of guessing 32.43% by a factor of 3
we get a return of 97.3% less than 100% and at constant rates
player is doomed to lose.

entry point to participation exists where
there is no simultaneity of rates and means
of those with an affordable probability of guessing
entry point is in keno and roulette
and entry point is missing from bookmakers.

even in roulettes without "0" for example "color fortune" skewness
coefficients and probabilities create advantage of a casino.

dependence of coefficient and probability is always against player:
"understated coefficients" and it is important to find more profitable ones:
for example probability of guessing y-10 in folk 5/36
= 1/hypgeomdist(3 5 5 36) = 81
and same y-10 in keno 2-ns:
= 1/hypgeomdist(2;2;20;80) = 16.6
means to win in keno 2-ns easier and faster and cheaper by 5 times.

strategy of catching up is used and coefficient is catching up.
play amount of losses you can for a few wins
and going into a plus is better not to win back former losses.

in general mathematical financial management:
lowering of coefficient and increase in probability of winning
and raising rates by a factor dependent on coefficient.

for coefficient k multiplier of rate м=1+(1/(к-1)).
for coefficient k = 3 multiplier of rate м=1+(1/(3-1))=1 5.

for a probability of about 1/3 limit of mismatch in a row
is equal to d = 12 and at an initial rate of 1% on 12th move
rate should be "1% multiplied by m = 1.5 to power of 12"
and resulting rate should be 130% of balance.

multiplier of increase of next bet depends on coefficient.
probability depends on number of bets before losing balance.

mathematical laws are valid in all lotteries and
it is important to know a dozen limits of mismatch in a row by heart.

multiplication of constant probabilities c+p^n=1
personifies probability of probability and gives formula
n = log(1-c)/log(1-p)
c is probability of winning guaranteed
p is probability of winning an event.

for example task: number of mismatches in a row
with a probability of 99% for probability of 48.65%
n = log(1-0 99)/log(1-0 4865) = 7
and therefore probability of about 50%
easy to guess 7 times in a row

simplified can be calculated by formula n = 7+(5*(1/x-2))
for example x = 0.1 n = 47 is normal and x = 0.78 n = 4 is normal.

same formulas are valid for probabilities above 50%.

geometric progressions containing in condition or in solution
meaning "to what extent it is necessary to erect" is solved through logarithm.

using discrepancy limit in a row in tables
there is a wave or a guessing period of 2 kinds:
1st kind: wave or period - like probability itself
through number of runs and there where probability of 1/3
there is a wave or a guessing period in 3 draws;
2nd type: wave or period - as limit of inconsistencies in a row
and where probability of 1/3 there is a wave or guessing period
through 12 runs and maybe several bets on signal.

to evaluate benefits it is important to rethink concepts:
balance or bank where bank in bank and balance in game
because game is only part of total amount
and I think it's better to count on principle:

in 1 time 1 rate I repeat: at one time one rate
including option of participation 100% balance at 1 rate
Given drawdown from losses and costs
to maximum bet and compare winning.

return on investment roi return on investment
is calculated as ratio of sum of winnings to sum of costs.

with roi < 12% strategy will be losing at a distance
when any loss will absorb a micro gain
applying Quadrat Economy Danilins QED occurs
waiting for a win without major losses and in end
it turns out to wait for events with a coefficient of 100.

psychological dependence creates an illusion
allegedly opponents of good casinos and bookies
and there is a fear of offending good friends
but in reality there is a reduced return.

culture creates lottery hypnosis of winning complexity
and educates gamers allegedly defeated system of games.
participating in gambling can not make a wishes.

differences between human mind and machine
in that a person applies logic:
"can not be any further well" and does not win
and "can not be any further bad" and loses
but machine logic tends to frequent coincidences.

systems are created by players and organizers
in system risk and excitement and any protection against risk leads
to state: it's boring to win and it's shameful to win
and there is a breakdown and a refusal to participate in gambling.

there is credit hypnosis and optimal behavior
with a credit card: put all your pay on credit card and lower it
interest and use a credit card in store.

allegedly rarity of winning creates a trap "I'll take a risk for a long time"
and instead of skipping runs to limit of mismatch in a row
and instead of winning player participates in unpredictable draws
and loses and better if game is controlled by relatives.

skipping runs represents compensation or
compensatory or compensationalism and is found
in ordinary life as a supposedly control of negative events
and hope for positive developments in near future
including impersonating bids as a mini donation.

circulation misses as expectation cloud of coincidence and case
would be advantageous as a signal of a possible start of a mass
guessing and do not mind to miss 1 win however sometimes
often in players' agony in form of bets on appearance of signal.

circulation of circulations is possible in all roulette stakes
microscopic amount is for red and black at same time.

independently study law 2/3 of roulette.

it is important to keep records in a tabular form on paper
and better in a computer with decomposition of results of print runs
columns of corresponding characteristics and only
table allows you to monitor several characteristics
for example "red-black large-small even-odd"
and for any sets of numbers with a probability with target:
division of mismatches in a row using a pattern of signs
and do not need any chuyka or intuition and there is hope:
division of mismatches in a row increases the probability.

pattern is a combination of characteristics controlled with goal of
receiving a signal for 1 or more bets
amount of bet according to calculation.

for example a roulette on probabilities of up to 50% can
use pattern x01у01 minimum 001001 and same
for example 000100001 for 1st bet onwards
after signal by sum of calculation.

pattern 7x0 in form of 0000000 as limit of mismatch in succession
and then you can make 2 bets in a row by amounts calculated
with stops after 1 win or 2 losses before
receive next signal or to virtual win.

a mathematically based system requires
when you lose a bid increase on next move
and when you win a lowering of rates to a minimum or by calculation.

for example in story "queen of spades" (19th century) protagonist
participated: 47-47 + 2х47 = 94-94 + 2х94 = 188-188 + 0 = 0
having lost by and large only its 47 thousand rubles.
however if main character participated mathematically:
lowering rates by 2 times:
47-47 + 2x47 = 94-23.5 + 2x23.5 = 117.5-11.75 + 0 = 105.75
then main character would have 105.75 thousand rubles
and a loss on 2 nd move would also leave balance in positive territory.

it is important to be able to compile excel compatible tables
to cure sensation of alleged surveillance of casinos
for players even putting a trifle
and in table of dividing number for signs
see real cases of mismatches in a row
with absolute honesty or you can check
ready-made chains of circulations as it was possible to win.

imaginary system of fibonacci rates does not exist
there is an increase in rates of 1.6 times and catching up kyf 3.

imaginary adaptive as a result of outcome of participation
imagines imaginary throws of croupier allegedly as a sign
or even purportedly purposive hit or miss
to a specific exact number or to a group of numbers.

ballistics as a self-deception allegedly falling into sector
arises in uncomprehending limit of mismatch in a row.

fantasies about adaptivity arise from inability to synthesize
in computer table is decomposing numbers for signs.

obviously it's better to participate in roulettes with live leading
giving same result for all participants in world.

mini roulettes with 13 numbers are better with returns at "0".
roulettes without a "0" usually take a commission for winning.
individual roulettes can not be checked for honesty.

there are games with control of honesty based on drawing up
future chain of numbers before entering bet by player and
control of honesty allows you to organize traps for players
by systems for example 10 identical signs in a row therefore
it is important to follow tables for all available signs.

incarnation in excel thousands of events shows possibility
incredible events with calculation of all parameters by standard
functions especially using "$" sign in formulas.

function of a whole random number in range from 0 to 100:
=randbetween(0; 100)

there is also a random number generator in basic language
based on adding to previous random number
random increment with range matching control.

it is possible to sort by placing in leftmost column
ordinal numbers and sorting area increasing or decreasing
and it is easy to shuffle finished results by placing
in leftmost column random numbers and sorting area.

it is convenient to catch patterns by multiplying events by applying function not.
for example in column pattern 0011 is recognized by a formula of type
= a1*a2*not(a3)*not(a4)

in lotteries number of events is calculated by hypergeometric function
for example probability of guessing in lottery 5 of 36:
= hypgeomdist(5 5 5 36)
and for understanding inverse value as number of events:
= 1 / hypgeomdist(5 5 5 36)
= 376992

hypergeometric function solves inverse problem by choosing method:
how many numbers should i use to achieve
probability 50% guess 5 out of 5 in lottery 5 out of 36
= hypgeomdist(5 5 32 36) = 53%
and this means that all combinations of 32 numbers
which is costly financially and there is no automatic rate on site.

maximum of 12 numbers available
with a probability of 1/500 to guess 5 out of 5 in lottery 5 of 36
it is inexpedient and expensive even in most accessible ordinary lottery

12 numbers as 1/3 of 36 rooms were explored in excel
and there were circulations where all winning numbers were multiples of 3
however number of such print runs is apparently microscopic.

in lottery 12/24 self-deception formula:
in 3 games 1 return and 2 losses.

logarithmic waves and periods are similar to derivatives: acceleration
and jerk derivatives of speed and reliability derivative probability.

some fall into self-deception and create syndicates of games in lottery
buying more combinations seemingly increasing chances of winning
in reality losing one million rubles a year by whole syndicate.

nonsenses of syndicates are purely mathematical: it's silly to raise rates
it's silly to play where you won and stupid to play where you did not win.

self-deception of organizers of gambling in syndicate is that
wins of those who stopped playing are interested in new losers
some have won and left game and others lose this is a fraud.

there are gambling in form of several dice
and probability calculation shows advantage of casino at 8%.

slots in slot machines have a probability of winning an unknown
and in slots you can play only microscopic bets.

in books and experimentally it is considered advantageous to put on often
dropped recently "hot" numbers and do not put on "cold"
and mathematically it makes sense. recoil coefficient is same
but hot ones coincided more often tearing mismatches in a row.
It is better to monitor numbers for "cold"2 at a minimum.

bets on cold rare numbers from illusion of an imaginary
expectations of greater winnings due to rarity of event and
understanding from a permanent win-win situation heals from
rates on cold numbers and is proved on former circulations.

investigation of graphical coincidence field assumes
similar development in future and technical analysis is available.

amount of winnings must be more than amount of expenses
and we see payoff integral and cost integral
when integral represents sum of products
specific value: rates as money over time
and constant value: time.

winnings add up to 100% of:
5% = probability theory
5% = combinatorics
5% = statistics
5% = inverse probability coefficients
5% = limit of mismatch in a row
75% = integral of rates.

when examining rates and winnings
theorem on midline of integral is valid.

almost on same topic definition:
male logic: deduction from general to particular
female logic: induction from private to general

keno - gambling with greatest gain in guessing
given number of numbers when 20 out of 80 numbers drop out.

most accessible probabilities of keno are: 1 of 2; 2 of 3; 2 of 2.
= hypgeomdist(1;2;20;80)
= 38%
= hypgeomdist(2 3 20 80)
= 16%
= hypgeomdist(2;2;20;80)
= 6%

other probabilities are impractical due to number of combinations
in amount of too expensive and not recoverable winnings.

ordinary state keno is low-power and there are powerful keno.

keno as a slot machine with a 1 st draw for circulation inferior
keno more qualitative with possibility of many bets.

further systems of keno 2-ns of participation of 2 numbers are considered.

many people think up to application of ranges of numbers
to compose keno 2-ns in all combinations of numbers.

further according to statistics advantage of excluding most
losing numbers and including most winning numbers.

further development is related to calculations for purpose of
finding most powerful group of numbers.

since 2012 formula is identical with calculation
points at olympics calculating numbers are reliable
guided by sign of reliability of each number
in past 9 runs of set of circulations
and perhaps most reliable is overripe.

circulations can be in a row or by days of week in daily
or only morning or evening or even or odd
which is connected with idea of breaking mismatches in a row.

keno system 2 of 2 does not exist separately
because of more powerful systems keno 2 of 3 and keno 1 of 2.

in system keno 2 out of 3 are made keno 2-ns from 3 reliable
and higher coefficient lower bet multiplier.

given probability of winning about 1/7 of table
it is important to follow without bids for system matches
and found a systemic circulation of further without bids
skip 6 circulations and if during passes there were
circulations would have been winning then still skip 6 runs
and having missed 6 circulations further to participate up to 3 consecutive draws
when you win with a stop and with a lower bet and when
losing with a raise and with stopping at 3rd step
with a further expectation of a system run and skipping 6 runs.

in this slow system you need to raise your bids:
from 1.6 times with emergence of a nonexistent pseudo system
observance of an imaginary "golden section";
up to 1 333 times and possible participation options with inclusion
3-reliable in a powerful keno with a powerful coefficient
and with returns for guessing 1 of 2 in any keno 2-ns.

in keno system 1 of 2 a keno 2-ns with inclusion
each of 2 reliable ones and inclusion of additional
numbers are random or calculated and you can apply
same additional numbers with both reliable
using matching and distribution.

winning occurs when guessing even 1 reliable
and creates a lot of guessed keno 2-ns and every guess
keno 2-ns pays back previous losses with a small number of bets.

Most correct: number & number of numbers & number of element of array.

probability of guessing 1 out of 2 38% given formula
= hypgeomdist(1;2;20;80)
= 38%
with use of a table that calculates reliable
excludes bets on numbers not falling out for a long time
and formula tends to maximum guess
= hypgeomdist(1;2;20;40)
= 51%

compared with roulette where winning chain looks like
as a sequence of 0 and 1 and in amount less than average amount
advantage of keno 2-ns in ability to guess 2 of 2
and all wagers are won.

it is also possible to use every reliable
or both reliable in form of permanent numbers in 3-d.
key permanent numbers are beneficial only in keno.

also for 3-ек there is a comic system creating
stitches from 3 numbers with participation of whole rows or columns.

in 2016 created in keno bot rates and circulation and balance
using text data and allowing to apply
results in calculations of reliable and output information
in a convenient form and instead of table develops keno basic:
a set of files as a program complex issuing every
4 minutes on screen picture of a reliable system for understanding
x01y01 in a powerful keno and possibly same for other keno.

keno bots put on clock showed optimality of reliable.

in future there may be sites showing situations
in keno and roulettes in order to prompt signals to participants.

bookmakers accept bets on odd-even in keno
and there are tables showing system x01y01
and optimally use more concurrent data
with aim of breaking mismatches in a row.

bookmakers take bets on sports and most of all
bets on football for a team victory or for a total goal.

it is advisable to follow principle: 1 match = 1 bet.
it is desirable to limit number of simultaneous rates.

statistics of a dozen thousand matches shows:
victory of hosts P1 45%; guests P2 33%; draw 22%
total less than ТМ2 5г 45%
total more TB2.5g 55%
both will score: yes 51%; no 49%

Account even 49%; an odd score of 51% and when a clear favorite
due to lack of even draws odd account for about 60% of matches
and when obvious favorite is a logical: not both will be scored.

Once in summer and maybe happens annually:
all over world in all matches in football scored at least 1 goal.
in football on weekdays they are hammered in %

it is interesting statistics "minute of 1st goal"
in order to control rates of tb0.5g "at least 1 goal"
on coefficients above statistically justified.

interesting live betting tb0.5g seeing angular every 10 minutes
seeing score of live 0-0 at rate of tb0.5g at a rate of 1.25 ... 1.3
same for tb1.5g by a factor of 1.6 but higher is unlikely to be profitable.

bookmakers allow you to create an express from several
non-mutually exclusive events and there is a boring express.

boring express is made up including after
win previous event next event
with a coefficient lower than previous event
in order to increase likelihood of guessing
with a bet along with a win on next event.

there are bets on 2-nd events such as p1x and x2
including a win and a draw and better to avoid p1p2.
bets are possible except for a draw in several variants
name and then with a draw will be a return bet.

there are exchange bets with input of its coefficient and rate
it is accepted at achievement in game of raised factor
or if coefficient is not reached rate is returned.

there is no game on betting exchanges with other players.
relationships occur only between organizer and player.

also bookmakers have bets on politics and culture.

bookmakers sometimes can often give coefficients k1 and k2
creating a win situation for any outcome of an event
what players call a "plug": kyf k1 = 1 2 and kyf k2 = 8
calculate whether there is a plug: k1xk2-k1-k2> 0 = plug
= 1 2х8-1 2-8 = 0 4> 0 = there is a plug.

there are "zero forks" for purpose of transferring funds
between bookmakers creating a win-win situation
and win raises balance at desired bookmaker.

i suppose that understanding of combined events can help
for example "both score" means "tb1.5gola" at same time.

goal of any betting betting is also
break mismatches in a row with a rise in rates.

investigating winning should be in excel
betting on events and sorting odds
fnd calculate cumulative payback sum with schedule
observing rule: lowering rates after winning
and acting out only lost part of bets.

bookmakers and statistically justified odds
easy to learn excel compatible tables and build
balance graphs by conducting a table in cells a2 b2 c2 d2 e2:
coefficient - rate - win - profit - balance - graph
profit is calculated: = if(c2=-1;-b2;(a2-1)*b2)
and balance sheet is constructed from sum data: e2=e1+d2

psychiatry rates of tb and tm in hope of scoring or not score.
putting on tb total goal more hope that they will score more
and scores a specific player but if they do not score more
then there is no one to blame except himself.

putting same on tm total goals less than hope that they will not forget
and scores a specific player means negative is directed explicitly
or implicitly on scorer of a particular player and goalkeeper
and therefore betting on tb total goals are more friendly.

imaginary patency rates are indicative only for
games at constant rates by a factor of 2 otherwise for example
for betting on a coefficient of 1.5 permeability of 67% deceives
and it is always important to calculate roi and create a balance sheet.

unlike lotteries and casino betting creates an illusion
predictions of future and expectation of magical miracles.

until now internet is fraudulent
on sale of imaginary contractual matches based on
on sale to each of victims of different forecasts.

there are also sales forecasts of unknown quality
and it is important that payment for purchase of forecast is same loss
and this unobvious loss still has to be played out.

when buying fantasies it is important for sellers of fantasies to compensate
buyers of fantasy pay losers fantasies to
to exclude sale to different victims of different fantasies.

you should laugh at pseudo experts giving
false forecasts for kyfs < 2.5 reptiles under bookmakers.

against fraud false experts axioms:
show great winnings mean small %%%
show large %%% means small wins.

affiliate programs are associated with losses of attracted
in gambling and it turns out partner of partner earns
on inevitable losses of victims involved partner.

once in a bet on politics they won bets on several
options: sum of coefficients divided by square of number.
for example number is 3.6 and number is 4.4.
theoretical gain with coefficient: (3 6 + 4 4) / (2 ^ 2) = 2
provided that dutching: winning is considered from several.

there are sites for contests for free bids and forecasts.
Some bookmakers allow you to keep free balances
and several parallel balances and nothing hinders
and no one prevents you from placing off-system bets on a separate balance
but in any game for bets without a system it is better to beat yourself jokingly.

there are a bot and even bots of betting from bookmakers and exchange rates
with introduction of its coefficient and with restriction of coefficients.
similar bot and mining crypt and kriptonnevalut and crypto-non-currencies.

bots use and print data in text format
and software packages of calculated rates are possible.

betting boat can be linked by qbasic calculating programs
size of rate and reading and writing data to disk.

for betting on probability of about 1/3 = about 33% for kyf 3
and with a rate increase of at least 1.5 times was established in 2015
Quadrat Economy Danilins QED with a factor of 1.6.

Quadrat Economy Danilins QED filled with rates subject to compliance
rules rates save costs in dozens of times.

Quadrat Economy Danilins QED represents a multi-threaded catching up
catching up multi-channel excluding excitement and following rules.
Initial minimum rates are possible for any coefficient.

rates develop horizontally with equal rates
and vertically raising rates to a higher level
and go to horizontal bets with
win at any point absorbs all losses below.

there are emulators showing how it develops
Quadrat Economy Danilins QED and under condition of zeroing of values
and when you stop when you reach winnings
Quadrat Economy Danilins QED shows winning
even when applying same data
to study every third of roulette.

rate schedule using Quadrat Economy Danilins QED looks like
as a fractal consisting of waves forming a large wave
and same trend up and same graph is obtained by using
mathematically grounded game systems.

i think a promising theory about needles or peaks or spiers
controlling growth of QED schedule with possibility of automation
seeing balance levels of species 132: small - large - medium.

and also there are gambling binary options and
forex rates on rise or fall of exchange rate
and traders have a lexicon of gambling.

on mathematically correct approach to gambling
no work has been created in literature and cinema.

player's mistakes in view of importance of everything under number 1:
1) hiding from relatives of hobby gambling
1) lack of tables of graphic representation of circulations
1) participation in games with unknown probabilities
1) hope for a single edition
1) participation in successive runs
1) attempts to win back a single bet

i never recommend anything to anyone
and i always write only to myself.

on a world scale it is more appropriate to win in foreign
casinos and lotteries and keno and bookmakers however understanding
mass loss in favor of foreign organizers
leads to correct closure of access
to foreign gambling of all kinds.

wins in foreign lotteries can not be called export
and expression "return pay for imports" is more appropriate.

should be studied in course of education programs
illuminated ideas of participation in gambling
main thing is to win lottery wars.

mathematics of life

ours aliens others
active passive saving
leader slave victim
life machine language
target time control
service goods quality
export exploitation technology
integral logarithm derivative
elite antielite priority

Mathematik des Lebens

eigene fremde andere
aktiva passiva einsparung
fuhrer getrieben opfer
leben auto sprache
ziel zeit kontrolle
leistung ware qualitat
export ausbeutung technologie
integral logarithmus ableitung
elite antielite prioritat

mathematiques de la vie

ses etrangers autrui
actif passif economie
leader connu victime
vie machine langue
objectif temps controle
service marchandise qualite
exportation exploitation technologie
integrale logarithme derivee
elite antielita priorite

математика жизни

свои чужие другие
актив пассив экономия
лидер ведомый жертва
жизнь машина язык
цель время контроль
услуга товар качество
экспорт эксплуатация технология
интеграл логарифм производная
элита антиэлита приоритет


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